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Evaporation from wet-canopy (\(E_\mathrm{C}\)) and stem (\(E_\mathrm{S}\)) surfaces during rainfall represents a significant portion of municipal-to-global scale hydrologic cycles. For urban ecosystems, \(E_\mathrm{C}\) and \(E_\mathrm{S}\) dynamics play valuable roles in stormwater management. Despite this, canopy-interception loss studies typically ignore crown-scale variability in \(E_\mathrm{C}\) and assume (with few indirect data) that \(E_\mathrm{S}\) is generally \({<}2\%\) of total wet-canopy evaporation. We test these common assumptions for the first time with a spatially-distributed network of in-canopy meteorological monitoring and 45 surface temperature sensors in an urban Pinus elliottii tree row to estimate \(E_\mathrm{C}\) and \(E_\mathrm{S}\) under the assumption that crown surfaces behave as “wet bulbs”. From December 2015 through July 2016, 33 saturated crown periods (195 h of 5-min observations) were isolated from storms for determination of 5-min evaporation rates ranging from negligible to 0.67 \(\hbox {mm h}^{-1}\). Mean \(E_\mathrm{S}\) (0.10 \(\hbox {mm h}^{-1}\)) was significantly lower (\(p < 0.01\)) than mean \(E_\mathrm{C}\) (0.16 \(\hbox {mm h}^{-1}\)). But, \(E_\mathrm{S}\) values often equalled \(E_\mathrm{C}\) and, when scaled to trunk area using terrestrial lidar, accounted for 8–13% (inter-quartile range) of total wet-crown evaporation (\(E_\mathrm{S}+E_\mathrm{C}\) scaled to surface area). \(E_\mathrm{S}\) contributions to total wet-crown evaporation maximized at 33%, showing a general underestimate (by 2–17 times) of this quantity in the literature. Moreover, results suggest wet-crown evaporation from urban tree rows can be adequately estimated by simply assuming saturated tree surfaces behave as wet bulbs, avoiding problematic assumptions associated with other physically-based methods.  相似文献   
Summary The concept of satellite-to-satellite tracking measuring the relative velocity of two orbiting satellites spaced some hundreds kilometers on a close orbit, provides now possibilities for the investigation of the Earth’s gravity field. In the paper only medium and short wave length effects affecting the measured relative velocity have been considered. Collocation is used in such an analysis of local geoid improvement, because this method allows to combine heterogeneous data in a consistent way. Covariance functions relevant for the particular case of a circular equatorial orbit are given. Two kinds of observation equations have been formulated. The choice of observation equation with regard to satellites configuration is discussed. It is found that it is sufficient to have a limited number of satellite-to-satellite observations in a 7o×7o area around the estimation point with distances between profiles of about 1o.5 and between the two satellites forming the pair of 200+350 km; the altitude of satellite-to-satellite observations should be as low as possible. The accuracy of the geoid determination strongly depends on the degree and order of the reference field used. An accuracy of about ±1 m can be achieved with an assumed reference field of (40,40). The influence of measuring errors is discussed and it is shown that only satellite-to-satellite observations with accuracy better then 0.1 mm/sec will give an improvement of the geoid. Finally, some results on the combination of low-low satellite-to-satellite tracking and terrestrial gravity data are given. The proposed method seems to be especially interesting for unsurveyed areas. Furthermore, it has the practical advantage that only a local coverage data is needed.  相似文献   
¶rt;m uu n ¶rt;au m uu nu mau nam aum n. mu uu auam mmmuu uuu ¶rt;u u naam. a¶rt;am auu ¶rt; uuu n ¶rt;au m u u. a auu a¶rt;am nuu amm 245 . ¶rt;aam umnmau m a¶rt;a uu.  相似文献   
Our objective is to understand general causes of different river channel patterns. In this paper we compare an empirical stream power‐based classification and a physics‐based bar pattern predictor. We present a careful selection of data from the literature that contains rivers with discharge and median bed particle size ranging over several orders of magnitude with various channel patterns and bar types, but no obvious eroding or aggrading tendency. Empirically a continuum is found for increasing specific stream power, here calculated with pattern‐independent variables: mean annual flood, valley gradient and channel width predicted with a hydraulic geometry relation. ‘Thresholds’, above which certain patterns emerge, were identified as a function of bed sediment size. Bar theory predicts nature and presence of bars and bar mode, here converted to active braiding index (Bi). The most important variables are actual width–depth ratio and nonlinearity of bed sediment transport. Results agree reasonably well with data. Empirical predictions are somewhat better than bar theory predictions, because the bank strength is indirectly included in the empirical prediction. In combination, empirical and theoretical prediction provide partial explanations for bar and channel patterns. Increasing potential‐specific stream power implies more energy to erode banks and indeed correlates to channels with high width–depth ratio. Bar theory predicts that such rivers develop more bars across the width (higher Bi). At the transition from meandering to braiding, weakly braided rivers and meandering rivers with chutes are found. Rivers with extremely low stream power and width–depth ratios hardly develop bars or dynamic meandering and may be straight or sinuous or, in case of disequilibrium sediment feed, anastomosing. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The asymptotic distribution of the coefficient of cross-association between two sequences of nominal data is investigated under the assumption of independent random sampling from a multinomial distribution slightly modified to suit geological applications. This modification is due to merging consecutive strata of the same rock type into one lithological unit, and can be described by a simple Markov chain. A distinction is made between the case in which the theoretical frequencies are known, and the situation where these have to be estimated from the observed data.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die geologische Geschichte Nordwest-Polens zur Zeit der unteren Kreide kann in allgemeinen Zügen folgenderma\en dargestellt werden:Gegen Ende des Jura, ungefähr zur Zeit des Münder Mergels, sind hier Bewegungen eingetreten, die das Land teilweise trockengelegt und der Denudation preisgegeben haben. In den durch die Bewegungen gebildeten Senken blieben Lagunen erhalten, deren einige brackisches Wasser führten, während in anderen durch Eindampfung Gipslager abgesetzt wurden. Der Serpulit brachte eine positive Meeresbewegung mit, die sich im Infravalanginian derart verstärkte, da\ sich seine Ablagerungen nicht nur in den alten Senken kontinuierlich auf dem Serpulit abgesetzt, sondern auch auf denudierte, früher gehobene Schollen transgressiv ausgebreitet haben. Die Infravalanginian-See war brackisch und hat in NW-Polen typische Wealdenablagerungen abgesetzt, bei Tomaszów aber, etwas südlicher, ist das Infravalangian zwar litoral, aber rein marin ausgebildet, wobei es viele ähnlichkeit mit dem Infravalangian der Teschener Karpathen aufweist. Die Wealdensee und das karpathische Meer waren durch einen Sund verbunden, der sich über Tomaszów längs dem Polnischen Mittelgebirge gegen die Karpathen hinzog. Im Valanginian erreicht die neokome Transgression ihren Höhepunkt, es werden dunkle Tone mit reicher Hilsfauna abgesetzt; wahrscheinlich hat sich diese Transgression von Ru\land über die Polesje-Schwelle und über das westliche Polen nach Deutschland und weiter bis nach Ost-England erstreckt. Das polnische Becken stand in direkter Verbindung mit dem nordwestdeutschen; es war ebenfalls, obwohl dürftiger, mit dem karpathischen Meere verbunden; gerade hier ist der Weg zu suchen, den die Migrationen der nördlichen Elemente ins alpine Becken eingeschlagen haben. Im oberen Valanginian fängt eine Regression an, die in Zentral-Ru\land einsetzt und zu dessen Trockenlegung und zum Abschlu\ der Verbindung des polnischen Beckens mit dem Osten führt. Mit dem Anfang des Hauterivians macht sich die Regression auch in Polen fühlbar und verursacht die Verflachung des Meeres in Polen sowie den Abbruch der Verbindung mit dem karpathischen Meere, in welchem von nun ab keine nordischen eingewanderten Faunenelemente mehr erscheinen. Im oberen Hauterivian zieht sich das Meer von Polen und NO-Deutschland zurück. Auf dem neuen Lande herrscht mächtige Denudation, deren gröbere Produkte sich als sehr mächtige Flu\- und Seesande anhäufen. Das Landstadium dauert während des ganzen BarrÊme, Apt und eines Teiles des Albians an, bis zum Anfang der gro\en Gault-Transgression, die wieder in die Senken vordringt.  相似文献   
The origin of large subsidence in intracratonic basins is still under debate. We propose a new and self‐consistent model for the formation of those basins, where lithospheric shortening/buckling triggers metamorphism and densification of crustal mafic heterogeneities. We use a forward thermo‐mechanical finite element technique to evaluate this mechanism for the typical example of the East Barents Sea basin (EBB) where a very large and compensated subsidence, accommodating an up to 20‐km‐thick sediment succession, is observed. The lower crust in the dynamic model is modelled with petrologic‐consistent densities for a wet mafic gabbroic composition that depend on pressure and temperature taking into account dehydration at high PT conditions. The model successfully explains the main characteristics of the EBB, notably the large anomalous and fast subsidence during the Late Permian–Early Triassic, its present‐day geometry and the absence of a significant gravity anomaly.  相似文献   
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