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Cambrian and Ordovician-Middle Devonian sequences of two successive Early Palaeozoic basins of the Barrandian unconformably overlie Cadomian basement in the Bohemian Massif NW interior (Teplá-Barrandian unit) which is the easternmost peri-Gondwanan remnant within the Variscides. Correlation of stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Early Palaeozoic siliciclastic rocks elucidated sediment provenances. Sandstones of the Middle Cambrian Píbram-Jince Basin were derived from a Cadomian Neoproterozoic island arc. The source area of the Ordovician shallow-marine siliciclastics of the successor Prague Basin is a dissected Cadomian orogen. Late Cambrian acid volcanics of the Barrandian and Cambrian (meta)granitoids emplaced in the W part of the Teplá-Barrandian Cadomian basement are also discernible in these sediments. Old sedimentary component increased during the Ordovician. Early Llandovery siliciclastic rocks show characteristics of an abruptly weakened supply of terrigenous material and an elevated proportion of synsedimentary basic volcanics as a result of Silurian transgression. Emsian siliciclastics (intercalated in the Late Silurian to Early Devonian limestone suite) presumably comprise an addition of coeval basic/ultrabasic volcaniclastics. Middle Devonian flysch-like siliciclastics indicate reappearance of Cadomian source near the Barrandian during early Variscan convergences of Armorican microplates that preceeded accretion of the Teplá-Barrandian unit within the Bohemian Massif terrane mosaic.Dr. Patoka deceased in July 2004.  相似文献   
Lower to Middle Devonian carbonates of the Prague Syncline, the Carnic Alps, the Montagne Noire, and the Cantabrian Mountains were investigated for δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg. These values were measured on bulk rocks, selected components and cements. Many carbonates exhibit primary marine values, but some are altered by diagenesis. A δ13C curve can be presented for the latest Pridolian to Emsian time interval. Several sharp or broad positive excursions are obvious in the woschmidti-postwoschmidti, sulcatus, kitabicus, Late serotinus, and kockelianus conodont zones. The excursion at the Silurian–Devonian boundary is known worldwide and therefore considered global in nature. Some of the others are described for the first time from central and southern Europe, and their global nature has to be verified by further investigations in other regions. Most excursions relate to and/or started during major regressions whereas sea-level highstands correspond to minimal δ13C values. Similar relationships between sea-level changes and δ13C have been observed from other early Palaeozoic intervals. The transgressive Chote? (?) and Ka?ák events are marked by positive isotope excursions, this type of combination is usually observed in late Palaeozoic to Cenozoic black shale events.  相似文献   
An initial assessment of an old manufacturing site with groundwater impacted by trichloroethene (TCE) contamination in the metropolitan New York area showed that the TCE was being removed naturally by reductive dechlorination. However, complete dechlorination was not expected at the site because the process was progressing too slowly under transitional to aerobic conditions at a degradation constant of –0.0013 and a TCE half life of 533 days. A pilot test was conducted at the site in which a carbohydrate substrate (molasses) was injected into the groundwater to create an In-Situ Reactive Zone (IRZ). Post-pilot test groundwater sampling and analysis indicated that an IRZ was created successfully as the total organic carbon (TOC) content and conductivity increased significantly while oxidation-reduction (REDOX) potential and dissolved oxygen (DO) decreased. The created IRZ caused enhanced reductive dechlorination of TCE at the site, found to proceed with a degradation constant of –0.0158 and a TCE half life of 44 days.  相似文献   
To evaluate the contribution of biogeochemical processes to the oceanic carbon cycle and to calculate the ratio of calcium carbonate to organic carbon downward export, we have incorporated biological and alkalinity pumps in the yoked high-latitude exchange/interior diffusion-advection (YOLDA) model. The biogeochemical processes are represented by four parameters. The values of the parameters are tuned so that the model can reproduce the observed phosphate and alkalinity distributions in each oceanic region. The sensitivity of the model to the biogeochemical parameters shows that biological production rates in the euphotic zone and decomposition depths of particulate matters significantly influence horizontal and vertical distributions of biogeochemical substances. The modeled vertical fluxes of particulate organic phosphorus and calcium carbonate are converted to vertical carbon fluxes by the biological pump and the alkalinity pump, respectively. The downward carbon flux from the surface layer to the deep layer in the entire region is estimated to be 3.36 PgC/yr, which consists of 2.93 PgC/yr from the biological pump and 0.43 PgC/yr from the alkalinity pump, which is consistent with previous studies. The modeled rain ratio is higher with depth and higher in the Pacific and Indian Oceans than in the Atlantic Ocean. The global rain ratio at the surface layer is calculated to be 0.14 to 0.15. This value lies between the lower and higher ends of the previous estimates, which range widely from 0.05 to 0.25. This study indicates that the rain ratio is unlikely to be higher than 0.15, at least in the surface waters.  相似文献   
Hydrodynamics and sediment resuspension events, induced at the shoreline by a deep-draft vessel passing nearby, are described. Measurements (pressure, currents and turbidity) were obtained at 4 Hz, on a lower beach ~50 m from a channel where large car ferries operate in Wootton Creek, Isle of Wight. The study focuses on a representative 8-min 32-s-long record, during which two large vessels passed the channel section. At the shore, the passage of each vessel induced a long-period water-level drawdown, followed by a water-level oscillation (seiche) of similar period, and the short-period waves of the wake. Both drawdowns were the main constituents of the prevailing wave pattern. The second drawdown was the largest in amplitude, in response to a higher speed of the ferry, and the influence of the seiche which had been activated during the preceding event. Two successive peaks of turbidity were observed shortly after this drawdown. Analyses of current velocity and direction indicate that the sediments resuspended originated from the shallower upper beach. Anthropogenically induced erosion of the foreshore is predicted at Wootton Creek.  相似文献   
Active faults aligning in NW–SE direction and forming flower structures of strike-slip faults were observed in shallow seismic data from the shelf offshore of Avcılar in the northern Marmara Sea. By following the parallel drainage pattern and scarps, these faults were traced as NW–SE-directed lineaments in the morphology of the northern onshore sector of the Marmara Sea (eastern Thrace Peninsula). Right-lateral displacements in two watersheds of drainage and on the coast of the Marmara Sea and Black Sea are associated with these lineaments. This right-lateral displacement along the course of these faults suggests a new, active strike-slip fault zone located at the NW extension of the northern boundary fault of the ?ınarcık Basin in the Marmara Sea. This new fault zone is interpreted as the NW extension of the northern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), extending from the ?ınarcık Basin of the Marmara Sea to the Black Sea coast of the Thrace Peninsula, and passing through B üy ük ?ekmece and K ü ? ük ?ekmece lagoons. These data suggest that the rupture of the 17 August 1999 earthquake in the NAFZ may have extended through Avcılar. Indeed, Avcılar and İzmit, both located on the Marmara Sea coast along the rupture route, were strongly struck by the earthquake whereas the settlements between Avcılar and İzmit were much less affected. Therefore, this interpretation can explain the extraordinary damage in Avcılar, based on the newly discovered rupture of the NAFZ in the Marmara Sea. However, this suggestion needs to be confirmed by further seismological studies.  相似文献   
Samples of Mytilus californianus were analyzed to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of Ag, Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn concentrations on the northwest coast of Baja California and to compare the results with levels reported for California, USA. The samples were collected at eight sites from the US-Mexican border to San Quintín, BC (300 km south of the border) in February and July 1982 and 1994. During both years, north-south gradients in the concentration of Ag and Pb were observed, with the highest values close to the US-Mexican border (Ag = 0.60-1.54 and Pb = 0.21-2.89 micrograms g-1) and the lowest in the southern part of the study area (Ag = 0.05-0.10 and Pb = not detectable-0.03 microgram g-1). The Ag and Pb gradients suggest that their distributions are affected by anthropogenic activities close to the US-Mexican border. South-north gradients in the concentration of Cd (minimum = 0.59-2.16 and maximum = 2.61-12.93 micrograms g-1), for both 1982 and 1994, were observed. The geographic annual means of Pb for California (average of six stations along the entire state) were significantly higher than those of this study (average of the eight sampling sites) in 1982 and 1994. Cu in California was significantly greater than that of this study only in 1994. Cluster analyses on all metals indicate three similar geographic zones in 1982 and 1994, suggesting a relative consistency in the processes that determine the spatial variability of the concentration of some metals in M. californianus on the northwest coast of Baja California.  相似文献   
The Southwest Subbasin (SWSB) is an abyssal subbasin in the South China Sea (SCS), with many debates on its neotectonic process and crustal structure. Using two-dimensional seismic tomography in the SWSB, we derived a detailed P-wave velocity model of the basin area and the northern margin. The entire profile is approximately 311-km-long and consists of twelve oceanic bottom seismometers (OBSs). The average thickness of the crust beneath the basin is 5.3 km, and the Moho interface is relatively flat (10–12 km). No high velocity bodies are observed, and only two thin high-velocity structures (~7.3 km/s) in the layer 3 are identified beneath the northern continent-ocean transition (COT) and the extinct spreading center. By analyzing the P-wave velocity model, we believe that the crust of the basin is a typical oceanic crust. Combined with the high resolution multi-channel seismic profile (MCS), we conclude that the profile shows asymmetric structural characteristics in the basin area. The continental margin also shows asymmetric crust between the north and south sides, which may be related to the large scale detachment fault that has developed in the southern margin. The magma supply decreased as the expansion of the SWSB from the east to the west.  相似文献   
Flood mitigation should deal with those most sensitive flooding elements to very efficiently release risks and reduce losses. Present the most concerns of flood control are peak level or peak discharge which, however, may not always be the most sensitive flooding element. Actually, along with human activities and climate change, floods bring threats to bear on human beings appear in not only peak level and peak discharge, but also other elements like maximum 24-h volume and maximum 72-h volume. In this paper, by collecting six key flooding intensity indices (elements), a catastrophe progression approach based sensitivity analysis algorithm model is developed to identify the indices that mostly control over the flood intensity. The indices sensitivity is determined through a selected case study in the Wujiang River, South China, based on half a century of flow record. The model results indicate that there is no evident relationship of interplay among the index sensitivities, but the variability of the index sensitivity is closely related to the index variability and the index sensitivity increases with the decrease of index value. It is found that peak discharge is not the most influential flooding factor as is generally thought in this case. The sensitivity value of the maximum 24-h volume is the greatest influential factor among all the other indices, indicating that this index plays a leading role in the flood threat of the Wujiang River, South China. It is inferred that, for the purpose of flood warning and mitigation, the peak flood discharge is not always the most sensitive and dominant index as opposed to the others, depending on the sensitivity.  相似文献   
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