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Macrocrysts of corundum, ilmenite, and spinel-group minerals from alluvial deposits of the Eger Rift were studied for composition, texture, and mineral inclusions. All macrocrysts show usually magmatic corrosion textures indicating disequilibrium with the transporting alkali-basalt magma. Corundum grains, exclusively sapphires, were classified by trace-element signatures as magmatic and metamorphic types. Some sapphire grains show erratic compositions that may have resulted from a metasomatic overprint. The inclusion inventory of magmatic corundum suggests crystallization from a differentiated alkaline silicate melt. Corundum itself was never observed as an inclusion mineral. Magnesium- and Fe3+-rich ilmenite, described as typical mantle-derived species, is the dominant heavy mineral in almost all alluvial deposits of the Eger Rift. Most discrete macrocrysts are similar in appearance and composition to kimberlite- and basanite-related ilmenite. Ilmenite included in alluvial corundum and zircon grains differ from the bulk of discrete ilmenite grains by larger concentrations of Nb and Mn. The mantle origin of the Mg–Fe3+-rich ilmenite is confirmed by compositional and thermo-barometric comparison with ilmenite from clinoproxenitic and hornblenditic xenoliths, which probably originated in the Moho region. The Fe–Ti two-oxide geothermometry and oxygen-barometry of coexisting ilmenite–magnetite pairs yield equilibrium temperatures between 900 and 1,080 °C and oxygen fugacities log10fO2 between ?0.1 and 1.1 (relative to the NNO buffer), which indicate that the upper mantle as well as the mantle/crust transition zone below the rift is at least partially oxidized. The ilmenite macrocrysts were transported from the source region to the surface by explosive alkali-basalt magmas, as implied by the presence of basaltic-pipe breccias in close vicinity to some placer deposits.  相似文献   
Regime-dependent evaluation is a relatively new approach to assess model performance. It consists of classifying the model biases according to a discrete number of regimes and evaluating model output within each regime. In this paper, the regimes are firstly defined by the large-scale atmospheric circulation, based on the objective Jenkinson-Collison classification technique which distinguishes synoptic patterns by strength, direction and vorticity of the geostrophic flow. Eight directional and two vorticity circulation regimes (circulation types) are specified. In this way, it is possible to quantify the model performance for cases with for example westerly winds only, or with cyclonic circulation only. A second regime classification is based on temperature, which allows for detection of temperature-dependent model performance. Modelled accumulated precipitation (mm/6?h) is evaluated with rain gauges for the years 2007 and 2008. Two variants of the COSMO model are evaluated: a fine-resolution version (2.8?km, COSMO-DE) and a coarse-resolution version (7?km, COSMO-EU). In COSMO-EU, a windward/leeward effect becomes visible since circulation is related to dominant wind direction, hence to windward and lee side of orography. In COSMO-DE, no circulation dependent but a height-related bias is identified and further explored, making use of temperature-dependent evaluation which unveils a positive model bias related to solid precipitation.  相似文献   
The western Baltic Sea infront of the German coast is a highly variable dynamical system, dominated by a complex and small-scale morphometry, the water exchange between the Baltic and North Seas, and driven by local wind. Neither data collection, nor satellite images or model simulations alone were able to explain the observed spatial patterns and transport processes. Therefore, all these methods were combined to explain the dynamical features and to systematise them according to the typical local wind pattern and time series. The aim was to develop an instrument for regional authorities which supports the interpretation of coastal water monitoring data and forms a basis for an improved monitoring strategy. Satellite data of sea surface temperature and ocean colour from the sensors NOAA-AVHRR and SeaWiFS were applied for synoptic investigations in the entire region and Landsat-7-ETM+ for regional studies. Model simulations were performed for the western Baltic using a 3D model MOM-3 and for the Szczecin Lagoon using 2D model FEMFLOW. For the first time, regional particularities in the coastal dynamical features and processes are derived for the main wind directions and for transitions between dominant wind situations west and east as derived from wind statistics. The simulated transport of particles released from different coastal and open sea sources indicate the affected areas during changing forcing conditions. The results support the interpretation of acquired coastal monitoring data as well as the assessment and optimisation of the monitoring programme.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mischungen von Forsterit und Enstatit werden bei Zugabe von wenigen Prozent K2O in Anwesenheit eines Wasserüberschusses unter Drucken von 1 bis 5 Kilobar bereits bei sehr niedrigen Temperaturen (etwa 550–700° C) teilweise aufgeschmolzen. Da auch in den Gesteinen des Erdmantels die Gegenwart von Alkalien und Wasser zu erwarten ist, können diese Komponenten zur Bildung von Ultrabasit-Schmelzbreien im Oberen Erdmantel führen, welche in höhere Stockwerke, d. h. in die Erdkruste, intrudieren können. Die Anwesenheit von Alkalien in Ultrabasitschmelzen vor und während deren Platznahme kann sich durch Alkalimetasomatosen im Nebengestein äußern, da die Alkalien bei noch niedrigeren Temperaturen vorwiegend in eine leichtflüchtige Gasphase eingehen, welche die Intrusion verläßt.
Mixtures of forsterite and enstatite show partial melting in the pressure range 1–5 kb at very low temperatures (approximately 550–700° C), if small amounts of K2O are added in the presence of excess H2O. Since alkalies and water are also expected to be minor constituents of the material forming the earth's mantle, they may cause, in this region, the formation of ultrabasic crystal mushes that may intrude into higher levels, i. e. the earth's crust. The presence of alkalies in ultrabasic melts before or during their emplacement may result in alkali metasomatism of the adjoining country rocks, because most of these alkalies are being incorporated at still lower temperatures in a gas phase leaving the intrusion.

Résumé On a trouvé qu'en présence de K2O et d'un excès d'eau des mélanges de forsterite et d'enstatite peuvent être fondues en partie à des températures très basses (550–700° C), sous une pression d'un à 5 kilobars. La présence des alkalis et de l'eau dans l'enveloppe pierreuse externe est probable. Conséquemment on pourrait supposer la formation de magmas d'ultrabasite par ces components dans l'enveloppe pierreuse externe. Ces magmas pourraient pénétrer dans des étages élevés. La présence des alkalis dans les magmas d'ultrabasite, avant et aussi bien au cours de la formation de ces dernières, pourrait se manifester par des métasomatoses d'alkali dans la roche encaissante, puisque à des températures encore plus basses les alkalis sont présents en phase volatile; cette phase peut quitter l'intrusion.

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Wir danken der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft für die Bereitstellung der Apparaturen zur Durchführung der Experimente.

Anschrift der Verfasser: Dr. F.Seifert, Prof. W.Schreyer, Institut für Mineralogie der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für Petrologie, z. Z, 23 Kiel. Olshausenstr. 40–60.  相似文献   
Meteor cruise M52/1 documented the presence of gas hydrates in sediments from mud volcanoes in the Sorokin Trough of the Black Sea. In a mud flow on the Odessa mud volcano, a carbonate crust currently forms in association with anaerobic methane oxidation. Dvurechenskii mud volcano (DMV), a flat-topped mud pie-type structure, appeared to be very active. Pore water in sediments of DMV is enriched in several constituents, such as ammonium and chloride, which seem to originate at depth. High sediment temperatures of up to 16.5 °C in close contact to the ambient bottom water of 9 °C also suggest strong advective transport of material from greater depth. Steep temperature gradients indicate a high fluid and/or mud flux within DMV, which is confirmed by the shape of the pore water profiles. Active fluid expulsion sites are evidenced by direct seafloor observation, and a potential flux of methane from the sediment to the bottom water is indicated by water-column methane measurements.  相似文献   
The analysis of the extended energy-loss fine structure (EXELFS) of the Si K-edge for sixfold-coordinated Si in synthetic stishovite and fourfold-coordinated Si in natural α-quartz is reported by using electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) in combination with transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The stishovite Si K-edge EXELFS spectra were measured as a time-dependent series to document irradiation-induced amorphization. The amorphization was also investigated through the change in Si K- and O K-edge energy-loss near edge structure (ELNES). For α-quartz, in contrast to stishovite, electron irradiation-induced vitrification, verified by selected area electron diffraction (SAED), produced no detectable changes of the EXELFS. The Si K-edge EXELFS were analysed with the classical extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) treatment and compared to ab initio curve-waved multiple-scattering (MS) calculations of EXAFS spectra for stishovite and α-quartz. Highly accurate information on the local atomic environment of the silicon atoms during the irradiation-induced amorphization of stishovite is obtained from the EXELFS structure parameters (Si−O bond distances, coordination numbers and Debye-Waller factors). The mean Si−O bond distance R and mean Si coordination number N changes from R=0.1775 nm and N=6 for stishovite through a disordered intermediate state (R≈0.172 nm and N≈5) to R≈0.167 nm and N≈4.5 for a nearly amorphous state similar to α-quartz (R=0.1609 nm and N=4). During the amorphization process, the Debye-Waller factor (DWF) passes through a maximum value of as it changes from for sixfold to for fourfold coordination of Si. This increase in Debye-Waller factor indicates an increase in mean-square relative displacement (MSRD) between the central silicon atom and its oxygen neighbours that is consistent with the presence of an intermediate structural state with fivefold coordination of Si. The distribution of coordination states can be estimated by modelling the amorphization as a decay process. Using the EXELFS data for amorphization, a new method is developed to derive the relative amounts of Si coordinations in high-pressure minerals with mixed coordination. For the radiation-induced amorphization process of stishovite the formation of a transitory structure with Si largely in fivefold coordination is deduced. Received: 18 December 1996 / Revised, accepted: 20 June 1997  相似文献   
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