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Precisely how Upper Palaeolithic human ecology was shaped by changing climate during the Pleniglacial remains a matter of debate, for while this generally cold period is now understood to include complex and often rapid flux in climate, there are still considerable difficulties in resolving climatic variations at particular times and places — derived from various lines of proxy evidence — with the high-resolution proxy record of temperature changes from oxygen isotope analysis of the Greenland ice-cores.In this paper we apply the methodology of large-scale flotation to newly excavated contexts from the Upper Palaeolithic (Gravettian) site of Dolní V?stonice II, Czech Republic, to explore the potential of charcoal — as a natural archive of environmental information — to offer information on environmental change towards the end of the middle pleniglacial during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3, between c. 32,500 and 31,200 Cal yr BP. The results of an analysis of ring widths and other anatomical features — interpreted alongside micromorphological data — indicate that this charcoal may capture a higher-resolution record of the changing climatic conditions during which humans were first expanding into these hitherto marginal ecologies and, consequently, shed new light upon the complexity of the lifeways that enabled them to do so.  相似文献   
As sedimentation progresses in the formation and evolution of a depositional geologic basin, the rock strata are subject to various stresses. With increasing lithostatic pressure, compressional forces act to compact the porous rock matrix, leading to overpressure buildup, changes in the fluid pore pressure and fluid flow. In the context of petroleum systems modelling, the present study concerns the geometry changes that a compacting basin experiences subject to deposition. The purpose is to track the positions of the rock layer interfaces as compaction occurs. To handle the challenge of potentially large geometry deformations, a new modelling concept is proposed that couples the pore pressure equation with a level set method to determine the movement of lithostratigraphic interfaces. The level set method propagates an interface according to a prescribed speed. The coupling term for the pore pressure and level-set equations consists of this speed function, which is dependent on the compaction law. The two primary features of this approach are the simplicity of the grid and the flexibility of the speed function. A first evaluation of the model concept is presented based on an implementation for one spatial dimension accounting for vertical effective stress. Isothermal conditions with a constant fluid density and viscosity were assumed. The accuracy of the implemented numerical solution for the case of a single stratigraphic unit with a linear compaction law was compared to the available analytical solution [38]. The multi-layer setup and the nonlinear case were tested for plausibility.  相似文献   
The southern East African Orogen is a collisional belt where the identification of major suture zones has proved elusive. In this study, we apply U–Pb isotopic techniques to date detrital zircons from a key part of the East African Orogen, analyse their possible source region and discuss how this information can help in unravelling the orogen.U–Pb sensitive high-mass resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) and Pb evaporation analyses of detrital zircons from metasedimentary rocks in eastern Madagascar reveal that: (1) the protoliths of many of these rocks were deposited between 800 and 550 Ma; and (2) these rocks are sourced from regions with rocks that date back to over 3400 Ma, with dominant age populations of 3200–3000, 2650, 2500 and 800–700 Ma.The Dharwar Craton of southern India is a potential source region for these sediments, as here rocks date back to over 3400 Ma and include abundant gneissic rocks with protoliths older than 3000 Ma, sedimentary rocks deposited at 3000–2600 Ma and granitoids that crystallised at 2513–2552 Ma. The 800–700 Ma zircons could potentially be sourced from elsewhere in India or from the Antananarivo Block of central Madagascar in the latter stages of closure of the Mozambique Ocean. The region of East Africa adjacent to Madagascar in Gondwana reconstructions (the Tanzania craton) is rejected as a potential source as there are no known rocks here older than 3000 Ma, and no detrital grains in our samples sourced from Mesoproterozoic and early Neoproterozoic rocks that are common throughout central east Africa. In contrast, coeval sediments 200 km west, in the Itremo sheet of central Madagascar, have detrital zircon age profiles consistent with a central East African source, suggesting that two late Neoproterozoic provenance fronts pass through east Madagascar at approximately the position of the Betsimisaraka suture. These observations support an interpretation that the Betsimisaraka suture separates rocks that were derived from different locations within, or at the margins of, the Mozambique Ocean basin and therefore, that the suture is the site of subduction of a strand of Mozambique Ocean crust.  相似文献   
Carbonate concretions can form as a result of organic matter degradation within sediments. However, the ability to determine specific processes and timing relationships to particular concretions has remained elusive. Previously employed proxies (e.g., carbon and oxygen isotopes) cannot uniquely distinguish among diagenetic alkalinity sources generated by microbial oxidation of organic matter using oxygen, nitrate, metal oxides, and sulfate as electron acceptors, in addition to degradation by thermal decarboxylation. Here, we employ concentrations of carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS) and δ34SCAS (along with more traditional approaches) to determine the specific nature of concretion authigenesis within the Miocene Monterey Formation.Integrated geochemical analyses reveal that at least three specific organo-diagenetic reaction pathways can be tied to concretion formation and that these reactions are largely sample-site specific. One calcitic concretion from the Phosphatic Shale Member at Naples Beach yields δ34SCAS values near Miocene seawater sulfate (~+22‰ VCDT), abundant CAS (ca. 1000 ppm), depleted δ13Ccarb (~?11‰ VPDB), and very low concentrations of Fe (ca. 700 ppm) and Mn (ca. 15 ppm)—characteristics most consistent with shallow formation in association with organic matter degradation by nitrate, iron-oxides and/or minor sulfate reduction. Cemented concretionary layers of the Phosphatic Shale Member at Shell Beach display elevated δ34SCAS (up to ~+37‰), CAS concentrations of ~600 ppm, mildly depleted δ13Ccarb (~?6‰), moderate amounts of Mn (ca. 250 ppm), and relatively low Fe (ca. 1700 ppm), indicative of formation in sediments dominated by sulfate reduction. Finally, concretions within a siliceous host at Montaña de Oro and Naples Beach show minimal CAS concentrations, positive δ13C values, and the highest concentrations of Fe (ca. 11,300 ppm) and Mn (ca. 440 ppm), consistent with formation in sediments experiencing methanogenesis in a highly reducing environment. This study highlights the promise in combining CAS analysis with more traditional techniques to differentiate among diagenetic reactions as preserved in the geologic record and shows potential for unraveling subsurface biospheric processes in ancient samples with a high degree of specificity.  相似文献   
Melting experiments were conducted on a mica–clinopyroxenite xenolith brought up in a minette dyke in southern Alberta, Canada, near Milk River. Both the minettes and mica–clinopyroxenite xenoliths were studied by Buhlmann et al. (Can J Earth Sci 37:1629–1650, 2000), who hypothesized that the minettes formed by partial melting of a mantle source containing clinopyroxene + phlogopite ± olivine, at pressures ≥1.7 GPa. In liquidus experiments performed on the most primitive minette in our previous study (Funk and Luth in Contrib Mineral Petrol 164:999–1009, 2012), we found a multiple saturation point where olivine and orthopyroxene coexisted with liquid at 1.77 GPa and 1,350 °C. We argued that the minette originally formed by partial melting of clinopyroxene + phlogopite, but had re-equilibrated with a harzburgite during ascent. In the current study, we wanted to test both the source region hypothesis of Buhlmann et al. and our re-equilibration hypothesis by studying the near-solidus phase equilibria of a mica + clinopyroxene assemblage. We found the solidus for our xenolith has a steep slope in P–T space and lies at temperatures above those of a normal cratonic geotherm, implying that this mica–clinopyroxenite is stable in the cratonic mantle. Melting could occur at greater depths, where the solidus is extrapolated to cross the geotherm or must be induced either by raising the temperatures of the surrounding rocks or by introducing hydrous fluids into the source. Our melts are in equilibrium with clinopyroxene and olivine. The compositions of the liquids derived from melting this xenolith are similar to madupitic lamproites from the Leucite Hills, Wyoming, studied by Carmichael (Contrib Mineral Petrol 15:24–66, 1967) and Barton and Hamilton (Contrib Mineral Petrol 66:41–49, 1978; Contrib Mineral Petrol 69:133–142, 1979). Barton and Hamilton (Contrib Mineral Petrol 69:133–142, 1979) proposed that the madupitic lamproites may have come from a source containing mica and pyroxene. This study supports their hypothesis. The composition of the most primitive minette from southern Alberta lies between our experimental melt and a population of representative mantle orthopyroxenes. We conclude from our study that the Milk River minettes were likely derived from a source containing phlogopite, clinopyroxene and trace amounts of apatite, which formed olivine upon melting. During ascent, the melts changed composition by reacting with orthopyroxene.  相似文献   
The Georgia Basin–Puget Sound Lowland region of British Columbia (Canada) and Washington State (USA) presents a crucial test in environmental management due to its combination of abundant salmonid habitat, rapid population growth and urbanization, and multiple national jurisdictions. It is also hydrologically complex and heterogeneous, containing at least three streamflow regimes: pluvial (rainfall-driven winter freshet), nival (melt-driven summer freshet), and hybrid (both winter and summer freshets), reflecting differing elevation ranges within various watersheds. We performed bootstrapped composite analyses of river discharge, air temperature, and precipitation data to assess El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) impacts upon annual hydrometeorological cycles across the study area. Canadian and American data were employed from a total of 21 hydrometric and four meteorological stations. The surface meteorological anomalies showed strong regional coherence. In contrast, the seasonal impacts of coherent modes of Pacific circulation variability were found to be fundamentally different between streamflow regimes. Thus, ENSO and PDO effects can vary from one stream to the next within this region, albeit in a systematic way. Furthermore, watershed glacial cover appeared to complicate such relationships locally; and an additional annual streamflow regime was identified that exhibits climatically driven non-linear phase transitions. The spatial heterogeneity of seasonal flow responses to climatic variability may have substantial implications to catchment-specific management and planning of water resources and hydroelectric power generation, and it may also have ecological consequences due to the matching or phase-locking of lotic and riparian biological activity and life cycles to the seasonal cycle. The results add to a growing body of literature suggesting that assessments of the streamflow impacts of ocean–atmosphere circulation modes must accommodate local hydrological characteristics and dynamics. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The copyright in Paul H. Whitfield's contribution belongs to the Crown in right of Canada and such copyright material is reproduced with the permission of Environment Canada.  相似文献   
The central engines of active galactic nuclei (AGN) contain cold, dense material as well as hot X-ray-emitting gas. The standard paradigm for the engine geometry is a cold thin disc sandwiched between hot X-ray coronae. Strong support for this geometry in Seyferts comes from the study of fluorescent iron line profiles, although the evidence is not ubiquitously airtight. The thin disc model of line profiles in AGN and in X-ray binaries should still be benchmarked against other plausible possibilities. One proposed alternative is an engine consisting of dense clouds embedded in an optically thin, geometrically thick X-ray-emitting engine. This model is also motivated by studies of geometrically thick engines such as advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs). Here we compute the reprocessed iron line profiles from dense clouds embedded in geometrically thick, optically thin X-ray-emitting discs near a Schwarzschild black hole. We consider a range of cloud distributions and disc solutions, including ADAFs, pure radial infall and bipolar outflows. We find that such models can reproduce line profiles similar to those from geometrically thin, optically thick discs and might help alleviate some of the problems encountered from the latter. Thus, independent of thin discs, thick disc engines can also exhibit iron line profiles if embedded dense clouds can survive long enough to reprocess radiation.  相似文献   
This study examines the spatiality of interlocking directorates of Canadian companies, with particular emphasis given to international interlocks. From a geographical standpoint, do these connections to foreign firms reinforce the importance of Canada’s top corporate cities as ‘gateways’ to international business? Is there a geography associated with the interlocking to these gateway cities? Findings build on James O. Wheeler’s body of research focused on corporate headquarters. This study is placed within the context of the current economic geography dialogue. Particular focus is placed on Saxenian’s theory of brain circulation, wherein she argues that individuals with international experience serve as brokers linking domestic businesses with those in distant regions. A further purpose of this study then is to examine Saxenian’s argument in the context of Canadian corporations. First, is there a geographical association between directors’ foreign educations and where Canadian firms are interlocked to internationally? Second, the corporate performance of Canadian firms interlocked internationally will be measured against those firms that are not. It seems logical to assume that increased connections would yield more diverse and rich knowledge, which could lead to better decisions, and thus corporate performance, in today’s global world. But does it? This study finds that being linked to an international company through a common director did translate into more profitability for Canadian firms. Findings also revealed a geographical link between international interlocks and a director’s foreign education. However, when Canadian firms were interlocked with an international company with a director who had international education, greater profits did not necessarily result.  相似文献   
Abstract— We review the assertion that the precise measurement of the second degree gravitational harmonic coefficients, the obliquity, and the amplitude of the physical libration in longitude, C20, C22, θ, and φ0, for Mercury are sufficient to determine whether or not Mercury has a molten core (Peale, 1976). The conditions for detecting the signature of the molten core are that such a core not follow the 88‐day physical libration of the mantle induced by periodic solar torques, but that it does follow the 250 000‐year precession of the spin axis that tracks the orbit precession within a Cassini spin state. These conditions are easily satisfied if the coupling between the liquid core and solid mantle is viscous in nature. The alternative coupling mechanisms of pressure forces on irregularities in the core‐mantle boundary (CMB), gravitational torques between an axially asymmetric mantle and an assumed axially asymmetric solid inner core, and magnetic coupling between the conducting molten core and a conducting layer in the mantle at the CMB are shown for a reasonable range of assumptions not to frustrate the first condition while making the second condition more secure. Simulations have shown that the combination of spacecraft tracking and laser altimetry during the planned MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, Ranging) orbiter mission to Mercury will determine C20, C22, and θ to better than 1% and φ0 to better than 8%—sufficient precision to distinguish a molten core and constrain its size. The possible determination of the latter two parameters to 1% or less with Earth‐based radar experiments and MESSENGER determination of C20 and C22 to 0.1% would lead to a maximum uncertainty in the ratio of the moment of inertia of the mantle to that of the whole planet, Cm/C, of ?2% with comparable precision in characterizing the extent of the molten core.  相似文献   
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