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We studied the genetic structure of the sea cucumber Holothuria (Roweothuria) polii (Delle Chiaje 1823) by analysing the mitochondrial DNA variation in two fragments of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 16S genes. Individuals were collected in seven locations along the Mediterranean Sea, which cover a wide range of the species distribution. We found high haplotype diversity for COI and moderate diversity for 16S, and low nucleotide diversity for both genes. Our results for the COI gene showed many recent and exclusive haplotypes with few mutational changes, suggesting recent or ongoing population expansion. The Western and Eastern Mediterranean populations exhibited slight but significant genetic differentiation (COI gene) with higher genetic diversity in the East. The most ancient haplotype was not present in the westernmost sampling location (SE Spain). The oldest expansion time was observed in Turkey, corresponding to mid‐Pleistocene. Turkey had also the highest genetic diversity (number of total and exclusive haplotypes, polymorphisms, haplotype and nucleotide diversity). This suggests that this region could be the origin of the subsequent colonizations through the Mediterranean Sea, a hypothesis that should be assessed with nuclear markers in future research.  相似文献   
Since incorrect site selection has sometimes led to the failure of artificial recharge projects,it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of such projects and minimize their failure by employing new techniques.Therefore,the present research used a combination of decision-making models,numerical groundwater modeling and clustering technique to determine suitable sites for implementation of an artificial recharge project.This hybrid approach was employed for the Yasouj aquifer located in southwestern Iran.In the first stage,by employing an AHP decision-making model,hydraulic conductivity,specific yield,slope,land use,depth to groundwater,and aquifer thickness were selected from 21 criteria used in previous research.The selected criteria were then entered as input into the classical k-means clustering model.Using the output,aquifer was divided into seven different regions or clusters.These clusters were then matched with the land use map,and some of the abandoned land areas were selected as the final option for implementing the artificial recharge project.Finally,the MODFLOW code in the GMS software was used to simulate the groundwater level and cluster the sites selected,with regards to increase in groundwater level.Results indicated that the most significant increases in groundwater level(43 and 27 cm) were those of Clusters 2 and 6 in the northern and western parts of the aquifer,respectively.Therefore,this approach can be used in other similar aquifers in arid and semi-arid regions to select the best sites for artificial recharge and to prevent loss of floodwaters.  相似文献   
American lobster (Homarus americanus) have a thick calcified cuticle, and do not exhibit rapid colour changes characteristic of other crustaceans. Thus, the plasticity of their coloration has been largely overlooked. Colour in lobsters is determined by the amount, location, and form of the carotenoid pigment astaxanthin, and it is possible for lobsters to alter colour by changing one of these characteristics of astaxanthin deposition. Here, short‐term colour variation in American lobster in response to environmental cues (background colour and ultraviolet (UV) light) was investigated in a laboratory experiment. Lobsters were reared in conditions controlling background colour (white, black) and UV light (present, absent). Digital photographic analysis was used to determine how these conditions influenced the luminescence (light or dark) of lobster colour, as well as the ratio of red to blue hues. Of the environmental variables considered within this experiment, UV light was the predominant factor, and caused lobsters to become darker in colour. In the absence of UV light, lobsters matched background colour, and turned darker in response to the darker background. Environmental matching has practical implications both for wild lobsters as they settle to the benthic habitat, and for enhancement programmes, to grow lobsters that are best suited for local habitats.  相似文献   
The Bulgheria canyon-fan system in the eastern Tyrrhenian Sea displays well-developed, small-scale, fluvial-like features and has formed alongside the northern slope of the Sapri peri-Tyrrhenian basin. This study reveals, for the first time, the morphology and course of the present-day system as well as the buried elements based on a Digital Terrain Model and high-resolution seismic profiles interpretation. Two adjacent canyons (Infreschi and Luna) originate in the Cilento outer shelf at a short distance from each other and feed an intraslope basin fan through two main sub-parallel channels that run about 12 and 8 km, respectively. Channel and levee development seems to be controlled primarily by the local slope gradient and by Coriolis forces that induce a faster vertical growth of the right-side features, as is often observed in the Northern Hemisphere. Centrifugal forces, on the other hand, have induced episodic flow-stripping at the meander loops and bends, causing local destruction of the main channel levees rather than new levee growth at the outer bends. Overbank deposits are associated with overspill turbidite deposition in the mid fan where a topographic constraint occurs, whereas large-sediment, low-angle wave fields are mainly developed on the outer fan. Buried features and relict morphologies suggest that the Infreschi channel experienced at least two phases of re-incision since the final stages of the middle Pleistocene. Local re-adjustment of outer lobe growth due to channel avulsion and meander abandonment is possibly a consequence of relative base-level fluctuations. The sedimentary record of the mid and outer fan includes outrun mass wasting deposits from extensive failures of the Sapri slope. Indeed, a marked scar is present on the eastern side of the modern outer lobe that indicates the persistency of mass flow passages up to recent times. In addition to the environmental factors that are currently considered to cause canyon formation on the shelf margin, this study proposes the possibility that the head canyon branch close to the mainland was incised by massive and persistent underground freshwater flow from the adjacent aquifer when the sea-level was lower than at present.  相似文献   
Preference tests were performed over a two-week period in September 2001 in which isopods (Idotea baltica) and amphipods (Gammarus oceanicus) were offered choices of three common species of algae from the Baltic Sea: Enteromorpha intestinalis, Cladophora spp., and Fucus vesiculosus. After a 48-hour starvation period, 20 individuals of each grazer species were placed in aquaria containing approximately 1.0 g of each algal species. Fifteen trials for each grazer species were run for 20 hours. We found that G. oceanicus ate significantly more Cladophora spp. and E. intestinalis than F. vesiculosus (p<0.001), with a preference order of: Cladophora spp.>E. intestinalis>F. vesiculosus. Similarly, I. baltica ate significantly more of both the filamentous green algae than F. vesiculosus (p<0.001), with a preference order of: E. intestinalis>Cladophora spp.>F. vesiculosus. Given the preference of isopods and amphipods for filamentous green algae, we might expect these algae to be maintained at low biomass levels. However, this is clearly not the case in the Baltic Sea. Nutrient enrichment (bottom-up effects) is the accepted dominant reason for the non-controlling impact of algal grazers, but other reasons may include cascading trophic effects resulting from the removal of large piscivorous fish (top-down effects).  相似文献   
Observations of the median valley within the 24–30° N area ofthe Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), using the IOSDL high resolutionside-scan sonar instrument TOBI, image four separate areas of themedian valley, containing part or all of nine spreading segments, and fivenon-transform discontinuities between spreading segments (NTDs).These high resolution side scan images were interpreted in parallel withmultibeam bathymetry (Purdy et al., 1990), giving a greater degree ofstructural precision than is possible with the multibeam data alone. Threedistinct types of NTD were identified, corresponding in part to typespreviously identified from the multibeam bathymetric survey of the area.Type 1 NTDs are termed septal offsets, and are marked by a topographic ridgeseparating the two spreading segments. The offset between the spreadingsegments ranges from 9 to 14 km. These can be further subdivided into Type1A in which the septa run parallel to the overall trend of the MAR and Type1B in which the septa lie at a high angle to the bulk ridge trend. Type 1ANTDs are characterised by overlap of the neovolcanic zones of the segmentson each side, and strong offaxis traces, while Type 1B NTDs show no overlapof neovolcanic zones, and weak offaxis traces. Type 2 NTDs arebrittle/ductile extensional shear zones, marked by oblique extensionalfractures, and associated with rotation of tectonic and volcanic structuresaway from the overall trend of the MAR. Type 3 NTDs are associated withoffsets of less than 5 km, and show no sign of any accommodating structure.In this type of NTD, the offset zone is covered with undeformed volcanics.The type of NTD developed at any locality along the ridge axis appears todepend on the amount of segment offset and segment overlap, the overalltrend of the mid-ocean ridge, the width of the zone of discontinuity, themedian valley offset and the longevity of the offset. These factorsinfluence the mechanical properties of the lithosphere across thediscontinuity, and ultimately the tectonic style of the NTD that can besupported. Thus brittle/ductile extensional shear zones are long-livedstructures favoured by large segment offsets, and small or negative segmentoverlaps. Septa can be short or long lived, and are associated with largesegment offsets. Segment overlaps vary from negative (an along axis gap) tozero, for Type 1B septal offsets, or positive to zero for Type 1A septaloffsets. Non-tectonised NTDs are generally short lived structures,characterised by small segment offsets and zero or positive overlaps.  相似文献   
We describe the decay phase of one of the largest active regions of solar cycle 22 that developed by the end of June 1987. The center of both polarities of the magnetic fields of the region systematically shifted north and poleward throughout the decay phase. In addition, a substantial fraction of the trailing magnetic fields migrated equatorward and south of the leading, negative fields. The result of this migration was the apparent rotation of the magnetic axis of the region such that a majority of the leading polarity advanced poleward at a faster rate than the trailing polarity. As a consequence, this region could not contribute to the anticipated reversal of the polar field.The relative motions of the sunspots in this active region were also noteworthy. The largest, leading, negative polarity sunspot at N24 exhibited a slightly slower-than-average solar rotation rate equivalent to the mean differential rotation rate at N25. In contrast, the westernmost, leading, negative polarity sunspot at N21 consistently advanced further westward at a mean rate of 0.13 km s–1 with respect to the mean differential rotation rate at its latitude. These sunspot motions and the pattern of evolution of the magnetic fields of the whole region constitute evidence of the existence of a large-scale velocity field within the active region.Solar Cycle Workshop Paper.  相似文献   
We examine the properties of galaxies in compact groups (CGs) identified in a mock galaxy catalogue based upon the Millennium Run simulation. The overall properties of groups identified in projection are in general agreement with the best available observational constraints. However, only ∼30 per cent of these simulated groups are found to be truly compact in three dimensions, suggesting that interlopers strongly affect our observed understanding of the properties of galaxies in CGs. These simulations predict that genuine CG galaxies are an extremely homogeneous population, confined nearly exclusively to the red sequence: they are best described as 'red and dead' ellipticals. When interlopers are included, the population becomes much more heterogeneous, due to bluer, star-forming, gas-rich, late-type galaxies incorrectly identified as CG members. These models suggest that selection of members by redshift, such that the line-of-sight velocity dispersion of the group is less than 1000 km s−1, significantly reduces contamination to the 30 per cent level. Selection of members by galaxy colour, a technique used frequently for galaxy clusters, is also predicted to dramatically reduce contamination rates for CG studies.  相似文献   
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