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In today's scenario, going beyond Einstein's theory of gravity leads us to some more complete and modified gravity theories. One of them is the f(R, T) gravity in which R is the Ricci scalar, and T is the trace of the energy‐momentum tensor. Using a well‐motivated linear f(R, T) gravity model with a single parameter, we studied the strong energy condition (SEC), the weak energy condition (WEC), the null energy condition (NEC), and the dominant energy condition (DEC) under the simplest non‐minimal matter geometry coupling with a perfect fluid distribution. The model parameter is constrained by energy conditions and a single‐parameter proposed equation of state (EoS), resulting in the compatibility of the f(R, T) models with the accelerated expansion of the universe. It is seen that the EoS parameter illustrates the quintessence phase in a dominated accelerated phase, pinpoint to the cosmological constant yields as a prediction the phantom era. Also, the present values of the cosmological constant and the acceleration of the universe are used to check the viability of our linear f(RT) model of gravity. It is observed that the positive behavior of DEC and WEC indicates the validation of the model. In contrast, SEC is violating the condition resulting in the accelerated expansion of the universe.  相似文献   

This article deals with the effect of salinity variation on underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC). Effect of different concentration of salt on underwater optical communication has been carried out experimentally in terms of received power at different link lengths. Based on the analysis of experimental data, a mathematical model has been proposed to describe the saline water channel. A simulation study is performed for different data rates and link lengths. It is seen that with increased salinity the attenuation is higher and the UWOC system performance degrades with higher data rate and increased link length.  相似文献   
The paper deals with a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type-I universe filled with two minimally interacting fluids; matter and holographic dark energy components. The nature of the holographic dark energy for Bianchi type-I space time is discussed. An exact solution to Einstein’s field equations in Bianchi type-I line element is obtained using the assumption of linearly varying deceleration parameter. Under the suitable condition, it is observed that the anisotropy parameter of the universe approaches to zero for large cosmic time and the coincidence parameter increases with increasing time. We established a correspondence between the holographic dark energy models with the generalised Chaplygin gas dark energy model. We also reconstructed the potential and dynamics of the scalar field which describes the Chaplygin cosmology. Solution of the field equations shows that a big rip type future singularity will occur for this model. It has been observed that the solutions are compatible with the results of recent observations.  相似文献   
Dependable land cover data are required to aid in the resolution of a broad spectrum of environmental issues. Land cover classification at a broad scale has been carried out using data from traditional ground-based information from the Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer. From the merits as well as demerits of the existing works discussed in the literature, this article seeks to establish a novel technique for automatic, fast, as well as precise land cover classification deploying remote sensing data. The proposed approach follows feature extraction and classification stages. From input information, the statistical characteristics are extracted as well as they are subjected to classification via optimized deep convolutional neural network. Particularly, the convolutional layers are optimized for by means of a new Proposed Lion Algorithm with a new Cub pool Update (PLACU) approach. The established model is the advanced level of the standard lion algorithm. The superiority of the established technique is determined by the extant techniques regarding positive and negative metrics. The accuracy of the work that is being presented (PLACU) is superior to the existing methods like Dragonfly algorithm, Jaya algorithm, sea lion optimization, and lion algorithm techniques by 20%, 15%, 112%, and 10%, respectively.  相似文献   
Impervious surfaces have a significant impact on urban runoff, groundwater, base flow, water quality, and climate. Increase in Anthropogenic Impervious Surfaces (AIS) for a region is a true representation of urban expansion. Monitoring of AIS in an urban region is helpful for better urban planning and resource management. Cost effective and efficient maps of AIS can be obtained for larger areas using remote sensing techniques. In the present study, extraction of AIS has been carried out using Double window Flexible Pace Search (DFPS) from a new index named as Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index (NDAISI). NDAISI is developed by enhancing Biophysical Composition Index (BCI) in two stages using a new Modified Normalized Difference Soil Index (MNDSI). MNDSI has been developed from Band 7 and Band 8 (PAN) of Landsat 8 data. In comparison to existing impervious surface extraction methods, the new NDAISI approach is able to improve Spectral Discrimination Index (SDI) for bare soil and AIS significantly. Overall accuracy of mapping of AIS, using NDAISI approach has been found to be increased by nearly 23% when compared with existing impervious surface extraction methods.  相似文献   
Tracking the migration of the CO2 plume is essential in order to better manage the operation of geologic sequestration of CO2. However, the large cost of most monitoring technologies, such as time-lapse seismic, limits their application. We investigated the application of a probabilistic history matching methodology using routine measurements of injection data, which are affected by the presence of large-scale heterogeneities, as an inexpensive alternative to track the migration of CO2 plume in an aquifer. The approach is demonstrated first through a synthetic example in which the ability to detect the presence of flow barriers was tested. In a second example, we applied our method to the In Salah field, one of the largest geological sequestration projects in the world, where the main direction of high permeability features was inferred. The accuracy and reproducibility of the results show that our approach for assisted history matching is an economic and viable option for plume monitoring during geologic CO2 sequestration.  相似文献   
Data collected during the Land Surface Processes Experiment (LASPEX) in a semi-arid region of the state of Gujarat in north-west India for a clear sky day (16 May 1997) are used to assess the performance of the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) and land- surface parameterizations in the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU-NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5). The ABL turbulence parameterizations examined are the Blackadar scheme coupled to a simple soil slab model (SSM), and the Troen-Mahrt scheme coupled to SSM or to the more sophisticated Noah land-surface model (NSM). The comparison of several two-way nested high resolution (9-km) MM5 short term 24-h simulations indicate that, although the model is able to capture the trend in the observed data, the computed results deviate from observations. The NSM with a modest treatment of vegetation outperforms the SSM in capturing the observed daily variations in surface heat fluxes and aspects of ABL structure over the tropical land surface at local scales. Detailed analysis showed that, with the incorporation of observed local vegetation and soil characteristics, the NSM reproduced a realistic surface energy balance and near-surface temperature. It is further found that the coupling of the NSM with the Troen-Mahrt ABL scheme leads to excessive ABL mixing and a dry bias in the model simulations.  相似文献   
This investigation on the temperature of the interstellar warm ionized medium (WIM) is characterized by the number and energy balance of the constituents of the WIM complex plasma viz. H plasma (electrons/ions/neutral atoms) and graphite dust, having a size distribution, characterized by the MRN (Mathis, Rumpl and Nordsieck) power law. Ionization of neutral atoms, electron–ion recombination, photoemission of electrons from and accretion on the dust and cooling through electron collisional excitation, followed by radiative decay of atoms has been included in the analysis. An appropriate expression for the rate of emission and mean energy of photoelectrons emitted from the surface of positively charged dust particles has been used which takes into account the dependence of absorption efficiency on wavelength of the radiation, radius of the particle and spectral irradiance distribution. The results of the parametric analysis have been displayed graphically. It is seen that the consensus values of temperature, surface potential on the dust particles and electron/ion/neutral atom densities, characteristic of interstellar warm ionized medium can be explained on the basis of plausible combinations of the dust particle density n d and the parameter f ex α ex , where f ex is the fraction of the energy of the neutral gas atoms which gets irradiated, α ex n e n n is the number of the neutral atoms, which get excited per unit volume per unit time and n e (n n ) correspond to the density of electrons (neutral atoms).  相似文献   
Groundwater levels in hard-rock areas in India have shown very large declines in the recent past. The situation is becoming more critical due to a paucity of rainfall, limited surface water resources and an increasing pattern of groundwater extraction in these areas. Consequently, the Ground Water Department with the aid of World Bank has implemented the water structuring programme to mitigate groundwater scarcity and to develop a viable solution for sustainable development in the region. The present study has been undertaken to assess the impact of artificial groundwater recharge structures in the hard-rock area of Rajasthan, India. In this study groundwater level data (pre-monsoon and post-monsoon) of 85 dug-wells are used, spread over an area of 413.59 km2. The weathered and fractured gneissic basement rocks act as major aquifer in the area. Spatial maps for pre- and post-monsoon groundwater levels were prepared using the kriging interpolation technique with best fitted semi-variogram models (Spherical, Exponential and Gaussian). The groundwater recharge is calculated spatially using the water level fluctuation method. The entire study period (2004–2011) is divided into pre- (2004–2008) and post-intervention (2009–2011) periods. Based on the identical nature of total monsoon rainfall, two combinations of average (2007 and 2009) and more than average (2006 and 2010) rainfall years are selected from the pre- and post-intervention periods for further comparisons. All of the water harvesting structures are grouped into the following categories: as anicuts (masonry overflow structure); percolation tanks; subsurface barriers; and renovation of earthen ponds/nadis. A buffer of 100 m around the intervention site is taken for assessing the influence of these structures on groundwater recharge. The relationship between the monsoon rainfall and groundwater recharge is fitted by power and exponential functions for the periods of 2004–2008 and 2008–2011 with R 2 values of 0.95 and 0.98, respectively. The average groundwater recharge is found to be 18% of total monsoon rainfall prior to intervention and it became 28% during the post-intervention period. About 70.9% (293.43 km2) of the area during average rainfall and more than 95% (396.26 km2) of the area during above-average rainfalls show an increase in groundwater recharge after construction of water harvesting structures. The groundwater recharge pattern indicates a positive impact within the vicinity of intervention sites during both average and above-average rainfall. The anicuts are found to be the most effective recharge structures during periods of above-average rainfall, while subsurface barriers are responded well during average rainfall periods. In the hard-rock terrain, water harvesting structures produce significant increases in groundwater recharge. The geo-spatial techniques that are used are effective for evaluating the response of different artificial groundwater recharge techniques.  相似文献   
Acta Geotechnica - Biochar has recently been gaining increasing attention as a stable and sustainable soil amendment material. However, the effect of biochar amendment on the desiccation behaviour...  相似文献   
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