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Annual and subannual paleolimnological records of pigments and zooplankton were used to analyze three whole-lake manipulations. The relative abundance of cladoceran remains in recent seasonal laminae was significantly correlated with the relative abundance of species in the plankton (r 2=0.59,P<0.001). Comparison of food-web structure after piscivore introduction showed that there are multiple outcomes of predation and that final food-web structure depended on the strength of interaction between piscivorous and planktivorous fish. Intense predation on cyprinids (Phoxinus eos, P. neogaeus, Umbra limi) by largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) allowed large herbivores (Daphnia pulex) and invertebrate predators (Chaoborus punctipennis) to dominate. Analysis of fossil invertebrate morphology suggested that small grazers (Bosmina longirostris, Diaphanosoma birgei) were eliminated by invertebrate predators. Under moderate predation by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), cyprinids remained, only intermediate-size herbivores (D. rosea) increased in abundance, andBosmina persisted. In contrast to food-web manipulations, increased algal abundance resulting from watershed disturbance (road construction) did not alter the species composition or size-structure of fossil Cladocera.  相似文献   
The estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) is an important nursery area for anadromous fish where early-life stages can be retained in high prey concentrations and favorable salinities. Episodic freshwater flow and wind events could influence the transport of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) eggs to the ETM. This hypothesis was evaluated with regression analysis of observational data and with a coupled biological-physical model of a semi-idealized upper Chesapeake Bay driven by observed wind and freshwater flow. A particle-tracking model was constructed within a numerical circulation model (Princeton Ocean Model) to simulate the transport of fish eggs in a 3-dimensional flow field. Particles with the sinking speed of striped bass eggs were released up-estuary of the salt front in both 2-d event-scale and 60-d seasonal-scale scenarios. In event scenarios, egg-like particles with observed specific gravities (densities) of striped bass eggs were transported to the optimum ETM nursery area after 2 d, the striped bass egg-stage duration. Wind events and pulses in river discharge decreased the number of egg-like particles transported to the ETM area by 20.9% and 13.2%, respectively, compared to nonevent conditions. In seasonal scenarios, particle delivery to the ETM depended upon the timing of the release of egg-like particles. The number of particles transported to the ETM area decreased when particles were released before and during wind and river pulse events. Particle delivery to the ETM area was enhanced when the salt front was moving up-estuary after river pulse events and as base river flow receded over the spawning season. Model results suggest that the timing of striped bass spawning in relation to pulsed events may have a negative (before or during events) or positive (after river flow events) effect on egg transport. Spawning after river flow events may promote early-stage survival by taking advantage of improved transport, enhanced turbidity refuge, and elevated prey production that may occur after river pulse events. In multiple regression analysis of observed data, mean spring freshwater flow rates and the number of pulsed freshwater flow events during the striped bass spawning season explained 71% of the variability in striped bass juvenile abundance in upper Chesapeake Bay from 1986 to 2002. Positive parameter estimates for these effects support the hypothesis that pulsed freshwater flow events, coupled with spawning after the events, may enhance striped bass early-stage survival. Results suggest that episodic events may have an important role in controlling fish recruitment.  相似文献   
Analysis of a vertical dipole tracer test in highly fractured rock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The results of a vertical dipole tracer experiment performed in highly fractured rocks of the Clare Valley, South Australia, are presented. The injection and withdrawal piezometers were both screened over 3 m and were separated by 6 m (midpoint to midpoint). Due to the long screen length, several fracture sets were intersected, some of which do not connect the two piezometers. Dissolved helium and bromide were injected into the dipole flow field for 75 minutes, followed by an additional 510 minutes of flushing. The breakthrough of helium was retarded relative to bromide, as was expected due to the greater aqueous diffusion coefficient of helium. Also, only -25% of the total mass injected of both tracers was recovered. Modeling of the tracer transport was accomplished using an analytical one-dimensional flow and transport model for flow through a fracture with diffusion into the matrix. The assumptions made include: streamlines connecting the injection and withdrawal point can be modeled as a dipole of equal strength, flow along each streamline is one dimensional, and there is a constant Peclet number for each streamline. In contrast to many other field tracer studies performed in fractured rock, the actual travel length between piezometers was not known. Modeling was accomplished by fitting the characteristics of the tracer breakthrough curves (BTCs), such as arrival times of the peak concentration and the center of mass. The important steps were to determine the fracture aperture (240 microm) based on the parameters that influence the rate of matrix diffusion (this controls the arrival time of the peak concentration); estimating the travel distance (11 m) by fitting the time of arrival of the centers of mass of the tracers; and estimating fracture dispersivity (0.5 m) by fitting the times that the inflection points occurred on the front and back limbs of the BTCs. This method works even though there was dilution in the withdrawal well, the amount of which can be estimated by determining the value that the modeled concentrations need to be reduced to fit the data (approximately 50%). The use of two tracers with different diffusion coefficients was not necessary, but it provides important checks in the modeling process because the apparent retardation between the two tracers is evidence of matrix diffusion and the BTCs of both tracers need to be accurately modeled by the best fit parameters.  相似文献   
J. Sanford Rikoon 《Geoforum》2006,37(2):200-211
From 1990 to 1996, the National Park Service and residents living near the Ozark National Scenic Riverways in south-central Missouri clashed over the federal agency’s intention to remove 25-30 wild horses from the protected area. The struggle was carried out in various legal and legislative arenas, the media, and in community protests and meetings. The dispute ended only with Congressional approval of the 1996 Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act, which included an amendment ordering an end to any removal efforts.This article focuses on the contested social constructions of the horses themselves. To government scientists and managers, the animals represented a feral and exotic species with no legitimate place in agency-mandated ecosystem management and restoration scenarios. To many local members of the Missouri Wild Horse League, which contested the removal, the horses had critical historical and cultural importance as icons of regional identity, history and personal experience, and as core symbols of communities increasingly politically and economically marginalized.Local disputes with environmental groups and agencies concerned with Ozark ecosystem preservation and restoration have become more pronounced and numerous over the past two decades. This article approaches citizen opposition to environmental agendas not as an anti-environmental movement, but as a contemporary effort of marginalized groups to identify sources of economic, political, and social loss, and symbols of local identity and power. The wild horse issue reveals wider structural divides, and thus speaks to the question of which social groups shall have the power to impose their visions of the landscape and political economy.  相似文献   
A box model based on salinity distributions and freshwater inflow measurements was developed and used to estimate net non-tidal physical circulation and hydraulic residence times for Patuxent River estuary, Maryland, a tributary estuary of Chesapeake Bay. The box model relaxes the usual assumption that salinity is at steady-state, an important improvement over previous box model studies, yet it remains simple enough to have broad appeal. Average monthly 2-dimensional net non-tidal circulation and residence times for 1986–1995 are estimated and related to river flow and salt water inflow as estimated by the box model. An important result is that advective exchange at the estuary mouth was not correlated with Patuxent River flow, most likely due to effects of offshore salinity changes in Chesapeake Bay. The median residence time for freshwater entering at the head of the estuary was 68 d and decreased hyperbolically with increasing river flow to 30 d during high flow. Estimates of residence times for down-estuary points of origin showed that, from the head of the estuary to its mouth, control of flushing changed from primarily river flow to other factors regulating the intensity of gravitational circulation.  相似文献   
COCORP: new perspectives on the deep crust   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary. Relict sutures from colliding continents, regions characterized by a "young" Mono, layering and faulting throughout the crust, mid-crustal magma traps, and seismic "bright spots" which suggest deep crustal fluids are among recent COCORP findings. In addition, new studies of signal penetration, noise mitigation, recording geometry, and coherency filtering have yielded better understanding of, and substantial improvements in, data quality. Amplitude anomalies, or "bright spots", in the Basin and Range may be due to magma at mid-crustal levels; in one case, a normal fault appears to link the deep magma with young surface volcanics. Another bright spot. 15 km deep in southeastern Georgia, has a flat geometry that suggests a gas/liquid interface, perhaps within fluids underthrust along an Appalachian suture. The Mono continues to appear relatively undisturbed in many regions of past deformation, suggesting that its formation post-dates these major tectonic episodes. The diversity of reflection patterns from the U.S. Cordillera casts further doubt on the generality of the common model of a reflective, layered lower crust underlying a transparent upper crust.  相似文献   
Poa´s Volcano is an active stratovolcano in Costa Rica that has a lake in its active crater. The crater lake has high temperatures (50–90 °C), high acidity (pH ≈ 0.0), and a high dissolved-solids content (100 g/kg). The volcano has numerous freshwater springs on its flanks, but a few on the northwestern flank are highly acidic (pH = 1.6–2.5) and have high dissolved-solids concentrations (2–22 g/kg). This study analyzes the regional groundwater system at Poa´s and demonstrates the likelihood that the water discharging from the acidic springs in the Rio Agrio watershed originates at the acidic crater lake. Both heat and solute transport are analyzed on a regional scale through numerical simulations using the HST3D finite-difference model, which solves the coupled equations for fluid flow, heat transport, and solute transport. The code allows fluid viscosity and density to be functions of both temperature and solute concentration. The simulations use estimates for recharge to the mountain and a range of values and various distributions of permeability and porosity. Several sensitivity analyses are performed to test how the uncertainty in many of the model parameters affects the simulation results. These uncertainties yield an estimated range of travel times from the crater lake to the Rio Agrio springs of 1–30 years, which is in close agreement with the results of tritium analyses of the springs. Calculated groundwater fluxes into and out of the crater lake are both about several hundred kg/s. These fluxes must be accounted for in water budgets of the crater lake.  相似文献   
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