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It is theoretically interesting for climate change detection and practically important for agricultural producers to know whether climate change has influenced agroclimatic conditions and, if so, what the potential impacts are. We present analyses on statistical differences in means and variances of agroclimatic indices between three 30-year periods in the 20th century (i.e., 1911–1940, 1941–1970 and 1971–2000). We found many occurrences of statistically significant changes in means between pairs of the three 30-year periods. The findings consistently support agroclimatic trends identified from trend analysis as an earlier growing season start and an earlier end to spring frost (SF), together with an extended growing season, more frost-free days (FFD) and more available heat units were often found in the later 30-year periods as compared to the earlier ones. In addition, this study provides more detailed quantitative information than the trend signals for the practical interests of agricultural applications. Significant changes were detected for SF and FFD at a much larger percentage of stations between the latter two 30-year periods (1941–1970 vs. 1971–2000) as compared to the earlier two periods (1911–1940 vs. 1941–1970). In contrast, changes in variances of the selected agroclimatic indices were less evident than changes in their means, based on the percentage of stations showing significant differences. We also present new climate averages of the selected agroclimatic indices that can be useful for agricultural planning and management.  相似文献   
The coastline of County Down includes sites that are pivotal to understanding the history of the last glaciation of the northern Irish Sea Basin in relation to relative sea level and regional glacial readvances. The cliff sections display evidence that has been used to underpin controversial models of glaciomarine sedimentation in isostatically-depressed basins followed by emergent marine and littoral environments. They also provide crucial evidence claimed to constrain millennial-scale ice sheet oscillations associated with uniquely large and rapid sea-level fluctuations. This paper reviews previous work and reports new findings that generally supports the ‘terrestrial’ model of glaciation, involving subglacial accretion and deformation of sediment beneath grounded ice. Deep troughs were incised into the till sheet during a post Late Glacial Maximum draw-down of ice into the Irish Sea Basin. Ice retreat was accompanied by glaciomarine accretion of mud in the troughs during a period of high relative sea level. The trough-fills were over-ridden, compacted, deformed and truncated during a glacial re-advance that is correlated with the Clogher Head Readvance. Grounding-line retreat accompanied by rapid subaqueous ice-proximal sedimentation preserved a widespread subglacial stone pavement. Raised beach gravels cap the sequence. The evidence supports an uninterrupted fall in relative sea level from c. 30?m that is consistent with sea level curves predicted by current glacio-isostatic adjustment modelling. Critical evidence previously cited in support of subaerial dissection of the troughs, and hence rapid fall and rise in relative sea level prior to the deposition of the glaciomarine muds, is not justified.  相似文献   
Remote sensing is an efficient tool for temporal monitoring of inaccessible alpine glacial terrain. This study discusses the methods of remote sensing in visible and infrared (IR) wavelengths, which are helpful in providing important information about alpine glaciers. The scope of this study covers recent advances and prospects in optical and thermal remote sensing of glacier facies, glacier velocity, mass balance, glacial hazards and automated mapping techniques. The technology is ever evolving with the advent of new remote sensors capturing data in visible/IR wavelengths and better digital computing technology. An extensive list of significant studies further helps the reader to explore a particular topic of interest. We survey recent advances in this field and additionally highlight the emerging prospects.  相似文献   
Assessing environmental condition is essential for the management of coasts and their resources, but better management decisions occur when large databases are simplified into more manageable units of information. Here we present the habitat structure index (HSI), which enables rapid assessment and direct comparison of seagrass habitat structure using scores of 0 (poor) to 100 (excellent) based on integrating five habitat variables: area, continuity, proximity, percentage cover, and species identity. Acquiring data to calculate the HSI can be done in situ or from video recordings, and requires relatively simple methodology of belt transects, estimating percentage cover, and basic taxonomy. Spatiotemporal comparisons can usefully identify locations and periods of seagrass habitat change, potentially providing an early warning indicator of habitat damage and decline in environmental quality. Overall, the integrative approach of the HSI represents a step toward simplifying the exchange of environmental information among researchers, coastal managers, and governing bodies.  相似文献   
This paper problematises positivist framings of water demand management (WDM) that define the average‐water‐user. Through a situated, case‐study account undertaken in suburban Auckland, we highlight variable social and cultural underpinnings of domestic water use. Activities that are commonly the focus of WDM are shown to be embedded elements of life around which relationships, affects and futures are woven. As a consequence, myopically focusing on the technical–managerial mediation of what are socionatural relations reduces prospects to achieve intended policy outcomes. Reframing WDM as a hydrosocial process provides a basis for water providers to develop more culturally appropriate water management.  相似文献   
Pacific salmon are biogeomorphic agents shown to induce positive feedbacks on their natal watersheds. However, the literature documenting their ecological effects on in‐stream natal environments is more divisive. The disturbance salmon create during redd construction has the potential to reduce stream productivity. The pulse of salmon organic matter (SOM) and marine derived nutrients (MDNs) released during carcass decay has been reported as either stimulating in‐stream productivity or having no local effect. To evaluate the ecological costs and benefits of salmon spawning events, MDN delivery and storage processes need to be identified and quantified. A simulation was conducted in three flow‐through flumes (2 m × 2 m × 30 m) over a 33‐day period (consisting of 15 baseline, four MDN exposure, and 14 post‐exposure days) to assess near‐field sediment and organic matter dynamics during active and post‐spawn simulations. The objective of the study was to measure changes in the amounts and particle sizes of suspended and gravel‐stored fine sediment, in order to elucidate the process and significance of SOM recruitment to the gravel bed via sedimentation. Gravel beds in all flumes were enriched with SOM following treatments but the response was highest in the active spawn simulation. The more effective delivery in the active spawn simulation was attributed to its higher inorganic sediment concentration, which is known to enhance floc formation. Although the active spawn simulation delivered more SOM to the gravel bed, the post‐spawn phase may be equally important to natural streams because its decay phase is longer than the active spawn and consequently can provide SOM to the streambed as long as carcasses remain in‐stream. The delivery, and potential retention, of SOM to spawning streambeds and the intergravel environment may be particularly important for interior streams, which experience low flow conditions during the spawning phase and accordingly have the potential for hyporheic nutrient recruitment and storage. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken at Horqin Sand Land, Inner Mongolia, Northern China. Field samples of biological soil crusts (BSCs) and underlying topsoil (0–5 cm under BSC) were taken in areas of different dune stabilization stages, and their physicochemical properties were analyzed, including particle size distribution, bulk density, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, electrical conductivity (EC), pH, and CaCO3 content. The results revealed that semi-mobile dunes, semi-fixed dunes and fixed dunes had developed a physical crust, algae crust and moss crust, respectively. The thickness, hardness, water content, fine fraction and nutrient contents of BSCs were gradually increasing along the dune stabilization gradient. Meanwhile, BSC establishment and development enhanced the bulk density, silt and clay content, and nutrients of the topsoil under it, in an increasing tend from semi-mobile dune to fixed dune. Organic matter concentrations and other nutrients in the 0–5 cm topsoil layer under BSCs were significantly higher compared to unconsolidated soil (control). Moreover, there were strong significant positive correlations between topsoil and BSCs’ organic matter, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, CaCO3, and <0.05 mm particle content, suggesting that BSCs have an influence on some of the properties of the underlying topsoil.  相似文献   
New England and Atlantic Canada are characterized by mixed flood regimes that reflect different storm types, antecedent land surface conditions, and flood seasonality. Mixed flood regimes are known to complicate flood risk analyses, yet the synoptic climatology and precipitation mechanisms that generate annual floods in this region have not been described in detail. We analyzed a set of long-term annual flood records at climate-sensitive stream gauges across the region and classified the synoptic climatology of each annual flood, quantitatively describing the precipitation mechanisms, and characterize flood seasonality. We find that annual floods here are dominantly generated by Great Lakes-sourced storms and Coastal lows, known locally as ‘nor’easters.’ Great Lakes storms tend to be associated with lower magnitude annual floods (<75th percentile) and Coastal lows are more clearly associated with higher magnitude events (>75th percentile). Tropical cyclones account for few of all annual floods, including extreme events, despite causing some of the region’s largest and most destructive floods. Late winter/early spring is when the greatest number of annual floods occur region wide, and rainfall is the dominant flood-producing mechanism. Rainfall in combination with snowmelt is also important. Both mechanisms are expected to be impacted by projected regional climate change. We find little evidence for associations between flood-producing synoptic storm types or precipitation mechanisms and large-scale atmospheric circulation indices or time periods, despite upward trends in New England annual flood magnitudes. To more completely investigate such associations, partial duration flood series that include more floods than just the largest of each year, and their associated synoptic climatologies and precipitation mechanisms, should be analyzed.  相似文献   
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