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对尼罗河三角洲平原东北部一个古埃及文化遗址(Kom El-Khilgan)1.5 m长的沉积物剖面KH1开展14C测年、沉积物粒度和孢粉分析.根据岩性、粒度和测年等结果综合判定:剖面150~100 cm地层为早全新世河流相沉积;100~27 cm地层为早、中全新世(8000—4000 cal a BP)三角洲冲积平原沉积,其中涵盖了古埃及前王朝至古王国时期(6500—4131cal a BP)的人类活动信息;27~0 cm为现代表土层.孢粉分析结果反映了在距今8000~4000 a期间:1)研究区气候由湿润过渡为温和,最后趋于干旱;2)随着气候变干,尼罗河上游水文变化对三角洲环境影响减小,研究区由沼泽湿地逐渐过渡为干草甸环境,更多的土地可以被人类利用;3)常被用来指示农业活动的35μm禾本科、陶器碎片和炭屑的出现并逐渐增加,表明该遗址附近的人类农业活动始于距今6500 a左右,并持续至距今4000 a前后.上述证据表明尼罗河三角洲全新世早—中期湿润向干旱过渡的气候驱动了人类农业活动的开展.本研究为进一步探讨尼罗河三角洲古文明对环境适应性研究提供了科学依据.  相似文献   
Water Resources - This paper presents the results of the groundwater quality assessment, on the Serbian Danube, Sava and Morava River water area, for irrigation purposes. The analysis was done at...  相似文献   
利用埃及北部Faiyum盆地获得的高取芯率沉积物岩芯,进行沉积物多种磁性参数的测量,结合有机碳、介形虫、粒度等分析,在AMS14C加速器测年的基础上,建立全新世以来湖泊沉积物磁性特征变化的时间序列.结果表明,粒度效应以及沉积后的各种次生作用对沉积物的磁性特征没有明显的影响,磁性变化主要反映了沉积物不同来源组成的相对变化.全新世前沉积物磁性较弱,主要含不完全反铁磁性矿物,与周边沙漠的物质相似,结合其粒度特征,沉积物来源应以近源物质为主.全新世早中期(约10 5.4 ka BP)沉积物磁性变化相对稳定,有机质含量也较高,指示了来自尼罗河较为稳定的物质供应;而大约5.4 ka BP尤其最近约4.2 ka BP以来,磁性的明显变化反映了流域降水减少情况下,来自青尼河物质贡献的相对增加;最近约2.0 ka BP以来沉积物的磁性变化,则更多地与盆地人类活动的强化有关.总体而言,Faiyum盆地全新世以来的环境演变主要受控于全新世以来尼罗河与盆地的水力学联系.即:全新世前盆地未与尼罗河连通时,沉积物主要来源于周边沙漠的风成物质;而受全新世早-中期来流域季风降水增加的影响,泛滥的尼罗河为盆地提供了相对稳定的物质供应,湖泊也处于高湖面;全新世晚期以来,随着流域干旱化的加剧,尼罗河与盆地的连通性开始减弱,来自高磁性的青尼罗河物质贡献开始相对增加.最近约2.0 ka BP以来,虽然仍有人工运河连接尼罗河与盆地,但沉积物磁性的显著变化更多地反映了盆地人类活动的不断强化.  相似文献   
The major ion hydrochemistry, sodium absorption ratio (SAR), sodium percentage, and isotopic signatures of Hammamet-Nabeul groundwaters were used to identify the processes that control the mineralization, irrigation suitability, and origin of different water bodies. This investigation highlights that groundwater mineralization is mainly influenced by water-rock interaction and pollution by the return flow of irrigation water. The comparison of groundwater quality with irrigation suitability standards proves that most parts of groundwater are unacceptable for irrigation and this long-term practice may result in a significant increase of the salinity and alkalinity in the soils. Based on isotopic signatures, the shallow aquifer groundwater samples were classified into (i) waters with depleted δ18O and δ2H contents, highlighting recharge by modern precipitation, and (ii) waters with enriched stable isotope contents, reflecting the significance of recharge by contaminated water derived from the return flow of evaporated irrigation waters. The deep-aquifer groundwater samples were also classified into (i) waters with relatively enriched isotope contents derived from modern recharge and mixed with shallow-aquifer groundwater and (ii) waters with depleted stable isotope contents reflecting a paleoclimatic origin. Tritium data permit to identify three origins of recharge, i.e., contemporaneous, post-nuclear, and pre-nuclear. Carbon-14 activities demonstrate the existence of old paleoclimatic recharge related to the Holocene and Late Pleistocene humid periods.  相似文献   
Nanoporous polystyrene fibers for oil spill cleanup   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The development of oil sorbents with high sorption capacity, low cost, scalable fabrication, and high selectivity is of great significance for water environmental protection, especially for oil spillage on seawater. In this work, we report nanoporous polystyrene (PS) fibers prepared via a one-step electrospinning process used as oil sorbents for oil spill cleanup. The oleophilic-hydrophobic PS oil sorbent with highly porous structures shows a motor oil sorption capacity of 113.87 g/g, approximately 3-4 times that of natural sorbents and nonwoven polypropylene fibrous mats. Additionally, the sorbents also exhibit a relatively high sorption capacity for edible oils, such as bean oil (111.80 g/g) and sunflower seed oil (96.89 g/g). The oil sorption mechanism of the PS sorbent and the sorption kinetics were investigated. Our nanoporous material has great potential for use in wastewater treatment, oil accident remediation and environmental protection.  相似文献   
Post-Aswan dam sedimentation rate of lagoons of the Nile Delta,Egypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study uses radiometric analysis (210Pb and 137Cs) of short sediment cores with high-resolution sampling (1-cm interval) to trace sedimentation rates in the Nile Delta lagoons, particularly since completion of the Aswan High Dam in 1964. A declining trend in 210Pbex as calculated by the CIC model is clearly identified in about 10 cm of the upper-core sediments from the lagoons of Manzala and Edku, accompanied by two spikes of 137Cs in cores from the lagoons of Burullus and Edku. These findings illustrate average post-dam sedimentation rates ranging from 0.22 to 0.27 cm a−1 in the lagoons, in contrast with those found previously based on low-resolution sampling. The lower sedimentation rates in the lagoons are a consequence of a dramatic reduction in riverine sediment load to the coastal area as a result of the damming. Although widespread erosion occurs along the open estuarine coast, the lagoon setting remains calmer than before due to coastal diking and freshwater regulation in the delta plain in the past decades. This provides the possibility of continuously preserved radiometric records in the less-bioturbated lagoon sediments. Dating individual layers using the CRS model has revealed increasing sedimentation rates in Manzala and Burullus since the 1980s, which can largely be explained as a consequence of the reduction in lagoon area due to intensifying reclamation. The post-dam sedimentation in the shrinking lagoons may have some adverse ecological consequences due to finer sediment’s affinity with pollutants. These findings would shed light on the environmental conservation and socioeconomic development in the Nile Delta region.  相似文献   
We report on the statistical properties of the microwave enhancement (brightness temperature, area, fine structure, life time and magnetic field strength) in coronal holes observed over a period of several solar rotations.  相似文献   
Located at the northeastern part of Morocco, the plain of Triffa is characterized by a semi-arid climate where water resources are rather fragile and influenced by a highly irregular rainfall distribution, both in time (annual and inter-annual distribution) and in space. The mean annual rainfall does not exceed 240 mm. In the Triffa plain, the impact of anthropogenic activities on the groundwater resources is reflected both by (a) the decrease in the piezometric level due to the over exploitation and droughts and (b) the deterioration of the chemical quality of water. Currently, this situation is felt mainly by the farmers. The unconfined aquifer is under stress due to the increase of the pollution rate, especially by nitrates that are above the WHO standards, and salinity. Organochlorine pesticides are ubiquitous and persistent organic pollutants used widely in agriculture. Due to their extensive use in agriculture, organic environment contaminants such as hexachlorocyclohexane, DDT, and DDD along organochlorine pesticides are distributed globally by transport through water. Pesticides such as aldrin, lindane, and heptachlor have also been detected and were considered as indicators showing the need to inform and to train farmers on the pesticides and fertilizers use in order to reduce the threat of groundwater contamination.  相似文献   
The ironstone succession at El Gedida-Ghorabi-Naser area of El Bahariya depression is subdivided into lagoonal manganiferous mud and fossiliferous ironstone consisting mainly of hematite and goethite-hydrogoethite. The application of the ASD field spectroradiometer measurements (spectral range) in the ASTER data led to the interpretation of the presence of ferruginous units as quartzitic sandstone, gluconitic sandy clay, and pink marly limestone. The existing iron ore minerals in the iron ore localities were also classified into high Mn hematite, low Mn hematite, goethite, hydrogoethite as well as low- and high-grade Hematite and Barite. Quartz, feldspars, rutile, and clay minerals (e.g., kaolinite and illite) are mainly associated with the iron ore. Accessory minerals of manganese, e.g., psilomelane and pyrolusite, were also present. The Barite mineral is recorded as a common mineral association with the iron ore deposits at El Gedida and Ghorabi localities. The stratigraphical units investigated in the study area include the oldest gravely clayey sandstones of the Bahariya Formation overlain by the fossiliferous and oolitic limestones of the El-Hamra, Qazzun, and Naqb Formations. Quartztic sandstones and clayey sandstones of the Radwan Formation and youngest Quaternary sediments of sandy-clayey materials were often found as intermittent cover and overburden in unconformity surfaces over the iron ore bands.  相似文献   
Remote sensing of atmospheric water vapor using global positioning system(GPS) data has become an effective tool in meteorology,weather forecasting and climate research. This paper presents the estimation of precipitable water(PW)from GPS observations and meteorological data in Algeria,over three stations located at Algiers,Bechar and Tamanrasset.The objective of this study is to analyze the sensitivity of the GPS PW estimates for the three sites to the weighted mean temperature(T_m),obtained separately from two types of T_m–T_s regression [one general,and one developed specifically for Algeria(T_s stands for surface temperature)],and calculated directly from ERA-Interim data. The results show that the differences in T_m are of the order of 18 K,producing differences of 2.01 mm in the final evaluation of PW. A good agreement is found between GPS-PW and PW calculated from radiosondes,with a small mean difference with Vaisala radiosondes.A comparison between GPS and ERA-Interim shows a large difference(4 mm) in the highlands region. This difference is possibly due to the topography. These first results are encouraging,in particular for meteorological applications in this region,with good hope to extend our dataset analysis to a more complete,nationwide coverage over Algeria.  相似文献   
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