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In southern Hodna, an arid region of Algeria, the extension of irrigated agriculture and overexploitation of groundwaters have led to a rupture with traditional land use by pastoralism. Due to the arid conditions, groundwaters are the only water resources for man and irrigation. This study focuses on nitrate contamination of groundwaters and its increase since the last 40 years, on the basis of two archives and recent analyses. The chemical facies of waters is sulphate-chloride, the risk of salinity is moderate to large. The sodicity risk, as estimated by the SAR, is low due to the large salinity and the sandy soil texture. Nitrate contamination of deep groundwater is a clear evidence when recent data are compared to the historical data. From 1996 to 2008, the proportion of samples with NO 3 ? concentrations larger than 50 mg/L increases from 24 to 61 %, the proportion of samples with NO 3 ? concentrations larger than 100 mg/L increases from 12 to 27 %. The study points at a general contamination of aquifers from anthropic origin: phreatic water was already contaminated when pastoralism was dominant (1967); as population increased and irrigation agriculture developed with large use of N-fertilizers and organic amendments, contamination extended spatially and vertically to deep aquifer. To remediate this contamination, fertilizers should be fractionated and limited to plant requirements on the basis of soil and plant analyses. Excess of irrigation should be avoided. Soil surface should be continuously covered to prevent nitrate leaching. Secondly, more efficient irrigation techniques, such as localized irrigation, should be implemented, with adaptation of crop systems and fertilizer inputs to arid conditions. Farmers should then be trained; simultaneously, local agronomic references that are presently lacking should be acquired.  相似文献   
The potential use of fibres in a number of geotechnical engineering applications is gaining more interest in the geotechnical community. A select application consists of the improvement of soft grounds to mitigate their problematic shear strength characteristics. Extensive experimental work has been reported on the response/behaviour of fibre-reinforced clay (FRC) and was recently complemented by several strength prediction models. The effectiveness of these models has not been thoroughly evaluated yet. The objectives of this study are to (1) quantify the model uncertainty of a newly developed FRC model that is aimed exclusively at predicting the “undrained” shear strength of FRCs, (2) combine the model uncertainty with other conventional sources of uncertainty to assess the reliability levels that are inherent in the ultimate limit state design of spread footings that rest on a top FRC layer underlain by weaker natural soft clay, and (3) recommend factors of safety that would ensure a target reliability level for these footings. Results indicate that the traditional safety factor of 3 should be used with caution as it may not be sufficient to yield the desired level of reliability, particularly for smaller footings, lower applied stresses, larger scales of fluctuation, and larger target reliability indices.  相似文献   
Fossil shark teeth and coprolites from three major phosphorite occurrences in the Gafsa Basin (southwestern Tunisia) were investigated for their geochemical compositions to improve local stratigraphy and to better assess paleoenvironmental conditions. 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of shark teeth from the Early Maastrichtian El Haria Formation and from the Early Eocene Métlaoui s.s. Formation yielded Sr isotope ages of 68 ± 1 and 47.9 ± 1.3 Ma, respectively, which accord with the expected stratigraphic positions of these sediments. Conversely, shark teeth from the Paleocene–Eocene Chouabine Formation have large variation in Sr isotope ratios even within individual layers. After statistical treatment and then elimination of certain outlier samples, three age-models are proposed and discussed. The most reasonable solution includes three subsequent Sr ages of 61.8 ± 2.2 Ma, 57.2 ± 1.8 and 54.6 ± 1.6 for layer IX, layers VIII–V and layers IV–0, respectively. Three scenarios are discussed for explanation of the presence of the outliers: (1) diagenesis, (2) re-working and (3) locally controlled seawater Sr isotope ratio. The most plausible account for the higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios relative to the global ocean in some fossils is enhanced intrabasinal re-working due to low sea level. Conversely, the sample with lower 87Sr/86Sr than the global seawater may link to diagenesis or to seawater influenced by weathering of Late Cretaceous marine carbonates, which latter is supported by model calculation as well. The εNd values of these fossils are very similar to those reported for Paleogene and Late Cretaceous Tethyan seawater and are compatible with the above interpretations. The relatively low oxygen isotope values in shark teeth from the topmost phosphate bed of the Chouabine Formation, together with the Sr isotope results, point toward recovering better connections with the open sea. These δ18O data reflect elevated ambient temperature, which may link to the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum.  相似文献   
The main objective of this paper was the characterization of the reservoir (Abu Roash G dolomite) in terms of acoustic impedance from surface seismic data complemented by available well logs. To reach our target, a two-step procedure was followed: first, identification of the reservoir signatures using synthetic seismogram using Strata program in Hampson–Russell software and second, applying inversion technique to the post-stack seismic data using Strata program in Hampson–Russell software to obtain acoustic impedance profiles and maps. This procedure was applied to 12 3D seismic lines (six cross-lines, and six in-lines) from Horus field in Western Desert in Egypt after converting them from analog state to SEGY format by vectorization. Five wells had been used in this study. The outcome of this paper is an improved subsurface image of seismic data and achieving the reservoir characterization in a good way.  相似文献   
Résumé Le gisement de fer oolithique de Mecheri Abdelaziz (Famennien terminal du bassin de Tindouf), présente des caractères morphologiques et sédimentologiques qui permettent de penser que la minéralisation s'est mise en place dans des édifices deltaïques progradants.La minéralisation est complexe et comprend trois paragenèses principales; maghémite-magnétite, bavalite-hématite, bavalite-magnétite et quatre faciès types: faciès microconglomératique (FMC), faciès à oolithes dispersées dans une matrice détritique (FOD), faciès à oolithes dispersées dans une matrice non détritique (FOND) et faciès à oolithes jointives, cimentées (FOC).Les caractères des oolithes et de la mésostase montrent que les corps minéralisés résultent de l'accumulation d'oolithes, développées essentiellement par concrétionnement intrasédimentaire et ayant subi, avant le dépôt définitif, des phases alternantes d'oolithisation et de remise en suspension.Sur l'ensemble du gisement, les teneurs moyennes sont les suivantes: Fe total: 43,49%; SiO2=13,66%; P2O5=2,31%; CaO=5,35%.En ce qui concerne la source du fer, il semble que la mise en place du minerai soit liée aux importantes réserves de quartzites ferrugineux situées dans le Précambrien du socle Réguibat, dont le stock métal initial a subi des remobilisations successives.
The Mecheri Abdelaziz oolitic iron deposit (late Famennian of Tindouf Basin) shows morphological and sedimentological features of prograding deltaic sequences.The mineralization is complex and allows the recognition of 3 types of paragenesis: maghemite-magnetite, bavalite-hematite, bavalite-magnetite; and 4 types of facies: microconglomerate facies, oolites dispersed in a matrix with detritic elements, oolites dispersed in a matrix without detritic elements and oolites with cement.The comparison of oolites and matrix suggests that the orebodies are the result of oolites deposition, developed by intrasedimentary processes and before the final deposition, by alternating phases of oolitization and suspension.For the whole ore deposit, the main composition is: total Fe=43.49%; SiO2=13.66%; P2O5=2.31%; CaO=5.35%.The major portion of iron was probably provided by continental leaching of the very important iron formations of the Precambrien Reguibat shield.
Environmental stable and radioactive isotopes (δ2H, δ13C, δ18O; 3H and 14C), together with physical and geochemical data, were used in the determination of the origins of groundwater salinization and geochemical evolution processes in coastal regions. Two case studies on the Atlantic Coast are discussed, one located in the Essaouira sedimentary basin, western Morocco, and the second, in the Lower Tagus–Sado sedimentary basin, southwest Portugal. In both regions, groundwater degradation occurs by salinization increase to different concentrations and in relation to different origins. The main quality issues for the groundwater resources are related to seawater intrusion, dissolution of diapiric structures intruding the aquifer layers, brine dissolution at depth, and/or evaporation of irrigation water. Anthropogenic pollution ascribed to agricultural activities is another source for groundwater degradation, affecting mainly the shallow aquifers. The apparent 14C age of the analysed samples ranges from 2.9?±?0.3 up to 45.6?±?0.6 pmC in the Miocene groundwater samples from the basin in Portugal; at the Essaouira basin in Morocco, the 14C content varies from 60 to 86 pmC. In most of the water samples, the 3H concentration is below the detection limit. In both basins, the isotopic results together with the geochemical data provided an effective label for tracing the mineralization origin and groundwater degradation processes. Further, the isotopic signatures were used in the identification of a paleoclimate (colder period), recorded in the stable isotopic composition and corroborated with the 14C data.  相似文献   
Propagation of nonlinear dust-acoustic waves in a magnetized collisionless plasma having positively, negatively charged dust grains and nonextensive distributed electrons and ions has been investigated. A reductive perturbation method is used to obtain a nonlinear Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation describing the model. The dynamics of the modulational instability gives rise to the formation of rogue waves that is described by a nonlinear Schrödinger equation. The dependence of rogue waves profiles on positive and negative charged dust cyclotron frequencies, nonextensive parameters of electrons and ions is investigated numerically. The result of the present investigation may be applicable to some plasma environments, such as cometary tails and upper mesosphere.  相似文献   
A finite element model for pile‐driving analysis is developed and used to investigate the behaviour of pre‐bored piles, which are then driven the last 1.25 or 2.25 m to their final design depth. The study was conducted for the case of saturated clays. The model traces the penetration of the pile into the soil and accommodates for large deformations. The non‐linear behaviour of the clay in this study is predicted using the bounding‐surface‐plasticity model, as applied to isotropic cohesive soils. The details of the 3‐D numerical modelling and computational schemes are presented. A significant difference was observed in the pile displacement during driving, and in the computed soil resistance at the pile tip, particularly at the earliest driving stages. No difference in soil resistance at the soil pile interface along the pile shaft was detected between the pre‐bored piles whether driven 1.25 or 2.25 m. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We determine detailed 3-D Vp and Vs structures of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the Kyushu Island, southwest Japan, using a large number of arrival times from local earthquakes. From the obtained Vp and Vs models, we further calculate Poisson’s ratio images beneath the study area. By using this large data set, we successfully image the 3-D seismic velocity and Poisson’s ratio structures beneath Kyushu down to a depth of 150 km with a more reliable spatial resolution than previous studies. Our results show very clear low Vp and low Vs anomalies in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the northern volcanoes, such as Abu, Kujyu and Unzen. Low-velocity anomalies are seen in the mantle beneath most other volcanoes. In contrast, there are no significant low-velocity anomalies in the crust or in the upper mantle between Aso and Kirishima. The subducting Philippine Sea slab is imaged generally as a high-velocity anomaly down to a depth of 150 km with some patches of normal to low seismic wave velocities. The Poisson’s ratio is almost normal beneath most volcanoes. The crustal seismicity is distributed in both the high- and low-velocity zones, but most distinctly in the low Poisson’s ratio zone. A high Poisson’s ratio region is found in the forearc crustal wedge above the slab in the junction area with Shikoku and Honshu; this high Poisson’s ratio could be caused by fluid-filled cracks induced by dehydration from the Philippine Sea slab. The Poisson’s ratio is normal to low in the forearc mantle in middle-south Kyushu. This is consistent with the absence of low-frequency tremors, and may indicate that dehydration from the subducting crust is not vigorous in this region.  相似文献   
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