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西沙北部海域海洋环境噪声频谱特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Ambient noise is very important in the prediction system of a sonar performance, because it determines the detection ranges always in a passive sonar and usually in an active sonar. In the uncertainty issue for the so-nar performance, it is necessary to know this factor's statistical characteristics that are only obtained by data processing from the underwater ambient noise measurements. Broad-band ambient noise signals from 16 hydrophones were amplified and recorded for 2 min every 1 h. The results show that the ambient noise is essentially depth independent. The cross correlation of the ambient noise levels (1, 6 and 12 h average) with a wind speed is presented. It was found that the correlation is excellent on the upper frequency band and the noise levels correlate better with high wind speed than with low wind speed.  相似文献   
从低纬的海气耦合的浅水模式方程组出发 ,运用正交模和特殊函数的方法进一步讨论地球自转速率变化对海气耦合系统的影响 .研究表明 :地球自转速率的变化通过海气耦合一方面使大气和海洋的Kelvin波和Rossby波的移动及稳定性发生变化 ,另一方面使纬向风、洋流和海表温度发生变化 .特别是在地球自转减慢时 ,通过海气耦合 ,出现纬向风和洋流异常和大洋东部海表温度增加 ,从而导致引起全球气候异常的ElNi no现象  相似文献   
南窝铺铀矿床位于西拉木伦缝合带以南、康宝—围场—赤峰断裂带(华北北缘断裂带的一部分)以北的白乃庙加里东期岛弧带和华北古板块北缘海西期俯冲—碰撞带,属沽源—红山子铀成矿带北东段红山子—广兴铀成矿亚带的一个铀矿床,铀矿体赋存在额里图组安山岩—英安岩—流纹岩组合中.该组合中的英安岩SHRIMP锆石n(206Pb)/n(238...  相似文献   
报道的高钾-钾玄质火山岩位于狮泉河镇南东方向约20km处,向东延伸。高钾-钾玄质火山岩Si O2变化于60.35%~68.68%之间,属中酸性岩范畴;具有高的K2O+Na2O含量(8.8%~10.66%),K2O/Na2O值在1.92~2.49之间,Mg O含量较低,介于0.88%~3.47%之间,Al2O3含量为14.02%~14.91%,属于高钾-钾玄质系列。岩石强烈富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)Rb、Ba、Th、U和轻稀土元素(LREE),高场强元素(HFSE)Nb、Ta、Ti具有明显负异常,Cr、Ni、Co相容元素含量低于或接近地壳的平均含量,结合Th/Yb-Ta/Yb、(Th×100)/Zr-(Nb×100)/Zr判别图及La-La/Yb图解,暗示岩浆源区可能为下地壳。在左左乡南东约2km处和狮泉河水泥厂北东约1km处各采集1个高钾-钾玄质火山岩样品,对其中的锆石进行LA-ICP-MS U-Pb同位素测定,得到的206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值分别为22.04±0.42Ma和22.29±0.31Ma,此年龄被解释为狮泉河一带高钾-钾玄质火山岩的喷发时代,即中新世阿启塔期。由此表明,该火山岩是印度板片向北俯冲时在狮泉河一带俯冲板片断离,岩浆发生部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   
The Biluo Co and Amdo 114 station, northern Tibet, cropping out the Early Toarcian and Middle-Late Tithonian (Jurassic) organic-rich black shales, have been a focus to petroleum geologists in discussing their oil-producing potential. This paper first reports the trace elements and rare earth elements to discuss the paleoenvironments, redox conditions and sedimentary mechanisms of those black shales. Both sections exhibit variation in trace element abundances with concentrations <0.1 ppm to 760 ppm, mostly enriched in V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Ba and U. Element ratios of Ni/Co, V/Cr, U/Th and V/(V+Ni) plus U were used to identify redox conditions. The shale-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns are characterized by the flat-shale type with instable Ce anomalies and very weekly positive Eu anomalies. Positive Ceanom values are significant with values varying between –0.064 and 0.029 in Biluo Co, which may be interpreted as release of REE and input of riverine terrestrial matter with rich Ce (resulting in pH change) during the anoxic conditions. In the middle parts of Amdo 114 station, distinct negative Ceanom values are observed (?0.238 to ?0.111) and associated surface water warming were interpreted as being related to a major sea level rise. In contrast, the formation of the black shales in the lower and upper part of the studied succession took place during a cooler (Ceanom values >–0.10), lower surface water productivity, and lower sea-level stage. Thus, we emphasize the role of different factors that control the formation of local and regional black shales. The most important factors are sea-level fluctuations and increasing productivity.  相似文献   
气候变暖背景下干旱区水文、水资源的变化仍是影响区域水资源利用和洪水灾害防治的关键科学问题。基于1957—2019年长序列的水文、气象资料,系统分析了昆仑山北麓车尔臣河流域的水文变化特征及其对气候变化的响应。总体上,车尔臣河流域的水文过程的显著变化发生在1990s末期,变化前后年径流量约增加了54.67%,所有季节径流的增加共同造成了年径流的增加,其中夏季径流的增加对年径流增加的贡献最大,其次依次为秋季、春季和冬季。降水增加(第一控制因素)和气温升高(第二控制因素)共同造成了车尔臣河流域水文过程的变化。具体到径流年内变化,降水是春夏季径流变化的主控因素,而秋冬季径流变化的主控因素是气温。径流增加为中下游提供更多水资源的同时,也导致年际间水文洪涝和干旱事件发生的频率增加、强度增强。冰冻圈在该地区水文循环中起着重要的作用,但其对水文过程的影响仍不明确,加强阿尔金高山区的冰川、多年冻土监测将为进一步预估水文对气候变化的响应提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   
315国道依吞布拉克—若羌段水毁灾害问题十分突出,为配合公路改建工程的勘察计,通过对水毁路段野外勘测,在获取沿线主要河流的历史洪水信息基础上,分3种方案分析计算了既定控制节点历史洪水洪峰流量,并确定了历史洪水重现期。在此基础上,采用多种方法计算了控制节点设计洪峰流量和设计洪水位,经分析论证后推荐选用其合理的计算成果作为公路设计的基础依据。本次研究所提出的小汇水区设计洪水计算技术路线和方法为公路、铁路、水利等部门开展类似流域设计洪水分析计算提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
清水河水文特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据清水河克尔古提水文站实测资料及河流所处的地理位置,分析了该河的降水、蒸发、径流、泥沙、冰情、洪枯水及水质等水文特性,为进一步了解洪水特性和发生发展规律,合理开发利用水资源,为下游工农业生产服务提供了依据。  相似文献   
海洋温度场具有强烈的时空易变性,带有典型的混沌特征,研究其稳定性对改善温度场可预报性具有重要意义。以混沌理论为支撑,改进最大Lyapunov指数算法,基于POM数值模式预报的温度时序为试验样本,研究了东中国海范围内的海洋温度场混沌稳定性分区和特征,并在此基础上针对混沌强弱区做添加观测试验,研究了基于稳定性分区的温度场可预报性。仿真结果表明,在混沌强烈区添加观测相比较弱区对改进预报效果更显著,对混沌强烈区添加观测整体上可以降低预报温度均方根误差0.2~0.7℃左右,证实了在该区域加强观测能在一定程度上改善温度场的可预报性。  相似文献   
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