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甘肃省舟曲8.7特大泥石流调查研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文通过对甘肃省舟曲县城后山三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟特大泥石流灾害的现场调查,从泥石流形成的地形、地质和降雨条件入手,分析了特大泥石流灾害的特征与成因:三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟泥石流形成区在2010年8月7日23~24时的1h降雨量达77.3mm,暴雨形成强大洪水依次冲毁两条沟内的天然堆石坝和人工拦挡坝,形成规模巨大的高容重黏性泥石流,泥石流冲出总量和泥沙总量分别为 144.2104m3和97.7104m3; 泥石流携带具有强大冲击力的巨石冲毁房屋5500余间; 在白龙江内形成长约550m,宽约70m,高约10m的堰塞坝并形成堰塞湖,堰塞湖回水长3km,使县城一半被淹; 泥石流造成1744人死亡和失踪。分析研究表明,三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟泥石流如果在近期遭遇强降雨还会暴发泥石流,但规模比87特大泥石流小;如果强降雨发生在数年后,暴发的泥石流规模比87特大泥石流略小;在20a或更长的时期内,没有发生新的地震影响下,在三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟经历一次大规模泥石流暴发后,泥石流的规模将回到汶川地震前的水平。  相似文献   
堆载下单桩负摩阻力工作性状非线性数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用三维非线性数值方法对一算例在堆载作用下桩侧负摩阻力进行了计算分析。计算结果揭示了摩擦型、端承型桩负摩阻力工作性状的异同;分析了堆载速度、桩顶荷载对负摩阻力的影响:堆载越快,负摩阻力越小;在无桩顶荷载作用下,由负摩阻力引起的下拉荷载最大,可视为常规方法设计的上限值;桩顶荷载与堆载施工顺序对负摩阻力的影响也很大,先施加桩顶荷载,后进行堆载所产生的负摩阻力最大,反之最小。  相似文献   
In this article, an approach for the efficient numerical solution of multi-species reactive transport problems in porous media is described. The objective of this approach is to reformulate the given system of partial and ordinary differential equations (PDEs, ODEs) and algebraic equations (AEs), describing local equilibrium, in such a way that the couplings and nonlinearities are concentrated in a rather small number of equations, leading to the decoupling of some linear partial differential equations from the nonlinear system. Thus, the system is handled in the spirit of a global implicit approach (one step method) avoiding operator splitting techniques, solved by Newton’s method as the basic algorithmic ingredient. The reduction of the problem size helps to limit the large computational costs of numerical simulations of such problems. If the model contains equilibrium precipitation-dissolution reactions of minerals, then these are considered as complementarity conditions and rewritten as semismooth equations, and the whole nonlinear system is solved by the semismooth Newton method.  相似文献   
A detailed integrated stratigraphic study (biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy) was carried out on five sections from the western part of the Bavarian Upper Freshwater Molasse of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (NAFB), greatly improving the chronostratigraphy of these sediments. The sections belong to the lithostratigraphic units Limnische Untere Serie (UL) and Fluviatile Untere Serie (UF) and contain 19 (mostly new) small-mammal bearing levels, significantly refining the local biostratigraphy. Radiometric ages obtained from glass shards from tuff horizons are used together with the biostratigraphic information for constructing and confirming the magnetostratigraphic correlation of the studied sections to the Astronomical Tuned Time Scale (ANTS04; Lourens et al. in Geologic Time Scale 2004, Cambridge University Press, 2004). This correlation implies that the UL lithostratigraphic unit corresponds to the latest Ottnangian and the Early Karpatian, whereas the UF corresponds to the Karpatian and the Early Badenian. This indicates that the Brackish- to Freshwater Molasse transition already occurred during the late Ottnangian. The pre-Riesian hiatus occurred in the latest Karpatian and lower Early Badenian in Eastern Bavaria and Bohemia and in the Late Karpatian and earliest Badenian in Western Bavaria. The geochemical and Ar–Ar data of volcanic ashes suggest that highly evolved silicic magmas from a single volcano or volcanic center, characterized by a uniform Nd isotopic composition, erupted repetitively over the course of at least 1.6 Myr. Three phases of eruptive activity were identified at 16.1 ± 0.2 Ma (Zahling-2), 15.6 ± 0.4 Ma (Krumbad), and 14.5 ± 0.2 Ma (Heilsberg, Hegau). The correlation of the local biostratigraphic zonation to the ANTS04 enables further the characterization of both the Ottnangian–Karpatian and Karpatian–Badenian boundaries in the NAFB by small-mammal biostratigraphy. According to these results the Ottnangian–Karpatian boundary is contemporaneous with the first appearance datum of Megacricetodon bavaricus (in the size of the type population) and the first common occurrence of Keramidomys thaleri, whereas Ligerimys florancei, Melissiodon dominans and Prodeinotherium aff. bavaricum have been already disappeared during the late Ottnangian. The Karpatian–Badenian boundary is characterized by a significant size increase of the large Megacricetodon lineage and possibly a (re-)immigration of Prodeinotherium bavaricum.  相似文献   
The state of knowledge and resources available to issue alerts of precipitation-induced landslides vary across the USA. Federal and state agencies currently issue warnings of the potential for shallow, rapidly moving landslides and debris flows in a few areas along the Pacific coast and for areas affected by Atlantic hurricanes. However, these agencies generally lack resources needed to provide continuous support or to expand services to other areas. Precipitation thresholds that form the basis of landslide warning systems now exist for a few areas of the USA, but the threshold rainfall amounts and durations vary over three orders of magnitude nationwide and over an order of magnitude across small geographic areas such as a county. Antecedent moisture conditions also have a significant effect, particularly in areas that have distinct wet and dry seasons. Early warnings of shallow landslides that include specific information about affected areas, probability of landslide occurrence, and expected timing are technically feasible as illustrated by a case study from the Seattle, WA area. The four-level warning scheme (Null, Outlook, Watch, Warning) defined for Seattle is based on observed or predicted exceedance of a cumulative precipitation threshold and a rainfall intensity–duration threshold combined with real-time monitoring of soil moisture. Based on analysis of historical data, threshold performance varies according to precipitation characteristics, and threshold exceedance corresponds to a given probability of landslide occurrence. Experience in Seattle during December 2004 and January 2005 illustrates some of the challenges of providing landslide early warning on the USA West Coast.  相似文献   
金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)是近岸海域海水中的主要病原菌,严重威胁接触者的安全。抗生素处理是治疗金黄色葡萄球菌感染的重要手段,其耐药性的发生受到了高度重视。采用全基因组重测序与KEGG富集分析结合的方法,对红霉素(erythromycin)、氯霉素(chloramphenicol)和万古霉素(vancomycin)处理后的耐盐金黄色葡萄球菌(S.aureus ZS01)和不耐盐金黄色葡萄球菌(S.aureus 502A)进行耐药机制研究。结果表明,S.aureus 502A经抗生素处理后发生突变的程度大于S.aureus ZS01,二者在经过氯霉素处理发生了更大程度的突变。红霉素、氯霉素和万古霉素处理主要影响了金黄色葡萄球菌的致病能力;红霉素和氯霉素可能通过影响金黄色葡萄球菌脂类的代谢引起其耐药性的变化。除此之外,三种抗生素处理均出现了较多TIGR01741家族蛋白和假设蛋白基因的突变,推测与菌株的耐药性和致病性相关。耐盐金黄色葡萄球菌可通过外排系统作用产生红霉素耐药性,不耐盐菌株因细胞壁成分相关基因的突变提高了对万古霉素的耐受性。研究结果可为耐盐和不耐盐金黄色葡萄球菌的耐药机制及抗生素对金黄色葡萄球菌致病性影响的研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   
以自然种群高程分布为根据, 选择对潮汐浸泡耐性存在一定差异的白骨壤(Avicennia marina)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)和木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)为实验树种。对3种红树幼苗进行为期0d、1d、3d、5d、7d、14d的水淹处理, 测定其根部组织的过氧化物酶(peroxidase, POD)活性、超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase, SOD)活性、抗坏血酸氧化酶(ascorbic acid oxidase, APX)活性和过氧化氢酶(catalase, CAT)活性。水淹处理会导致植物根部组织受低氧胁迫从而破坏活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)生产和消除的平衡, ROS大量累积给植物带来氧化损伤。实验测定与清除ROS有关的酶指标, 结果表明POD活性在1d至14d的水淹周期内随时间呈现上升趋势, 这可能与POD参与活性氧以及乙醇、乳酸等有毒物质的反应有关。CAT、SOD、APX活性均呈现应激上升后下降趋势, 由此推断该系列抗氧化酶在水淹胁迫发生前中期对消除红树植物根部组织大量产生的活性氧具有重要意义。抗氧化酶系在3种红树植物中的表达存在一定差异, 但整体仍呈相似的变化趋势。通过层次聚类法对各项酶活性指标分析后发现, 白骨壤抗氧化酶系的活性模式与木榄和桐花树的存在一定差异, 但没有发现木榄与桐花树抗氧化酶系统表达模式的明显差异。本研究旨在更好地了解红树林对水淹胁迫的生理适应机制, 为红树林生态系统保护与管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Runoff series of the Yangtze River presents an intricate variation tendency under the reinforced influence of human activities.The Morlet Wavelet Transform method has been applied to analyze the annual runoff data from 1950 to 2011 at the Yangtze River Estuary.It can clearly reveal the multi-time scales structure,break point,change and distribution of periodic variation in the different time scales of the runoff series.The main conclusions are that:1) Repeated periodic oscillations accompanied by an extremely large fluctuation are presented in the runoff series with an obvious difference between wet and dry years,and the major periods of the time series are about 3,8,16 and 23 years respectively.Among them,the presented maximum periodic oscillation is 23 years scale.2) In the 23-year time scale,the wet periods are 1950-1958,1969-1980 and 1992-2003,and the dry periods are 1959-1968,1981-1991 and 2004-2011.3) It can be predicted from the view of long time scales that the low annual runoff will likely occur in the near future.  相似文献   
内蒙古金厂沟梁金矿床成矿流体特征及稳定同位素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对金厂沟梁金矿床含金石英脉中流体包裹体进行了岩相学、显微测温、单个包裹体的激光拉曼测试以及O和S同位素组成等方面研究。结果表明,成矿流体气相成分主要为H2 O,属H2 O-NaCl体系,包裹体均一温度为148.7℃~352℃,盐度[ w ( NaCl )/%]为1.05%~5.99%。δ18 O值为-1.1‰~3.0‰,说明成矿流体继承了变质流体的特征,仍以岩浆水和后期大气降水为主;δ34 SV-CDT组成为0.6‰~4.3‰,平均值0.817‰,极差为3.1‰,表明成矿流体中的硫主要来自于幔源,其次为围岩。综合分析认为,金厂沟梁金矿床是在燕山晚期太平洋板块俯冲导致岩石圈的快速减薄、拆沉的拉张环境下形成的浅成造山型金矿。  相似文献   
闽江流域水体氨氮降解系数实验模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究采用模拟实验对闽江流域氨氮的降解规律进行研究,降解系数采用稳态一维降解模型进行分析计算,闽江上游流域氨氮的平均降解系数为0.140~0.260 d-1,中下游流域氨氮的平均降解系数为0.099~0.203 d-1。结果表明,闽江上游流域氨氮自净能力比中下游流域的自净能力好,古田溪断面的氨氮平均降解系数低于全国的平均值,说明氨氮自净能力相对较弱,本研究为确定流域水环境容量和纳污能力及制定污染物总量控制提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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