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Twenty-three surface sediment samples were collected from Jiaojiang Estuary, East China Sea in order to assess the distribution, possible sources, and potential risk of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the environment. Total concentrations of PCBs ranged from 4.93 to 108.79 ng g(-1) dry weight for all sampling stations, with a substantial higher concentration in the inner part of the estuary than the outer part of the estuary. PCB patterns in sediments from sites 1-8 were extremely dominated by tetra-PCBs, which probably due to the discharge of local industrial plants but not the expected input from the nearby e-waste recycling areas. Principal component analysis revealed that the sources of PCBs for sites 9-23 were associated with Aroclor 1248 or Aroclor 1221. However, physical migration and bio-degradation may also play a role on PCB distribution. Hazard assessment of PCBs indicated possible toxic potential, particularly in areas close to point sources.  相似文献   
伪谱和高阶有限差分混合方法, 在垂直方向采用交错网格有限差分算子, 利用其并行程度高的特点, 在水平方向采用伪谱算子, 保留其高精度的优势, 是计算地震波场的有效方法. 图形处理器(graphic processing unit, 简写为GPU) 由于其高度并行性, 在计算此类问题中有显著的优势. 由英伟达(NVIDIA)公司推出的统一计算设备架构(compute unified device architecture, 简写为CUDA)平台极大地简化了GPU编程的难度. 为提高计算效率, 本文实现了基于CUDA 平台的混合方法二维地震波场模拟. 然后基于二维均匀介质模型将CPU与GPU版本的运行时间进行对比. 实际测试结果表明, 基于CUDA 的并行模拟方法在保证计算精度的同时显著地提高了计算速度, 为开展大规模非均匀地球介质地震波传播数值模拟提供了一种可选的方法.   相似文献   
The sublethal effects of stormwater runoff from sections of a plum orchard treated with esfenvalerate or diazinon were evaluated in 7-day-old Sacramento splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) larvae. Fish were exposed to eight runoff samples using the USEPA standard static renewal method for 96 h acute toxicity testing, then transferred to clean water for three-month to assess the survival, growth, histopathological abnormalities, and heat stress proteins (hsp). No significant mortality was observed at 96 h in exposed fish. At one week, histopathological abnormalities included severe glycogen depletion, cytoplasmic protein droplets, vacuolar degeneration, and cell necroses in liver of all exposure groups. Pyknotic nerve cells were seen in brain of one exposure group. Significantly higher cumulative mortality, lower condition factor, and elevated hsp60 and hsp70 levels (p < 0.05) were occurred in several exposure groups. No histopathological abnormalities were observed after three months in any exposure group. This study confirms that standard acute toxicity tests have underestimated the toxicity of stormwater runoff, and although splittail larvae survived the 96 h exposure, they exhibited reduced survival and growth and showed signs of cellular stress even after a three month recovery period.  相似文献   
“洞察”号任务是火星探测历史上一次巨大的飞跃.本文从介绍“洞察”号的科学目标和火星表面地震观测实验出发,展示“洞察”号地震数据中的发现.受益于“维京”2号的火星探测经验,“洞察”号首次成功监测到了火星震信号,并由此得到了火星壳结构的衰减特征.火星的地震数据中检测到了由气压引起的地表形变和HP3打孔信号,并用于约束登陆点附近表面土层的物理性质和地下结构的反演.此外,使用在2.4 Hz处出现的结构响应能够辨别自然响应和登陆器自振等机械振动.火星的地震数据中也检测出了Glitch和Donk等噪声信号,我们总结了其特征和形成原因.“洞察”号对火星壳的探测比较成功,但是由于缺乏大震级的火星震和陨石撞击事件的记录,对火星深部的了解依然比较有限.  相似文献   
Augu.  SS 《地学前缘》1995,2(1):26-28
含金石英电气石脉及其中石英的应变均受控于应变椭球体的无畸变面(non-distor-tionplane);石灰岩中的缝合线构造与桂林的中生代石灰岩喀斯特地形的形成受控于“溶解度前锋”(solutionfronts)。笔者强调,这些微观、显现与宏观尺度现象的相似性和再现性在构造上是一种普遍现象,值得注意分析。  相似文献   
Roach, goby and sturgeon were examined for cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) expression and histopathology, in relation to contaminant burdens in fish and sediment. Gradients of induction of CYP1A were observed. Roach from the Ural and Ily River Deltas and roach and goby from the two stations nearest the Caspian Sea oil fields displayed higher levels of CYP1A expression in several organs than was observed in fish from further offshore. Great sturgeon and Russian sturgeon showed higher levels of CYP1A expression than was seen in starred sturgeon and gobies in the Ural delta. No fish showed evidence of contaminant-related histopathologies in the organs examined, despite the elevated CYP1A levels. Low levels of polychlorinated biphenyls and elevated levels of inshore and riverine petroleum hydrocarbons from these habitats suggest that this ongoing hydrocarbon exposure, and that from natural sources and long-term oil exploration on the Northeastern Caspian shore, contributed to the CYP1A induction observed.  相似文献   
The Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment (MAIA-Estuaries) evaluated ecological conditions in US Mid-Atlantic estuaries during the summers of 1997 and 1998. Over 800 probability-based stations were monitored in four main estuarine systems--Chesapeake Bay, the Delaware Estuary, Maryland and Virginian coastal bays, and the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System. Twelve smaller estuaries within the four main systems were also assessed to establish variance at the local scale. A subset of the MAIA-Estuaries data is used here to estimate the extent of eutrophication, sediment contamination, and benthic degradation in mid-Atlantic estuaries. An Environmental Report Card and Index of Environmental Integrity summarize conditions in individual estuaries, the four estuarine systems, and the entire MAIA region. Roughly 20-50% of the region showed signs of eutrophication (high nutrients, excessive production of organic matter, poor water clarity, or depleted dissolved oxygen), 30% had contaminated sediments, and 37% had degraded benthic communities. Compared with the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP)-Virginian Province study in 1990-1993, larger fractions of Chesapeake Bay (17%) and Delaware River (32%) had increased metals or organics in sediments.  相似文献   
青藏高原东部的Pn波层析成像研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用INDEPTH/ASCENT台阵和其它布设在青藏高原的流动宽频带地震仪数据,反演了青藏高原东部和周边区域的上地幔顶层Pn波速度以及台站延迟.研究区域的平均Pn波速度是8.1 km/s,略高于中国大陆的平均Pn波速度.低速区主要分布在羌塘地块的西部和松潘-甘孜地块,高温异常的岩石圈上地幔很可能是导致这一低速区的原因.班公-怒江缝合带东端区域的Pn波速度达到8.35 km/s,这一高速区可能与向北俯冲的印度板块(东端)有关.另一Pn波高速区分布在祁连山和昆仑山之间,主要由柴达木盆地和共和盆地及其周边地区,两个并不完全连续的高速异常区组成,它可能对应于特提斯洋闭合时北部增生的克拉通地体;在后来的欧亚板块与印度板块的碰撞中,这一地体有可能阻挡了青藏高原向北的生长.相对密集的台站提供了高分辨率的速度结构横向分布和地壳厚度变化.台站延迟显示青藏高原北部和东部的地壳存在显著的减薄--松潘-甘孜地块东北缘的地壳厚度仅为约50 km,而羌塘地块东部唐古拉山地壳最厚,达到75 km,这可能是由于印度-欧亚板块碰撞引起的羌塘地块内部变形增厚所致.  相似文献   
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