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The Tamayo transform fault occurs at the north end of the East Pacific Rise where it enters the Gulf of California. The two deep-tow surveys reported here show that the transform fault zone changes significantly as a function of distance from the spreading center intersections. At site 1, near the intersection, one side of the fault is young and the fault zone is narrow and well-defined. Strike slip occurs in a zone approximately 1-km wide suggesting a correspondingly narrow zone of decoupling between the Pacific and North American plates. On the young side of the strike-slip zone, normal faults occur along shear zones which are 45°–50° oblique to the transform strike. They occur parallel to the short axis of the strain ellipse for transform fault strain here, i.e., perpendicular to the least compressive stress. The transform walls are formed by normal faulting as has been pointed out in previous detailed surveys. Here, however, the age contrast of 2.5 m.y. across the transform valley is apparent in the morphology of the normal fault scarps. While the scarps are steep and well-defined on the young side, the scarps on the older side have gradual 10°–30° slopes and appear to be primarily talus ramps. Apparently, the scarps have been tectonically eroded by continued strike slip activity after the initial stages of normal faulting. Thus, transform valleys should be quite asymmetric in cross-section where there is a significant age contrast and one side is less than approximately 0.5 m.y. old. Also, along older sections of the transform valley walls, normal faulting may not be at all obvious due to degradation of the scarps by tectonic erosion. This phenomenon makes the likelihood of transform faults providing windows into the oceanic crust most unlikely except in special cases.The picture of transform deformation is more complex at site 2 in the central portion of the fault where both sides of the fault are greater than 1 m.y. old. Here the transform valley is wider (25–30 km as opposed to 2–5 km). There is no clear simple zone of strike slip tectonics. In fact, the only clear evidence for deformation is the intrusion of magmatic or serpentinite diapirs through the sediments of the transform valley floor. The diapirs have deformed the turbidite layers flooring the valley and in one carefully studied case the turbidite sequence has been uplifted, perched atop the diapir. The pattern of deformation on this outcropping diapir shows radial and concentric fractures which can be modeled by a vertical intrusion circular in plan view. Magnetic studies limit the possible composition to basalt or serpentinite. A 60-km-long median ridge is also likely to be the product of intrusion along the transform fault. The survey at site 2 pointed out the importance of vertical tectonics in the transform valley floor and in particular the importance of diapiric intrusions of either basaltic or serpentinite composition.Based on initial boundary conditions and present tectonic elements in the Tamayo fault zone, a possible history of the mouth of the Gulf of California is outlined. The median ridge was emplaced starting approximately 0.8 m.y. ago by regional extension across the transform fault, the result of leaky transform faulting. The diapirs occur along a possible relay zone of extension midway along the fault which began approximately 0.15 m.y. ago. The extension in this case is parallel to the trend of the transform fault, is still occurring at present, and may evolve into a true spreading center.Contribution of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, new series.  相似文献   
Data on bottom-water potential temperature, turbidity and current indications show that in the Southern Ocean west of the Kerguelen Plateau, Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) of Weddell Sea origin spreads northwards from the Atlantic—Indian Basin in two directions: (1) AABW enters the Agulhas Basin through relatively deep areas in the Mid-Indian Ridge at 20–25°E and possibly at 35°E, and flows northwards into the Mozambique Basin as far as its northern limits; (2) a more easterly spreading path extends from the Atlantic—Indian Basin through the Crozet into the Madagascar, Mascarene, Somali and Arabian Basins. The passage in the western branch of the Indian Ridge for the AABW spreading from the Crozet into the Madagascar Basin appears to be at 29-26°S and 60–64°E.East of the Kerguelen Plateau in the South Indian Basin, the bottom water formed mainly along the Adélie Coast and Ross Sea travels west towards the Kerguelen Plateau and then parallel to it. This water finally flows eastwards hugging the Southeast Indian Ridge. Significant deviations from this general circulation pattern occur due to local topographic effects. Some AABW in the South Indian Basin exits through a passage at 120–125°E in the region of the Australian—Antarctic discordance in the Southeast Indian Ridge and enters the South Australian Basin and subsequently the Wharton Basin. This passage is clearly indicated by the northward extension of a cold, bottom-water tongue as shown by the temperature distribution in the region; the bottom-water effects in the passage are reflected in the high turbidity and current lineations on the sea floor.In the Southern Ocean basins, bottom-water turbidity is generally high, reflecting in part the strong bottom-water activity. The effects of AABW circulation on the sea floor—in the form of well-developed small- or large-scale current ripples and erosional/depositional features, manganese-nodule formations, and unconformities and reworking of sediments observed in cores — are also marked in these basins. Even though the AABW in the Wharton Basin is cold, its spreading effects on the sea floor are minimal in this basin in contrast to the basins west of the Mid-Indian Ridge at comparable latitudes.  相似文献   
The measurement of enzymic activity in plankton communities is useful in the study of marine ecosystems. Such measurements can lead to a clearer understanding of the biological transformations in plankton communities at a particular time. However, the assays are somewhat time-consuming. To facilitate analysis of large numbers of samples, we have developed a method of quick-freezing of whole cells and of cell-free extracts of the diatom, Skeletonema costatum, followed by storage at ?60°C for up to one week. No loss in either the electron transport system (ETS) or the glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity occurs. Similar conditions of storage can be used for the preservation of ETS activity in the marine copepod Calanus pacificus. Also, no measurable loss in either the GDH or the ETS activity is detectable after the quick-frozen whole cells of S. costatum have been kept frozen for over a year.  相似文献   
Manifestations of fluids and deformations in the sedimentary cover, which are both factors of brightening (blanking anomalies) in seismoacoustic records, in the equatorial segment of the Atlantic coincide with the sublatitudinal zones of the activated passive parts of transform faults and with zones of lower gravity anomalies and higher values of remnant magnetization, which form as a result of serpentinization. The cause-and-effect sequence of intraplate phenomena includes: the contrasting geodynamic state → horizontal movements that form macrofractures → water supply to the upper mantle → serpentinization of rocks in the upper mantle → deformations associated with vertical uplift of basement and sedimentary cover blocks, coupled with fluid generation → and fluid accumulation in the sedimentary cover, accompanied by the formation of anomalies in seismoacoustic records. Based on the seismic data, we have identified imbricate-thrust deformations, diapir structures, stamp folds, and positive and negative flower structures, indicating the presence of strike-slip faults in the passive parts of transform faults. The general spatial distribution of deformation structures shows their concentration in cold mantle zones. Correlative comparison of the structural characteristics of deformations shows the direct relationship between the heights of structures and the development of serpentinization processes. As per the age of the basement, deformations range from 27–38 to 43–53 Ma; a quite thick sedimentary cover makes it possible to reveal them based on the characteristic types of seismoacoustic records. The formation of the Antilles arc ca. 10 Ma ago affected the equatorial segment of the Atlantic; it formed kink bands where lithospheric blocks underwent displacements with counterclockwise rotations, deformations related to compression and vertical uplift of crustal fragments, and local extension that favored degassing of endogenous fluids. Sublatitudinally oriented imbricate-thrust deformations with different vergences indicate irregularity and alternating strike-slip directions as blocks between fractures were laterally influenced.  相似文献   
The dynamics of the Pc5 and Pi1 pulsation characteristics and relativistic electron fluxes at geostationary orbit were comparatively analyzed for three nine-day intervals, including quiet periods and periods of geomagnetic storms. It was shown that relativistic electron fluxes increase considerably when the power of global Pc5 pulsations and the index of midlatitude irregular Pi1 pulsations increase simultaneously. The correlation between the characteristics of Pi1 and Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations and the level of the relativistic electron flux at geostationary orbit during the magnetic storm recovery phase were studied. It was shown that the correlation coefficient of the relativistic electron maximal fluxes during the magnetic storm recovery phase with the parameter of midlatitude Pi1 pulsations is slightly higher than such a correlation coefficient with the solar wind velocity.  相似文献   
The Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) has proven efficient in predicting the toxicity of a variety of metals to freshwater organisms. Consequently, the US EPA has proposed its use for calculating freshwater copper criteria. This study evaluates the BLM for use in estuarine and marine waters. Studies were conducted using the bivalve, Mytilus sp. and 48-h embryo-larval development chronic estimator test methods. These are the most sensitive taxa and test in the US EPA saltwater copper criteria database. Samples from five locations around the USA were tested. There is a strong relationship between measured and BLM predicted copper EC50s (log transformed data, r2 = 0.76, p < 0.001, n = 44). The BLM predicted within a factor ±2 of measured EC50s in 41 of 44 cases. However, the BLM tends to predict lower EC50s when measured EC50s are approximately 10 μg Cu/L. This may be due to limitations of the metal-dissolved organic matter interaction model.  相似文献   
Selenium (Se) is essential in the human diet, but has a low threshold for toxic concentration. It is recommended that nutrients such as Se should be consumed through foods as part of a normal diet. Se concentrations in crops and meat depend on the amount of labile Se in the soil where crops and forage are grown. Therefore, managing agriculture for optimal Se in grain crops and forage requires an understanding of the distribution and mobility of Se. Elevated concentrations of Se occur in waters, soils, and forage 120 km west of Pierre in west central South Dakota, USA. The research site lies in an elevated, dissected plain where soils developed on gently dipping Pierre Shale. Soils were sampled along catena transects and waters collected from soil, ponds, and shallow borings in areas of known elevated forage and crop Se. Soil extracts from saturated-paste extraction and acid (aqua regia and hydrofluoric acid) extraction were analyzed. Selenate was the dominant Se species in both acid and saturated-paste extracts; selenite and organic Se were below detection (<0.2 ppb) in the same soil extracts. On average, 98% of soil Se was not water-soluble. The distribution of total Se shows much less spatial variation than water-soluble Se in the areas sampled. Se shows correlation with organic carbon in soils and waters, suggesting its association with organic carbon. Ca shows some correlation to Se in acid extracts, but not in saturated-paste extracts or in waters. Total Se shows no significant correlation to Na, Mg, and total S in the soils. Se in saturated-paste extracts and water samples shows good correlations with Na, Mg, and SO4, suggesting that evaporitic Na–Mg–sulfate minerals may temporarily concentrate water-soluble Se in shallow soils. The dissolution and precipitation of these Na–Mg–sulfate salts together with pH and oxidation–reduction conditions apparently control water-soluble Se distribution and mobilization in shallow subsurface environments.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal distribution of near-shore fresh submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) was characterised from the coastal aquifers of the Willunga Basin, South Australia, an extensive aquifer system that supports an important viticultural region. Measurements of electrical conductivity (EC) and 222Rn (radon) activity were collected at 19 sites along the coastline during the Southern Hemisphere spring (2011) and summer (2013). At each site, samples were collected from the surf zone as well asporewater from beach sediment in the intertidal zone. Surf-zone radon activity ranged from <5 to 70mBq L–1, and intertidal porewater radon ranged over two orders of magnitude (220–36 940 mBq L–1) along the Willunga Basin coastline during both surveys. Overall, surf-zone and porewater EC was lower in the spring 2011 survey than in the summer 2013 survey. Porewater EC was similar to that of coastal water at most sites along the coastline, except at three sites where porewater EC was found to be lower than coastal water during both surveys, and three sites where evaporated seawater was observed in the summer survey. Based on the patterns in radon and EC along the coastline, two sites of localised fresh SGD were identified, in addition to a groundwater spring that is known to discharge to the coast. The results indicate that near-shore fresh SGD occurs as localised seeps rather than diffuse seepage along the entire coastline. The apparent absence of groundwater discharge at most locations is also consistent with current evidence suggesting that extensive groundwater pumping within the basin has resulted in seawater intrusion across much of the coastline. These observations also suggest that previous studies are likely to have over-estimated SGD rates from the Willunga Basin because they assumed that SGD occurred along the entire coastline.  相似文献   
Lateritic soils near Calicut, Kerala, contain halloysite of intermediate hydration, kaolinite, goethite, gibbsite and quartz. The presence of halloysite is responsible for relatively high plasticity and cation-exchange capacity. Fe-hydroxide colloids along with halloysite contribute to significant phosphate uptake by this soil. Composition of local groundwater is consistent with weathering of sodic plagioclase to gibbsite, kaolinite and metastable halloysite.  相似文献   
A variety of methods devised in the last twelve years for measuring two-dimensional strain ratios have been applied to the same deformed oolitic limestone from southwest Dyfed. Their relative merits are discussed. A graphical method for studying relative locations of marker objects is described and its application to a variety of rocks illustrated. It is shown to have theoretical and practical advantages, while giving values of two-dimensional strain ratios comparable with those of other methods.  相似文献   
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