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Modern digital ionosonde measurements at low–middle latitude station, New Delhi, India, are used to assess the IRI-2007 model for the bottomside profile shape parameters B0 and B1 during solar minimum. Comparative analysis shows that in general, the IRI (B0 Table) option reveals better agreement with the B0 observations during daytime in all the seasons, while outside this time period, the IRI (Gulyaeva) predicted B0 values are closer to the observations. For B1 parameter, both the options in the IRI reproduce similar diurnal variations in all the seasons and are closer to observed values except during pre-sunrise and post-sunset hours.  相似文献   
Results of measurements carried out in the Caspian Sea in 1975 and 1976 have been used to study the thickness of the molecular temperature boundary layer and the difference of temperature in this layer as functions of hydrometeorological parameters. This thickness of the molecular temperature boundary layer was found to be dependent on both the friction velocity and wave phase. The same is also true for the temperature difference. On the other hand, it was not possible to observe a definite dependence upon the roughness of the surface of the sea and the stability.  相似文献   
The paper presents the results of analytical and numerical model calculations of elastic surface displacements caused by earthquakes and the processes of earthquake nucleation. The analytical calculations are focused on the model of a homogeneous elastic space; the numerical calculations also cover models of radially inhomogeneous distributions of elastic moduli in the crust and upper mantle described by the PREM model.  相似文献   
An experimental study of the scavenging of dichloromethane vapor by water drops falling at terminal velocity, has been carried out in the UCLA precipitation shaft, in order to test the predictions of theoretical washout models. Whereas good agreement between theory and experiment was found for drops of radius 0.332 mm, computed gas uptake rates for 1.253 and 2.21 mm radius drops were much slower than those measured, just as reported previously for the washout of both sulfur dioxide and acetaldehyde. An analysis shows that theory can be reconciled with all of the experimental data by replacing the compound specific aqueous phase Fickian molecular diffusion coefficient used in the theory, by an effective diffusivity, having a constant value, (3×10-4 cm2 s-1), independent of the physical and chemical nature of the absorbed species, for all drops of equivalent radii greater than 0.9 mm.  相似文献   
Natural disasters like floods, tornadoes, tropicalcyclones, heat and cold wavewreak havoc and cause tremendous loss ofproperty all over the world. Most ofthe natural disasters are either dueto weather or are triggered due toweather related processes.Extreme weather events claimed thousands oflives and caused damage on vastscale. Recent super cyclone which affectedOrissa in 1999, Bangladesh cyclone of1970 and Hurricane Andrew in 1992 areexamples of some of the more damagingtropical cyclones which affected developingas well as the developed world. Heatand cold waves are also extreme events,which cause enormous losses in terms oflives lost and human discomfort and ailmentsarising out of them. The heat waveof 1995 and 1998 are still fresh in the mindof the Indian public. The estimated lossof human lives due to heat wave in 1998 was morethan 15,000. Economic losses asa result of these disasters and in particular inassociation with tropical cyclones haveincreased enormously over the last three decades.During 1961–1991, total loss oflives from drought alone was 1,333,728 overthe whole world. In terms of economiclosses, there is 8–10 fold increase from thebase figure of 1960. The socio-economicimpact of natural disaster is complex dependingupon the vulnerability of the placeand mitigation strategies that are put in place.Meteorology plays a crucial role in forewarningpeople about the severe/extremeweather systems and a constant endeavour by themeteorological services worldover has gone a long way towards minimizing thelosses caused by natural disasters.The paper summarises the natural disasterstatistics over south Asia and the possibleprediction strategies for combating theirsocio-economic impacts.  相似文献   
A regional hydrogeochemical model was developed to evaluate the geochemical evolution of different groundwaters in an alluvial aquifer system in the Interior of Oman. In combination with environmental isotopes the model is able to extract qualitative and quantitative information about recharge, groundwater flow paths and hydraulic connections between different aquifers. The main source of water to the alluvial aquifer along the flow paths of Wadi Abyadh and Wadi Muaydin in the piedmont is groundwater from the high-altitude areas of the Jabal Akhdar and local infiltration along the wadi channels. In contrast, the piedmont alluvial aquifer along Wadi Halfayn is primarily replenished by lateral recharge from the ophiolite foothills to the east besides smaller contributions from the Jabal Akhdar and local infiltration. Further down gradient in the Southern Alluvial Plain aquifer a significant source of recharge is direct infiltration of rain and surface runoff, originating from a moisture source that approaches Oman from the south. The model shows that the main geochemical evolution of the alluvial groundwaters occurs along the flow path from the piedmont to the Southern Alluvial Plain, where dedolomitization is responsible for the observed changes in the chemical and carbon isotope composition in these waters.
Resumen Un modelo hidrogeoquímico regional fue desarrollado, para evaluar la evolución geoquímica de diferentes aguas subterráneas en un sistema acuífero aluvial ubicado en el interior de Omán. El modelo, en combinación con isótopos ambientales, es capaz de obtener información cualitativa y cuantitativa sobre recarga, direcciones de flujo de agua subterránea y sobre las conexiones hidráulicas entre diferentes acuíferos. La fuente principal de agua para el acuífero aluvial en el piedemonte son las aguas subterráneas, a lo largo de las direcciones de flujo del Wadi Abyadh y del Wadi Muaydin, desde las áreas de gran altura de Jabal Akhdar y como infiltración local a lo largo de los canales del wadi. En contraste, el acuífero aluvial del piedemonte a lo largo del Wadi Halfayn, esta alimentado principalmente por recarga lateral desde las partes bajas de las montañas de ofiolitas hacia el Este, además por pequeñas contribuciones desde el Jabal Akhdar e infiltración local. Siguiendo gradiente abajo en el acuífero de la Llanura Aluvial del Sur, allí tanto la infiltración directa de lluvia, como la escorrentía superficial constituyen fuentes significativas de recarga, las cuales se originan en una fuente de humedad que llega a Omán proveniente del Sur. El modelo muestra, que la evolución geoquímica principal de las aguas subterráneas en el aluvión, sucede a lo largo de la dirección de flujo, que va desde el piedemonte hacia la Llanura Aluvial Sur, en donde el proceso de des-dolomitización es el responsable de los cambios observados en la composición química y también del contenido de isótopos de carbono en estas aguas.

Résumé On a développé un modèle régional hydrogéochimique pour évaluer lévolution géochimique des différentes eaux souterraines dans le système aquifère de lintérieur dOman. Avec la contribution des isotopes denvironnement, le modèle est capable de fournir des informations qualitatives et quantitatives sur la recharge, les directions découlement et sur les connections hydrauliques entre les différents aquifères du système. La source principale pour laquifère situé au long de la direction découlement des oueds de Abdyah et de Muaydin dans le piémont est leau souterraine provenant des zones de haute altitude de Jabal Akhbar ainsi que linfiltration locale au long des canaux de loued. Par contre, à part dune petite contribution provenant des infiltrations locaux et de Jabal Akhbar, l aquifère alluvial de Wadi Halfayan est en principal alimenté par la recharge latérale provenant des ophiolites situées dans la partie est. Les plus importantes sources de recharge dans laval de laquifère de la Plaine Alluviale sont linfiltration directe et le ruissellement provenant dune source dhumidité qui sapproche dOman par le sud. Le modèle montre que la principale évolution géochimique se produise au long de la direction découlement qui part de piémont de la Plaine Alluviale du Sud, où le procès de dédolomisation est responsable pour les changements observés dans la composition géochimique et en carbone des eaux.
The sediment temperature distribution at mud volcanoes provides insights into their activity and into the occurrence of gas hydrates. If ambient pressure and temperature conditions are close to the limits of the gas hydrate stability field, the sediment temperature distribution not only limits the occurrence of gas hydrates, but is itself influenced by heat production and consumption related to the formation and dissociation of gas hydrates. Located in the Sorokin Trough in the northern Black Sea, the Dvurechenskii mud volcano (DMV) was in the focus of detailed investigations during the M72/2 and M73/3a cruises of the German R/V Meteor and the ROV Quest 4000 m in February and March 2007. A large number of in-situ sediment temperature measurements were conducted from the ROV and with a sensor-equipped gravity corer. Gas hydrates were sampled in pressurized cores using a dynamic autoclave piston corer (DAPC). The thermal structure of the DMV suggests a regime of fluid flow at rates decreasing from the summit towards the edges of the mud volcano, accompanied by intermittent mud expulsion at the summit. Modeled gas hydrate dissociation temperatures reveal that the gas hydrates at the DMV are very close to the stability limits. Changes in heat flow due to variable seepage rates probably do not result in changes in sediment temperature but are compensated by gas hydrate dissociation and formation.  相似文献   
Observations of the molecular cloud G1.6-0.025 in the 2K-1K and J0-J?1E series and 5?1-40E line of CH3OH, the (2-1) and (3-2) lines of SiO, and the 7?7-6?6 line of HNCO are described. Maps of the previously observed extended cloud with Vlsr~50 km/s and high-velocity clump with Vlsr~160 km/s, as well as a newly detected clump with Vlsr~0 km/s, have been obtained. The extended cloud and high-velocity clump have a nonuniform structure. The linewidths associated with all the objects are between 20 and 35 km/s, as is typical of clouds of the Galactic center. In some directions, emission at velocities from 40 to 160 km/s and from ?10 to +75 km/s is observed at the clump boundaries, testifying to a connection between the extended cloud and the high-velocity clump and clump at Vlsr~0 km/s. Compact maser sources are probaby contributing appreciably to the emission of the extended cloud in the 5?1-40E CH3OH line. Non-LTE modeling of the methanol emission shows that the extended cloud and high-velocity clump have a relatively low hydrogen density (<104 cm?3). The specific column density of methanol in the extended cloud exceeds 6×108 cm?3s, and is 4×108?6×109 cm?3s in the high-velocity clump. The kinetic temperatures of the extended cloud and high-velocity clump are estimated to be <80 K and 150–200 K, respectively. Possible mechanisms that can explain the link between the extended cloud with Vlsr~50 km/s and the clumps with Vlsr~0 km/s and ~160 km/s are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
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