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The occurrence and development of riparian forests, which were mainly dominated by mesophytes species related closely with surface water. Since there was no water discharged to the lower reaches of Tarim River in the past three decade years, the riparian forests degrade severely. The groundwater table, the saline content of the groundwater, as well as the content of free proline, soluble sugars, plant endogenous hormones (abscisic acid (ABA), and cytokinins (CTK)) of the leaves and relative rates of sap flow of the Populus euphratica Oliv. (arbor species), Tamarix ramosissima Ldb. (bush species), and Apocynum venetum L. (herb species) were monitored and analyzed at the lower reaches of the Tarim River in the study area where five positions on a transect were fixed at 100 m intervals along a sampling direction from riverbank to the sand dunes before and after water release. The physiological responses and acclimation strategies of three species to variations in water and salinity stress were discussed. It was found that A. venetum population recovered to groundwater table ranging from −1.73 to −3.56 m, and when exposed to saline content of the groundwater ranging from 36.59 to 93.48 m mol/L; P. euphratica appeared to be more sensitive to the elevation of groundwater table than the A. venetum and T. ramosissima at groundwater table ranging from −5.08 to −5.80 m, and when exposed to saline content of the groundwater ranging from 42.17 to 49.55 m mol/L. T. ramosissima tended to be the best candidate species for reclamation in this hyper-arid area because it responded to groundwater table ranging from −1.73 to −7.05 m, and when exposed to saline content of the groundwater ranging from 36.59 to 93.48 m mol/L. These results explained the distribution patterns of desert vegetation in the lower reaches of the Tarim River. Understanding the relationships among ecological factors variables, physiological response and acclimation strategies of plant individuals could provide guidance to sustainable management, reclamation and development of this and similar regions.  相似文献   
风廓线雷达探测降水过程的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为利用风廓线雷达 (WPR) 开展降水研究, 分析了2006年8月25-26日北京延庆WPR探测降水个例。降水前高空出现持续时间长达10h以上的水平风垂直切变; 在信噪比 (SNR) 时间序列资料中出现比较清晰的SNR极值层, SNR极值层所处高度与水平风垂直切变高度相吻合。降水期间及前后, 水平风探测高度明显增高2km以上。随地面降水的临近, 下降速度所处高度逐渐降低, 从高空一直延伸到低空, 持续时间长达10h。资料分析表明:国产WPR可以在降水天气工作, 其探测资料能及时反映大尺度流场的变化。通过WPR提供的功率谱密度、SNR、水平速度、垂直速度等多种资料, 可从多种角度了解降水过程; 特别是WPR可以同时探测垂直气流速度、粒子落速及其高度分布, 进而可以估计降水粒子尺度谱及其高度分布, 便于开展更深层次的降水物理过程研究。  相似文献   
Influence of core property on multi-electron process in the collisions of q=6-9 and 11 isocharged sequence ions with Ne is investigated in the keV/u region. The cross-section ratios of double-, triple-, quadruple- and total multi-electron processes to the single electron capture process as well as the partial ratios of different reaction channels to the relevant multi-electron process are measured by using position-sensitive and time-of-flight techniques. The experimental data are compared with the theoretical predictions including the extended classical over-barrier model, the molecular Columbic barrier model and the semi-empirical scaling law. Results show a core effect on multi-electron process of isocharge ions colliding with Neon, which is consistent with the results of Helium we obtained previously.  相似文献   
分析1950年以来中等强度以上的ElNiño和LaNina当年和次年夏季(7月)低纬度风场和500hPa高度距平场,发现有不同的特征。其中中-西太平洋近赤道地区850、200hPa上风场异常变化十分明显,这种异常变化与南北半球大气相互作用有密切关系。在500hPa高度距平场上,北半球中、高和低纬地区表现出不同的正、负距平分布型式。上述特点对气候短期预测有一定参考意义。  相似文献   
2008汶川Ms8.0地震发生的深层过程和动力学响应   总被引:31,自引:17,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
汶川Ms8.0强烈地震发生在一条现今并不活动的龙门山构造带上,造成了以汶川、映秀为中心及其周边地域的严重破坏和人员的重大伤亡.然而强烈震发生前却未见有可能的确切征兆或浅表层异常活动,即浅层过程与地震发生的深层过程并不匹配.为此对这次强烈地震"孕育"、发生和发展的深层过程进行了分析和探讨,初步研究表明:①在印度洋板块与欧亚板块陆—陆碰撞、挤压作用下,喜马拉雅造山带东构造结向NNE方向顶挤、楔入青藏高原东北缘,迫使高原深部物质向东流展,在受到以龙门山为西北边界的四川盆地阻隔下,一部分物质则转而向东南侧向运移;②龙门山地带在地形上差达3500±500m左右,而地壳厚度在龙门山西北部为60±5km左右,四川盆地为40±2km左右,而龙门山地带与其东、西两侧相比则为地壳厚度变化幅度达15~20km的突变地域,即为应力作用的耦合地带;③中、下地壳和地幔盖层物质以地壳低速层、低阻层(深20~25km)为第一滑移面,以上地幔软流层顶面为第二滑移面,且在四川盆地深部"刚性"物质阻隔下,深部壳、幔物质以高角度在龙门山构造带和四川盆地的耦合地带向上运移(或称逆冲),且在龙门山地表三条断裂构成的断裂系向下延伸到20km左右深处汇聚,二者强烈碰撞、挤压、震源介质破裂;在物质与能量的强烈交换下,应力得到释放,故形成了这次Ms8.0强烈地震.为此从深部初步揭示了这次强烈地震"孕育"、发生和发展的深层动力过程.  相似文献   
Global research progress on coastal flooding was studied using a bibliometric evaluation of publications listed in the Web of Science extended scientific citation index. There was substantial growth in coastal flooding research output, with increasing publications, a higher collaboration index, and more references during the 1995–2016 period. The USA has taken a dominant position in coastal flooding research, with the US Geological Survey leading the publications ranking. Research collaborations at institutional scales have become more important than those at global scales. International collaborative publications consistently drew more citations than those from a single country. Furthermore, coastal flooding research included combinations of multi-disciplinary categories, including ‘Geology' and ‘Environmental Sciences Ecology'. The most important coastal flooding research sites were wetlands and estuaries. While numerical modeling and 3 S(Remote sensing, RS; Geography information systems, GIS; Global positioning systems, GPS) technology were the most commonly used methods for studying coastal flooding, Lidar gained in popularity. The vulnerability and adaptation of coastal environments, their resilience after flooding, and ecosystem services function showed increases in interest.  相似文献   
北京市土壤Hg污染的区域生态地球化学评价   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
城市土壤Hg异常/污染是中国普遍存在的重大生态环境问题。文章对北京市近1000km2范围内的地表土壤、壤中气、大气干湿沉降、大气颗粒物、大气中的Hg含量水平和空间分布模式进行了系统研究,查明北京地表土壤Hg平均含量为0.41mg/kg,大气干湿沉降物中的Hg平均含量为0.194mg/kg,壤中气Hg的平均含量为559.65ng/m3,大气颗粒物PM10和PM2.5中的Hg含量分别为0.59和0.67ng/m3,大气中的Hg平均含量为3.13ng/m3。北京市自2000年起实现了由燃煤转变为燃气的减排措施,导致干湿沉降物中的Hg沉降通量显著减少,2006年大气干湿沉降物中Hg的沉降通量1.837mg·m-2·a-1,北京市城区(近1000km2)Hg全年沉降为1837kg,空气中总Hg浓度由1998年的8.3~24.7ng/m3下降到2006年的3.13ng/m3,大气颗粒物中Hg含量由2003年的1.18ng/m3下降到2006年的0.59ng/m3(PM10)和0.67ng/m3(PM2.5),表明北京市煤改气减排措施的实施显著改善了大气环境质量。通过对土壤中Hg的存在形式研究,发现土壤中有硫化物(辰砂)及各种Hg盐(HgCl2)的含Hg矿物,Hg也可以各种吸附方式或壤中气方式存在。研究证实北京壤中气Hg与大气Hg存在显著的相关性(n=131,R=0.267,p<0.01),表明壤中气Hg是大气Hg的重要来源之一。利用2005年地表土壤总Hg与Hg释放速率的线性方程估算,土壤Hg平均释放速率为102.42ng·m-2·h-1,2005年土壤释放进大气的Hg通量为936.70kg。在查明土壤中存在大量辰砂矿物的同时,还分布有大量具有高温熔融特征的金属微球粒和玻璃质微球粒,证明燃煤和冶金烟尘是地表土壤Hg的主要来源。土壤中Hg、S、pH和辰砂颗粒浓度在空间上的高度耦合性表明,碱性条件下,土壤中高含量的S和Hg是辰砂形成的重要原因。按国家土壤环境质量标准,北京市I级土壤Hg环境质量的面积为176km2,Ⅱ级为808km2,Ⅲ级为24km2,超Ⅲ为36km2。Ⅲ级、超Ⅲ级主要分布在二环路以内的中心城区。城南(长安街为界)大气Hg环境质量明显优于城北,在北四、北五环之间的部分地区,大气颗粒Hg的环境质量为Ⅲ级或超Ⅲ级。在地表土壤Hg含量较高的中心城区,居民每天因呼吸摄入的Hg高达364ng,对人体健康构成潜在风险。根据我国"十一五"规划中每年实现10%节能减排的目标,对北京市未来50年土壤Hg含量的时空演变趋势预测,预测2050年北京因干湿沉降带来的Hg输入量为16.03kg,地表土壤释放Hg的输出量为37.36kg,明显大于Hg的输入通量,土壤Hg的环境质量将得到根本改善。预测到2040年Ⅲ级土壤Hg环境质量的区域将完全消失,到2060年以Ⅰ级土壤为主。  相似文献   
本文重点研究了湖北建始高坪龙骨洞早期人类和巨猿生存时期的气候和环境。通过孢粉、氧化物、磁化率、哺乳动物化石研究表明,高坪地区在早更新世早期气候比较温暖湿润,但存在较大幅度的波动,植被为针叶-阔叶混交林。古人类生存时的气温比现今高,但降雨量比现今少,而且在1.95~2.14MaBP和2.15MaBP发生两次比较明显的降温事件,降温幅度可达5~9℃。  相似文献   
采用NPP/VIIRS夜间灯光数据提取广州市城乡过渡带边界,利用基于sDNA模型修正的引力模型测算2012—2019年广州市城乡过渡带的空间交互强度,分析其空间演进特征与社会经济发展的关系。研究表明:1)2012—2019年广州市城乡过渡带总体呈扩大趋势,以北偏东方向发展为主,破碎区块逐渐演变为连续区域;2)广州市城乡过渡带之间的空间交互网络结构呈现“多方向化”趋势,从最初的西南侧单线网络结构逐步发育成多方向闭合网络联结结构,目前演变为南北两支、东西向的强空间交互态势,以白云区为代表的北部区域和以番禺区为代表的南部区域是广州市城乡过渡带的重要战略节点地域;3)广州市城乡过渡带社会经济优势度呈现出由内向外的3个空间层级结构,并由城市核心区辐射带动,向北、东北与东南3个方向推动发展为城乡过渡带;4)各城乡过渡带的发展速度不均衡现象仍较明显,广州市应结合本区域优势产业和自然资源,走联合与互补发展并存的道路,重视城乡过渡带区域发展引擎,增强其与周边地区联系的潜力。  相似文献   
Nowadays, the research works on landscape at fine scales using high-resolution images are uncommon.This research is based on the analysis of the combination of remote sensing data (1KONOS imagery acquired in 2002 and historical aerial photo taken in 1942). In the paper, the ecotopes in Qiujiadou and Xishao villages in Yixing City of Jiangsu Province in 1942 and 2002 were compared and landscape changes as well as the causes of the considerable changes were analyzed. It was found that the ecotope changes were at greater level in some aspects such as water surface and perennial vegetation coverage etc. This study at fine scale is globally significant for the rural areas, especially for the subsistence agricultural land, which occupies larger percentage in the earth. And it analyzes the structure of landscape based on a new landscape classification system--stratifications method.  相似文献   
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