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Various authors have suggested that the Islas Marias archipelago, Mexico, may play a significant biogeographic role in the dispersal of Indo Pacific coral species into the Eastern Pacific; however, the coral communities of this archipelago have received scarce attention to date. Here, we first addressed coral community structure across the islands and, by employing ordination analysis, minimum spanning tree and particle‐tracking experiments, used this information to evaluate the relevance of the archipelago for coral dispersal. Twenty‐four coral communities were recorded in the archipelago. Coral cover varied significantly among islands: Maria Cleofas had large values (38.5%), intermediate values were observed for Maria Madre (26.5%) and Maria Magdalena (22.84%), and relatively low values were recorded for San Juanito (18.5%). Coral communities mainly consisted of Pocillopora (57.3%) and Porites (25.5%) species, while species of Pavona (16%) and Psammocora (0.6%) made relatively minor contributions. Thirteen stony coral species were identified in the archipelago; of these Psammocora profundacella and Pavona duerdeni represent new records. Ordination analysis, minimum spanning tree and particle‐tracking experiments suggested similar connecting paths in the studied area; in general, the Islas Marias stands as a route for coral dispersal of Indo Pacific species into the Northeastern Pacific. In a regional context, the Islas Marias has three major biogeographic implications to coral dispersal: (i) the archipelago stands as a major stepping stone for the transport of species and individuals among the Revillagigedo archipelago, the Gulf of California and the tropical Mexican Pacific; (ii) the Islas Marias may play a seminal role in maintaining the genetic connectivity between southern and northern coral populations along the Mexican Pacific and (iii) because of its relatively pristine status and low levels of human impact, the archipelago may potentially serve as a source of coral propagules for ecosystem recovery in the Gulf of California and along the Pacific coast of the Mexican mainland following natural and/or human induced perturbations.  相似文献   
Ages of redeye round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi were estimated with associated errors and used to infer life-history information, such as age composition, age-at-maturity and instantaneous mortality rate. Samples were collected in November 2005 during a research survey aimed at estimating the biomass of spawning pelagic fish off South Africa’s west and south coasts. Replicate age estimates obtained from sagittal otoliths were collected with slight bias and relatively high precision. A von Bertalanffy model describing growth of the combined sexes, including juveniles, was Lt = 20.41(1 ? e?0.41(t ? 1.92)). Kimura’s likelihood ratio test revealed no statistically significant differences between growth parameters of males and females. Results suggested that otolith length is a better predictor of age than otolith weight. Maturity estimates for E. whiteheadi were similar to those previously documented.  相似文献   
A combined Sr, O and C isotope study has been carried out in the Pucará basin, central Peru, to compare local isotopic trends of the San Vicente and Shalipayco Zn-Pb Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposits with regional geochemical patterns of the sedimentary host basin. Gypsum, limestone and regional replacement dolomite yield 87Sr/86Sr ratios that fall within or slightly below the published range of seawater 87Sr/86Sr values for the Lower Jurassic and the Upper Triassic. Our data indicate that the Sr isotopic composition of seawater between the Hettangian and the Toarcian may extend to lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios than previously published values. An 87Sr-enrichment is noted in (1) carbonate rocks from the lowermost part of the Pucará basin, and (2) different carbonate generations at the MVT deposits. This indicates that host rocks at MVT deposits and in the lower-most part of the carbonate sequence interacted with 87Srenriched fluids. The fluids acquired their radiogenic nature by interaction with lithologies underlying the carbonate rocks of the Pucará basin. The San Ramón granite, similar Permo-Triassic intrusions and their clastic derivatives in the Mitu Group are likely sources of radiogenic 87Sr. The Brazilian shield and its erosion products are an additional potential source of radiogenic 87Sr. Volcanic rocks of the Mitu Group are not a significant source for radiogenic 87Sr; however, molasse-type sedimentary rocks and volcaniclastic rocks cannot be ruled out as a possible source of radiogenic 87Sr. The marked enrichment in 87Sr of carbonates toward the lower part of the Pucará Group is accompanied by only a slight decrease in 18O values and essentially no change in 13C values, whereas replacement dolomite and sparry carbonates at the MVT deposits display a coherent trend of progressive 87Sr-enrichment, and 18O- and 13C-depletion. The depletion in 18O in carbonates from the MVT deposits are likely related to a temperature increase, possibly coupled with a 18O-enrichment of the ore-forming fluids. Progressively lower 13C values throughout the paragenetic sequence at the MVT deposits are interpreted as a gradually more important contribution from organically derived carbon. Quantitative calculations show that a single fluid-rock interaction model satisfactorily reproduces the marked 87Sr-enrichment and the slight decrease in 18O values in carbonate rocks from the lower part of the Pucará Group. By contrast, the isotopic covariation trends of the MVT deposits are better reproduced by a model combining fluid mixing and fluid-rock interaction. The modelled ore-bearing fluids have a range of compositions between a hot, saline, radiogenic brine that had interacted with lithologies underlying the Pucará sequence and cooler, dilute brines possibly representing local fluids within the Pucará sequence. The composition of the local fluids varies according to the nature of the lithologies present in the neighborhood of the different MVT deposits. The proportion of the radiogenic fluid in the modelled fluid mixtures interacting with the carbonate host rocks at the MVT deposits decreases as one moves up in the stratigraphic sequence of the Pucará Group.  相似文献   
满洲里南部白音高老组流纹岩锆石U-Pb定年及岩石成因   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
满洲里南部白音高老组火山岩主要由流纹岩组成,含少量珍珠岩和流纹质凝灰岩。LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb定年结果显示,流纹岩形成于141~139Ma的早白垩世早期。岩石地球化学研究表明,火山岩具有高硅富碱、贫钙镁和高FeOT/MgO比值的特征; 稀土丰度总量较高(∑REE介于103×10-6~488×10-6),轻重稀土分馏明显[(La/ Yb)N=4.12~30.94)],Eu负异常显著(δEu=0.12~0.46); 微量元素以富集Rb、Th、U、K,强烈亏损Ba、Sr、P、Ti,中等亏损Nb、Ta和高Ga/Al值为特征,与A-型花岗岩特征相似。锆石176Hf/177Hf比值介于0.282785~0.282970之间,εHf(t)值均为正值,介于3.78~9.98之间。流纹岩岩浆来源于斜长石稳定区玄武质下地壳物质的部分熔融,形成于非造山板内伸展构造环境。  相似文献   
Sardine Sardinops sagax distributed off the west and south coasts of South Africa have traditionally been assumed to comprise a single well-mixed stock for assessment and management purposes. New research, however, lends weight to the possibility of two stocks in this region. A precautionary management approach thus needs to consider the impact of management decisions on the hypothesised two individual stocks as well as on the resource as a whole. As a first step in this process, Bayesian assessments of South African sardine are presented, which compare results for the traditional single-stock hypothesis with those that follow from a new two-mixing-stock hypothesis. Recruits from the west stock are assumed to move to and remain part of the south stock in annual pulses of varying size. This movement is estimated to be appreciable, and to take place from a substantially more productive west stock to the south stock. This immigration makes a greater contribution to the south-stock biomass than do years of above-average south-stock recruitment. Importantly, this two-mixing-stock hypothesis is shown to be consistent with the data available. Further alternative sardine stock-structure hypotheses suggested by the most recent data are discussed.  相似文献   
Integrated studies and revisions of sedimentary basins and associated magmatism in Peru and Bolivia (8–22°S) show that this part of western Gondwana underwent rifting during the Late Permian–Middle Jurassic interval. Rifting started in central Peru in the Late Permian and propagated southwards into Bolivia until the Liassic/Dogger, along an axis that coincides with the present Eastern Cordillera. Southwest of this region, lithospheric thinning developed in the Early Jurassic and culminated in the Middle Jurassic, producing considerable subsidence in the Arequipa basin of southern Peru. This 110-Ma-long interval of lithospheric thinning ended 160 Ma with the onset of Malm–earliest Cretaceous partial rift inversion in the Eastern Cordillera area.The lithospheric heterogeneities inherited from these processes are likely to have largely influenced the distribution and features of younger compressional and/or transpressional deformations. In particular, the Altiplano plateau corresponds to a paleotectonic domain of “normal” lithospheric thickness that was bounded by two elongated areas underlain by thinned lithosphere. The high Eastern Cordillera of Peru and Bolivia results from Late Oligocene–Neogene intense inversion of the easternmost thinned area.  相似文献   
Octopuses are active predators that feed on a wide range of prey including crustaceans, fishes, and mollusks. They are important components of coral reef systems and support local and artisanal fisheries in the Gulf of México. Octopus insularis has been found to be one of the most relevant components in catches from the coral reef system of Veracruz in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico, and its role in the ecosystem requires assessment. To corroborate the morphological identification of O. insularis, six octopuses were identified by genetic methods. And to understand the trophic relationships between this octopus species and its prey, 394 octopuses caught during 2016 and 2017 by an artisanal fleet were sampled and their stomach contents analyzed. Results showed that crustaceans are the most frequently consumed group, with the genera Mithraculus and Etisus being the most important in the diet. Fishes, bivalves, and gastropods were identified as uncommon prey items in the diet. Their presence in the stomachs could be related to the movement of this octopus outside of the coral reef. Considering that our samples were of medium‐ and large‐sized individuals, cannibalism could be discarded for O. insularis in this size range in the Veracruz reef system. These findings suggest a generalist and opportunistic predation of O. insularis on the most abundant and available prey in the study area, namely the crustaceans. These represents an effective transfer of biomass from the low trophic levels to top predators in the coral reef system.  相似文献   
The Gulf of Cadiz lies astride the complex plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia west of the Betic-Rif mountain belt. We report on the results of recent bathymetric swathmapping and multi-channel seismic surveys carried out here. The seafloor is marked by contrasting morphological provinces, spanning the SW Iberian and NW Moroccan continental margins, abyssal plains and an elongate, arcuate, accretionary wedge. A wide variety of tectonic and gravitational processes appear to have shaped these structures. Active compressional deformation of the wedge is suggested by folding and thrusting of the frontal sedimentary layers as well as basal duplexing in deeper internal units. There is evidence for simultaneous gravitational spreading occurring upslope. The very shallow mean surface and basal slopes of the accretionary wedge (1° each) indicate a very weak decollement layer, geometrically similar to the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex. Locally steep slopes (up to 10°) indicate strongly focused, active deformation and potential gravitational instabilities. The unusual surface morphology of the upper accretionary wedge includes “raft-tectonics” type fissures and abundant sub-circular depressions. Dissolution and/or diapiric processes are proposed to be involved in the formation of these depressions.  相似文献   
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