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Teleseismic waveforms recorded by thebroadband seismic stations of Cuba havebeen analysed using the receiver functionmethod. The thickness of the crust at sevensites on the island was found to be inagreement with previous studies. Theresults suggest a clear layering at somesites with a Moho depth ranging between 18and 31 km. In eastern Cuba, the seismicstations located in the south experiencethinner crust in comparison with stationslocated in the north, which is consistentwith a southward gradual thinning revealedby other studies. The thickest crust isfound at Cascorro (CCC) in the interiorpart of the island. The velocity modelscomputed from the receiver-functioninversion show an upper-mantle P-wavevelocity between 7.6 and 8.0 km/sec. Lowvelocity zones are visible at some sites.  相似文献   
The island of Sark (Channel Islands, UK) exposes syntectonic plutons and country rock gneisses within a Precambrian (Cadomian) continental arc. This Sark arc complex records sequential pulses of magmatism over a period of 7 Ma (ca. 616–609 Ma). The earliest intrusion (ca. 616 Ma) was a composite sill that shows an ultramafic base overlain by a magma-mingled net vein complex subsequently deformed at near-solidus temperatures into the amphibolitic and tonalitic Tintageu banded gneisses. The deformation was synchronous with D2 deformation of the paragneissic envelope, with both intrusion and country rock showing flat, top-to-the-south LS fabrics. Later plutonism injected three homogeneous quartz diorite–granodiorite sheets: the Creux–Moulin pluton (150–250 m; ca. 614 Ma), the Little Sark pluton (>700 m; 611 Ma), and the Northern pluton (>500 m; 609 Ma). Similar but thinner sheets in the south (Derrible–Hogsback–Dixcart) and west (Port es Saies–Brecqhou) are interpreted as offshoots from the Creux–Moulin pluton and Little Sark pluton, respectively. All these plutons show the same LS fabric seen in the older gneisses, with rare magmatic fabrics and common solid state fabrics recording syntectonic crystallisation and cooling. The cooling rate increased rapidly with decreasing crystallisation age: >9 Ma for the oldest intrusion to cool to lower amphibolite conditions, 7–8 Ma for the Creux Moulin pluton, 5–6 Ma for the Little Sark pluton, and <3 Ma for the Northern pluton. This cooling pattern is interpreted as recording extensional exhumation during D2. The initiation of the D2 event is suggested to have been a response to the intrusion of the Tintageu magma which promoted a rapid increase in strain rate (>10−14 s−1) that focussed extensional deformation into the Sark area. The increased rates of extension allowed ingress of the subsequent quartz diorite–granodiorite sheets, although strain rate slowly declined as the whole complex cooled during exhumation. The regional architecture of syntectonic Cadomian arc complexes includes flat-lying “Sark-type” and steep “Guernsey-type” domains produced synchronously in shear zone networks induced by oblique subduction: a pattern seen in other continental arcs such as that running from Alaska to California.  相似文献   
The multidisciplinary study of sediment cores from Laguna Zoñar (37°29′00′′ N, 4°41′22′′ W, 300 m a.s.l., Andalucía, Spain) provides a detailed record of environmental, climatic and anthropogenic changes in a Mediterranean watershed since Medieval times, and an opportunity to evaluate the lake restoration policies during the last decades. The paleohydrological reconstructions show fluctuating lake levels since the end of the Medieval Warm Period (ca. AD 1300) till the late 19th century and a more acute dry period during the late 19th century – early 20th century, after the end of the Little Ice Age. Human activities have played a significant role in Laguna Zoñar hydrological changes since the late 19th century, when the outlet was drained, and particularly in the mid-20th century (till 1982) when the spring waters feeding the lake were diverted for human use. Two main periods of increased human activities in the watershed are recorded in the sediments. The first started with the Christian conquest and colonization of the Guadalquivir River Valley (13th century) particularly after the fall of the Granada Kingdom (15th century). The second one corresponds to the late 19th century when more land was dedicated to olive cultivation. Intensification of soil erosion occurred in the mid-20th century, after the introduction of farm machinery. The lake was declared a protected area in the early 1980s, when some agricultural practices were restricted, and conservation measures implemented. As a consequence, the lake level increased, and some littoral zones were submerged. Pollen indicators reflect this limnological change during the last few decades. Geochemical indicators show a relative decrease in soil erosion, but not changes in the amount of chemical fertilizers reaching the lake. This study provides an opportunity to evaluate the relative significance of human vs. climatic factors in lake hydrology and watershed changes during historical times. Paleolimnological reconstructions should be taken into account by natural resources agencies to better define lake management policies, and to assess the results of restoration policies.  相似文献   
Measurements of velocity and density profiles were used to describe the tidal and mean flow structure across and along a sill in Refugio Channel, a fjord-like inlet in Southern Chile (43.9°S). These are the first oceanographic measurements of any kind effected in Refugio Channel. Current profiles were obtained with a 307.2-kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler during two semidiurnal cycles along a repeated triangular circuit. Two along-channel transects formed the sides of the triangle that crossed the sill and were identified as the western and eastern transects. One cross-channel transect, the base of the triangle, was located on the seaward side of the sill. Density profiles were obtained at the corners of the triangle. The longitudinal mean flow in the western transect showed a two-layer exchange structure over the landward side of the sill. The structure of net seaward flow at the surface and landward flow at depth was disrupted by the sill in such a way that over the seaward side of the sill, only seaward flow was observed throughout the water column. This likely resulted from the blocking of landward net flow by the sill. In the eastern transect, two-layer exchange dominated over most of the transect and was consistent with the observed density profiles. Over the seaward side of the sill, a surface layer, ∼10m deep, flowed landward as a third layer. This feature should have been caused by river input further seaward (to the north) and produced a surface convergence region over the sill. In terms of tidal flows, the greatest tidal current amplitudes were 40cm s−1 over the sill as the flow accelerated through the reduced cross-sectional area of the channel. Near-surface flow convergences were identified over both along-channel transects.  相似文献   
Depositional geometries and distribution patterns of shelf sediment wedges mainly derived from small rivers located in the northern margin of the Alboran Sea, Western Mediterranean Basin, are reported in this study, in order to understand: (1) their generation under particular physiographic and climatic conditions of river basins; (2) the interaction of shallow-water wedges with submarine valleys. A high amount of data has been used in this study, including river discharge and wave climate data, multibeam bathymetry, high-resolution seismic profiles and surficial sediment samples.The eastern shelf of the study area comprises the prodeltaic wedge off the Guadalfeo River and its eastward continuation, interrupted by the deeply indented Carchuna Canyon head. In contrast, the western shelf receives the contributions of a smaller river, the Verde River, whose associated prodeltaic wedge is limited to the inner shelf. Morphological features of both prodeltas are similar and differ from other Mediterranean prodeltaic bodies, resembling fan deltas. Those similarities include very steep foresets and bottomsets, very shallow and close to the coast offlap break, coarse sediment composition, lobate shape and common occurrence of crenulated sea floor. All these features point out to an origin linked to the activity of high-density sediment flows, rapid sedimentation and limited lateral redistribution. Those processes are favoured by the existence of an abrupt onshore physiography, a regional climate with a marked seasonality that conditioned torrential fluvial regimes and high availability of loose sand and gravel.Shelf sediment by-pass is a likely process during the Holocene in the eastern shelf, as suggested by the identification of two types of submarine valleys: (1) numerous gullies occur from the distal toe of the Guadalfeo River prodelta to the slope; (2) submarine canyon heads affect to the Holocene sedimentary wedge in the eastern sector of the study area. In the western shelf, however, the influence of shelf sedimentation processes on deeper domains is minimal, due to shelf widening, prevalence of relict features and absence of submarine valleys.  相似文献   
This paper reviews regional climate knowledge and vulnerability in the northern Mexico San Pedro River Basin, with a focus on water quality, quantity, and management issues on the Mexican side of the border. A discussion based on the available literature is supplemented by a survey assessing concerns about water and the quality and usability of climate and hydrologic information available to water managers and communities. The surveys indicate that the central concern for urban residents is the lack of reliable potable water due to frequent service breakdowns–with climate change and variability, specifically drought and high temperatures, as contributing factors. Water managers desire appropriate meteorological and hydrologic information to improve planning strategies, but access to this information remains limited. Considerable disagreement exists about who should pay for previously free or low-cost water and wastewater treatment. Urban users have little incentive to conserve because of the present flat, low rate and frustration with service. In rural areas, while a majority of ranchers recognize that variable climate and water loss could increasingly jeopardize their lifestyle, they seldom use meteorological information in planning or modify their water consumption. Climate vulnerability also includes potential for serious environmental health issues due to the presence of heavy metals and organic contaminants in the San Pedro.  相似文献   
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - A large part of the Guarani Aquifer is located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and additionally possesses a recharge area located in its central...  相似文献   
This paper examines changes in gender relations in a small coastal community as a result of the 2010 Chile earthquake and tsunami. Vulnerability and resilience are used as a conceptual framework to analyse these changes. Based on empirical evidence from a seven-year longitudinal study and quasi-ethnographic work, we explore changes in power relations at the different stages of the disaster and longer-term recovery as well as the conditions that fostered these changes. Our findings show distinct patterns of change. First, disasters can trigger long-lasting changes that challenge historical patriarchal relations. Second, while vulnerability increases following a disaster, resilience can potentially counteract women’s vulnerability. We propose that resilience can be a pathway to produce long-term changes in gender relations and empower women in the context of disasters.  相似文献   
During recent years, 3‐D techniques such as LiDAR and Structure‐from‐Motion (SfM) photogrammetry have been increasingly used for gully erosion assessment. However, innovative image‐based approaches based on these advances may also be used to provide accurate cross‐sectional measurements which are less expensive and time‐demanding. In this work, we present the FreeXSapp methodology, a new piece of freely‐available software based on existing SfM tools (MicMac and PMVS2) and augmented‐reality targets (ArUco markers) which performs the automated 3‐D reconstruction, scaling, orientation and analysis of gully cross‐sections (XSs) from images taken from the gully margin using a smartphone camera. As a field application, the volume of a 60‐m‐long medium‐size gully was evaluated, where a total of 10 XSs were measured and analyzed in approximately 30 min. The relative accuracy in estimating width and depth dimensions was in the order of 0.5%, with a precision ratio (relative to the camera–XS distance) of ~1500. Overall, using this methodology showed excellent performance in terms of time and cost requirements when compared with typical 3‐D and conventional 2‐D techniques. The FreeXSapp interface is downloadable for free for Windows operating systems at http://www.uco.es/users/ccastillo/freexsapp. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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