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To prevent confusion between water and buildings in the extraction of urban surface water from hyperspectral data, we analyzed the spectra of shadows and water in hyperspectral images, and proposed an anti-shadow water extraction method. This method first uses the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for initial water extraction, then uses the height of the reflectance peak at 588 nm to eliminate the shadow of buildings. The method was validated by two hyperspectral datacubes, which were obtained for Jiaxing City and Zhoushan City in Zhejiang Province, China. Compared to the common spectral indices used to extract a water body, such as the NDVI, normalized difference water index, hyperspectral difference water index, and index of water index, the proposed method could effectively eliminate the shadow of buildings. The commission error reduced from more than 40% to about 15%, and the Kappa coefficient was increased from 60 and 70% to over 80% for the two datacubes. This indicated that the proposed method can inhibit the shadow of buildings and does not have a regional dependence.  相似文献   
刘艺  于洋  金彪  张霁云  陈文文  张干 《地球化学》2021,50(3):305-316
持久、迁移性有机污染物(PMOC)具有高极性、化学性质稳定的特点,故难被土壤以及沉积物吸附。该类化学物质的环境释放可导致其在地下水以及饮用水中富集。目前,由于缺乏有效的分析技术手段,水体中大量未知的PMOC仍待进一步分析和识别。本次研究将从定义、特性和判别标准等方面系统介绍该类污染物,同时,对欧洲国家的PMOC管控现状和政策法规进行总结和归纳。此外,以全氟烷基酸为例,对比、讨论了我国和欧洲地表水和地下水中PMOC的污染现状,并针对不同种类的PMOC详细介绍了相关的分析方法和水处理技术。最后,对PMOC的未来研究趋势进行前瞻,以期为我国化学品风险管理以及饮用水资源保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   
利用哥伦比亚大学 GCMT 目录给出的祁连山中东段地区中强地震震源机制资料,研究较大区域(34°-41°N,100°-106°E)的应力场;利用该地区布设的中法微震数字监测台网多年监测资料和甘肃数字监测台网资料,使用 P 波和 S 波初动及振幅比联合反演方法,反演中小地震震源机制解和发震应力场。结果表明,地区构造应力大致为北东40°-45°水平向压应力;景泰地区主压应力方向约北东45°,绝大多数地震为走滑型。天祝-古浪地区有相当部分的逆断层地震分布,主压应力方向约60°,P 轴仰角在10°左右优势分布,大致为水平应力场。这与大区域构造应力场和断层实际分布基本一致。  相似文献   
利用2005年安排在临泽边缘绿洲沙地农田的长期施肥定位试验,研究不同用量有机肥、化肥、有机肥和化肥配施对绿洲沙地土壤肥力及有机碳积累的影响。试验包括高量有机肥单施(M3),氮磷化肥单施(NP3),低、中、高量氮磷钾化肥单施(NPK1,NPK2,NPK3),及低、中、高量氮磷钾化肥配施高、中、低量有机肥9个处理(NPK1M3,NPK2M2,NPK3M1),测定分析10年后不同施肥处理耕层(0~20 cm)土壤物理化学性状特征及有机碳动态。结果表明:施有机肥及有机无机配施处理较单施化肥处理容重下降0.13 g·cm^-3,田间持水量提高6.7%,单施有机肥、有机无机配施较单施化肥,土壤有机碳(SOC)和全氮含量分别提高64.8%、36.3%和64.9%、49.5%。高量施用氮磷化肥和氮磷钾化肥处理全磷含量最高,有机肥及有机无机配施较单施化肥有效氮含量显著增加,有机无机配施及高量施用磷肥土壤有效磷积累明显,高量施用有机肥能显著提升有效钾含量。连续施肥处理10年后,SOC含量提高了1.68~2.84倍,土壤全氮、全磷、碱解氮及有效磷均有一定程度的提高,但单施化肥及有机肥与氮磷化肥配施有效钾含量下降。SOC的积累速率单施化肥、有机无机配施、单施有机肥处理分别为0.27、0.59,0.87 g·kg^-1·a^-1。增施有机肥、适量减少化肥投入、氮磷钾化肥的平衡施用是绿洲沙地农田土壤肥力持续提升的施肥管理对策。  相似文献   
本文从现代、地史时期岩溶剥蚀速度及岩溶铝土矿的形成等方面探讨岩溶在古地理研究中的重大作用,从而提出稳定地区“缺失”某一时期地层,并非该时期为陆;而是前期仍有沉积,后期才真正上升为陆,遭受剥蚀。  相似文献   
新形势下黑龙江省对俄边境贸易的经济地理透视   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从世界经贸格局变化和经济地理学角度探讨近两年来黑龙江省对俄罗斯边境地方经济贸易急剧下滑的原因,并立足于资源要素最佳配置的原则对其发展潜力进行了分析,最后提出了我国相应的发展对策。  相似文献   
Input determination has a great influence on the performance of artificial neural network (ANN) rainfall–runoff models. To improve the performance of ANN models, a systematic approach to the input determination for ANN models is proposed. In the proposed approach, the irrelevant inputs are removed. Then an adequate ANN model, which only includes highly relevant inputs, is constructed. Unlike the trial‐and‐error procedure, the proposed approach is more systematic and avoids unnecessary trials. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, an application to actual typhoon events is presented. The results show that the proposed ANN model, which is constructed by the proposed approach, has advantages over those obtained by the trial‐and‐error procedure. The proposed ANN model has a simpler architecture, needs less training time, and performs better. The proposed ANN model is recommended as an alternative to existing rainfall–runoff ANN models. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Surface soils were collected in the aquatic–terrestrial ecotone (ATE) of Yongnianwa wetland, downstream of Haihe River basin of North China in June of 2007. Samples were subjected to a total digestion technique before they were analyzed for total concentrations of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn to investigate their pollution levels in the ATE. The contamination index, integrated contamination index, geoaccumulation index, toxic units, and sum of toxic units were adopted to assess the heavy metal contamination levels and ecotoxicity, respectively. The results showed all the selected element concentrations in upland soils of the ecotone were relatively higher than those in the lowland soils. No Cr pollution was observed in all soil samples, but almost all samples were slightly polluted by Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn except for Site 1. The contamination indexes and geoaccumulation indexes consistently presented no contamination for Site 1 and slight contamination for other sites. The ΣTUs increased from lowland to upland, but the whole level of toxicity in this ecotone was relatively low.  相似文献   
射频片上系统(Radio Frequency System-On-Chip, RFSOC)作为一种高集成度、高性能、低功耗的单芯片系统, 在射电天文领域尤其是望远镜数字后端的应用前景广阔. 射电望远镜对电子设备电磁兼容性要求极高, 高速率、高频率的RFSOC在运行过程中将产生严重的辐射干扰问题. 针对RFSOC干扰源众多、不同干扰源间辐射强度难以量化等问题, 在部件层面提出了一种辐射量级的评估方法, 分析不同部件的辐射强度及其影响. 并进一步从板级整体层面评估分析RFSOC不同工作状态下的电磁辐射, 依据望远镜电磁兼容设计要求, 分析其电磁防护需求, 为进一步的电磁防护提供重要技术支撑.  相似文献   
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