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Expansive clay buffers in radioactive waste disposal designs experience cyclic drying and wetting paths during different stages of their design life. Clayey soils subjected to these processes develop swelling and shrinkage deformations, which give rise to the accumulation of compression or expansion strains during suction cycles. Experimental studies were undertaken using oedometer tests on an artificially prepared bentonite-sand mixture (80% bentonite by dry mass). In order to study these processes and to identify the most important features controlling soil behaviour, several wetting-drying cycles with suctions ranging between 130 and 4 MPa were applied using vapour equilibrium technique and covering a wide range of overconsolidation ratios (OCR). The tested samples showed cumulative shrinkage strains along the successive cycles, which became more significant at increasing vertical net stresses (low OCR values). However, no accumulation of expansion strains was detected at elevated OCR values. Test results were interpreted and predicted within the context of an elastoplastic model proposed by Alonso et al., 1999, [Alonso, E.E., Vaunat, J., Gens, A., (1999). Modelling the mechanical behaviour of expansive clays. Engineering Geology, 54, 173-183.] which takes into account the accumulation of strains. A good correspondence between measured soil response and model predictions was observed. The paper also presents the methodology to derive the constitutive parameters.  相似文献   
Adsorption is one of the most significant processes in the mobility of soluble pollutants in soils. The aim of this work is to characterize and evaluate the adsorption capacity of soils from Viamão District, Brazil. The studied ions were leadtotal, coppertotal, sulfate, phosphate, and potassium. The soils were mapped by remote sensing and characterized by granulometrical and mineralogical techniques. The adsorption tests were made by the contact of soil samples with aqueous solutions. The soils adsorption capacity presented the following trend: Pbtotal>Cutotal≈PO 4 3− >K+ ≈SO 4 2+ . Adsorption in the soils is strongly influenced by clay content. The adsorption of phosphate, copper, and lead was accentuated by the presence of organic matter. Phosphate adsorption was controlled by oxides and organic matter. Both potassium and sulfate showed insignificant adsorption in the studied soils.  相似文献   
New trends in marine chemical ecology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This essay is the outcome of a colloquium convened in November 2005 at the Benthos Laboratory of the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Ischia, Italy, on chemical ecology and the role of secondary metabolites in the structuring and functioning of marine biodiversity. The participants of the workshop are part of the European Network of Excellence MarBEF (Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function), a consortium of 56 European marine institutes to integrate and disseminate knowledge and expertise on marine biodiversity. Here we review some of the new trends and emerging topics in marine chemical ecology. The first section deals with microbial chemical interactions. Microbes communicate with each other using diffusible molecules such as N-acylhomoserine lactones (AHL). These are regulators in cell-density-dependent gene regulation (quorum sensing) controlling microbial processes. In chemical interactions with higher organisms, microbes can act either as harmful pathogens that are repelled by the host’s chemical defense or as beneficial symbionts. These symbionts are sometimes the true producers of the host’s secondary metabolites that have defensive and protective functions for their hosts. We also describe how allelochemicals can shape phytoplankton communities by regulating competition for available resources, and also interactions among individuals of the same species. Compounds such as the diatom-derived unsaturated aldehydes have been demonstrated to act as info chemicals, and they possibly function as a diffusible bloom-termination signal that triggers an active cell death and bloom termination at sea. The same molecules have also been shown to interfere with the reproductive capacity of grazing animals deterring future generations of potential predators. Such compounds differ from those that act as feeding deterrents since they do not target the predator but its offspring. Many of the neurotoxins produced by dinoflagellates act as feeding deterrents, and laboratory experiments have shown that ingestion of these algae by some microzooplankton and macrozooplankton can cause acute, responses such as death, incapacitation, altered swimming behavior, and reduced fecundity and egg-hatching success. These effects may rarely occur in nature because of low individual grazing rates on dinoflagellate cells and grazing on other food sources such as microflagellates and diatoms. We also consider the nutritional component of marine plant-herbivore interactions, especially in the plankton, and the information available on the effects of growing conditions of algae on the production of toxic metabolites. Species producing saxitoxins seem to consistently produce the highest amounts of toxins (on a per cell basis) in the exponential phase of growth, and there is a decrease in their production under nitrogen, but not under phosphorus stress, where the production actually increases. We try to explain the circumstances under which organisms defend themselves chemically and argue that the most likely explanatory model for the production of secondary metabolites used for defense in planktonic organisms is the carbon nutrient balance hypothesis, which predicts that most algae produce their toxins mainly under conditions where carbon is in excess and nitrogen (or other nutrients) is limiting. We also discuss chemically mediated macroalgal-herbivore interactions in the benthos and the large variation in concentration of seaweed defense metabolites at different spatial and temporal scales. Seaweeds have been shown to produce a large variety of secondary metabolites with highly variable chemical structures such as terpenoids, acetogenins, amino acid derivates, and polyphenols. Many of these compounds probably have multiple simultaneous functions for the seaweeds and can act as allelopathic, antimicrobial, and antifouling or ultraviolet-screening agents, as well as herbivore deterrents. We also provide examples of interactions between marine benthic invertebrates, especially sponges, molluscs, and cnidarians, that are mediated by specific secondary metabolites and discuss the role of these in shaping benthic communities.  相似文献   
We perform a combined stochastic-deterministic analysis of local site response using two computer codes, an equivalent linear analysis program SHAKE and a fully nonlinear finite element code SPECTRA. Our goal is to compare the relative sensitivity of the two codes to statistical variations in soil properties. For the case studies, we re-analyze two ground motion records in Lotung, Taiwan, and one ground motion record in Gilroy, California, utilizing the recorded ground motions at the site deterministically as input into the two codes while treating the uncertain soil parameters as random variables. We then obtain empirical cumulative distribution functions of the Arias intensity and acceleration spectrum intensity, two measures of cumulative damage, to compare the relative sensitivity of the two codes to variations in model parameters. We show that the two codes exhibit comparable sensitivities to statistical parameter variations, indicating that even in the presence of fluctuations in the soil parameter values it is possible to pursue a fully nonlinear site response analysis with SPECTRA and benefit from its superior accuracy.  相似文献   
Measuring magnetic susceptibility is a method which is used to estimate the amount of magnetic particles in soils, sediments or dusts. Changes in magnetic susceptibility can be due to various reasons: input from different sources of sediments, e.g. from different soils or rocks, atmospheric fallout of anthropogenic dusts containing magnetic particles produced by fossil fuel combustion, steel production or road traffic. In the case of river sediments, input from the catchment is of primary significance. The main aim of this investigation was to test the potential of magnetic susceptibility screening in identifying the effect and significance of anthropogenic activities in an area with complex geological conditions. We investigated the magnetic susceptibility of riverbed sediments of the largest river of the Czech Republic, the Moldau river. Besides that, the magnetic signal of nearby topsoils as well as of outcropping bedrocks in the vicinity of the river was examined. In the upper 300 km of the river, the magnetic enhancement of the river sediments can be linked to anthropogenic activities. Positive correlations were found in the river sediments between the contents of Cu and Zn and magnetic susceptibility, while Fe, Mn and Ni did not show a correlation with magnetic susceptibility. However, the major geogenic magnetic anomaly in the area around the Slapy dam has made it impossible to unambiguously interpret the magnetic signal in terms of anthropogenic impact in the last 80 km downstream.  相似文献   
The Tartoq Group, located in SW Greenland, consists of supracrustal rocks of mainly tholeiitic basaltic composition, including pillow lavas, sills/dykes and gabbros, as well as ultramafic rocks. Metamorphic grade ranges from greenschist facies to granulite facies. The Tartoq Group crops out as a series of blocks and slivers that are imbricated with originally intrusive Mesoarchaean TTG orthogneisses. The supracrustal rocks form part of a SE vergent fold and thrust belt consistent with the imbrication of TTG gneisses and supracrustal rocks along a convergent margin. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon dating of an intrusive TTG sheet yields a minimum age of 2986 ± 4 Ma for the Tartoq Group. This age is consistent with MC-ICP-MS Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd isotopic whole-rock data for mafic samples from different blocks of the Tartoq Group, which yield errorchron ages of 3189 ± 65 Ma and 3068 ± 220 Ma, respectively. The mafic supracrustal rocks of the Tartoq Group have chondrite-normalized REE patterns with LaCN/SmCN of 0.67–1.96 and rather flat primitive mantle-normalized multi-element patterns, except for scattered LILE contents, and generally negative Nb-anomalies with Nb/Nb* of 0.26–1.31. Th/Yb varies between 0.06 and 0.47 and Nb/Yb between 0.45 and 4.4 indicative of an arc affinity when compared to rocks from modern settings. The similar geochemistry of the different lithological units, together with their coeval formation, as evident from trace element geochemical trends, supports a co-magmatic origin for the rock assemblage and their formation as imbricated relics of oceanic crust. Accordingly, we propose that the Tartoq Group represents remnants of Mesoarchaean oceanic crust, which formed in a suprasubduction zone geodynamic environment.  相似文献   
The Space Environment Viability of Organics (SEVO) experiment is one of two scientific payloads aboard the triple-cube satellite Organism/ORganic Exposure to Orbital Stresses (O/OREOS). O/OREOS is the first technology demonstration mission of the NASA Astrobiology Small Payloads Program. The 1-kg, 1000-cm3 SEVO cube is investigating the chemical evolution of organic materials in interstellar space and planetary environments by exposing organic molecules under controlled conditions directly to the low-Earth orbit (LEO) particle and electromagnetic radiation environment. O/OREOS was launched on November 19, 2010 into a 650-km, 72°-inclination orbit and has a nominal operational lifetime of six months. Four classes of organic compounds, namely an amino acid, a quinone, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), and a metallo-porphyrin are being studied. Initial reaction conditions were established by hermetically sealing the thin-film organic samples in self-contained micro-environments. Chemical changes in the samples caused by direct exposure to LEO radiation and by interactions with the irradiated microenvironments are monitored in situ by ultraviolet/visible/near-infrared (UV/VIS/NIR) absorption spectroscopy using a novel compact fixed-grating CCD spectrometer with the Sun as its light source. The goals of the O/OREOS mission include: (1) demonstrating key small satellite technologies that can enable future low-cost astrobiology experiments, (2) deploying a miniature UV/VIS/NIR spectrometer suitable for in-situ astrobiology and other scientific investigations, (3) testing the capability to establish a variety of experimental reaction conditions to enable the study of astrobiological processes on small satellites, and (4) measuring the chemical evolution of organic molecules in LEO under conditions that can be extrapolated to interstellar and planetary environments. In this paper, the science and technology development of the SEVO instrument payload and its measurements are described.  相似文献   
Although multicomponent reactive transport modeling is gaining wider application in various geoscience fields, it continues to present significant mathematical and computational challenges. There is a need to solve and compare the solutions to complex benchmark problems, using a variety of codes, because such intercomparisons can reveal promising numerical solution approaches and increase confidence in the application of reactive transport codes. In this contribution, the results and performance of five current reactive transport codes are compared for the 1D and 2D subproblems of the so-called easy test case of the MoMaS benchmark (Carrayrou et al., Comput Geosci, 2009, this issue). This benchmark presents a simple fictitious reactive transport problem that highlights the main numerical difficulties encountered in real reactive transport problems. As a group, the codes include iterative and noniterative operator splitting and global implicit solution approaches. The 1D easy advective and 1D easy diffusive scenarios were solved using all codes, and, in general, there was a good agreement, with solution discrepancies limited to regions with rapid concentration changes. Computational demands were typically consistent with what was expected for the various solution approaches. The differences between solutions given by the three codes solving the 2D problem are more important. The very high computing effort required by the 2D problem illustrates the importance of parallel computations. The most important outcome of the benchmark exercise is that all codes are able to generate comparable results for problems of significant complexity and computational difficulty.  相似文献   
In the central area of the early paleozoic Damara belt migmatites and some types of granites (sensu lato) crop out. Conventional petrographic data were collected and melting experiments were carried out with 63 samples of such rocks. Based on these data, migmatite genesis can be classified as follows:
  1. Formation by partial melting and separation of more liquid and more crystalline fractions, the melting behaviour of these fractions has to be principally similar then.
  2. Formation by injection of “geologically liquid” crystal-melt mixes into rocks of (incidentally) similar or (more frequently) dissimilar melting behaviour.
  3. Formation by partial melting of metasediments of originally different composition. The method is applied and demonstrated for outcrops with complicated interrelations and it is shown that temperature estimates are possible thereby (670° to 710° at 4–5 kb H2O pressure in the central Damara belt).
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