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Zusammenfassung Die Kalkoolithe des Rogensteins im Unteren Buntsandstein wurden auf ihren Ooidinhalt untersucht. Dabei wurde besonderer Wert auf die Ausbildung des Ooids gelegt. Die Formen wurden mit den Angaben Kalkowskys (1908) verglichen. Die Ooide sind entsprechend ihrer strukturellen, stofflichen und faziellen Merkmale charakterisiert. Dabei ist aufgezeigt, daß die strukturellen Faktoren Kornform und Korngröße in Abhängigkeit vom Bildungsmechanismus stehen. Der Symmetriegrad des Ooids ist in hohem Maße abhängig von der Bewegungsintensität des kalkabscheidenden Wassers. Die einzelnen Ooidformen werden nach ihrem inneren strukturellen Aufbau und ihrer Form aufgeführt. Die gegenseitigen Beziehungen von Ooidformen werden beschrieben und diskutiert. Zum Abschluß wird die Beziehung der Ooide zu den Organismen, insbesondere den Stromatolithen angeführt.
The oolitic limestone in Lower Buntsandstein is studied concerning its oolitic contents. The investigation was specially concentrated on its mode of formation. The forms are compared with the data published by Kalkowsky (1908). The ooids are identified according to their textural characteristics, kind of material and facial features. It is obvious that the textural factors, shape and grain size are related to the mechanism of formation. The degree of symmetry of the ooids is depending to a large extent on the movement intensity of the water involved in the deposition of calcium carbonate. The individual ooid forms are listed according to their internal structure and shape. The ooid forms which show contrast to each other are discribed and discussed. The relation of the ooids to the organisms, specially to stromatolites, have been mentioned.

Dem Leiter des Mineralogisch-Petrographischen Institutes der Universität Halle, Herrn Dr. Gaedeke, gilt unser besonderer Dank für anregende Diskussionen und stete Förderung dieser Arbeit.  相似文献   
Apparent clock variations of the Block IIF-1 (SVN62) GPS satellite   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
The Block IIF satellites feature a new generation of high-quality rubidium clocks for time and frequency keeping and are the first GPS satellites transmitting operational navigation signals on three distinct frequencies. We investigate apparent clock offset variations for the Block IIF-1 (SVN62) spacecraft that have been identified in L1/L2 clock solutions as well as the L1/L5-minus-L1/L2 clock difference. With peak-to-peak amplitudes of 10?C40?cm, these variations are of relevance for future precision point positioning applications and ionospheric analyses. A proper characterization and understanding is required to fully benefit from the quality of the new signals and clocks. The analysis covers a period of 8?months following the routine payload activation and is based on GPS orbit and clock products generated by the CODE analysis center of the International GNSS Service (IGS) as well as triple-frequency observations collected with the CONGO network. Based on a harmonic analysis, empirical models are presented that describe the sub-daily variation of the clock offset and the inter-frequency clock difference. These contribute to a better clock predictability at timescales of several hours and enable a consistent use of L1/L2 clock products in L1/L5-based positioning.  相似文献   
通过计算机图像测定系统测定、计算获得海冰细菌的大小、面积和碳含量,研究了北极巴伦支海和拉普捷夫海的浮冰中细菌大小、丰度和生物量的垂直分布及其与海冰微藻生物量的关系.细菌在冰心中是非均匀分布的,至少有两种不同分布类型:第一类有单一的丰度峰值,在冰心底部或在冰心中部;第二类有两个丰度峰值.海冰中细菌的丰度为0.4×105~36.7×105个/cm3.不同类型海冰中的细菌大小变化极大,在多年冰中,最大的细菌与叶绿素a最大值出现在同一层,而在一年冰中,细菌大小几乎没有垂直变化.整柱冰心的细菌生物量变化为19.2~79.2mg/cm2,细菌与海冰微藻生物量之比为0.43~10.00.对固定冰比较和研究的结果发现,海冰冰心中细菌大小、丰度和生物量的垂直分布差别极大.据此,分析了对目前海冰研究采样方法的局限性,并提出了规范采样方法的设想.  相似文献   
A peat bed on east-central Graham Island of the Queen Charlotte Islands occurs within a nonglacial fluvial succession that is both overlain and underlain by glacial deposits. Radiocarbon dates of 27,500 ± 400 and 45,700 ± 970 yr B.P. at the top and base of the peat, respectively, indicate that it was deposited during the mid-Wisconsin nonglacial interval. The peat is the first documented mid-Wisconsin organic deposit in northern coastal areas of British Columbia. Three local pollen zones are represented. The lowest zone (PM-1) is restricted to sandy silt directly underlying the dated peat. Very high Cyperaceae and moderate Poaceae pollen percentages characterize zone PM-1, and a variety of other herbs are common, suggesting an open landscape rather than a forested one. The middle zone (PM-2) is characterized by abundant pollen of Picea, Tsuga mertensiana, and Cyperaceae, and also contains pollen of Abies, a genus now absent from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Graham Island probably had extensive forests at this time, but abundant pollen and macrofossils of Cyperaceae and emergent aquatics such as Hippuris vulgaris, Veronica scutellata, Potentilla palustris, and Menyanthes trifoliata indicate that there also were open wetland areas. Zone PM-3 also contains abundant arboreal pollen. Large amounts of Sphagnum spores and Selaginella selaginoides megaspores indicate succession of the wetland area at the sample site to a peat bog. Paleoecological analysis of the data suggests that subalpine vegetation elements were depressed by at least 400 m, probably due to a cooler climate. Probable modern analogs in southeastern Alaska and the presence of Abies (probably A. amabilis) indicate that precipitation was higher on eastern Graham Island during the mid-Wisconsin than at present.  相似文献   
The energy balance and ablation of Glaciar Lengua were investigated during the austral summer of 1999/2000. Glaciar Lengua is located in Patagonia, in the southernmost Andes of Chile (53°S), within an extremely maritime climate. The aim of this study was to gain insight into current energy fluxes at this location and to evaluate how the energy fluxes depend on meteorological variables. From February to April 2000 an automated weather station was operated on Glaciar Lengua. Ablation was measured repeatedly at stakes during the same period. The point energy balance was calculated using the bulk approach formulation. The effective roughness length was adjusted in order to calibrate the model to the measured ablation. It was revealed that sensible heat transfer is the major contribution to the energy balance adding 54% of the energy available for melt. Net radiation contributes only 35% to the overall energy balance. Minor contributors are the latent heat flux (7%) and the heat flux by precipitation (4%). The net radiation shows little variance from day to day. Cross-correlations of the daily mean values of the energy fluxes derived from the energy balance model and meteorological variables reveal that air temperature and wind speed are the key factors controlling the summer energy balance in the ablation area. Melt derived from a multiple regression model based on these two variables correlates with computed melt with a correlation coefficient of 0.92. From the measured ablation, a summer-time degree-day factor of 7.6 mm·°C− 1 was derived for the ablation area.  相似文献   
Levels of the chalcophile metals Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn and the metalloid As in soils from rice paddy fields were assessed in two regions impacted by different industrial activities in Guizhou province, China. The two study areas (Wanshan and Qingzhen) have previously received attention in the international literature due to heavy Hg pollution, though levels of other potentially harmful elements have not previously been reported. The regions were selected as representing two important, but categorically different metal(loid) contaminated areas in China: Wanshan has been a major region for Hg production while Qingzhen is an important region for a large range of various heavy industries based on coal as an energy source.Within a limited distance of the Hg mine tailings in Wanshan the rice paddy fields are heavily contaminated by Hg (median concentration 25 μg g−1, maximum 119 μg g−1) and moderately contaminated by Zn and Cd (median concentrations of 86 and 0.9 μg g−1, respectively). Zinc and Cd levels correlate well with Hg contamination, which indicates a similar source and mechanism of transport and accumulation. Other studies have concluded that the main sources of Hg contamination in Wanshan are the numerous Hg mine tailings. This is likely as these metals are all geochemically associated with the mineral cinnabar (HgS). The other chalcophile elements (Pb, Cu and As) are nevertheless found at background levels only. In Qingzhen the soils were found to contain elevated levels of As and Hg (median concentrations of 38 and 0.3 μg g−1, respectively). These are elements that are known to be more associated with coal and released during coal combustion.  相似文献   
Epochs of changing atmospheric CO2 and seawater CO2–carbonic acid system chemistry and acidification have occurred during the Phanerozoic at various time scales. On the longer geologic time scale, as sea level rose and fell and continental free board decreased and increased, respectively, the riverine fluxes of Ca, Mg, DIC, and total alkalinity to the coastal ocean varied and helped regulate the C chemistry of seawater, but nevertheless there were major epochs of ocean acidification (OA). On the shorter glacial–interglacial time scale from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to late preindustrial time, riverine fluxes of DIC, total alkalinity, and N and P nutrients increased and along with rising sea level, atmospheric PCO2 and temperature led, among other changes, to a slightly deceasing pH of coastal and open ocean waters, and to increasing net ecosystem calcification and decreasing net heterotrophy in coastal ocean waters. From late preindustrial time to the present and projected into the 21st century, human activities, such as fossil fuel and land-use emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere, increasing application of N and P nutrient subsidies and combustion N to the landscape, and sewage discharges of C, N, P have led, and will continue to lead, to significant modifications of coastal ocean waters. The changes include a rapid decline in pH and carbonate saturation state (modern problem of ocean acidification), a shift toward dissolution of carbonate substrates exceeding production, potentially leading to the “demise” of the coral reefs, reversal of the direction of the sea-to-air flux of CO2 and enhanced biological production and burial of organic C, a small sink of anthropogenic CO2, accompanied by a continuous trend toward increasing autotrophy in coastal waters.  相似文献   
This paper describes a multidisciplinary study approach (petrography and rock magnetism) conducted on samples collected from the study area to characterise the magnetic mineralogy and to determine if the magnetisation of both lithologies were induced or retain a remnant component. Petrophysical, mineralogical and geochemical analyses confirm bimodal aspects, particularly in basic rocks; the two magnetic modes depend essentially on the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the samples. The ultramafic rocks comprise a highly altered primary mineralogy with chromite and magnetite as magnetic phases. The second type is of mafic composition with a less altered primary mineralogy and essentially magnetite and/or (hemo-ilmenite) as a carrier of magnetic mineralisation. Sulphides are characterised by high concentrations of Cu, Zn and Pb. The mineralogy is composed mainly of pyrrhotite (85% to 90%), sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and, occasionally, stannite. Monocline pyrrhotite seems to be the magnetic carrier of magnetisation in both Draa Sfar and Koudiat Aïcha. However, we suspect a different amount of hexagonal pyrrhotite as the cause of different magnetic behaviour. Paleomagnetic and thermomagnetic analyses reveal different. The calculated characteristic direction of natural remnant magnetisation for sulphides was used to model the magnetic anomaly of Draa Sfar. The proposed model match the geological features concluded from geological mapping and boreholes. Results from this work can be very useful for any modelling processes of magnetic anomalies suspected due to a sulphide mineralisation in an area with poor outcrops and no presence of boreholes information or of any geological or geochemical data.  相似文献   
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