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Nowadays, numerical modeling is a common tool used in the study of sedimentary basins, since it allows to quantify the processes simulated and to determine interactions among them. One of such programs is SIMSAFADIM-CLASTIC, a 3D forward-model process-based code to simulate the sedimentation in a marine basin at a geological time scale. It models the fluid flow, siliciclastic transport and sedimentation, and carbonate production. In this article, we present the last improvements in the carbonate production model, in particular about the usage of Generalized Lotka-Volterra equations that include logistic growth and interaction among species. Logistic growth is constrained by environmental parameters such as water depth, energy of the medium, and depositional profile. The environmental parameters are converted to factors and combined into one single environmental value to model the evolution of species. The interaction among species is quantified using the community matrix that captures the beneficial or detrimental effects of the presence of each species on the other. A theoretical example of a carbonate ramp is computed to show the interaction among carbonate and siliciclastic sediment, the effect of environmental parameters to the modeled species associations, and the interaction among these species associations. The distribution of the modeled species associations in the theoretical example presented is compared with the carbonate Oligocene-Miocene Asmari Formation in Iran and the Miocene Ragusa Platform in Italy.  相似文献   
Diatoms are identified and enumerated from the surface sediments of 100 lakes of Truelove Lowland, Devon Island, N.W.T., Canada. These lakes range from large oligotrophic lakes, to small tundra ponds, to coastal marine lagoons which are diverse in terms of ionic concentration and composition. The relationship between diatoms and 15 limnological variables is examined using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Specific conductivity is identified as the most important variable influencing the distribution of diatoms in the Truelove lakes. A Weighted Averaging (WA) calibration model is developed to predict diatom-inferred specific conductivity. The reliability of the model is tested by evaluating the correlation between observed and diatom-inferred values and determining the error of prediction by bootstrapping. The applicability of the predictive conductivity equation is demonstrated by reconstructing the paleoconductivity history of Fish Lake.  相似文献   
The initial cooling of pahoehoe flow lobes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 In this paper we describe a new thermal model for the initial cooling of pahoehoe lava flows. The accurate modeling of this initial cooling is important for understanding the formation of the distinctive surface textures on pahoehoe lava flows as well as being the first step in modeling such key pahoehoe emplacement processes as lava flow inflation and lava tube formation. This model is constructed from the physical phenomena observed to control the initial cooling of pahoehoe flows and is not an empirical fit to field data. We find that the only significant processes are (a) heat loss by thermal radiation, (b) heat loss by atmospheric convection, (c) heat transport within the flow by conduction with temperature and porosity-dependent thermal properties, and (d) the release of latent heat during crystallization. The numerical model is better able to reproduce field measurements made in Hawai'i between 1989 and 1993 than other published thermal models. By adjusting one parameter at a time, the effect of each of the input parameters on the cooling rate was determined. We show that: (a) the surfaces of porous flows cool more quickly than the surfaces of dense flows, (b) the surface cooling is very sensitive to the efficiency of atmospheric convective cooling, and (c) changes in the glass forming tendency of the lava may have observable petrographic and thermal signatures. These model results provide a quantitative explanation for the recently observed relationship between the surface cooling rate of pahoehoe lobes and the porosity of those lobes (Jones 1992, 1993). The predicted sensitivity of cooling to atmospheric convection suggests a simple field experiment for verification, and the model provides a tool to begin studies of the dynamic crystallization of real lavas. Future versions of the model can also be made applicable to extraterrestrial, submarine, silicic, and pyroclastic flows. Received: 26 November 1994 / Accepted: 1 December 1995  相似文献   
Fluid inclusions and clusters of water molecules at nanometer-to submicron-scale in size have been investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in jadeite, quartz and symplectite aegirine–augite, albite, taramite and magnetite corona minerals from ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) jadeite–quartzite at Shuanghe, the Dabie Mountains, China. Fluid inclusions from 0.003 μm to 0.78 μm in size occur in jadeite and quartz crystals, and a small number of fluid inclusions from 0.001 μm to 0.25 μm have also been detected in symplectite-forming minerals. Most of the fluid inclusions have round or negative crystal morphology and contain aqueous fluids, but some contain CO2-rich fluids. They are usually connected to dislocations undetectable at an optical scale. The dislocations represent favorable paths for fluid leakage, accounting for non-decrepitation of most fluid inclusions when external pressure decreased at later stages, although there was partial decrepitation of some fluid inclusions unconnected to defect microstructures resulting from internal overpressure. Non-decrepitation and partial decrepitation of fluid inclusions resulted in changes of original composition and/or density. It is clear that identification of hidden re-equilibration features has significant implications for the petrological interpretation of post-peak metamorphic processes. Micro-FTIR results show that all jadeite and quartz samples contain structural water occurring as hydroxyl ions (OH) and free water (H2O) in the form of clusters of water molecules. The H2O transformed from OH during exhumation and could have triggered and enhanced early retrograde metamorphism of the host rocks and facilitated plastic deformation of jadeite and quartz grains by dislocation movement, and thus the H2O released during decompression might represent early-stage retrograde metamorphic fluid. The nominally anhydrous mineral (NAM) jadeite is able to transport aqueous fluids in concentrations of at least several hundred ppm water along a subduction zone to mantle depths in the form of clusters of water molecules and hydroxyl ions within crystals.  相似文献   
The new, greatly expanded internally-consistent dataset of Holland and Powell includes thermodynamic data for a wide range of mineral end-members in common rock-forming minerals, in particular, including FeMg-1 substitutions in glaucophane, garnet, chloritoid and carpholite, and FeMg-1 and MgSiAl-1Al-1 substitutions in talc and chlorite. Moreover, we have the uncertainties and correlations for these data. With the data, we have calculated the full pressure-temperature phase diagram for the system Na2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (NFMASH) for quartz (or coesite) and H2O in excess, in the range 300°–800°C and 5–50 kbars. By solving the set of non-linear equations formed by the equilibrium relationships for an independent set of equations between the end-members in an assemblage in NFMASH, the compositions of the minerals (and PT) can be calculated. Thus the changes in MgSiAl-1Al-1 along NMASH reactions, and FeSiAl-1Al-1 along NFASH reactions, are calculated, and the changes in FeMg-1 and MgSiAl-1Al-1 along NFMASH reactions are calculated. From this information it is straightforward to generate PT diagrams for specific rock compositions. Mineral assemblages and mineral compositional changes in the phase diagram are discussed in relation to greenschist, blueschist and eclogite facies assemblages in metapelitic rocks. It is found that the correspondence between the predictions of the phase diagrams and the observations on rocks is remarkably good. When semiquantitative extensions of the phase diagram to include Ca(MgFe)-1, NaSiCa-1Al-1, Fe3+Al-1 and KNa-1 substitutions are taken into account the agreement is essentially complete.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reduce pH of marine waters due to the absorption of atmospheric CO2 and formation of carbonic acid. Estuarine waters are more susceptible to acidification because they are subject to multiple acid sources and are less buffered than marine waters. Consequently, estuarine shell forming species may experience acidification sooner than marine species although the tolerance of estuarine calcifiers to pH changes is poorly understood. We analyzed 23 years of Chesapeake Bay water quality monitoring data and found that daytime average pH significantly decreased across polyhaline waters although pH has not significantly changed across mesohaline waters. In some tributaries that once supported large oyster populations, pH is increasing. Current average conditions within some tributaries however correspond to values that we found in laboratory studies to reduce oyster biocalcification rates or resulted in net shell dissolution. Calcification rates of juvenile eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, were measured in laboratory studies in a three-way factorial design with 3 pH levels, two salinities, and two temperatures. Biocalcification declined significantly with a reduction of ∼0.5 pH units and higher temperature and salinity mitigated the decrease in biocalcification.  相似文献   
Electron and ion-probe microanalysis have been used to obtain zoning profiles for major and trace elements in olivine phenocrysts from a high-magnesian andesite from Shodo-Shima island, southwest Japan. This rock was previously thought to represent undifferentiated, primary magma. Some crystals have unzoned cores, while others show cores which are reversely zoned with respect to Mg/ (Mg+Fe), Ni, Mn and Cr. In addition, some Ni profiles show a normally zoned hump at the most central portions of the reversely zoned crystals. All crystals show normally zoned rims. The Li concentrations are constant throughout the cores of all crystals studied, but rise sharply, by a factor of up to at least six, in the rims. The Ca and Co concentrations are essentially constant throughout all the crystals. Mechanisms for producing the observed zoning profiles are discussed, and it is concluded that the reverse zoning was produced by the introduction of crystals into a less differentiated magma than that in which they grew. The reversely zoned crystals could therefore represent xenocrysts which were introduced into an undifferentiated magma, or phenocrysts introduced into a more primitive magma by a magma mixing process. The Ni profiles are used to estimate the residence time of these crystals in the more primitive magma. The following trace element partition co-efficients have been estimated for the olivine-groundmass system in this rock: D Ni=16; D Mn=1.1; D Co=4.2; D Ca =0.02; D Ti=0.005; D V=0.05; D Sc=0.2; D Na=0.0002. Studies of trace element zoning will become increasingly important as the new generation of trace element microprobes become available but a larger database of experimentally determined values for trace element partition coefficients and diffusion coefficients in crystals and magmas, and a better understanding of other disequilibrium processes are required to fully exploit the new data.  相似文献   
Based on interviews with corporate executives, this paper examines several decisions to locate pulp and paper mills in British Columbia during the 1960's and early 1970's. It emphasizes locational evaluations of regions, communities, and sites interpreted as parts of wider investment decision processes and longer-run corporate strategies. Relationships between initial locational decisions and post-locational assessments and adjustments are also identified.  相似文献   
As a result of affiliation between the Hudson's Bay Company and the Royal Society a relatively large number of instrumental temperature records are available from York Factory and Churchill Factory on the southwest of Hudson Bay beginning in 1768. The nature of these records, details of the instruments and information about the observers are presented. The major difficulty with the records is that the number of observations and the time of observation varied considerably. Adjustment factors were calculated for all of the combinations using a modern record maintained at the Churchill airport. By combining the Hudson's Bay Company record with data recorded by members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police after 1852, and up to 1910, a long and relatively continuous record of daily and monthly average temperatures has been created for Central Canada.  相似文献   
Antigua is a small island at the northern end of the Lesser Antilles chain. Its geology is largely limited to the Upper Oligocene and it records with unusual fidelity the transition from island arc volcanism to quiescence and limestone deposition. Despite the apparent limitation of a rock record confined to a short stratigraphical interval, Antigua has a geodiversity that ranges from thick andesites through silicified logs and freshwater snails in cherts to limestones that include both shallow and deeper water facies, and fine karstic features.  相似文献   
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