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Differences in sediment contaminant concentrations within two marinas and adjacent to the marinas in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands were compared to calculate the portion of those contaminants due to marina activities. In marina 1 (containing no vessel maintenance areas, but with a fuel dock) 88% of observed PAHs and 0% of metals were attributed to marina activities. In the marina/boatyard complex, 46% of PAHs and 89% of metals were attributed to marina sources. The distance from storm drain discharges, and sediment characteristics play a greater role in the distribution and fate of pollutants than do activities associated with a given marina station. The data also provided some evidence that the protection marinas offer to vessels from wind, currents, and waves may concentrate contaminants.  相似文献   
Climate change will have serious repercussions for agriculture, ecosystems, and farmer livelihoods in Central America. Smallholder farmers are particularly vulnerable due to their reliance on agriculture and ecosystem services for their livelihoods. There is an urgent need to develop national and local adaptation responses to reduce these impacts, yet evidence from historical climate change is fragmentary. Modeling efforts help bridge this gap. Here, we review the past decade of research on agricultural and ecological climate change impact models for Central America. The results of this review provide insights into the expected impacts of climate change and suggest policy actions that can help minimize these impacts. Modeling indicates future climate-driven changes, often declines, in suitability for Central American crops. Declines in suitability for coffee, a central crop in the regional economy, are noteworthy. Ecosystem models suggest that climate-driven changes are likely at low- and high-elevation montane forest transitions. Modeling of vulnerability suggests that smallholders in many parts of the region have one or more vulnerability factors that put them at risk. Initial adaptation policies can be guided by these existing modeling results. At the same time, improved modeling is being developed that will allow policy action specifically targeted to vulnerable groups, crops, and locations. We suggest that more robust modeling of ecological responses to climate change, improved representation of the region in climate models, and simulation of climate influences on crop yields and diseases (especially coffee leaf rust) are key priorities for future research.  相似文献   
通过详细的岩相学和锆石U-Pb年龄的研究,秘鲁海岸岩基带阿雷基帕段的填图工作得到了补充,该岩基带岩浆活动可分为7个阶段和4个旋回,各阶段都显示出不同的岩浆容量,其地貌主要表现为岩基和岩脉。旋回Ⅰ和旋回Ⅱ代表侏罗纪岩浆活动阶段(201~145Ma),岩浆分异为辉长岩到花岗岩;旋回Ⅲ和旋回Ⅳ代表白垩纪岩浆,岩浆分异为英云闪长岩-二长花岗岩、闪长岩与花岗闪长岩及英云闪长岩-花岗闪长岩。对角闪石和黑云母矿物晶体的数量关系研究表明,旋回Ⅰ的侵入岩有大量辉石和角闪石结晶,并伴随金-铁成矿作用;旋回Ⅱ有大量的群集角闪石晶体和呈定向排列或群集的六边形黑云母,且伴随铜-金-铁成矿作用;旋回Ⅲ侵入岩内发育角闪石和黑云母,伴随着金-铜和铁成矿作用;旋回Ⅳ发育大量角闪石和六边形黑云母,岩石更偏长英质,并伴随铜-锌-金-银-铁和铜-金-钼成矿作用。  相似文献   
Mathematical Geosciences - Frequency-domain electromagnetic instruments allow the collection of data in different configurations, that is, varying the intercoil spacing, the frequency, and the...  相似文献   
The creation of a specialized network of large, wide-angle telescopes for distributed observations of near-Earth space using a Russian–Cuban Observatory is considered. An extremely important goal of routine monitoring of near-Earth and near-Sun space is warding off threats with both natural and technogenic origins. Natural threats are associated with asteroids or comets, and technogenic threats with man-made debris in near-Earth space. A modern network of ground-based optical instruments designed to ward off such threats must: (a) have a global and, if possible, uniform geographic distribution, (b) be suitable for wide-angle, high-accuracy precision survey observations, and (c) be created and operated within a single network-oriented framework. Experience at the Institute of Astronomy on the development of one-meter-class wide-angle telescopes and elements of a super-wide-angle telescope cluster is applied to determine preferences for the composition of each node of such a network. The efficiency of distributed observations in attaining maximally accurate predictions of the motions of potentially dangerous celestial bodies as they approach the Earth and in observations of space debris and man-made satellites is estimated. The first estimates of astroclimatic conditions at the proposed site of the future Russian–Cuban Observatory in the mountains of the Sierra del Rosario Biosphere Reserve are obtained. Special attention is given to the possible use of the network to carry out a wide range of astrophysical studies, including optical support for the localization of gravitational waves and other transient events.  相似文献   
The importance of intertidal estuarine habitats, like salt marsh and oyster reef, has been well established, as has their ubiquitous loss along our coasts with resultant forfeiture of the ecosystem services they provide. Furthering our understanding of how these habitats are evolving in the face of anthropogenic and climate driven changes will help improve management strategies. Previous work has shown that the growth and productivity of both oyster reefs and salt marshes are strongly linked to elevation in the intertidal zone (duration of aerial exposure). We build on that research by examining the growth of marsh-fringing oyster reefs at yearly to decadal time scales and examine movement of the boundary between oyster reef and salt marsh at decadal to centennial time scales. We show that the growth of marsh-fringing reefs is strongly associated to the duration of aerial exposure, with little growth occurring below mean low water and above mean sea level. Marsh-shoreline movement, in the presence or absence of fringing oyster reefs, was reconstructed using transects of sediment cores. Carbonaceous marsh sediments sampled below the modern fringing oyster reefs indicate that marsh shorelines within Back Sound, North Carolina are predominantly in a state of transgression (landward retreat), and modern oyster-reef locations were previously occupied by salt marsh within the past two centuries. Cores fronting transgressive marsh shorelines absent fringing reefs sampled thinner and less extensive carbonaceous marsh sediment than at sites with fringing reefs. This indicates that fringing reefs are preserving carbonaceous marsh sediment from total erosion as they transgress and colonize the exposed marsh shoreline making marsh sediments more resistant to erosion. The amount of marsh sediment preservation underneath the reef scales with the reef’s relief, as reefs with the greatest relief were level with the marsh platform, preserving a maximum amount of carbonaceous sediments during transgression by buffering the marsh from erosional processes. Thus, fringing oyster reefs not only have the capacity to shelter shorelines but, if located at the ideal tidal elevation, they also keep up with accelerating sea-level rise and cap carbonaceous sediments, protecting them from erosion, as reefs develop along the marsh.  相似文献   
The VIMS instrument onboard Cassini observed the north polar region of Titan at 113° phase angle, 28 December 2006. On this spectral image, a vast polar cloud can be seen northward to 62°N, and elsewhere, the haze appears as the dominant source of scattering. Because the surface does not appear in the wavelength range between 0.3 and , this spectro-image is ideal to study airborn scatterers both in methane bands and windows. In this work, we study this image, along with another image taken at 13° phase angle. This image probe both the atmosphere and the surface from pole to pole. First, we characterise the spatial distribution of the haze layer above 100 km between 80°S and 70°N. We find a north south asymmetry with a haze opacity increasing by a factor 3 from the south pole to the equator, then a constant value up to about 30°N and a decrease of a factor 2 between 30°N and about 60°N. Beyond 60°N, we can see the influence of the north polar cloud, even in the band, but no polar haze accumulation. The fact that the north polar region is still in the polar night is a possible explanation. No haze accumulation is observed in the southern polar region. Secondly, we partly identify the origin of spectral features in the 2.8-μm methane window, which are found to be due to deuterated methane (CH3D). This allows the analyse of this window and to retrieve the opacity of scatterers layer below 80 km (presumably made of aerosols and condensate droplets) between 35°N and 60°N. Finally, we constrained the values and the spectral behaviour of the imaginary part of the aerosol refractive index in the range between 0.3 and . To do so, we studied the 2.8-μm window with the image taken at 113° phase angle. To complete the analysis, we studied the transmission through the haze layer in the 3.4-μm band observed in solar occultation mode with VIMS, and we analysed the single scattering albedo retrieved with DISR instrument between 0.4 and . The imaginary part of the refractive index that we find for Titan aerosols follows Khare et al. (Khare, B.N. et al. [1984]. Icarus 60, 127-137) optical constant up to and becomes constant beyond this wavelength at least up to . It also has a prominent peak at and a secondary peak at , which indicates material rich in C-H bonds, with much less N-H bonds than in Khare et al. (1984) tholins.  相似文献   
We study the relationship between the speeds of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) obtained close to the Sun and in the interplanetary medium during the low solar-activity period from 2008 to 2010. We use a multi-spacecraft forward-modeling technique to fit a flux-rope-like model to white-light coronagraph images from the STEREO and SOHO spacecraft to estimate the geometrical configuration, propagation in three-dimensions (3D), and the radial speeds of the observed CMEs. The 3D speeds obtained in this way are used in existing CME travel-time prediction models. The results are compared to the actual CME transit times from the Sun to STEREO, ACE, and Wind spacecraft as well as to the transit times calculated using projected CME speeds. CME 3D speeds give slightly better predictions than projected CME speeds, but a large scatter is observed between the predicted and observed travel times, even when 3D speeds are used. We estimate the possible sources of errors and find a weak tendency for large interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs) with high magnetic fields to arrive faster than predicted and small, low-magnetic-field ICMEs to arrive later than predicted. The observed CME transit times from the Sun to 1?AU show a particularly good correlation with the upstream solar-wind speed. Similar trends have not been observed in previous studies using data sets near solar maximum. We suggest that near solar minimum a relatively narrow range of CME initial speeds, sizes, and magnetic-field magnitudes led to a situation where aerodynamic drag between CMEs and ambient solar wind was the primary cause of variations in CME arrival times from the Sun to 1?AU.  相似文献   
With the increasing precision of the GRAIL gravity field models and topography from LOLA, it is possible to investigate the substructure beneath crater Clavius. An admittance between gravity and topography data is commonly used to estimate selenophysical parameters, including load ratio, crustal thickness and density, and elastic thickness. Not only a surface load, but also a subsurface load is considered in estimation. The algorithm of particle swarm optimization(PSO) with a swarm size of 400 is employed as well.Results indicate that the observed admittance is best-fitted by the modeled admittance based on a spherical shell model, which was proved to be unsatisfactory in the previous study. The best-fitted load ratio f is around-0.194. Such a small load ratio conforms to the direct proportion between the nearly uncompensated topography and its corresponding negative gravity anomaly. It also indicates that a surface load dominates all the loads. Constrained within 2σSTD, a small crustal thickness(~30 km) and a crustal density of ~2587 kg m-3are found, quite close to the results from previous GRAIL research. Considering the well constrained crustal thickness and density, the best-fitted elastic thickness(~7 km) is rational. This result is slightly smaller than the previous study(~12 km). Such difference can be attributed to the difference in crustal density used and the precision of gravity and topography data. Considering that the small difference between the modeled gravity anomaly and observations is quite small, a parameter inversed here could be an indicator of the subsurface structure beneath Clavius.  相似文献   
A circular albedo feature in the Arabia Terra province was first hypothesized as an ancient impact basin using Viking-era information. To test this unpublished hypothesis, we have analyzed the Viking era-information together with layers of new data derived from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and Mars Odyssey (MO) missions. Our analysis indicates that Arabia Terra is an ancient geologic province of Mars with many distinct characteristics, including predominantly Noachian materials, a unique part of the highland-lowland boundary, a prominent paleotectonic history, the largest region of fretted terrain on the planet, outflow channels with no obvious origins, extensive exposures of eroded layered sedimentary deposits, and notable structural, albedo, thermal inertia, gravity, magnetic, and elemental signatures. The province also is marked by special impact crater morphologies, which suggest a persistent volatile-rich substrate. No one characteristic provides definitive answers to the dominant event(s) that shaped this unique province. Collectively the characteristics reported here support the following hypothesized sequence of events in Arabia Terra: (1) an enormous basin, possibly of impact origin, formed early in martian history when the magnetic dynamo was active and the lithosphere was relatively thin, (2) sediments and other materials were deposited in the basin during high erosion rates while maintaining isostatic equilibrium, (3) sediments became water enriched during the Noachian Period, and (4) basin materials were uplifted in response to the growth of the Tharsis Bulge, resulting in differential erosion exposing ancient stratigraphic sequences. Parts of the ancient basin remain water-enriched to the present day.  相似文献   
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