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We propose a revised age calibration of the Messinian salinity crisis onset in the Mediterranean at 5.971 Ma based on the recognition of an extra gypsum cycle in the transitional interval of the Perales section (Sorbas basin, Spain) and the revision of the magnetostratigraphy of the Monticino section (Vena del Gesso basin, Italy). This age re‐calibration allows to state more accurately that: (i) the interval encompassing the MSC‐onset is continuous, thus ruling out any erosional feature or stratigraphic hiatus related to a major sea‐level fall affecting the Mediterranean; (ii) the first gypsum was deposited during the summer insolation peak at 5.969 Ma associated with an eccentricity minimum and roughly coincident with glacial stage TG32; (iii) the MSC‐onset was preconditioned by the tectonically‐driven reduction of the hydrological exchanges with the Atlantic Ocean and finally triggered by glacial conditions in the northern hemisphere and by arid conditions in northern Africa.  相似文献   
Large variations of the CO2 flux through the soil were observed between November 2002 and January 2006 at Mt. Etna volcano. In many cases, the CO2 flux was strongly influenced by changes in air temperature and atmospheric pressure. A new filtering method was then developed to remove the atmospheric influences on soil CO2 flux and, at the same time, to highlight the variations strictly related to volcanic activity. Successively, the CO2 corrected data were quantitatively compared with the spectral amplitude of the volcanic tremor by cross correlation function, cross-wavelet spectrum and wavelet coherence. These analyses suggested that the soil CO2 flux variations preceded those of volcanic tremor by about 50 days. Given that volcanic tremor is linked to the shallow (a few kilometer) magma dynamics and soil CO2 flux related to the deeper (~12 km b.s.l.) magma dynamics, the “delayed similarity” between the CO2 flux and the volcanic tremor amplitude was used to assess the average speed in the magma uprising into the crust, as about 170–260 m per day. Finally, the large amount of CO2 released before the onset of the 2004–2005 eruption indicated a deep ingression of new magma, which might have triggered such an eruption.  相似文献   
The present work reports on the isotopic characterization of rainfall and groundwater at Mt. Vesuvius. Values of δ 18O, monthly measured on rain samples collected during the period 2002–2004 in a rain-gauge network composed of 10 stations, were compared with meteorological and DEM data. Air temperature, controlled by the local orographic structure, was identified as the main factor influencing rain isotopic composition. Another important role is played by orographic clouds, whose condensation over the top of Mt. Vesuvius is responsible for anomalously high δ 18O values recorded in rain samples from the summit area of the volcanic edifice. A spatial model of rain isotopic composition, based on a 3D distribution of temperature derived by a 1 × 1 km DEM, was implemented and used for calculating the theoretical isotopic signature of seepage, further compared with data measured in the groundwater monitoring network. The analysis evidenced the role of local meteoric recharge as the main source feeding Mt. Vesuvius aquifers. The unique exception is the Olivella drainage gallery, located on the north-eastern flank of the volcanic edifice, whose isotopic composition is slightly more positive than the one expected for its altitude, likely caused by both evaporation processes and mixing with condensed hydrothermal vapor.  相似文献   
Hydrochemical (major and some minor constituents), stable isotope ( and , δ13CTDIC total dissolved inorganic carbon) and dissolved gas composition have been determined on 33 thermal discharges located throughout Sicily (Italy) and its adjacent islands. On the basis of major ion contents, four main water types have been distinguished: (1) a Na-Cl type; (2) a Ca-Mg > Na-SO4-Cl type; (3) a Ca-Mg-HCO3 type and (4) a Na-HCO3 type water. Most waters are meteoric in origin or resulting from mixing between meteoric water and heavy-isotope end members. In some samples, δ18O values reflect the effects of equilibrium processes between thermal waters and rocks (positive 18O-shift) or thermal waters and CO2 (negative 18O-shift). Dissolved gas composition indicates the occurrence of gas/water interaction processes in thermal aquifers. N2/O2 ratios higher than air-saturated water (ASW), suggest the presence of geochemical processes responsible for dissolved oxygen consumption. High CO2 contents (more than 3000 cc/litre STP) dissolved in the thermal waters indicate the presence of an external source of carbon dioxide-rich gas. TDIC content and δ13CTDIC show very large ranges from 4.6 to 145.3 mmol/Kg and from –10.0‰ and 2.8‰, respectively. Calculated values indicate the significant contribution from a deep source of carbon dioxide inorganic in origin. Interaction with Mediterranean magmatic CO2 characterized by heavier carbon isotope ratios ( value from -3 to 0‰ vs V-PDB (CAPASSO et al., 1997, GIAMMANCO et al., 1998; INGUAGGIATO et al., 2000) with respect to MORB value and/or input of CO2-derived from thermal decomposition of marine carbonates have been inferred.  相似文献   
Composition of chromiferous spinel included in olivines of Mg-rich basalts and gabbros of the Deccan Traps (Gujarat and Western Ghats) are reported here. They vary from Al-rich compositions [Al2O3 = 53wt.%; Cr#, 100Cr/(Cr + Al) = 12] to Cr-rich compositions [Cr2O3 = 51wt.%; Cr# = 84], and from Cr-Al rich compositions towards Cr-rich Ti-magnetite (TiO2 up to 23 wt.%, ulvöspinel up to 67mol.%). The Mg# [100Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)] of spinel decreases from 81 to nearly zero. The highest Cr# has been found in the Bushe Fm., Thakurvadi Fm., and some high-Ti basalts of the Pavagadh section, whereas some of the low-Ti basalts of Saurashtra have Al-rich compositions typical of spinels found in mid-ocean ridge basalts. The chemical composition of the Deccan Trap spinels is completely different compared to that observed in mantle spinel suites, with very few exceptions. The decreasing Al and increasing Fe and Ti of spinel seems to be mainly the result of decrease of Mg in the locally coexisting melts and favourable cationic substitutions in the lattice. There is barely any evidence of general relationships between the composition of the Deccan spinels and inferred mantle sources of the host magmas. Pyroxene inclusions in spinels may witness a high-pressure stage of crystallization, but the possibility of non-equilibrium crystallization, or even magma mixing, cannot be ruled out. Overall, the compositional ranges of chromiferous spinel in the Deccan Traps closely match those observed in the other Large Igneous Provinces having mafic/ultramafic intrusions and mafic magma compositions (e.g., Siberian Traps, Karoo, Emeishan).  相似文献   
In San Gregorio (L’Aquila, Italy) a three-story, reinforced concrete (RC) building had the first floor collapsed following the earthquake of April 6, 2009. The remaining two stories fell with a displacement in the horizontal projection of about 70 cm. This unusual behaviour is made more puzzling by the fact that buildings located at a short distance and with similar features had little or no damage reported. To understand the causes of the collapse we performed strong motion recordings, microtremor measurements, a detailed geological survey, a high-resolution geo-electrical tomography, a borehole with a down-hole test. On the building we performed a geometrical survey and laboratory tests on concrete cores. The acceleration and noise recordings have shown a high amplification with uphill-downhill direction. The geological survey has revealed the presence of co-seismic fractures on stiff soils. Geo-electrical tomography has shown an unexpected, strong discontinuity just below the building. Taking advantage of excavations in adjacent lots, we have highlighted rare cataclastic decimetric bands with a very low resistance material incorporated in well-stratified calcarenites. The same soft material has been founded in the borehole down to 17 m from ground level, showing a shear wave velocity that starts at 250 m/s, increases with depth and has an abrupt transition in calcarenites at 1,150 m/s. The surface geophysical measurements in the vicinity of the site have not shown similar situations, with flat HVSR curves as expected for a rock outcrop, except for a lateral extension of the soft zone. The analysis on the quality of the building materials has yielded values higher than average for the age and type of construction, and no special design or construction deficiencies have been observed. A strong, peculiar site effect thus appears to be the most likely cause of the damage observed.  相似文献   
The monitoring of the evolution of structural dynamic response under transient loads must be carried out to understand the physical behaviour of building subjected to earthquake ground motion, as well as to calibrate numerical models simulating their dynamic behaviour. Fourier analysis is one of the most used tools for estimating the dynamic characteristics of a system. However, the intrinsic assumption of stationarity of the signal imposes severe limitations upon its application to transient earthquake signals or when the dynamic characteristics of systems change over time (e.g., when the frequency of vibration of a structure decreases due to damage). Some of these limitations could be overcome by using the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT). However, the width of the moving window adopted for the analysis has to be fixed as a function of the minimum frequency of interest, using the best compromise between resolution in both the time and frequency domains. Several other techniques for time-frequency analysis of seismic signals recorded in buildings have been recently proposed. These techniques are more suitable than the STFT for the application described above, although they also present drawbacks that should be taken into account while interpreting the results. In this study, we characterize the dynamic behaviour of the Falkenhof Tower (Potsdam, Germany) while forced by ambient noise and vibrations produced by an explosion. We compare the results obtained by standard frequency domain analysis with those derived by different time-frequency methods. In particular, the results obtained by the standard Transfer Function method, Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR), Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT), Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and S-Transform are discussed while most of the techniques provide similar results, the EMD analyses suffer some problems derived from the mode mixing in most of the Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs).  相似文献   
In natural hazard risk assessment situations are encountered where information on the portfolio of exposure is only available in a spatially aggregated form, hindering a precise risk assessment. Recourse might be found in the spatial disaggregation of the portfolio of exposure to the resolution of the hazard model. Given the uncertainty inherent to any disaggregation, it is argued that the disaggregation should be performed probabilistically. In this paper, a methodology for probabilistic disaggregation of spatially aggregated values is presented. The methodology is exemplified with the disaggregation of a portfolio of buildings in two communes in Switzerland and the results are compared to sample observations. The relevance of probabilistic disaggregation uncertainty in natural hazard risk assessment is illustrated with the example of a simple flood risk assessment.  相似文献   
We report on a continuous-measurement campaign carried out in Vulcano (Aeolian islands, Sicily), devoted to the simultaneous monitoring of CO2 and H2O concentrations. The measurements were performed with an absorption spectrometer based on a semiconductor laser source emitting around a 2-μm wavelength. The emitted radiation was selectively absorbed by two molecular ro-vibrational transitions specific of the investigated species. Data for CO2 and H2O concentrations, and CO2 soil diffusive flux using an accumulation chamber configuration, were collected at several interesting sampling points on the island (Porto Levante beach- PLB, Fossa Grande Crater – FOG- and Valley of Palizzi, PAL). CO2/H2O values, measured on the ground, are very similar (around 0.019 (± 0.006)) and comparable to the previous discrete detected values of 0.213 (Fumarole F5-La Fossa crater rim) and 0.012 (Fumarole VFS – Baia Levante beach) obtaid during the 1977–1993 heating phase of the crater fumaroles.  相似文献   
A revised stratigraphic framework for the Messinian succession of Cyprus is proposed demonstrating that the three‐stage model for the Messinian salinity crisis recently established for the Western Mediterranean also applies to the Eastern Mediterranean, at least for its marginal basins. This analysis is based on a multidisciplinary study of the Messinian evaporites and associated deposits exposed in the Polemi, Pissouri, Maroni/Psematismenos and Mesaoria basins. Here, we document for the first time that the base of the unit usually referred to the ‘Lower Evaporites’ in Cyprus does not actually correspond to the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis. The basal surface of this unit rather corresponds to a regional‐scale unconformity, locally associated with an angular discordance, and is related to the erosion and resedimentation of primary evaporites deposited during the first stage of the Messinian salinity crisis. This evidence suggests that the ‘Lower Evaporites’ of the southern basins of Cyprus actually belong to the second stage of the Messinian salinity crisis; they can be thus ascribed to the Resedimented Lower Gypsum unit that was deposited between 5.6 and 5.5 Ma and is possibly coeval to the halite deposited in the northern Mesaoria basin. Primary, in situ evaporites of the first stage of the Messinian salinity crisis were not preserved in Cyprus basins. Conversely, shallow‐water primary evaporites deposited during the third stage of the Messinian salinity crisis are well preserved; these deposits can be regarded as the equivalent of the Upper Gypsum of Sicily. Our study documents that the Messinian stratigraphy shows many similarities between the Western and Eastern Mediterranean marginal basins, implying a common and likely coeval development of the Messinian salinity crisis. This could be reflected also in intermediate and deep‐water basins; we infer that the Lower Evaporites seismic unit in the deep Eastern Mediterranean basins could well be mainly composed of clastic evaporites and that its base could correspond to the Messinian erosional surface.  相似文献   
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