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Marsh soil properties vary drastically across estuarine salinity gradients, which can affect soil strength and, consequently, marsh edge erodibility. Here, we quantify how marsh erosion differs between saline and brackish marshes of the Mississippi Delta. We analyzed long-term (1932–2015) maps of marsh loss and developed an algorithm to distinguish edge erosion from interior loss. We found that the edge erosion rate remains nearly constant at decadal timescales, whereas interior loss varies by more than 100%. On average, roughly half of marsh loss can be attributed to edge erosion, the other half to interior loss. Based on data from 42 cores, brackish marsh soils had a lower bulk density (0.17 vs. 0.27 g/cm3), a higher organic content (43% vs. 26%), a lower shear strength (2.0 vs. 2.5 kPa), and a lower shear strength in the root layer (13.8 vs. 20.7 kPa) than saline marsh soils. We then modified an existing marsh edge erosion model by including a salinity-dependent erodibility. By calibrating the erodibility with the observed retreat rates, we found that the brackish marsh is two to three times more erodible than the saline marshes. Overall, this model advances the ability to simulate estuarine systems as a whole, thus transcending the salinity boundaries often used in compartmentalized marsh models.  相似文献   
Locating microseismic events using borehole data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Constraining microseismic hypocentres in and around hydrocarbon reservoirs and their overburdens is essential for the monitoring of deformation related to hydraulic fracturing, production and injection and the assessment of reservoir security for CO2 and wastewater storage. Microseismic monitoring in hydrocarbon reservoirs can be achieved via a variety of surface and subsurface acquisition geometries. In this study we use data from a single, subsurface, vertical array of sensors. We test an existing technique that uses a 1D velocity model to constrain locations by minimizing differential S‐to‐P arrival times for individual sensors. We show that small errors in either arrival time picks or the velocity model can lead to large errors in depth, especially near velocity model discontinuities where events tend to cluster. To address this issue we develop two methods that use all available arrival times simultaneously in the inversion, thus maximizing the number of potential constraints from to N, where N is the number of phase picks. The first approach minimizes all available arrival time pairs whilst the second approach, the equal distance time (EDT) method defines the hypocentre as the point where the maximum number of arrival time surfaces intersect. We test and compare the new location procedures with locations using differential S‐to‐P times at each individual sensor on a microseismic data set recorded by a vertical array of sensors at the Ekofisk reservoir in the North Sea. Specifically, we test each procedure's sensitivity to perturbations in measured arrival times and the velocity model using Monte Carlo analysis. In general, location uncertainties increase with increasing raypath length. We show that errors in velocity model estimates are the most significant source of uncertainty in source location with these experiments. Our tests show that hypocentres determined by the new procedures are less sensitive to erroneous measurements and velocity model uncertainties thus reducing the potential for misinterpretation of the results.  相似文献   
This research study focused on the hypothesis that extreme drought and high streamflow events come from different independent populations with different probability distributions which need to be studied separately, rather than considering the streamflow population as a whole. The inability of traditional streamflow generator models to consistently reproduce the frequency of occurrence of severe droughts observed in the historical record has been questioned by many researchers. Our study focused on the development of astochastic event generator model which would be capable of doing so. This was accomplished in a two-step process by first generating the drought event, and then deriving the streamflows which comprised that event. The model considered for this analysis was an alternating renewal-reward procedure that cycles between eventon andoff times, and is representative of drought or high streamflow event duration. The reward gained while the event ison oroff represents drought severity or high streamflow surplus. Geometric and gamma distributions were considered for drought duration and deficit respectively. Model validation was performed using calculated required capacities from the sequent peak algorithm.  相似文献   
An accurate simulation of air temperature at local scales is crucial for the vast majority of weather and climate applications. In this work, a hybrid statistical–dynamical downscaling method and a high-resolution dynamical-only downscaling method are applied to daily mean, minimum and maximum air temperatures to investigate the quality of localscale estimates produced by downscaling. These two downscaling approaches are evaluated using station observation data obtained from the Finnish Meteorol...  相似文献   
A large imbalance between recharge and water withdrawal has caused vital regions of the High Plains Aquifer (HPA) to experience significant declines in storage. A new predevelopment map coupled with a synthesis of annual water levels demonstrates that aquifer storage has declined by approximately 410 km3 since the 1930s, a 15% larger decline than previous estimates. If current rates of decline continue, much of the Southern High Plains and parts of the Central High Plains will have insufficient water for irrigation within the next 20 to 30 years, whereas most of the Northern High Plains will experience little change in storage. In the western parts of the Central and northern part of the Southern High Plains, saturated thickness has locally declined by more than 50%, and is currently declining at rates of 10% to 20% of initial thickness per decade. The most agriculturally productive portions of the High Plains will not support irrigated production within a matter of decades without significant changes in management.  相似文献   
Turbidity current and coastal storm deposits are commonly characterized by a basal sandy massive (structureless) unit overlying an erosional surface and underlying a parallel or cross-laminated unit. Similar sequences have been recently identified in fluvial settings as well. Notwithstanding field, laboratory and numerical studies, the mechanisms for emplacement of these massive basal units are still under debate. It is well accepted that the sequence considered here can be deposited by waning-energy flows, and that the parallel-laminated units are deposited under transport conditions corresponding to upper plane bed at the dune–antidune transition. Thus, transport conditions that are more intense than those at the dune–antidune transition should deposit massive units. This study presents experimental, open-channel flow results showing that sandy massive units can be the result of gradual deposition from a thick bedload layer of colliding grains called sheet flow layer. When this layer forms with relatively coarse sand, the non-dimensional bed shear stress associated with skin friction, the Shields number, is larger than a threshold value approximately equal to 0·4. For values of the Shields number smaller than 0·4 the sheet flow layer disappeared, sediment was transported by a standard bedload layer one or two grain diameters thick, and the bed configuration was characterized by downstream migrating antidunes and washed out dunes. Parallel laminae were found in deposits emplaced with standard bedload transport demonstrating that the same dilute flow can gradually deposit the basal and the parallel-laminated unit in presence of traction at the depositional boundary. Further, the experiments suggested that two different types of upper plane bed conditions can be defined, one associated with standard bedload transport at the dune–antidune transition, and the other associated with bedload transport in sheet flow mode at the transition between upstream and downstream migrating antidunes.  相似文献   
We use the molybdenum isotope paleoredox proxy to look for evidence of small amounts of O2 in the environment ∼50 Ma before the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) in a high resolution profile from the ∼2.5 Ga Mt. McRae Shale. The molybdenum isotope compositions (δ98/95Mo) from samples throughout the sequence span a range from 0.99‰ to 1.86‰. All samples have heavier δ98/95Mo compared to average upper continental crust. In addition, the upper (S1) and lower (S2) black shale units within the Mt. McRae Shale exhibit systematic differences in average isotopic compositions and distinct patterns of δ98/95Mo variation. Heavier δ98/95Mo values occur in the S1 unit, where δ98/95Mo correlates with Mo enrichments. In the S2 unit, δ98/95Mo is not as heavy and is relatively invariant.Based on sedimentary Fe proxies we infer that S1 sediments were deposited under euxinic conditions, so that Mo removal from bottom waters was likely quantitative. Thus, δ98/95Mo in this interval likely records coeval seawater. The lighter δ98/95Mo values in the S2 unit may indicate a less fractionated ocean Mo inventory relative to the S1 unit. However, sedimentary Fe proxies suggest that S2 sediments accumulated under a water column that was ferruginous rather than euxinic, raising the possibility of non-quantitative Mo scavenging and hence an expressed δ98/95Mo fractionation relative to coeval seawater. Because any associated fractionations during this process would have favored the light isotope in sediments, the lighter δ98/95Mo values in the S2 unit represent a lower limit on the value in contemporaneous seawater.After evaluating a range of hypotheses, we conclude that the isotopically heavy δ98/95Mo values seen throughout the Mt. McRae Shale likely reflect the effects of oxidative weathering and adsorption of Mo to oxide mineral surfaces on land or in surface oceans. The extent of environmental oxygenation in either unit is difficult to assess due to uncertainties in the global Mo isotope budget. Because of the small ocean Mo inventory in the Late Archean, documented by low concentrations of Mo and low Mo/TOC, the extent of oxygenation required to account for the observed fractionations is much smaller than in modern oceans. However, when juxtaposed against the record of δ98/95Mo through time, our findings provide further evidence of the onset of environmental oxygenation before the GOE.  相似文献   
Unlike lower latitude coastlines, the estuarine nearshore zones of the Alaskan Beaufort Sea are icebound and frozen up to 9 months annually. This annual freezing event represents a dramatic physical disturbance to fauna living within intertidal sediments. The main objectives of this study were to describe the benthic communities of Beaufort Sea deltas, including temporal changes and trophic structure. Understanding benthic invertebrate communities provided a baseline for concurrent research on shorebird foraging ecology at these sites. We found that despite continuous year-to-year episodes of annual freezing, these estuarine deltas are populated by a range of invertebrates that represent both marine and freshwater assemblages. Freshwater organisms like Diptera and Oligochaeta not only survive this extreme event, but a marine invasion of infaunal organisms such as Amphipoda and Polychaeta rapidly recolonizes the delta mudflats following ice ablation. These delta sediments of sand, silt, and clay are fine in structure compared to sediments of other Beaufort Sea coastal intertidal habitats. The relatively depauperate invertebrate community that ultimately develops is composed of marine and freshwater benthic invertebrates. The composition of the infauna also reflects two strategies that make life on Beaufort Sea deltas possible: a migration of marine organisms from deeper lagoons to the intertidal and freshwater biota that survive the 9-month ice-covered period in frozen sediments. Stable isotopic analyses reveal that both infaunal assemblages assimilate marine and terrestrial sources of organic carbon. These results provide some of the first quantitative information on the infaunal food resources of shallow arctic estuarine systems and the long-term persistence of these invertebrate assemblages. Our data help explain the presence of large numbers of shorebirds in these habitats during the brief summer open-water period and their trophic importance to migrating waterfowl and nearshore populations of estuarine fishes that are the basis of subsistence lifestyles by native inhabitants of the Beaufort Sea coast.  相似文献   
Joint application of the Mo isotope paleoredox proxy and Re-Os deposition-age geochronometer to euxinic black shales has potential for tracing the evolution of ocean redox chemistry over geological time. Here, we report new Re-Os and Mo isotope data for the Mesoproterozoic Velkerri Formation (Roper Group) and Paleoproterozoic Wollogorang Formation (Tawallah Group), McArthur Basin, northern Australia. New Re-Os ages of 1361 ± 21 Ma (2σ, n = 14, mean square of weighted deviates [MSWD] = 1.3, Model 1) and 1417 ± 29 Ma (2σ, n = 12, MSWD = 1.3, Model 1) constrain the depositional age of the Velkerri Formation and its contained biomarkers, as well as acritarchs and microfossils from the Roper Group. Black shales from the upper Velkerri Formation have high Mo abundances (105-119 ppm) and degree of pyritization [DOP] values (0.90-0.92) implying quantitative conversion of molybdate (MoO42−) to thiomolybdate (MoS42−) in overlying bottom waters. The average δ97/95Mo (0.72 ± 0.10‰, 2σ, n = 6) of these shales is consistent with previous data, but represents a significantly more precise determination for global seawater δ97/95Mo at 1.4 Ga. This value is lighter than present-day seawater by ∼0.85‰ and reflects expanded strongly euxinic deep ocean conditions ([H2S]aq > 11 μM) relative to oxic, suboxic, and weakly/intermittently euxinic ([H2S]aq < 11 μM) marine deposition in the 1.4 Ga oceans. Mass-balance modelling suggests Mo removal into strongly euxinic and oxic sediments may have comprised 30-70% and less than 15%, respectively, of the oceanic Mo sink at 1.4 Ga as opposed to 5% and 35% today, respectively.The Re-Os radioisotope system in organic-rich shales serves as a test for post-depositional alteration that could affect the usefulness of paleoredox tracers such as Mo stable isotopes. Re-Os isotope data for the Wollogorang Formation black shales are scattered and yield a highly imprecise date of 1359 ± 150 Ma (2σ, n = 21, MSWD = 85, Model 3). This age is younger than U-Pb zircon ages from interbedded tuffs that constrain the age of deposition at ca. 1730 Ma. In conjunction with previous petrological, geochemical, and paleomagnetic data, the Re-Os isotope data suggest hydrothermal fluid flow through the Wollogorang Formation, possibly associated with formation of the ca. 1640 Ma McArthur River Pb-Zn-Ag sedimentary exhalative deposit, resulted in post-depositional mobilization of Re and Os. Based on the degree of deviation of the Re-Os data from a 1730 Ma reference line, open-system behavior of Re and Os was greatest near the base of the black shale unit. Wollogorang Formation black shales are enriched in Mo (41-58 ppm), but are characterized by variable δ97/95Mo (0.3-0.8‰) and DOP (0.57-0.92). The lightest δ97/95Mo values occur near the base of the black shale unit. Based on the Re-Os systematics, hydrothermal fluids have probably overprinted the authigenic δ97/95Mo signature in those shales. However, the heaviest δ97/95Mo values in the Wollogorang Formation come from stratigraphically higher shales, and are similar to those observed for the Velkerri Formation, and thus may reflect seawater δ97/95Mo at 1.73 Ga.  相似文献   
The Vazante Group consists of Precambrian carbonate-dominated platform deposits that extend along more than 300 km in the external zone of the Brasilia Fold Belt of the São Francisco Basin in east central Brazil. The sequence is about 4.8 km thick and contains a preserved glaciomarine diamictite unit (containing dropstone) at the top and a lower diamictite unit at the bottom. Previous C- and Sr-isotope profiles suggested the correlation of the upper diamictite unit with the “Sturtian” glacial event (ca. 750–643 Ma). However, new Re–Os isotope data from the shales associated with the upper diamictites yield radiometric age estimates between 993 ± 46 and 1100 ± 77 Ma. U–Pb measurements on a suite of clear euhedral zircon crystals that were separated from the same shales associated with the upper diamictite and from the arkosic sandstone above the lower diamictite yield ages as young as 988 ± 15 and 1000 ± 25 Ma, respectively. Based on the Re–Os and U–Pb ages, the best age estimate of the Vazante Group is constrained to be 1000–1100 Ma and thus the two diamictite units are not correlative with the Sturtian glaciation(s) but most likely are records of glacial events that occurred during the late Mesoproterozoic.  相似文献   
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