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In this paper, a general variational principle for the initial boundary value problem of quasi-static thermoelastic consolidation is developed by assuming infinitesimal deformation and an incompressible fluid flowing through a linearly elastic solid. By manipulating the coupling operators, an extended form of the variational pronciple is derved. The associated finite element formulation based on this principle is presented and numerical applications for plane strain thermo-elastic consolidation are revealed.  相似文献   
A microwave technique for the measurement of ocean wave spectra has been compared with wave gauge output during extensive field testing. The method is based on the dual-frequency technique for detecting long ocean waves by matching the modulation of short waves with the beat wavelength between two transmitted microwave frequencies. The new method, however, utilizes three microwave frequencies in order to reduce mean backscatter not related to short-wave modulation. Two prototype scatterometers have been built using three frequencies at L-band and at Ku-band. Wave spectra have been measured by both radar systems which, when properly normalized, agree well with simultaneous in situ measurements taken by conventional wave gauges at the pier site. Thirteen sets of spectra have been computed, five of which correspond to a situation in which a local wind sea was generated and then decayed. The present experiment does not demonstrate the directionality of this new technique  相似文献   
The development of a predictive model of behaviour of porous media during injection of miscible grout, taking into account convection, dilution and filtration of grout solution with interstitial water, as well as consolidation aspects, is presented. Model assumptions are reviewed and discussed first. During the establishment of the model, we insist on surface terms and their physical relevance in expressing adsorption effects. Constitutive laws such as Fick's law for diffusive mass transport, hydrodynamic dispersion tensor dealing with miscibility, are modified by taking into account filtration effects. A new surface term appears in mass balance equations as a consequence of filtration. According to the filtration laws used, an initial filtration rate is estimated on the basis of a one‐dimensional experimental campaign. The field equations are discretized by using Galerkin finite element and θ‐scheme standard method. For transport equation, Streamline Upwind Petrov Galerkin method is employed to prevent numerical oscillations. Lastly, confrontation of numerical results with laboratory experiments constitutes a first step to validate the model on a realistic basis. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Geoacoustic properties of the seabed have a controlling role in the propagation and reverberation of sound in shallow-water environments. Several techniques are available to quantify the important properties but are usually unable to adequately sample the region of interest. In this paper, we explore the potential for obtaining geotechnical properties from a process-based stratigraphic model. Grain-size predictions from the stratigraphic model are combined with two acoustic models to estimate sound speed with distance across the New Jersey continental shelf and with depth below the seabed. Model predictions are compared to two independent sets of data: 1) Surficial sound speeds obtained through direct measurement using in situ compressional wave probes, and 2) sound speed as a function of depth obtained through inversion of seabed reflection measurements. In water depths less than 100 m, the model predictions produce a trend of decreasing grain-size and sound speed with increasing water depth as similarly observed in the measured surficial data. In water depths between 100 and 130 m, the model predictions exhibit an increase in sound speed that was not observed in the measured surficial data. A closer comparison indicates that the grain-sizes predicted for the surficial sediments are generally too small producing sound speeds that are too slow. The predicted sound speeds also tend to be too slow for sediments 0.5-20 m below the seabed in water depths greater than 100 m. However, in water depths less than 100 m, the sound speeds between 0.5-20-m subbottom depth are generally too fast. There are several reasons for the discrepancies including the stratigraphic model was limited to two dimensions, the model was unable to simulate biologic processes responsible for the high sound-speed shell material common in the model area, and incomplete geological records necessary to accurately predict grain-size  相似文献   
New single‐grain 40Ar/39Ar detrital white‐mica ages from the Lulehe section at the eastern Qaidam Basin yield uniform Permian ages between 250 ± 3 and 279 ± 3 Ma throughout the whole Cenozoic sequence. This is inconsistent with the present hinterland, which is composed of early Palaeozoic metamorphic units with subordinate early Palaeozoic and few Permian granites. The new data indicate that Permian tectonic units are likely more widespread at the north‐eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau as known at present, particularly within the Qilian Mountains. The preferred explanation is that the Qaidam block represents a rigid indenter, which indented during late Tertiary times into early Palaeozoic orogenic units. This is consistent with recent findings of a NW‐trending sinistral Permian ductile shear zone and a dextral, NW‐trending Tertiary fault system close to the north‐eastern margin of the Qaidam Basin.  相似文献   
In this paper, a new paradigm for "through-the-sensor" remote sensing of the seafloor is presented. The methodology has been tailored for use with the AN/SQS-53C sonar found on many U.S. Navy destroyers. Sonar beamformer outputs are processed, and a point georeferenced database of signal attributes is constructed. Corresponding sonar settings and ship navigation information are also included for each database point. Database entries are then fused with environmental characteristics, such as bathymetry and sound speed information. These data may be derived from historical databases, on-site measurements, or a combination of the two. The database is then completed by ambiguity resolution and matching of modeled eigenray paths with database entries in order to associate signal attributes with specific propagation paths. Model inputs are derived from a customized version of the Comprehensive Acoustic System Simulation/Gaussian Ray Bundle eigenray propagation model (CASS/GRAB), which performs propagation estimates over incremental range/depth steps. Illustrations of how the point database may be filtered/constrained, gridded, and displayed are presented. An example of how bottom scattering strength can be derived from the database is presented, followed by an example of a technique for monostatic bottom loss estimation. Results indicate that the approach presented in this paper represents a viable method for conducting "through-the-sensor" measurements of seafloor scattering properties.  相似文献   
The Niers valley was part of the Rhine system that came into existence during the maximum Saalian glaciation and was abandoned at the end of the Weichselian. The aim of the study was to explain the Late Pleniglacial and Late Glacial fluvial dynamics and to explore the external forcing factors: climate change, tectonics and sea level. The sedimentary units have been investigated by large‐scale coring transects and detailed cross‐sections over abandoned channels. The temporal fluvial development has been reconstructed by means of geomorphological relationships, pollen analysis and 14C dating. The Niers‐Rhine experienced a channel pattern change from braided, via a transformational phase, to meandering in the early Late Glacial. This change in fluvial style is explained by climate amelioration at the Late Pleniglacial to Late Glacial transition (at ca. 12.5 k 14C yr BP) and climate‐related hydrological, lithological and vegetation changes. A delayed fluvial response of ca. 400 14C yr (transitional phase) was established. The channel transformations are not related to tectonic effects and sea‐level changes. Successive river systems have similar gradients of ca. 35–40 cm km?1. A meandering river system dominated the Allerød and Younger Dryas periods. The threshold towards braiding was not crossed during the Younger Dryas, but increased aeolian activity has been observed on the Younger Dryas point bars. The final abandonment of the Niers‐Rhine was dated shortly after the Younger Dryas to Holocene transition. Traces of Laacher See pumice have been found in the Niers valley, indicating that the Niers‐Rhine was still in use during the Younger Dryas. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Late Devonian was a period of drastic environmental changes, as exemplified by a major biotic crisis at the Frasnian–Famennian boundary (FFB) and the onset in Famennian times of glaciations across southern Gondwana. Worldwide evidence for the coeval development of the major Acadian–Eovariscan belt led us to propose a model relating the Late Frasnian–Famennian environmental perturbations to extensive continental uplift through two atmospheric CO2-depleting mechanisms: (1) the intensification of silicate weathering on the continental areas as attested by a major rise in the 87Sr/86Sr composition of sea water at the FFB; and (2) the massive burial of organic carbon (Kellwasser events) in partially confined basins due to the collisional-induced reduction of equatorial oceanic communications between the Palaeotethysian and Panthalassic oceans. This process is also suggested to have been controlled by an important primary productivity connected to an increased nutrient availability triggered by the enhanced continental run-off.  相似文献   
For the analysis of non‐linear problems, the displacement‐controlled method (DCM) has a more extensive application scope and more powerful abilities than the load‐controlled method (LCM). However, difficulties of the DCM's procedure not amenable to most finite element implementations of the conventional LCM have restricted its applications in geomechanics. By means of Sherman–Morrison's theorem, the solution of DCM is improved. The improved procedure is characterized by high efficiency, good numerical stability and a programme structure similar to LCM. Two aspects of applications of DCM are illustrated. The first application is to compute the response of a structure under a given load level like the conventional finite element analysis. The second application is to trace the equilibrium path of a structure under a given load distribution type. A simple but effective algorithm is presented for automatically adjusting the step length in tracing the equilibrium path. Examples illustrate that the proposed procedures are suited for modelling complicated non‐linear problems in geomechanics. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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