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Postglacial fire history has been reconstructed for eastern Canada from charcoal-influx anomalies from 30 sites taken from a lacustrine charcoal database. The reconstruction exhibits coherent patterns of fire occurrence in space and time. The early Holocene is characterised by high fire incidence. There is a major change to much lower occurrence slightly after 8 ka BP. A return to more fire appears after 3 ka BP. This sequence does not fit with the hydro-climatic reconstruction deduced from lake level reconstructions for northeastern North America, which indicates a dry early and mid-Holocene, and a wet late-Holocene. Fire occurrence however closely matches summer relative humidity inferred from δ18O. The differences between fire frequency and lake level history, are due to changes in the seasonality of precipitation and drought frequency. Lake levels are essentially controlled by winter precipitation while summer precipitation controls fire occurrence. The early Holocene before 8–7.5 ka BP experienced dry summers due to higher solar radiation and dry adiabatic winds from the residual Laurentide Ice Sheet. The middle Holocene was dominated by wet summers due to stability of the Atlantic air mass over eastern Canada. After 2.5 ka BP, summers became drier, albeit not as fire-conducive as during the early Holocene. Late-Holocene summers conducive to fire are explained by more frequent incursions of dry Cool Pacific or Cold Arctic air masses over eastern Canada. Received: 25 January 1999 / Accepted: 14 December 1999  相似文献   
We examined ontogenetic, interspecific, and seasonal trophic patterns among sympatric sunfish species, redspotted sunfish,Lepomis miniatus; redear sunfish,Lepomis microlophus; and bluegill,Lepomis macrochirus, in an estuarine bayou. In particular we studied these feeding patterns in relation to relative abundances of prey from different benthic feeding habitats. All three sunfishes showed ontogenetic divergence in their trophic niches, reflecting different ecomorphological specializations. Small fishes depended on zooplankton, whereas larger fishes of all three species shifted their diets to benthic macrofauna. A potential for trophic resource partitioning was reflected by dietary differences among the three sunfish species. One impalied mechanism for resource partitioning was feeding habitat, as redear sunfish frequently used sediment-associated prey, while bluegill showed greater use of water-column-associated prey, and redspotted sunfish often used SAV-associated prey. However, all three sunfishes apparently used each feeding habitat to some degree; and, trophic differences were more clearly based on prey type than on feeding habitat. Redear sunfish, which can crush hard-shelled prey, exhibited the most distinctive diet. An apparent seasonal shift in feeding habitat occurred in autumn/winter, as indicated by increased overlap between diets and SAV. This shift was facilitated by changes in the relative abundances of several common prey types between benthic habitats. The relative abuandance and use of freshwater and estuarine-derived prey also varied seasonally, suggesting a possible trophic benefit of consistent prey availability in the estuarine bayou.  相似文献   
Macrobenthic communities from estuaries throughout the northern Gulf of Mexico were studied to assess the influence of sediment contaminants and natural environmental factors on macrobenthic community trophic structure. Community trophic data were also used to evaluate whether results from laboratory sediment toxicity tests were effective indicators of site-specific differences in benthic trophic structure. A multiple regression model consisting of five composite factors (principal components) was used to distinguish the effects of sediment contaminants and environmental variables on benthic community trophic structure. This model explained 33.5% of the variation in macrobenthic trophic diversity (p<0.001), a variable derived from the distribution of taxas among nine original trophic categories. A significant negative relatinship was found between principal components reflecting concentrations of sediment contaminants and macrobenthic trophic diversity. Detritivores including surface deposit-feeders (SDF), subsurface deposit-feeders (SSDF), and filter feeders (FF) were numerically dominant at 201 random sites, each group accounting for 25–30% of total macrobenthic abundance. The relative abundance of SDFs was considerably lower (12.1±2.9% to 17.1±4.4%) at sites where sediment contaminant concentrations exceeded minimum biological effects thresholds (ER-L values from Long and Morgan 1990 than at sites sampled at random (29.3±5.7%). SSDFs were proportionally more abundant at contaminated sites (42.0±7.7% to 63.6±10.3%) versus random sites (27.5±5.7%), and the relative abundance of SSDFs was positively correlated with concentrations of particular contaminants. Benthic trophic structure was also found to be a function of salinity, where the proportion of SSDFs was negatively correlated with salinity (p=0.035, r=−0.223, n=326). Silt-clay content loaded fairly strongly on the first principal component, but trophic structure parameters were not significantly correlated with sediment grain size or dissolved oxygen (perhaps due, in part, to covariation). Results from laboratory sediment toxicity tests with mysids were predictive of differences in macrobenthic trophic structure in situ (i.e., mysid survival was negatively correlated with %SSDF; p<0.001, r=−0.292, n=326). Results from laboratory sediment toxicity tests with ampeliscid amphipods were not indicative of site-specific differences in benthic trophic structure.  相似文献   
Cumulatively scored distributions of the slipper shell gastropodCrepidula sp., the sand-building polychaete wormSabellaria vulgaris, the calcareous meandering tubed polychaeteFilograna implexa, the barnacleSemibalanaus balanoides, and the lacy bryozoanSchizoporella sp. were mapped on a cm-square gridded silhouette of the prosoma, opisthosoma, and movable spines, and telson of the horseshoe crabLimulus polyphemus stranded on Reeds Beach, Cape May County, New Jersey in the Delaware Bay. Statistically tested and contoured epizoan frequencies for 81 males and 59 females revealed that slipper shells and agglutinated worm tubes are concentrated near the movable spines on the opisthosoma, but rare on recessed chilarial or opercular pleurites, the prosoma, and telson. Barnacles are disproportionately concentrated in entapophyseal pits on the opisthosoma and in the longitudinal furrows flanking the cardiac lobe of the prosoma. Bryozoans are concentrated near movable marginal spines of the opisthosoma, but also found on all areas of the prosoma, opisthosoma, and hinge area in between, as well as the telson. Different morphologic sites for their respective modal concentrations may result from competitive exclusion of bryozoans by barnacles. Genal angles have lower statistically predicted frequencies of bryozoans, barnacles, and sand worm tubes. Apertural openings of calcareous tubes are predominantly posteriorly oriented whereas the anterior magin of slipper shells are randomly oriented on the opisthosoma. Eschewing differential mortality, nonrandom distributions indicate possible: rugophilic (groove-seeking) larval settlement behavior for barnacles that preferred the recessed hinge area, longitudinal grooves, and pits; rheophilic (current-seeking) larval settlement behavior for the gastropods and tube-building polychaetes that filter feed in the eddies generated near the movable spines of the downcurrent-sloping opisthosoma; and geotactic (gravity-influenced) larval settlement or post-settlement migration to the vaulted crest (cardiac lobe). Deficiencies of protruding epizoic skeletons on the genal angles and anterior margin of the host may be due to removal by abrasion as the horseshoe crab plowed through sediment or shearing of the epizoans from the carapace substratum in strong currents or waves.  相似文献   
This paper describes the design, testing, and application of a portable and retractable shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) boom-mount. The boom is specifically adapted for small fiberglass boats working with a minimal crew. The design permits the rapid collection of ADCP data on discontinuous transects which would be difficult or impossible using a large displacement hull vessel or with a towed vehicle. This capability is particularly useful in shallow wind-driven estuaries and in tidal channels where flow time scales are often on the order of several hours. Tests of the boom show that high quality ADCP data (as measured by percent good) can be obtained at boat speeds up to 4.0 m s−1 and that data quality depends on transducer depth. The utility of the retractable design is demonstrated with an 8 m boat on two nearly synoptic ADCP surveys of a shallow estuary. With minor modifications to accommodate different vessel geometries, the design could be readily adapted for use on similar vessels.  相似文献   
A Holy Grail of modern astronomy is understanding the origin of Edwin Hubble's morphological sequence of galaxy types. What made some collapsing gas clouds turn into elegant spiral systems like our own Milky Way, whereas others became smooth, featureless ellipticals? More fundamentally, does the taxonomic scheme introduced by Hubble in the 1920s have any physical relevance? The Space Telescope that bears Hubble's name is providing answers to these and other questions in the context of modern theories of structure formation.
Richard S Ellis, Roberto G Abraham, Jarle Brinchmann and Felipe Menanteau show how modern telescopes producing colourful images are pointing the way to understanding galaxy evolution.  相似文献   
We describe similarity solutions that characterize the collapse of collisional gas on to scale-free perturbations in an Einstein–de Sitter universe. We consider the effects of radiative cooling and derive self-similar solutions under the assumption that the cooling function is a power law of density and temperature, Λ( T , ρ )∝ ρ 3/2 T . We use these results to test the ability of smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) techniques to follow the collapse and accretion of shocked, rapidly cooling gas in a cosmological context. Our SPH code reproduces the analytical results very well in cases that include or exclude radiative cooling. No substantial deviations from the predicted central mass accretion rates or from the temperature, density and velocity profiles are observed in well-resolved regions inside the shock radius. This test problem lends support to the reliability of SPH techniques to model the complex process of galaxy formation.  相似文献   
Two perched dune systems are investigated in the Baie d'Audierne (Finistère, Brittany, northwest France). A maximum age of 4545–4160 cal. yr bp for the onset of sand accretion is provided through radiocarbon (14C) analysis of an organic-rich basal palaeosol, corresponding closely to deceleration, but before stabilisation, of regional Holocene relative sea levels (RSLs). Molluscan analysis through the dune sand indicates an initial bare sand or sparsely vegetated surface, subsequently maturing and colonised by scrub vegetation, and finally returning to more open dune grassland conditions. These data suggest a three-stage Perched Dune Development Model (PDDM), which may be applicable to perched dunes on at least a regional scale: (1) initial sand sheet inundation as RSL rises; (2) stabilisation of RSL allowing dune to mature; and (3) sea-level stabilisation stimulates cliff formation, perching and progressive landward retreat of the dune shore. This study recognises that perched dunes hold greater potential for establishing chronologies for regional Holocene dune development than the more widely studied lowland dune systems, where evidence for early sand inundation may be obscured or lost by modest rises in sea level.  相似文献   
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