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Literature data demonstrate that on a global, asteroid-wide scale (plausibly on the order of 100 km), ordinary chondrites (OC) have heterogeneous oxidation states and O-isotopic compositions (represented, respectively, by the mean olivine Fa and bulk Δ17O compositions of equilibrated samples). Samples analyzed here include: (a) two H5 chondrite Antarctic finds (ALHA79046 and TIL 82415) that have the same cosmic-ray exposure age (7.6 Ma) and were probably within ∼1 km of each other when they were excavated from the H-chondrite parent body, (b) different individual stones from the Holbrook L/LL6 fall that were probably within ∼1 m of each other when their parent meteoroid penetrated the Earth’s atmosphere, and (c) drill cores from a large slab of the Estacado H6 find located within a few tens of centimeters of each other. Our results indicate that OC are heterogeneous in their bulk oxidation state and O-isotopic composition on 100-km-size scales, but homogeneous on meter-, decimeter- and centimeter-size scales. (On kilometer size scales, oxidation state is heterogeneous, but O isotopes appear to be homogeneous.) The asteroid-wide heterogeneity in oxidation state and O-isotopic composition was inherited from the solar nebula. The homogeneity on small size scales was probably caused in part by fluid-assisted metamorphism and mainly by impact-gardening processes (which are most effective at mixing target materials on scales of ?1 m).  相似文献   
Mathematical Geosciences - Manually interpreting multivariate drill hole data is very time-consuming, and different geologists will produce different results due to the subjective nature of...  相似文献   
Regional source tsunamis pose a potentially devastating hazard to communities and infrastructure on the New Zealand coast. But major events are very uncommon. This dichotomy of infrequent but potentially devastating hazards makes realistic assessment of the risk challenging. Here, we describe a method to determine a probabilistic assessment of the tsunami hazard by regional source tsunamis with an “Average Recurrence Interval” of 2,500-years. The method is applied to the east Auckland region of New Zealand. From an assessment of potential regional tsunamigenic events over 100,000 years, the inundation of the Auckland region from the worst 100 events is modelled using a hydrodynamic model and probabilistic inundation depths on a 2,500-year time scale were determined. Tidal effects on the potential inundation were included by coupling the predicted wave heights with the probability density function of tidal heights at the inundation site. Results show that the more exposed northern section of the east coast and outer islands in the Hauraki Gulf face the greatest hazard from regional tsunamis in the Auckland region. Incorporating tidal effects into predictions of inundation reduced the predicted hazard compared to modelling all the tsunamis arriving at high tide giving a more accurate hazard assessment on the specified time scale. This study presents the first probabilistic analysis of dynamic modelling of tsunami inundation for the New Zealand coast and as such provides the most comprehensive assessment of tsunami inundation of the Auckland region from regional source tsunamis available to date.  相似文献   
We investigate the temporal evolution of the magnetic dipole field intensity of the Earth through a multiscale dynamo mechanism. On a large range of spatio-temporal scales, the helical motions of the fluid flow are given by a schematic model of a fully developed turbulence. The system construction is symmetric with respect to left-handed and right-handed cyclones. The multiscale cyclonic turbulence coupled with a differential rotation (schematic ω dynamo) or alone (schematic 2 dynamo) is the ingredient of the loop through which poloidal and toroidal fields are built from one another. Two kinds of reaction of the magnetic field on the flow are considered: the presence of a magnetic field first favours a larger-scale organization of the flow, and, second, impedes this flow by the effect of growing Lorentz forces. We obtain the general features of the geomagnetic field intensity observed over geological times and describe a general mechanism for reversals, excursions and secular variation. The mechanism happens to keep a memory during the chrons and loose it during the events (excursions and inversions).  相似文献   
We present the results of a multidisciplinary study of the Ms = 6.2, 1995, June 15, Aigion earthquake (Gulf of Corinth, Greece). In order to constrain the rupture geometry, we used all available data from seismology (local, regional and teleseismic records of the mainshock and of aftershocks), geodesy (GPS and SAR interferometry), and tectonics. Part of these data were obtained during a postseismic field study consisting of the surveying of 24 GPS points, the temporary installation of 20 digital seismometers, and a detailed field investigation for surface fault break. The Aigion fault was the only fault onland which showed detectable breaks (< 4 cm). We relocated the mainshock hypocenter at 10 km in depth, 38 ° 21.7 N, 22 ° 12.0 E, about 15 km NNE to the damaged city of Aigion. The modeling of teleseismic P and SH waves provides a seismic moment Mo = 3.4 1018 N.m, a well constrained focal mechanism (strike 277 °, dip 33 °, rake – 77°), at a centroidal depth of 7.2 km, consistent with the NEIC and the revised Harvard determinations. It thus involved almost pure normal faulting in agreement with the tectonics of the Gulf. The horizontal GPS displacements corrected for the opening of the gulf (1.5 cm/year) show a well-resolved 7 cm northward motion above the hypocenter, which eliminates the possibility of a steep, south-dipping fault plane. Fitting the S-wave polarization at SERG, 10 km from the epicenter, with a 33° northward dipping plane implies a hypocentral depth greater than 10 km. The north dipping fault plane provides a poor fit to the GPS data at the southern points when a homogeneous elastic half-space is considered: the best fit geodetic model is obtained for a fault shallower by 2 km, assuming the same dip. We show with a two-dimensional model that this depth difference is probably due to the distorting effect of the shallow, low-rigidity sediments of the gulf and of its edges. The best-fit fault model, with dimensions 9 km E–W and 15 km along dip, and a 0.87 m uniform slip, fits InSAR data covering the time of the earthquake. The fault is located about 10 km east-northeast to the Aigion fault, whose surface breaks thus appears as secondary features. The rupture lasted 4 to 5 s, propagating southward and upward on a fault probably outcropping offshore, near the southern edge of the gulf. In the shallowest 4 km, the slip – if any – has not exceeded about 30 cm. This geometry implies a large directivity effect in Aigion, in agreement with the accelerogram aig which shows a short duration (2 s) and a large amplitude (0.5 g) of the direct S acceleration. This unusual low-angle normal faulting may have been favoured by a low-friction, high pore pressure fault zone, or by a rotation of the stress directions due to the possible dip towards the south of the brittle-ductile transition zone. This fault cannot be responsible for the long term topography of the rift, which is controlled by larger normal faults with larger dip angles, implying either a seldom, or a more recently started activity of such low angle faults in the central part of the rift.  相似文献   
Tropical subseasonal variability of precipitation from five global reanalyses (RAs) is evaluated against Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) observations. The RAs include the three generations of global RAs from the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), and two other RAs from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA/GSFC). The analysis includes comparisons of the seasonal means and subseasonal variances of precipitation, and probability densities of rain intensity in selected areas. In addition, the space–time power spectrum was computed to examine the tropical Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and convectively coupled equatorial waves (CCEWs). The modern RAs show significant improvement in their representation of the mean state and subseasonal variability of precipitation when compared to the two older NCEP RAs: patterns of the seasonal mean state and the amplitude of subseasonal variability are more realistic in the modern RAs. However, the probability density of rain intensity in the modern RAs show discrepancies from observations that are similar to what the old RAs have. The modern RAs show higher coherence of CCEWs with observed variability and more realistic eastward propagation of the MJO precipitation. The modern RAs, however, exhibit common systematic deficiencies including: (1) variability of the CCEWs that tends to be either too weak or too strong, (2) limited coherence with observations for waves other than the MJO, and (3) a systematic phase lead or lag for the higher-frequency waves.  相似文献   
The incidence of major storm surges in the last decade have dramatically emphasized the immense destructive capabilities of extreme water level events, particularly when driven by severe tropical cyclones. Given this risk, it is vitally important that the exceedance probabilities of extreme water levels are accurately evaluated to inform risk-based flood and erosion management, engineering and for future land-use planning and to ensure the risk of catastrophic structural failures due to under-design or expensive wastes due to over-design are minimised. Australia has a long history of coastal flooding from tropical cyclones. Using a novel integration of two modeling techniques, this paper provides the first estimates of present day extreme water level exceedance probabilities around the whole coastline of Australia, and the first estimates that combine the influence of astronomical tides, storm surges generated by both extra-tropical and tropical cyclones, and seasonal and inter-annual variations in mean sea level. Initially, an analysis of tide gauge records has been used to assess the characteristics of tropical cyclone-induced surges around Australia. However, given the dearth (temporal and spatial) of information around much of the coastline, and therefore the inability of these gauge records to adequately describe the regional climatology, an observationally based stochastic tropical cyclone model has been developed to synthetically extend the tropical cyclone record to 10,000 years. Wind and pressure fields derived for these synthetically generated events have then been used to drive a hydrodynamic model of the Australian continental shelf region with annual maximum water levels extracted to estimate exceedance probabilities around the coastline. To validate this methodology, selected historic storm surge events have been simulated and resultant storm surges compared with gauge records. Tropical cyclone induced exceedance probabilities have been combined with estimates derived from a 61-year water level hindcast described in a companion paper to give a single estimate of present day extreme water level probabilities around the whole coastline of Australia. Results of this work are freely available to coastal engineers, managers and researchers via a web-based tool (www.sealevelrise.info). The described methodology could be applied to other regions of the world, like the US east coast, that are subject to both extra-tropical and tropical cyclones.  相似文献   
Neodymium isotopic analyses have been measured on nine ophiolites and four orogenic lherzolites. εNd varies from +12 to +3 in the ophiolites and from +18 to +2 in the orogenic lherzolites. The majority of the analyses plot on a εNdSr correlation line as defined by Nd and Sr isotopic analyses of oceanic basalts. However, certain ophiolitic and lherzolitic samples exhibit high87Sr/86Sr ratios and as such lie to the right of the correlation line towards seawater compositions.From these data one can postulate several origins for ophiolites including that of mid-ocean ridges and ocean islands. If the orogenic lherzolites are interpreted as representative of the mantle occurring below active ridges a more complex model is required involving mantle heterogeneity and multi-episodic chemical fractionation starting prior to 2 Ga ago.  相似文献   
In a series of experiments at 0.5–1.3 GPa and 1050–1200°C we have monitored the transport, via crack propagation, of CO2 into well-annealed olivine and quartz aggregates. The objectives were to determine (1) the extent and rate of fluid penetration; (2) the effect of varying both P-T conditions and microstructure; and (3) the fluid penetration pathways. Experiments on CO2 penetration into dunite annealed in the absence of MgO indicate rapid and pervasive fluid transport on a grain-dimension scale, but a limited penetration distance ( 1 mm). Additional experiments on dunite annealed in the presence of MgO (either dispersed or present at both ends), however, resulted in CO2 penetration that was both pervasive on the scale of individual grains and almost always completely through the 5 mm long samples. The abundance of fine (10 μm) grains in the MgO-free dunite, in contrast to the much larger grain sizes of the samples annealed with MgO present, suggests the difference in fluid penetration behavior may arise because the strength variation in dunite scales with the grain size. Effects arising from changes in olivine point defect chemistry, however, are an additional possibility. The response of synthetic quartzite to CO2 overpressure is distinct from that of dunite: Quartzite experiences rapid and complete penetration of CO2, via a macroscopically visible system of transgranular fractures, over the range of P-T conditions investigated.The small amount of porosity ( 2–3%) present in most rock samples fabricated for this study, lacks three-dimensional connectivity, thus precluding any enhanced fluid penetration via porous flow. Pores could possibly enhance fluid penetration as the result of a small reduction in resistance to fracture, but the probable abundance of strength-controlling flaws in natural rocks is likely to produce similar behavior.The results of our experiments on olivine and olivine + MgO suggest that the transport of pressurized CO2 in very olivine-rich mantle environments will be pervasive on the scale of individual grains and its extent may be dependent on rock microstructure and/or crystal chemical effects. Such pervasive fluid transport, perhaps associated with magma decarbonation, may have interesting implications for both magma transport and local LREE enrichment of adjacent mantle wall-rock. The ease with which quartzite is penetrated by CO2 at the conditions of our experiments underscores the possible role of decarbonation reactions in crustal permeability-enhancement processes.  相似文献   
The reaction of CO + OH? in aqueous solution to give formate was studied as a carbon monoxide sink on the primitive earth and in the present ocean. The reaction is first order in OH? and first order in the molar CO concentration. The second order rate constant is given by log k(M?1hr?1) = 15.83?4886/T between 25°C and 60°C. Using the solubility of CO in sea water, and assuming a pH of 8 for a primitive ocean of the present size, the halflife of CO in the atmosphere is calculated to be 12 × 106 yr at 0°C and 5.5 × 104 yr at 25°C.Three other CO sinks would have been important in the primitive atmosphere: CO + H2 → H2CO driven by various energy sources, CO + OH → CO2 + H, and the Fischer-Tropsch reaction of CO + H2 → hydrocarbons, etc. It is concluded that the lifetime of a CO atmosphere would have been very short on the geological time scale although the relative importance of these four CO sinks is difficult to estimate.The CO + OH? reaction to give formate is a very minor CO sink on the earth at the present time.  相似文献   
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