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低空遥感在违法建筑快速监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了低空遥感平台及其数据特点,研究了其检测城市变化的方法,实现了对违法建筑的快速监测。  相似文献   
三维城市地质空间数据库数据组织及模式设计   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
如何建立高效的数据组织以及存储模式是三维城市地质数据库必需要解决的两大基础性问题。本文通过引入基于地学属性的三维矢量数据组织方法以及基于类八叉树的真三维体数据组织方法,解决了传统海量三维空间数据无法在数据库中高效组织和访问的问题,从而在真正意义上实现了三维城市地质空间数据的数据库组织;并在此基础之上,针对城市地质空间数据的特点,提出了元数据驱动的数据存储模式,有效地增强了三维城市地质空间数据库的可扩展性和灵活性。  相似文献   
随着信息化测绘生产体系构建的不断深入,利用先进的信息技术对数字化测绘流程升级改造迫在眉睫,传统航测生产单机作业模式已难以满足网络化、信息化的高效生产需求。本文以武汉长江新城房屋测图为例,借助MapMatrix Grid软件进行网络化测图系统的研究和应用,论述了网络化测图生产的关键技术和生产流程,并对系统性能进行了评价。  相似文献   
兰州城区稳定能量及其与空气污染的关系   总被引:11,自引:16,他引:11  
从能量学的观点出发,提出了描述地面至特定高度大气层结构稳定度的参数-稳定能量,并给出了具体计算方法。根据1988-1992年兰州气象站逐日08:00(北京时,下同)的探空资料,计算了300-1000m每隔50m共15层的稳定能量。利用同期兰州市环境监测站自动监测系统监测的兰州城区3种主要空气污染物二氧化硫、一氧化碳和氮氧化物(SO2、CO、NOX)的日平均浓度资料,计算了地面气象要素、低空气象参数、低空风和稳定能量等气象因子与SO2、CO、NOX之间的相关。结果表明:(1)用稳定能量来描述低层大气的稳定性更为合理一些;(2)在诸多气象因子中,稳定能量与SO2、CO、NOX浓度之间的相关性最显著;(3)稳定能量的年变化规律与空气污染浓度的年变化规律基本一致;(4)逐月看,各层稳定能量与SO2浓度之间均为正相关,除7月份以外,大多数层次均通过了α=0.01显著性水平的相关性检验。  相似文献   
介绍了Pleiades卫星影像数据及基于Erdas 2013的Pleiades卫星影像应用的可行性和区域网平差技术,为该卫星影像应用于相关测绘工程提供了技术依据。  相似文献   
设计了三维航标监测与管理系统的整体框架和功能结构,研究了其涉及的若干关键技术,开发实现了系统功能.  相似文献   
李琼  张琍  答星 《测绘通报》2009,(1):42-44
首先介绍Geoway ImageStation和SQL Server相结合的新型正射影像生产模式的产生背景,通过对全国第二次土地调查底图生产项目中正射影像制作过程中遇到的若干问题进行阐述,以及对正射影像产品质量进行分析,说明此种生产模式的优势和可行性.  相似文献   
The Upper Cretaceous Bauru Group in south‐east Brazil consists of alluvial strata whose characteristics and distribution indicate a fluvial system developed in a semi‐arid to arid climate. Sections exposed within a 90 000 km2 study area in Minas Gerais State (in south‐eastern Brazil) were evaluated using facies and palaeosol analysis to formulate depositional and pedogenic models that may account for geomorphic and climate features. From east to west, the study succession records a gradual decrease in grain size, an increase in the width/thickness ratio in channels, a decrease in the lateral and vertical connectivity of channel deposits, and an increase in overbank deposits. The fluvial architecture indicates a braided channel belt, ephemeral ribbon–channels, and an unconfined fluvial facies from east to west in the study area. The lateral and vertical distribution of facies, stratigraphic architecture and palaeocurrent data suggest proximal, medial and distal portions of a progradational distributive fluvial system. The sedimentary dynamics were marked by the building and abandonment of channels related to processes of aggradation, vegetation growth and palaeosol generation. Macromorphological and micromorphological analyses have identified pedological and mineralogical features that indicate an arid to semi‐arid climate with a provenance from the north‐eastern part of the basin (Alto Paranaiba Uplift). From the proximal to the distal portions of the distributive fluvial system, the palaeosol development is different. In the proximal portion, the palaeosols are absent or poorly developed, allowing a possible general comparison with the present soil order: Inceptisols and Aridisols. In the medial portion of the fluvial system, the palaeosols are well‐developed and characterized by Bt, Btk, C and Ck horizons (Alfisols, Aridisols, Inceptisols and Entisols). Poorly drained to well‐drained palaeosols from the base to the top in the distal plain (Aridisols and Inceptisols) are associated with geomorphic and hydromorphic changes in the fluvial system due to progradational evolution. The genetic relationship between the fluvial architecture and the palaeosols enhances the understanding that the sedimentation and pedogenesis that occurs in different portions of the distributive fluvial system are related to the tectonic and climatic evolution of the basin.  相似文献   
The marine oil shales of the Qiangtang Basin, northern Tibet, exposed in the Biluo Co, Tuonamu, Shenglihe and Changsheshan areas are believed to be important petroleum source rocks. This work comprehensively analyzed the carbon isotopes, trace elements, and calcareous nannofosills, ammonites and bivalves of the Biluo Co section in the Qiangtang Basin. The organic carbon isotopes show a positive excursion close to 2.17‰(relative to PDB), which, albeit significantly smaller, may also be associated with other Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Events(T-OAE) in the European epicontinental seas and the Tethyan continental margins. Coinciding with the Early Toarcian transgression, the oxygen deficiency in bottom water had led to dysoxic-anoxic conditions and deposition of black shales lacking benthic fauna. Under such condition, the redox-sensitive trace metals such as Mo, V, Ni, Cr, and U were enriched, in conjunction with high planktonic productivity of Watznaueriaceae calcareous nannofossils. Comparison of the results with the records of chemo-and biostratigraphy, as well as the palaeogeography during the Early Jurassic suggests that the anoxia linked to the Early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event was mainly caused by the high surface water temperature, sea-level rise and an increase of surface water productivity.  相似文献   
近年来,藏西北革吉县雄巴乡场镇内的冻土灾害日趋严重,研究该区冻土灾害的特征、成因及危害,对制定相应的防灾减灾政策具有重要意义.从基本特征、成因条件、风险性及防治措施等方面对雄巴乡场镇的冻土灾害开展了综合研究,认为加剧该区冻土灾害的主要原因是全球气候变暖导致的降雨量增加和气温升高,使场镇内透水性差、不均匀分布的土体含水率...  相似文献   
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