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A rocket observation of two pulsating X-ray binaries, 4U0900-40 and 4U1223-62, found no evidence for periodic or quasiperiodic behavior on time scales down to 2 ms. Evidence for complex high-energy spectral features and intrapulse variability is presented for 4U0900-40.  相似文献   
Fracture-related bleaching of Lower Triassic Buntsandstein red beds of central Germany was related to significant carbonate diagenesis and feldspar alteration caused by CO2-rich fluids. Using cathodoluminescence microscopy and spectroscopy combined with electron microprobe analysis and stable carbon isotope study, two major fluid–mineral interactions were detected: (1) zoned, joint-filling calcites and zoned pore-filling calcite cements, the latter replacing an earlier dolomite, were formed during bleaching. During the calcite formation and dolomite–calcite transformation, iron was incorporated into the calcite cement crystal cores due to Fe availability from the coeval bleaching. The dedolomitisation was ultimately associated with a volume increase. The related permeability decrease implies a certain degree of sealing and increasing retention of CO2, and the volume increase offers a minor CO2 sink. Carbonate-rich sandstone, therefore, can provide advantages for underground CO2 storage especially when situated in the fringes of the reservoir. (2) Alkali-feldspar alteration due to the bleaching fluids is reflected in cathodoluminescence spectra predominantly by the modulation of a brown luminescence emission peak (~620 nm). This peak represents a newly discovered effect related to alkali-feldspar alteration not solely associated with bleaching. Its modulation by the bleaching is interpreted to be due to Na depletion or a lattice defect in the Si–O bonds of the SiO4-tetrahedron. Alteration reflected by this luminescence feature has a destructive effect on the feldspars implying the possibility of diminished rock integrity due to bleaching and, hence, CO2-rich fluids. Two further CL spectral changes related to bleaching occur, (a) decreased intensity between around 570 nm assigned to Mn-depletion, and (b) increased amplitude and wavelength shift of the red (~680 nm) band. Converging evidence from carbonate and feldspar diagenesis, stable carbon isotope data and analysis of fracture directions suggests that CO2 fluids contributed to a significant extent to the bleaching phenomena and alteration in the studied Buntsandstein strata.  相似文献   
The Darwin Mounds are a series of small (5 m high, 75–100 m diameter) sandy features located in the northern Rockall Trough. They provide a habitat for communities of Lophelia pertusa and associated fauna. Suspended particulate organic matter (sPOM) reaching the deep-sea floor, which could potentially fuel this deep-water coral (DWC) ecosystem, was collected during summer 2000. This was relatively “fresh” (i.e. dominated by labile lipids such as polyunsaturated fatty acids) and was derived largely from phytoplankton remains and faecal pellets, with contributions from bacteria and microzooplankton. Labile sPOM components were enriched in the benthic boundary layer (10 m above bottom (mab)) relative to 150 mab. The action of certain benthic fauna that are exclusively associated with the DWC ecosystem (e.g. echiuran worms) leads to the subduction of fresh organic material into the sediments. The mound surface sediments are enriched in organic carbon, relative to off-mound sites. There is no evidence for hydrocarbon venting at this location.  相似文献   
The mechanism by which high-pressure metamorphosed continental material is emplaced at high structural levels is a major unsolved problem of collisional orogenesis. We suggest that the emplacement results from partial subduction of the continental margin which, because of its high flexural rigidity, produces a rapid change in the trajectory of the descending slab. We assume a two-fold increase in effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere as the continental margin approaches the subduction zone, and calculate the flexural profile of a thin plate for progressive downward migration of the zone of increased rigidity. We assess the effect of changes in the flexural profile on the overlying accretionary prism and mantle wedge as the continent approaches by estimating the extra stresses that are imposed on the wedge due to the bending moment exerted by the continental part of the plate. The wedges overlying the subduction zones, and the subducting slab itself, experience substantial extra compressional stress at depths of around 100 km, and extensional stress at shallower depths, as the continental margin passes through the zone of maximum curvature. The magnitudes of such extra stresses are probably adequate to effect significant deformation of the wedge and/or the descending plate, and are experienced in a time interval of less than 5 m.y. for typical subduction rates. The spatial variation of yield stresses in the region of the wedge and descending slab indicates that much of this deformation may be taken up in the crustal part of the descending slab, which is the weakest region in the deeper parts of the subduction zone. This may result in rapid upward migration of the crust of the partially subducted continental margin, against the flow of subduction. High-pressure metamorphosed terranes emplaced by the mechanism envisaged in this paper would be bounded by thrust faults below and normal faults above. Movement on the faults would have been coeval, and would have resulted in rapid unroofing of the high-pressure terranes, synchronous with arrival of the continental margin at the subduction zone and, therefore, relatively early in the history of a collisional orogen.  相似文献   
The strongly peralkaline Green Tuff, Pantelleria, is an example of a thin, densely welded air-fall tuff which mantles an area of at least 85 km2. Offshore the tuff is correlated with the Y-6 ash layer in the central Mediterranean Sea, and the total volume of the eruption is estimated at 7 km3 D.R.E. New petrological data suggests that the tuff was erupted from a zoned magma chamber containing a cooler, more fractionated upper zone relative to be bulk of the magma. Analysis of the distribution of accessory lithic fragments in terms of existing models of eruption dynamics indicates emplacement by a plinian-type eruption. It is shown that, due to the low viscosity of pantelleritic ejecta, dense welding can occur at moderate tephra accumulation rates and a rate of the order of 1 cm/minute is suggested for the Green Tuff; this yields an estimate for the eruption duration of rather less than one day. It is predicted that welded tuff should be formed during large plinian eruptions of pantelleritic magma, and therefore that welded airfall tuffs should be common in areas of peralkaline volcanism.  相似文献   
Near-infrared adaptive optics as well as fringe tracking for coherent beam combination in optical interferometry require the development of high-speed sensors. Because of the high speed, a large analog bandwidth is required. The short exposure times result in small signal levels which require noiseless detection. Both requirements cannot be met by state-of-the-art conventional CMOS technology of near-infrared arrays as has been attempted previously. A total of five near-infrared SAPHIRA 320 × 256 pixel HgCdTe eAPD arrays have been deployed in the wavefront sensors and in the fringe tracker of the VLTI instrument GRAVITY. The current limiting magnitude for coherent exposures with GRAVITY is mk = 19, which is made possible with ADP technology. New avalanche photo-diode array (APD) developments since GRAVITY include the extension of the spectral sensitivity to the wavelength range from 0.8 to 2.5 μm. After GRAVITY a larger format array with 512 × 512 pixels has been developed for both AO applications at the ELT and for long integration times. Since dark currents of <10−3 e/s have been demonstrated with 1Kx1K eAPD arrays and 2Kx2K eAPD arrays have already been developed, the possibilities and adaptations of eAPD technology to provide noiseless large-format science-grade arrays for long integration times are also discussed.  相似文献   
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