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Digital elevation models (DEMs) were compared to characterize how well airborne lidar (light detection and ranging) data depict the microtopography of a salt marsh. 72,000 GPS points and 700,000 lidar points from a 1 km2 salt marsh island were linearly interpolated using identical DEM configurations. Overall, 78% of lidar elevations were within ±0.15 m of the high precision GPS elevations. Spatial arrangement of difference values reveal that lidar performed best on the marsh platform, and poorly along tidal creeks and creek heads. Also, the overall shape of the salt marsh was poorly defined, even where lidar data were within the reported range of accuracy. These observations indicate that lidar appears to be a robust tool for mapping intertidal landscapes. However, lidar DEMs may not adequately resolve the microtopographic variations of a salt marsh, and for research questions that require accurate depiction of small‐scale tidal creek networks and subtle terrain features lidar data should be augmented with other information. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The effect of carbon dioxide (CO2) cooling on trends of hmF2 and NmF2 are investigated using a coupled thermosphere and ionosphere general circulation model. Model simulations indicate that CO2 cooling not only causes contraction of the upper atmosphere and changes of neutral and ion composition but also changes dynamics and electrodynamics in the thermosphere/ionosphere. These changes determine the altitude dependence of ionospheric trends and complex latitudinal, longitudinal, diurnal, seasonal, and solar cycle variations of trends of hmF2 and NmF2. Under the CO2 cooling effect, trends of NmF2 are negative with magnitude from 0% to −40% for doubled CO2, depending on location, local time, season, and solar activity. The corresponding trends of hmF2 are mostly negative with a magnitude from 0 to −40 km, but can be positive with a magnitude from 0 to 10 km at night, with maximum positive trends occurring after midnight under solar minimum conditions.  相似文献   
Most terrestrial allochthonous organic matter enters river networks through headwater streams during high flow events. In headwaters, allochthonous inputs are substantial and variable, but become less important in streams and rivers with larger watersheds. As allochthonous dissolved organic matter (DOM) moves downstream, the proportion of less aromatic organic matter with autochthonous characteristics increases. How environmental factors converge to control this transformation of DOM at a continental scale is less certain. We hypothesized that the amount of time water has spent travelling through surface waters of inland systems (streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs) is correlated to DOM composition. To test this hypothesis, we used established river network scaling relationships to predict relative river network flow-weighted travel time (FWTT) of water for 60 stream and river sites across the contiguous United States (3090 discrete samples over 10 water years). We estimated lentic contribution to travel times with upstream in-network lake and reservoir volume. DOM composition was quantified using ultraviolet and visible absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. A combination of FWTT and lake and reservoir volume was the best overall predictor of DOM composition among models that also incorporated discharge, specific discharge, watershed area, and upstream channel length. DOM spectral slope ratio (R2 = 0.77) and Freshness Index (R2 = 0.78) increased and specific ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (R2 = 0.68) and Humification Index (R2 = 0.44) decreased across sites as a function of FWTT and upstream lake volume. This indicates autochthonous-like DOM becomes continually more dominant in waters with greater FWTT. We assert that river FWTT can be used as a metric of the continuum of DOM composition from headwaters to rivers. The nature of the changes to DOM composition detected suggest this continuum is driven by a combination of photo-oxidation, biological processes, hydrologically varying terrestrial subsidies, and aged groundwater inputs.  相似文献   
Electron-microprobe analyses and mineragraphic studies of native gold demonstrate considerable variations in the primary intergrain and intragrain distribution of silver. The gold grains have from 1–55 weight percent silver; copper is present in grains from only one locality and ranges from 0.1–0.6 weight percent. Some gold grains have strong zoning of silver whereas others have no detectable zoning. Gold grains from some deposits show remarkable intergrain homogeneity of silver and/or copper content, but others exhibit extreme heterogeneity. We believe that the inhomogeneities and variations in silver content recognized and emphasized here are features of primary deposition. We also recognize low-silver rims with sharp boundaries bordering many of the grains examined but believe these are developed in a relatively oxidizing, low-temperature environment and are not primary lode features. Opaque mineral inclusions of primary origin in gold grains are common in some deposits, scarce in many, and virtually absent from others. These inclusions may be of value in characterizing some gold deposits. For the majority of gold crystals from Copper Basin, Arizona, the lowest silver content observed was in the central portion of each grain and the highest silver content was in the rim. This is believed to be due an increase in the proportion of silver to gold in solution during growth of the crystals. Analysis of sized fractions of 331 gold grains from Pennsylvania Mountain, Colorado, shows no systematic correlation of grain size with silver content. Electron microprobe step-scanning of gold from Alder Gulch, Montana, suggests more than one mineralization event took place. Pyrite and acanthite inclusions less than 0.05 mm in the largest dimension, are present in some grains from this deposit. Inclusions of pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and an isotropic Co-As-S mineral are present in the low-silver, copper-bearing gold from Ninemile Creek, Montana. The presence of copper and the low silver content in this gold is not typical of the gold-quartz-pyrite association which is common in the Western United States.
Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen von Zusammensetzungen von Einzelkörnern und benachbarten Körnern mit der Mikrosonde und durch erzmikroskopische Studien an gediegenem Gold weisen beträchtliche Variationen in der primären Verteilung von Silber auf. Die Goldkörner enthalten von 1–55 Gewichtsprozent Silber; Kupfer ist gegenwärtig in Körnern von nur einer Gegend zwar in Mengen von 0,1–0,6 Gewichtsprozent. Manche Goldkörner sind stark zonar mit Silber während andere keine bemerkbaren Zonen aufweisen. Goldkörner aus einigen Ablagerungen zeigen eine bemerkenswerte Homogenität von Silberund/oder Kupfergehalt, andere aber sind durch extreme Inhomogenität gakennzeichnet. Wir glauben, daß die festgestellten Inhomogenitäten und Variationen des Silbergehaltes Merkmale von primären Ablagerungen sind. Zusätzlich wurden an vielen von den von uns untersuchten Körnern scharfbegrenzte Randzonen mit niedrigem Silbergehalt beobachtet. Wir glauben, daß sich die Randzonen in einer verhältnismäßig oxidierenden Umgebung von niedriger Temperatur entwickelten und daß sie nicht Merkmale primärer Erzadern sind. Opake Mineraleinschlüsse von primärem Ursprung in Goldkörnern kommen in manchen Ablagerungen vor, selten in vielen und sind virtuell abwesend in anderen. Für einige Goldablagerungen können diese Einschlüsse als charakteristische Kennzeichen von Wert sein. Der niedrigste Silbergehalt für die meisten Goldkristalle, aus dem Copper Basin, Arizona, war in der Mitte der Körner und der höchste Silbergehalt war in den Randzonen der Körner gegenwärtig. Es wird angenommen daß dieses auf eine Zunahme in den Proportionen von Silber zu Gold in der Lösung während des Wachstums der Kristalle zurückzuführen ist. Analysen von Größensortierungen von 331 Goldkörnern aus den Pennsylvania Mountain, Colorado, zeigen keine systematische Korrelation der Korngrößen mit den Silbergehalten. Mikrosonde — Scanninganalysen an Gold aus dem Alder Gulch, Montana, weisen auf mehr als einen Mineralisationsvorgang hin. Pyrit- und Akanthiteinschlüsse von weniger als 0,05 mm in den größten Dimensionen sind in einigen Körnern dieser Ablagerung enthalten. Einschlüsse von Pyrit, Pyrrhotin, Chalcopyrit und von einem isotropen Co-As-S-mineral finden sich in dem silberarmen, kupferhaltigen Gold von Ninemile Creek, Montana. Der Kupfergehalt und der niedrige Silbergehalt in diesem Gold sind nicht typisch für die in dem westlichen Teil der USA übliche Gold-Quarz-Pyrit Assoziation.

Publication authorized by the Director, U. S. Geological Survey.  相似文献   
Accretionary complex histories are broadly understood. Sedimentation in seafloor and trench environments on drifting subducting plates and in associated trenches, followed by (1) deformation and metamorphism in the subduction zone and (2) subsequent uplift at the overriding plate edge, result in complicated stratigraphic and structural sequences in accretionary complexes. Recognizing, defining, and designating individual terranes in subduction complexes clarify some of these complicated relationships within the resulting continent-scale orogenic belts. Terrane designation does not substitute for detailed stratigraphic and structural mapping. Stratigraphic and structural mapping, combined with radiometric and palaeontologic dating, are necessary for delineation of coherent, broken, and dismembered formations, and various mélange units, and for clarification of the details of subduction complex architecture and history. The Franciscan Complex is a representative subduction complex that has evolved through sedimentation, faulting, folding, and low-temperature metamorphism, followed by uplift, associated deformation, and later overprinted deformation. Many belts of Franciscan rocks are offset by strike-slip faults associated with the dextral San Andreas Fault System. In the Franciscan Complex, among the terrane names applied widely, are the ‘Yolla Bolly Terrane’ and the ‘Central Terrane’. Where detailed mapping and detrital zircon ages exist, data reveal that the two names have been applied to rocks of similar general character and age. In the northeastern Diablo Range, Franciscan Complex rocks include coherent units, broken and dismembered formations, and various types of mélanges, all assigned at various times to the Yolla Bolly and other terranes. The details of stratigraphic and structural history revealed by large-scale mapping and radiometric dating prove to be more useful in clarifying the accretionary complex history than assigning a terrane name to the rocks. That history will assist in resolving terrane assignment issues and allow discrimination of subduction-associated and post-subduction events, essential for understanding the overall history of the orogen.  相似文献   
Résumé La nappe de Gavarnie est constituée de terrains d'âge paléozoÏque, crétacé supérieur et éocène. Elle repose sur un ensemble autochtone constitué par des formations métamorphiques (migmatites, micaschistes) et leur couverture crétacée. La mise en place de la nappe s'est faite lors de l'orogenèse pyrénéenne. La géométrie des diverses déformations qui affectent cet ensemble complexe est envisagée. La chronologie de ces déformations est établie ainsi que la distinction entre les déformations pyrénéennes et varisques. On compare ensuite cette nappe avec d'autres structures chevauchantes particulièrement étudiées du point de vue mécanique.
The Gavarnie nappe consists of Paleozoic, upper Creaceous and Eocone rocks. It covers an autochthonous block composed of migmatites and mica-schists and their cover. The movement of this nappe occurred during the Pyrenean Orogeny. The geometrical aspects of the many deformations in this complex has been studied, thus making it possible to determine the chronology of the various deformations, and also the difference between Pyrenean and Variscean deformation. This nappe is after compared to other mechanical well known overthrust structures.

Zusammenfassung Die Gavarnie-Decke besteht aus paläozoischen, ober-kretazischen und eozänen Gesteinen. Sie liegt auf einem autochthonen, aus metamorphen Formationen (Migmatiten, Glimmerschiefern) und ihrer Hülle zusammengestellten Block. Die Einwanderung der Decke nahm während der pyrenäneischen Orogenese statt. Die Geometrie der verschiedenen Deformationen dieses Komplexes wird studiert. Die Chronologie dieser Deformationen, wie auch der Unterschied zwischen pyrenäischen und variszischen Deformation ist festgestellt. Diese Decke wird mit anderen mechanisch gut bekannten Aufschiebungsstrukturen verglichen.

Gavarnie , . @@, (, ) . . , . . .
本文包括中国大陆科学钻(CCSD)主孔(MH)0~5000m和先导孔(PP2)0~1000m的磷灰石裂变径迹分折结果,先导孔PP2的裂变径迹表观年龄变化范围为79.5±5.1~50.4±6.2Ma,主孔的裂变径迹表观年龄变化范围为98.6±17.0~2.9±2.0Ma,主孔在4200m以下,磷灰石样品中实际上已不存在自发裂变径迹,表明裂变径迹时钟已经“置零”。实验资料表明,裂变径迹表观年龄值随样品深度的增加而逐渐减少,直到一定深度,即达到磷灰石的裂变径迹封闭温度(~120℃)以后,年龄值为零。根据主孔0~2000m和先导孔0~1000m的裂变径迹年龄剖面,作为一级近似,计算出超高压变质岩体在90~30Ma期间,平均隆升速度为~35m/Ma。对主孔测定了9个样品的约束径迹(Confined track)长度,样品约束径迹平均长度的变化范围约为13.1~7.4μm,总的变化趋势是:约束径迹平均长度随样品深度的增加而逐渐减少。样品的约束径迹长度分布都具有双峰型特征。根据裂变径迹年龄和约束径迹长度的资料,应用计算机模拟得到了样品的时间-温度(t-T)轨迹。结果表明,岩体从早白垩世(~120Ma)快速冷却以后,在晚白垩世和始新世又经历了两次加热作用,始新世末岩体所达到的温度大约是80℃,随后岩体则一直上升和缓慢冷却到现今所处的位置。在最后~30Ma岩体的平均隆升速度为~53m/Ma。  相似文献   
The Kangankunde Carbonatite Complex from the Cretaceous Chilwa Alkaline Province in southern Malawi contains ankeritic and siderite carbonatite that are affected by late stage remobilisation by a carbothermal or hydrothermal fluid. The coarse pegmatitic siderite carbonatite that hosts exotic minerals like monazite, synchysite, bastnasite, strontianite and apatite in vugs and cavities constitutes some of the richest rare earth deposits in the world. Besides these minerals, our studies reveal the presence of collinsite and aragonite from the siderite carbonatite. Fine drusy monazites are seen as overgrowths on thin veinlets of siderite within the rare earth mineralised zones. We present unambiguous SEM-based surface textural evidence such as presence of dissolution-corrosion features like etching along cleavage, solution channels, solution pits, sinstered scaly surface, etc. along with rare earth mineralisation that suggests the exotic minerals in the siderite carbonatite did not crystallise from carbonate magma and are a result of sub-solidus processes involving carbonatite-derived fluids. We believe that the monazite-synchysitebastnasite-strontianite-collinsite assemblages were formed by juvenile post magmatic hydrothermal alteration of pre-existing carbonatite by a complex CO2-rich and alkali chloride-carbonate-bearing fluid at ~250 to 400°C in an open system. This late ‘magmatic’ to ‘hydrothermal’ activity was responsible for considerable changes in rock texture and mineralogy leading to mobility of rare earth elements during fluid-rock interaction. These aspects need to be properly understood and addressed before using trace and rare earth element (REE) geochemistry in interpreting carbonatite genesis.  相似文献   
Three palynological biozones are proposed for the Maastrichtian Stage of South Carolina. In ascending stratigraphic order, the biozones are the Carolinapollis triangularis (Ct) Interval Biozone, the Holkopollenites chemardensis (Hc) Interval Biozone, and the Sparganiaceaepollenites uniformis (Su) Interval Biozone. Integration of the biostratigraphy with lithologic and geophysical log data suggests that within the study area, the upper and lower boundaries of each zone are bounded by regional unconformities, and that a three-fold subdivision of the Maastrichtian Stage is warranted. The biozonation is based on the analysis of 114 samples from 24 subsurface and three outcrop sections from the Coastal Plain of South Carolina; samples from an additional seven subsurface and 18 outcrop sections from North Carolina and Georgia were examined to evaluate the geographic extent of the biozones. One new genus and five new species of pollen are described, and emendations are presented for two genera and one species of pollen.  相似文献   
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