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Herbig Ae/Be stars are the higher mass counterparts of the T Tauri stars. In comparison with the latter, however, relatively little is known about them. After a historical introduction, we briefly review their optical and UV spectroscopic properties. We consider the evidence for and against disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars; the existence of which remains highly controversial. We also examine in-depth their interaction with the surrounding medium as manifested through optical outflows. It is shown that although there are similarities with analogous outflows from lower mass young stars, those from Herbig Ae/Be stars may be more poorly collimated. Jets, however, are found in at least some cases.  相似文献   
The problem of growth rate and life span of Nummulites foraminifers, attaining giant sizes during the Eocene, has been addressed by analysing their Sr/Ca ratio across the Eocene/Oligocene Boundary (EOB) of Kutch, western India. The Eocene ratio (˜ 1) rapidly decreases during the Oligocene (˜ 0.5) and is coincident with the extinction of most of the Eocene Nummulites species, a rapid enrichment of δ18O and decrease in both test size and species diversity across the boundary. The high Sr/Ca ratio in Eocene foraminifers can be explained by their rapid growth under a favourable climatic condition. The climatic deterioration (e.g. δ18O cooling) across the boundary and during the early Oligocene possibly forced the Nummulites to adopt a slower growth rate (and stunted growth). The rapid growth of the Eocene Nummulites indicates that the giant sizes of these protists need not necessarily involve a large life span.  相似文献   
We have constructed the bolometric light curve of SN 1993J based on UBVRI(JHK) photometric data obtained from various sources and assumingA V = 0 and a distance modulus of 27.6. Effective temperatures and photosphere radius at various times have been obtained from detailed blackbody fits. The bolometric light curve shows two maxima. The short rise time to the second maximum, and the luminosities at the minimum and the second maximum are used to constrain the properties of the progenitor star. The total mass of the hydrogen envelope MH, in the star is found to be ≲ 0.2 M at the time of explosion, and the explosion ejected about 0.05 M of Ni56. Thin hydrogen envelope combined with a sufficient presupernova luminosity suggest that the exploding star was in a binary with a probable period range of 5yr ≤P orb 11yr.  相似文献   
In this paper we obtain similarity solutions for the propagation of plane relativistic shock waves in the presence of a transverse magnetic field for the medium, where the nucleon number density obeys a power law of distance from the plane of explosion. The shock surface moves with constant velocity and the total energy of the disturbance is dependent on time. The solutions are applicable only to an isothermal medium or a cold gas.  相似文献   
The laser 40Ar/39Ar dating technique has been applied to five Luna 16 basalt fragments and one impact glass, and nine Luna 24 basalt fragments and one breccia. The textures of these basalts are fine-grained ophitic and coarse-grained basalts. The samples contain high levels of solar and lunar atmospheric argon acquired during their residence on the lunar surface. These trapped argon components are predominantly released at low temperature steps and can be distinguished from radiogenic and cosmogenic released at intermediate and high temperature steps. The apparent ages obtained for Luna 16 samples span a narrow range of 3.29 to 3.38 Ga. A young age of 0.988 Ga was obtained for a basaltic impact glass indicating the age of an impact event in the vicinity of Luna 16 landing site. The ages obtained for Luna 24 samples suggest the existence of at least three periods of volcanism occurring over a protracted interval of between 3.45 and 2.52 Ga. The long period of volcanism suggested for the Mare Crisium was likely due to a combination of geophysical and geochemical features in the surrounding and underlying areas of the Crisium Basin. Attempts at dating three Luna 20 samples were inconclusive due to their high trapped argon contents.  相似文献   
Ray Hibbins 《Geoforum》2005,36(2):167-180
This paper reports on a study of the effects of migration on constructions of masculinities among Chinese skilled male migrants to Australia over the past 50 years. Data were collected in in-depth, semi-structured interviews of a sample of 40 Chinese male migrants in Brisbane city. The respondents came from a variety of countries of origin and varied in marital status, sexuality, age and previous migration experiences as well as duration of settlement in Australia. Because of an immigration policy based on a points system for measuring skill potential among migrants, these informants were of middle to upper-middle socio-economic status. Core ideas which emerged from the study included: Chineseness; insularity; the centrality of family, kin and friendship networks; Chinese males in the workplace; the division of labour in the household; employment and the fears of unemployment. These Chinese skilled male migrants displayed qualities of hegemonic masculinity in their households where traditional Chinese division of labour persisted. The markers of masculinity included: centrality of work and education; being a successful provider and protector; the accumulation of wealth and power. Unlike local hegemonic variants of masculinity these males placed little emphasis on sport, sexual prowess and performance and alcohol consumption. There were no ambitions among this sample of males to model local variants of masculinities, however gay males in the sample while experiencing marginalisation, racism and homophobic behaviour at the hands of local hegemonically masculine males, were more like the local dominant males in terms of an emphasis on sexual performance and preferences for well-muscled and fit bodies. Gay males in the Chinese sample found it necessary to restrict their social circles and physical locales. This Australian study has demonstrated the importance of the cultural sensitivity of concepts in doing comparative studies, and of considering sexuality as a dimension of identity in migration research that seems to assume a heteronormativity in its samples.  相似文献   
Combinations of station coordinates and velocities from independent space-geodetic techniques have long been the standard method to realize robust global terrestrial reference frames (TRFs). In principle, the particular strengths of one observing method can compensate for weaknesses in others if the combination is properly constructed, suitable weights are found, and accurate co-location ties are available. More recently, the methodology has been extended to combine time-series of results at the normal equation level. This allows Earth orientation parameters (EOPs) to be included and aligned in a fully consistent way with the TRF. While the utility of such multi-technique combinations is generally recognized for the reference frame, the benefits for the EOPs are yet to be quantitatively assessed. In this contribution, which is a sequel to a recent paper on co-location ties (Ray and Altamimi in J Geod 79(4–5): 189–195, 2005), we have studied test combinations of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) and Global Positioning System (GPS) time-series solutions to evaluate the effects on combined EOP measurements compared with geophysical excitations. One expects any effect to be small, considering that GPS dominates the polar motion estimates due to its relatively dense and uniform global network coverage, high precision, continuous daily sampling, and homogeneity, while VLBI alone observes UT1-UTC. Presently, although clearly desirable, we see no practical method to rigorously include the GPS estimates of length-of-day variations due to significant time-varying biases. Nevertheless, our results, which are the first of this type, indicate that more accurate polar motion from GPS contributes to improved UT1-UTC results from VLBI. The situation with combined polar motion is more complex. The VLBI data contribute directly only very slightly, if at all, with an impact that is probably affected by the weakness of the current VLBI networks (small size and sparseness) and the quality of local ties relating the VLBI and GPS frames. Instead, the VLBI polar motion information is used primarily in rotationally aligning the VLBI and GPS frames, thereby reducing the dependence on co-location tie information. Further research is needed to determine an optimal VLBI-GPS combination strategy that yields the highest quality EOP estimates. Improved local ties (including internal systematic effects within the techniques) will be critically important in such an effort.  相似文献   
Characterizing friction is a fundamentally important aspect of modeling the seismic response of a body resting on any mechanical interface. In the context of rigid bodies mounted within building structures, the numerous types of elements and interfaces encountered in practice require specific characterization before any modeling assumptions can be undertaken. To this end, in this paper, the specific problem of characterizing the frictional behavior for a variety of small equipment types typically found in Biological and Chemical Science laboratories is studied using two different methods of testing. A simple approach is presented to determine the instantaneous coefficients of friction considering inertial effects. Resulting coefficients of static friction μs and kinetic friction μk for these types of equipment and their plausible range of uncertainty are presented. Analytical comparisons with shake table experiments, using mean frictional resistance values, illustrate that reasonable estimations of time history response can be determined. The accuracy of the prediction increases as the effects of stick-slip are minimized.  相似文献   
Landslides are triggered by earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and heavy continuous rainfall. For most types of slope failure, soil moisture plays a critical role because increased pore water pressure reduces the soil strength and increases stress. However, in-situ soil moisture profiles are rarely measured. To establish the soil moisture and landslide relationship, a qualitative comparison among soil moisture derived from AMSR-E, precipitation from TRMM and major landslide events was conducted. This study shows that it is possible to estimate antecedent soil moisture conditions using AMSR-E and TRMM satellite data in landslide prone areas. AMSR-E data show distinct annual patterns of soil moisture that reflect observed rainfall patterns from TRMM. Results also show enhanced AMSR-E soil moisture and TRMM rainfall prior to major landslide events in landslide prone regions of California, U.S.; Leyte, Philippines; and Dhading, Nepal.  相似文献   
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