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This paper demonstrates the applicability of response history analysis based on rigid‐plastic models for the seismic assessment and design of steel buildings. The rigid‐plastic force–deformation relationship as applied in steel moment‐resisting frames (MRF) is re‐examined and new rigid‐plastic models are developed for concentrically‐braced frames and dual structural systems consisting of MRF coupled with braced systems. This paper demonstrates that such rigid‐plastic models are able to predict global seismic demands with reasonable accuracy. It is also shown that, the direct relationship that exists between peak displacement and the plastic capacity of rigid‐plastic oscillators can be used to define the level of seismic demand for a given performance target. Copyright© 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
CO2 injection into deep saline formations as a way to mitigate climate change raises concerns that leakage of saline waters from the injection formations will impact water quality of overlying aquifers, especially underground sources of drinking water (USDWs). This paper aims to characterize the geochemical composition of deep brines, with a focus on constituents that pose a human health risk and are regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). A statistical analysis of the NATCARB brine database, combined with simple mixing model calculations, show total dissolved solids and concentrations of chloride, boron, arsenic, sulfate, nitrate, iron and manganese may exceed plant tolerance or regulatory levels. Twelve agricultural crops evaluated for decreased productivity in the event of brine leakage would experience some yield reduction due to increased TDS at brine‐USDW ratios of < 0.1, and a 50% yield reduction at < 0.2 brine‐USDW ratio. A brine‐USDW ratio as low as 0.004 may result in yield reduction in the most sensitive crops. The USEPA TDS secondary standard is exceeded at a brine fraction of approximately 0.002. To our knowledge, this is the first study to consider agricultural impacts of brine leakage, even though agricultural withdrawals of groundwater in the United States are almost three times higher than public and domestic withdrawals.  相似文献   
This paper discusses and addresses two questions in carbonate reservoir characterization: how to characterize pore‐type distribution quantitatively from well observations and seismic data based on geologic understanding of the reservoir and what geological implications stand behind the pore‐type distribution in carbonate reservoirs. To answer these questions, three geophysical pore types (reference pores, stiff pores and cracks) are defined to represent the average elastic effective properties of complex pore structures. The variability of elastic properties in carbonates can be quantified using a rock physics scheme associated with different volume fractions of geophysical pore types. We also explore the likely geological processes in carbonates based on the proposed rock physics template. The pore‐type inversion result from well log data fits well with the pore geometry revealed by a FMI log and core information. Furthermore, the S‐wave prediction based on the pore‐type inversion result also shows better agreement than the Greensberg‐Castagna relationship, suggesting the potential of this rock physics scheme to characterize the porosity heterogeneity in carbonate reservoirs. We also apply an inversion technique to quantitatively map the geophysical pore‐type distribution from a 2D seismic data set in a carbonate reservoir offshore Brazil. The spatial distributions of the geophysical pore type contain clues about the geological history that overprinted these rocks. Therefore, we analyse how the likely geological processes redistribute pore space of the reservoir rock from the initial depositional porosity and in turn how they impact the reservoir quality.  相似文献   
The evolution and architecture of a set of retreating Lower Frasnian patch reef outcrops in the Canning Basin of Western Australia were evaluated, and their depositional and stratigraphic contacts spatially recorded using digital surveying tools. The geological data, together with high‐resolution digital elevation models, were assembled in three‐dimensional visualization and modelling software and subsequently used for building two‐dimensional surface models and three‐dimensional volumetric models. Numerical data on geometry and shape were extracted from these models and used to quantitatively assess the retrogradation motif of patch reef development. The development of the patch reefs comprises three stages. During stages 1 and 2, the patch reefs exhibited an overall retrogradational escarpment‐type configuration displayed by, on average, 60° steep reef‐margin walls that lacked the support of coeval slope deposits. The subdivision between stages 1 and 2 is based on minor backstepping reducing less than 10% of the platform‐top area. The onset of stage 3 is recognized by stromatolite development fringing reef‐margin walls. During stage 3 an aggrading accretionary reef‐margin developed, comprising allochthonous and autochthonous slope deposits. Both types of slope deposit onlap the previous stages and are distributed unevenly with allochthonous slope deposits being noticeably absent around the smaller and more elongate patch reefs. The variation in distribution of slope sediment type can be explained by the amount, linked to platform size, of platform‐top shedding. Small patch reefs were unable to fill the available accommodation adjacent to escarpments with allochthonous slope sediments and were thus encroached by autochthonous slope sediments. The variation, which cannot be explained by the size difference in the platform‐top factory, has been related to the difference in perimeter length. For patch reefs with similar platform‐top production areas, a more elongate patch reef inherits a longer perimeter and a proportionally smaller volume of allochthonous slope sediment per margin length will be transported to the flanks. Thus, the more elongate patch reef intrinsically contained more sites within which autochthonous slope sediments developed. Digital outcrop modelling and numerical evaluation of the evolution of the patch reefs revealed the major differences in retrogradation motif. The quantified variations in progressive decline of platform‐top area with height were confirmed by hypothetical decline curves for ellipse‐shaped carbonate systems for which aspect ratio (ratio between length and width) varied. This mathematical model demonstrates that the progressive decline of the production area is highly sensitive to shape and can be used to numerically assess and predict the relative timing of drowning, i.e. when the platform‐top production area becomes nil, of retrogradational isolated carbonate platforms that are controlled by high accommodation. Wider implications can be surmised for highstand systems tracts and prograding carbonate systems. For example, for equally sized platforms with hypothetically similar carbonate factories and identical external forces, the potential to prograde by platform‐top shedding is higher with a smaller aspect ratio because the shorter perimeter implies less accommodation space needing to be filled up to commence slope progradation. Clearly, there are intrinsic effects of shape on the development of carbonate platform systems.  相似文献   
The classical finite‐difference methods for seismic wave modelling are very accurate at low wavenumbers but suffer from inaccuracies at high wavenumbers, particularly at Nyquist wavenumber. In contrast, the optimisation finite‐difference methods reduce inaccuracies at high wavenumbers but suffer from inaccuracies at low wavenumbers, particularly at zero wavenumber when the operator length is not long and the whole range of wavenumbers is considered. Inaccuracy at zero wavenumber means that the optimisation methods only have a zeroth‐order accuracy of truncation and thus are not rigorously convergent. To guarantee the rigorous convergence of the optimisation methods, we have developed accuracy‐constrained optimisation methods. Different‐order accuracy‐constrained optimisation methods are presented. These methods not only guarantee the rigorous convergence but also reduce inaccuracies at low wavenumbers. Accuracy‐constrained optimisation methods are applied to staggered‐grid elastic wave modelling.  相似文献   
The artificial gravel augmentation of river channels is increasingly being used to mitigate the adverse effects of river regulation and sediment starvation. A systematic framework for designing and assessing such gravel augmentations is still lacking, notably on large rivers. Monitoring is required to quantify the movement of augmented gravel, measure bedform changes, assess potential habitat enhancement, and reduce the uncertainty in sediment management. Here we present the results of an experiment conducted in the Rhine River (French and German border). In 2010, 23 000 m3 of sediments (approximately the mean annual bedload transport capacity) were supplied in a by‐passed reach downstream of the Kembs dam to test the feasibility of enhancing sediment transport and bedform changes. A 620‐m‐long and 12‐m‐wide gravel deposit was created 8 km downstream from the dam. Monitoring included topo‐bathymetric surveys, radio‐frequency particle tracking using passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags, bed grain size measurement, and airborne imagery. Six surveys performed since 2009 have been described (before and after gravel augmentation, and after Q2 and Q15 floods). The key findings are that (i) the augmented gravel was partially dispersed by the first flood event of December 2010 (Q1); (ii) PIT tags were found up to 3200 m downstream of the gravel augmentation site after four years, but the effects of gravel augmentation could not be clearly distinguished from the effects of floods and internal remobilization on more than 3500 m downstream; (iii) linear and log‐linear relationships linking bedload transport, particle mobility, and grain size were established; and (iv) combined bathymetry and PIT tag surveys were useful for evaluating potential environmental risks and the first morpho‐ecological responses. This confirmed the complementary nature of such techniques in the monitoring of gravel augmentation in large rivers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We compared four remote sensing methods to detect changes in New Zealand's grasslands (image differencing, normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) differencing post‐classification and visual interpretation). The visual interpretation resulted in the best classification results, with a 98% overall accuracy when compared with ground‐truthed data. The tests on automatic classification (image differencing, NDVI differencing) and post classification had much lower accuracies, ranging from 47% to 56%. In the New Zealand grassland landscape, automatic detection methods were not able to differentiate between variations of soil moisture and vegetation phenology from variations in land‐use change. This, in combination with topographic effects, which have hampered the automated mapping of vegetation, is the main reason why visual interpretation of high‐resolution imagery is still needed.  相似文献   
The timing of the closure of the Bangong Ocean between the Lhasa and South Qiangtang Terranes in central Tibet and the resulting crustal thickening are still under debate. We integrate published apatite fission track and (U–Th)/He thermochronometer data with new zircon (U–Th)/He ages from eight samples and with structural profiles to document that the South Qiangtang Terrane experienced slow exhumation between 200 and 150 Ma, associated with the opening of the Bangong Ocean. Accelerated exhumation (around 0.2–0.3 mm/a) of the South Qiangtang Terrane was initiated at around 150 Ma. This exhumation event is interpreted to reflect collision between the Lhasa and South Qiangtang Terranes after closure of the Bangong Ocean, associated with crustal thickening via thick‐skinned folding and thrusting within the South Qiangtang Terrane. The amalgamation of the Lhasa and South Qiangtang Terranes recorded here may represent the first stage of crustal thickening in the central Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
Fluvial ribbon sandstone bodies are ubiquitous in the Ebro Basin in North‐eastern Spain; their internal organization and the mechanics of deposition are as yet insufficiently known. A quarrying operation in an Oligocene fluvial ribbon sandstone body in the southern Ebro Basin allowed for a three‐dimensional reconstruction of the sedimentary architecture of the deposit. The sandstone is largely a medium‐grained to coarse‐grained, moderately sorted lithic arenite. In cross‐section, the sandstone body is 7 m thick, occupies a 5 m deep incision and wedges out laterally, forming a ‘wing’ that intercalates with horizontal floodplain deposits in the overbank region. Three architectural units were distinguished. The lowest and highest units (Units A and C) mostly consist of medium‐grained to coarse‐grained sandstone with medium‐scale trough cross‐bedding and large‐scale inclined stratasets. Each of Units A and C comprises a fining‐up stratal sequence reflecting deposition during one flood event. The middle unit (Unit B) consists of thinly bedded, fine‐grained sandstone/mudstone couplets and represents a time period when the channel was occupied by low‐discharge flows. The adjoining ‘wing’ consists of fine‐grained sandstone beds, with mudstone interlayers, correlative to strata in Units A and C in the main body of the ribbon sandstone. In plan view, the ribbon sandstone comprises an upstream bend and a downstream straight reach. In the upstream bend, large‐scale inclined stratasets up to 3 m in thickness represent four bank‐attached lateral channel bars, two in each of Units A and C. The lateral bars migrated downflow and did not develop into point bars. In the straight downstream reach, a tabular cross‐set in Unit A represents a mid‐channel transverse bar. In Unit C, a very coarse‐grained, unstratified interval is interpreted as deposited in a riffle zone, and gives way downstream to a large mid‐channel bar. The relatively simple architecture of these bars suggests that they developed as unit bars. Channel margin‐derived slump blocks cover the upper bar. The youngest deposit is fine‐grained sandstone and mudstone that accumulated immediately before avulsion and channel abandonment. Deposition of the studied sandstone body reflects transport‐limited sediment discharges, possibly attaining transient hyperconcentrated conditions.  相似文献   
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