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????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????У?1??????????????????????e -1.5????????????(<20 km)?????(>20 km)?????????????;2????????????????????????????????????????1?????????????????Ч????????У???????Щ???????????ε???Ч???3???????S???????????????????????P???????С,?????????????????в???????й??  相似文献   
The reality of uncertain data cannot be ignored. Anytime that spatial data are used to assist planning, decision making, or policy generation, it is likely that error or uncertainty in the data will propagate through processing protocols and analytic techniques, potentially leading to biased or incorrect decision making. The ability to directly account for uncertainty in spatial analysis efforts is critically important. This article focuses on addressing data uncertainty in one of the most important and widely used exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) techniques—choropleth mapping—and proposes an alternative map classification method for uncertain spatial data. The classification approach maximizes within-class homogeneity under data uncertainty while explicitly integrating spatial characteristics to reduce visual map complexity and to facilitate pattern perception. The method is demonstrated by mapping the 2009 to 2013 American Community Survey estimates of median household income in Salt Lake County, Utah, at the census tract level.  相似文献   
鸿沟引水口与渠首段经流考辩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖冉  何凡能  刘浩龙 《地理学报》2017,72(4):711-722
鸿沟是先秦至魏晋时期中原地区一条重要的人工运河,对古代北方地区水运交通有着极其深远的影响。但其引水口和渠首段经流的问题,至今仍存歧见。本文在实地考察的基础上,通过对史料及考古资料的系统梳理与分析,深入探讨了战国至魏晋时期鸿沟引水口与渠首段经流的变迁过程,结果表明:① 战国时期,魏国在荥阳一带的实际控制线当在魏长城以西,包括当时的卷邑、衍邑等,魏惠王初开鸿沟运河时,其渠首段是利用流经魏国境内的济隧河道,而不是利用流经韩国境内的荥渎河道;② 秦兼并六国过程中,消除了国界的障碍,并在广武山设置了敖仓,为水运转输方便,遂将引水渠道西移至距敖仓较近的荥渎河道,并在荥口设置水门,以控制航运;③ 东汉后期,荥渎被黄河泥沙侵淤,鸿沟渠首段再次西迁至有柳泉、广武涧等清澈溪水注入的石门水河道,并一直沿用至隋开通济渠。  相似文献   
The association between spatial patterns of retail activity and the spatial configuration of street networks was examined by means of the space syntax methodology in eight Israeli cities that represent two city types, characterized by different planning approaches and urban growth: (i) new towns, which were established according to a comprehensive city plan and modern planning concepts of “tree-like” hierarchical street networks and “neighborhood units”; (ii) older cities, where street networks and the spatial patterns of retail activity were formed incrementally during their growth. Unlike in older cities, retail activity in new towns concentrates in relatively less-accessible and intermediate locations. This is indicated by a weak correlation between retail activity and the street network’s Integration and Choice centrality measures. The comparison between Israeli cities illustrates the influence of urban growth and planning approaches on the formation of retail activity and its interaction with the structure of the street network.  相似文献   
中国人口老龄化水平测度与空间关联研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口老龄化水平是关系到我国经济社会和谐发展的重要问题.基于国际通用标准,采用多项指标对人口老龄化水平进行综合测度,在此基础上,采用空间自相关分析方法,研究人口老龄化水平的空间关联规律.结果表明:自1997年以来,我国人口老龄化水平逐年升高,各省份差异明显,且差异有逐渐增大的趋势;人口老龄化水平的全局空间依赖性并不高,但是局部空间集聚规律却很明显,表现为人口老龄化水平高—高分布区由东部向中西部集中,人口老龄化水平低—低分布区向西南及东北北部移动,而高—低分布与低—高分布的地区则向我国东南部及西部部分地区扩散.  相似文献   
姜璐  邢冉  陈兴鹏  薛冰 《地理科学》2020,40(3):447-454
农村能源转型是能源消费革命的重要组成部分。基于问卷调查和入户访谈,对青海省10个县(区)的318户农区家庭用能信息进行调查,辨识了青海省农区不同收入分层家庭的能源消费模式,并通过建立典型家庭能源流模型,总结了家庭能获取-消费-废弃过程的形态变化。结果显示:青海省农区家庭能源消费以煤炭、薪柴和秸秆为主,非商品能源消费占比为49.6%,清洁能源使用率低。煤炭消费在5类家庭中均占比最高,薪柴和秸秆消费在低收入家庭占比较高。高收入家庭能源消费类型更多,消费量也大,能源流动更复杂。最后,根据青海省的经济地理特征,提出相应政策建议。  相似文献   
1991 年6月江淮持续暴雨的云系特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对GMS静止卫星的红外数据处理,获得了1991年夏季江淮梅雨期暴雨大范围的平均云分布。对1991年6月6次江淮暴雨过程逐时和3小时的GMS红外云图动画和照片的分析,得到了该地区梅雨期暴雨的三种中低纬云系相互作用的云型演变模型图,并利用由卫星气象中心处理的NOAA卫星的TOVS水汽反演资料,结合低层的θse和急流分析,给出了1991年6月江淮暴雨的水汽输送的一些特征。  相似文献   
The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is an area where a large number of salt lakes are distributed. We have collected several hundred samples of natural waters over the Plateau since 1976 and carried out researches on their hydrogen and oxygen isotopes. The results indicate that theδD and δ18O values of the salt lake waters over the Plateau range from −64.1 to +12.4‰ and from −11.19 to +8.62‰, respectively. From the different types of surfaces, ground and lake waters of various salinities it is inferred that the compositions of H and O isotopes in the initial water of Qinghai Lake areδD=−55.0‰ and {ie336-1}; and those in the original water from the lakes in northern Xizang, areδD=−116.0‰ and {ie336-2}. Brines in the salt lakes are derived from rain water through prolonged circulation. Oilfield water also makes some contribution to the salt lakes in the Qaidam Basin. Similar slopes of evaporation lines of water isotopes are noticed for the Qinghai Lake area and northern Xizang. This is attributed to the evolution of the isotopes in these water bodies in an environment of middle latitude and high elevation.  相似文献   
青藏高原未来30~50年A1B情景下气候变化预估   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
刘晓东  程志刚  张冉 《高原气象》2009,28(3):475-484
基于政府间气候变化委员会第四次评估报告(IPCC-AR4)所采用的20个气候模式在未来大气温室气体中等排放情景(A1B)下模拟结果的集合平均以及一个全球气候模式模拟输出驱动下的动力降尺度(downscaling)分析结果,对青藏高原地区未来30~50年的气候变化趋势进行了预估研究.结果表明,从2030-2049年相对于1980-1999年气候平均值的变化来看,青藏高原大部分地区年平均地面气温的升温幅度在1.4~2.2℃之间,高海拔地区的增温一般更为显著,西藏西部的冬季增暖将达到2.4℃以上.降水量的变化相对较小,青藏高原大部分地区和全年多数季节降水可能增加,但未来30~50年青藏高原地区降水率增量通常不超过5%.考虑到未来大气温室气体排放程度、多模式集合预估以及区域尺度气候模拟等多方面均可能存在不确定性,这里给出的青藏高原未来气候变化预估结果应适时检验和修正.  相似文献   
充分利用国家科技部大力推行的DVB-S共享数据平台,加强气象卫星遥感数据的广泛应用,特别是发挥卫星垂直探测器(ATOVS)资料在我国数值天气预报以及监测重大灾害性天气系统中的作用。该文介绍了基于DVB-S系统的NOAA/ATOVS资料的处理、分析与显示系统的概况及主要功能,并以2005年7月人们关注的台风“海棠”为个例,展示了利用该系统在监测和分析台风或强对流天气时的独特优势。该系统的建立,将解决省、地气象部门不能实时获取ATOVS资料的问题,并将推动ATOVS资料在气象以及相关部门的实际应用。  相似文献   
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