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A new species ofChlamydomonas, namely,C. sajao nov. sp. of the Volvocales, Chlorophyta was isolated from a duckweed growing near a ricefield in the vicinity of Guangzhou, China. This interesting unicellular green alga, similar toC. mexicana from Mexico, secretes quantities of extracellular mucilaginous polysaccharides, and may be employed in improving soil quality. The new species resemblesC. waldenburgensis Moewus in most characteristics but differs in three important features.  相似文献   
Ralph J. Turner 《Icarus》1978,33(1):116-140
A model of the Martian satellite Phobos was constructed at a scale of 1:60 000 using 25 Mariner 9 photorecords and a solar-simulation technique. Measurements of the crater diameters D, depths d, ratios dD, longitude and latitude locations of the centers, IAU designations, crater shapes, and rim class are given in a catalog of 260 depressions. An open-ended indexing of the craters is based on their locations by octant and diameter magnitude. Six craters were found with sharply defined rims. At least 28 craters have raised rims. The range of the dD ratios is from 0.002 to 0.26, with a mean dD of 0.10. The mean diameter of Stickney is interpreted to be 11.1 km, its minimum 9.6 km, and the diameter of Hall 5.9 km. A 100-m contour-interval topographic map has been drawn from measurements of the model. This is rendered on an elliptical form of a Lambert equal-area polar projection. The topographic map made it possible to estimate vector lengths from the center of Phobos to vertices on a 6-frequency octahedron that fits the sattelite. A mean radius of 11.0 km results from averaging the vector lengths to the 146 well-distributed vertices of the polyhedron. A volume of 5620 km3 is deduced.  相似文献   
Some of the factors that affect the preferred positions of cations in ionic-solid solutions were investigated utilizing vibrational spectroscopy. Solid solutions of the sulfate and chromate ions codoped with La3+ and Ca2+ in a KBr host lattice were examined as a function of the polyvalent-cation concentration. The cation—anion pairing process was found to be random for Ca2+ whereas the formation of La3+SO42? ion-pairs with a C2v bonding geometry is highly preferential to any type of La3+CrO42? ion-pair formation. The relative populations of ion-pair site configurations are discussed in terms of an energy—entropy competition which can be applied to the partition of trace elements during magmatic processes.  相似文献   
This paper examines the ways that community policing organizes urban space in order to increase the police's ability to observe and to enforce. The logic of that organization, I argue, rests in the particular way that police are integrating civilians into police practice as part of community policing's police-community partnership, a partnership that is characterized by the concrete metaphor of a policing body. This paper presents the results of twenty months of field research with the Boston Police Department whose community policing program, Neighborhood Policing, is being hailed as a national model.  相似文献   
The ongoing global amphibian decline calls for an increase of habitat and population management efforts. Pond restoration and construction is more and more accompanied by breeding and translocation programs. However, the appropriateness of translocations as a tool for conservation has been widely debated, as it can cause biodiversity loss through genetic homogenization and can disrupt local adaptation, eventually leading to outbreeding depression. In this study, we investigated the genetic structure of two translocated populations of the critically endangered fire-bellied toad Bombina bombina at its north western distribution edge using supposedly neutral genetic markers (variation in the mitochondrial control region and microsatellites) as well as a marker under selection (major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes). While one of the newly established populations showed the typical genetic composition of surrounding populations, the other was extremely diverged without clear affinity to its putative source. In this population we detected a profound impact of allochthonous individuals: 100% of the analyzed individuals exhibited a highly divergent mitochondrial haplotype which was otherwise found in Austria. 83% of them were also assigned to Austria by the analysis of microsatellites. Interestingly, for the adaptive marker (MHC) local alleles were predominant in this population, while only very few alleles were shared with the Austrian population. Probably Mendelian inheritance has reshuffled genotypes such that adaptive local alleles are maintained (here, MHC), while presumably neutral allochthonous alleles dominate at other loci. The release of allochthonous individuals generally increased the genetic variability of the affected population without wiping out locally adaptive genotypes. Thus, outbreeding depression might be less apparent than sometimes thought and natural selection appears strong enough to maintain locally adaptive alleles, at least in functionally important immune system genes.  相似文献   
Nodularia spumigena periodically proliferates to cause toxic algal blooms with some aquatic animals enduring and consuming high densities of the blue green algae or toxic lysis. N. spumigena contains toxic compounds such as nodularin and lipopolysaccharides. This current work investigates physiological effects of exposure from bloom conditions of N. spumigena cells and a post-bloom lysis. Biochemical and antioxidative biomarkers were comparatively studied over an acute 3-day exposure. In general, a post-bloom N. spumigena lysis caused opposite physiological responses to bloom densities of N. spumigena. Specifically, increases in glutathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and decreases in glutathione S-transferase (GST) were observed from the N. spumigena lysis. In contrast, N. spumigena cell densities decreased GSH and increased GST and lipid peroxidation (LPO) in mussels. Findings also suggest that at different stages of a toxic bloom, exposure may result in toxic stress to specific organs in the mussel.  相似文献   
Dust plays a globally important role in supplying biologically essential elements to landscapes underlain by nutrient-poor substrates. Here we show that dust may play a significant role in sustaining productivity in the vast wetlands of the Okavango Delta in southern Africa, one of the world's richest biodiversity hotspots. Dust accumulates preferentially on tree-covered islands in the seasonal swamps of the Delta, creating pockets of fine-grained, nutrient-rich material within the semi-arid landscape of the Kalahari Desert. Strontium and neodymium isotopes reveal that this dust likely originates predominantly from the Makgadikgadi salt pans, located 300 km away, and contributes 10–80% of the fine-grained material present in Okavango island soils. Surface material sourced from the Makgadikgadi Pans contains relatively high amounts of bioavailable phosphorus and iron, potentially influencing Okavango Delta biological productivity. We propose that long-term ecosystem productivity and nutrient availability in the Okavango may be strongly mediated by regional dust inputs. Understanding the influence of dust deposition on nutrient loads and biogeochemical cycling is thus critical for predicting the response of the Okavango Delta to future changes in climate. We suggest that dust inputs may play a significant role in the supply of nutrients to other large, global wetland systems located in dryland environments. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   
The surface conditions in Saudi Arabia demonstrate significant variability ranging from flat gravel plains to sand�dunes, sabkhas (salt flats) and desert wadis (washouts). Saudi Aramco has used a single�layer velocity model from surface to datum for most of the prospective areas for both 2D and 3D seismic data. Source gathers have been interpreted by picking the first arrivals to obtain a linear fit for the direct and refractor arrivals using the intercept�time method. This creates depth and velocity control input for a multiple‐layer model of the near‐surface, from which static corrections to datum are calculated. On 2D lines with very large amplitude near‐surface anomalies, the plusminus technique has been applied to solve local areas. The implementation of the plus‐minus technique utilizes a variable near‐surface velocity derived from either upholes or the direct‐arrival velocity determined from source gathers. With this method, multiple source‐pairs build up effective spreads. Then by compiling high fold of delay‐times at a location, a statistical average is taken where the high fold reduces the significance of picking errors. The model is built utilizing multiple refraction layers and is referenced to the datum, thus tying it to the regional model. The example 2D seismic line has a static model calculated from the single‐layer velocity model. The intercept‐time method was applied locally over a near‐surface anomaly caused by unconsoli‐dated material at the foot of a cliff. Further analysis of the near‐surface involved the plus‐minus method to solve the high amplitude time shifts.  相似文献   
We present finite difference forward models of elastic wave propagation through laterally heterogeneous upper oceanic crust. The finite difference formulation is a 2-D solution to the elastic wave equation for heterogeneous media and implicitly calculatesP andSV propagation, compressional to shear conversion, interference effects and interface phenomena. Random velocity perturbations with Gaussian and self-similar autocorrelation functions and different correlation lengths (a) are presented which show different characteristics of secondary scattering. Heterogeneities scatter primary energy into secondary body waves and secondary Stoneley waves along the water-solid interface. The presence of a water-solid interface in the model allows for the existence of secondary Stoneley waves which account for much of the seafloor noise seen in the synthetic seismograms for the laterally heterogeneous models.Random incoherent secondary scattering generally increases aska (wavenumber,k, and correlation length,a) approaches one. Deterministic secondary scattering from larger heterogeneities is the dominant effect in the models aska increases above one. Secondary scattering also shows up as incoherence in the primary traces of the seisograms when compared to the laterally homogeneous case. Cross-correlation analysis of the initialP-diving wave arrival shows that, in general, the correlation between traces decreases aska approaches one. Also, because many different wave types exist for these marine models, the correlation between traces is range dependent, even for the laterally homogeneous case.  相似文献   
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