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This excursion guide results form a field trip to the Glarus nappe complex organized by the Swiss Tectonic Studies Group in 2006. The aim of the excursion was to discuss old and recent concepts related to the evolution of the Glarus thrust. The major aspects were (i) the interplay between deformation, fluid flow and geochemical alteration, (ii) episodic versus continuous deformation and fluid flow, and (iii) the link between large-scale structures, microstructures, and geochemical aspects. Despite 150 years of research in the Glarus nappe complex and the new results discussed during the excursion, there exist controversies that still are unsolved.  相似文献   
Soupy and mousse-like fabrics are disturbance sedimentary features that result from the dissociation of gas hydrate, a process that releases water. During the core retrieval process, soupy and mousse-like fabrics are produced in the gas hydrate-bearing sediments due to changes in pressure and temperature conditions. Therefore, the identification of soupy and mousse-like fabrics can be used as a proxy for the presence of gas hydrate in addition to other evidence, such as pore water freshening or anomalously cool temperature. We present here grain-size results, mineralogical composition and magnetic susceptibility data of soupy and mousse-like samples from the southern Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia accretionary complex) acquired during Leg 204 of the Ocean Drilling Program. In order to study the relationship between sedimentary texture and the presence of gas hydrates, we have compared these results with the main textural and compositional data available from the same area. Most of the disturbed analyzed samples from the summit and the western flank of southern Hydrate Ridge show a mean grain size coarser than the average mean grain size of the hemipelagic samples from the same area. The depositional features of the sediments are not recognised due to disturbance. However, their granulometric statistical parameters and distribution curves, and magnetic susceptibility logs indicate that they correspond to a turbidite facies. These results suggest that gas hydrates in the southern Hydrate Ridge could form preferentially in coarser grain-size layers that could act as conduits feeding gas from below the BSR. Two samples from the uppermost metres near the seafloor at the summit of the southern Hydrate Ridge show a finer mean grain-size value than the average of hemipelagic samples. They were located where the highest amount of gas hydrates was detected, suggesting that in this area the availability of methane gas was high enough to generate gas hydrates, even within low-permeability layers. The mineralogical composition of the soupy and mousse-like sediments does not show any specific characteristic with respect to the other samples from the southern Hydrate Ridge.  相似文献   
Abstract— The low temperature fine‐grained material in unequilibrated chondrites, which occurs as matrix, rims, and dark inclusions, carries information about the solar nebula and the earliest stages of planetesimal accretion. The microdistribution of primordial noble gases among these components helps to reveal their accretionary and alteration histories. We measured the Ne and Ar isotopic ratios and concentrations of small samples of matrix, rims, and dark inclusions from the unequilibrated carbonaceous chondrites Allende (CV3), Leoville (CV3), and Renazzo (CR2) and from the ordinary chondrites Semarkona (LL3.0), Bishunpur (LL3.1), and Krymka (LL3.1) to decipher their genetic relationships. The primordial noble gas concentrations of Semarkona, and—with certain restrictions—also of Leoville, Bishunpur, and Allende decrease from rims to matrices. This indicates a progressive accretion of nebular dust from regions with decreasing noble gas contents and cannot be explained by a formation of the rims on parent bodies. The decrease is probably due to dilution of the noble‐gas‐carrying phases with noble‐gas‐poor material in the nebula. Krymka and Renazzo both show an increase of primordial noble gas concentrations from rims to matrices. In the case of Krymka, this indicates the admixture of noble gas‐rich dust to the nebular region from which first rims and then matrix accreted. This also explains the increase of the primordial elemental ratio 36Ar/ 20Ne from rims to matrix. Larger clasts of the noble‐gas‐rich dust form macroscopic dark inclusions in this meteorite, which seem to represent unusually pristine material. The interpretation of the Renazzo data is ambiguous. Rims could have formed by aqueous alteration of matrix or—as in the case of Krymka—by progressive admixture of noble gas‐rich dust to the reservoir from which the Renazzo constituents accreted. The Leoville and Krymka dark inclusions, as well as one dark inclusion of Allende, show noble gas signatures different from those of the respective host meteorites. The Allende dark inclusion probably accreted from the same region as Allende rims and matrix but suffered a higher degree of alteration. The Leoville and Krymka dark inclusions must have accreted from regions different from those of their respective rims and matrices and were later incorporated into their host meteorites. The noble gas data imply a heterogeneous reservoir with respect to its primordial noble gas content in the accretion region of the studied meteorites. Further studies will have to decide whether these differences are primary or evolved from an originally uniform reservoir.  相似文献   
Three node-centered finite volume discretizations for multiphase porous media flow are presented and compared. By combination of these methods two additional discretization methods are generated. The ability of these schemes to describe flows at textural interfaces of different geologic formations is investigated. It was found that models with nonzero-entry pressures for the capillary pressure-saturation relationship in conjunction with the Box discretization may give rise to spurious oscillations for flows around low permeable lenses. Furthermore, the applicability and sensitivity of the discretization methods with regard to the used computational grids is discussed. The schemes are used for the numerical study of two-phase flow in porous media with zones of different material properties. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Skier-triggered avalanches are the main cause of avalanche accidents in backcountry skiing. The risk of accidents during backcountry skiing was analysed statistically and related to factors such as elevation level, aspect, stability rating and the time of the year. The analysis is based on a database about terrain usage and avalanche accidents from a large heli-skiing operator in Canada, which makes it possible to study the conditional probability of accidents given the recorded pattern of terrain usage. This study shows that the historical risk of accidentally triggering an avalanche greater than size 1 depends highly on the stability rating, with the highest risk occurring during “poor” stability. The risk is greater at high elevations, and it is lower during the late season than earlier on. Skier risk does not depend as much on aspect as may be indicated from avalanche data alone. However, it is relatively high in the N–NE–E sector. These factors are not independent of each other and therefore analyses of combined factors were also performed. Questionnaires and interviews were used to gain knowledge about the terrain selection of professional mountain guides. These results indicate that when selecting terrain, guides first look at the overall shape and size of the terrain, but avalanche history of terrain and inclination are also important factors. Finally, remarks in avalanche reports were analysed, and common human factors identified.  相似文献   
The palaeontological site of Venta Micena (Orce, Andalusia, Spain) lies in the eastern sector of the Guadix–Baza basin, one of the best documented areas in Europe for Plio‐Pleistocene biostratigraphy. The combination of biochronological and palaeomagnetic results, combined with the radiometric data obtained for Atapuerca Sima del Elefante, indicated that the Venta Micena stratum was formed between the Jaramillo and Olduvai palaeomagnetic events, most likely between 1.22 and 1.77 Ma. Five fossil teeth from two outcrops (sites A and B) were selected to assess the potential of combined uranium series–electron spin resonance (US‐ESR) dating of Early Pleistocene sites. Although the US‐ESR results of the first outcrop showed a large scatter between the three teeth, the mean age of 1.37 ± 0.24 Ma can be considered a reasonable age estimate for Venta Micena. The mean ESR age of 0.62 ± 0.03 Ma obtained for site B seems to be a severe underestimation when compared with the independent age control. This underestimation is attributed to a relative recent U‐mobilization event that led to some U‐leaching. The results show that any ESR age calculations of old samples are extremely sensitive to variations in the measured 230Th/234U ratios in dental tissues. Although the results demonstrate that ESR can in principle be applied to Early Pleistocene sites, they also reveal the complexity of dating such old teeth. It is necessary to continue research in several directions, such as study of the behaviour of ESR signals in old teeth and understanding recent U‐mobilization processes, to improve the reliability of the combined US‐ESR dating method applied to Early Pleistocene times, a period for which the number of available numerical dating techniques is very limited. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract— Northwest Africa (NWA) 1500 is an ultramafic meteorite dominated by coarse (?100–500 μm) olivine (95–96%), augite (2–3%), and chromite (0.6–1.6%) in an equilibrated texture. Plagioclase (0.7–1.8%) occurs as poikilitic grains (up to ?3 mm) in vein‐like areas that have concentrations of augite and minor orthopyroxene. Other phases are Cl‐apatite, metal, sulfide, and graphite. Olivine ranges from Fo 65–73, with a strong peak at Fo 68–69. Most grains are reversezoned, and also have ?10–30 μm reduction rims. In terms of its dominant mineralogy and texture, NWA 1500 resembles the majority of monomict ureilites. However, it is more ferroan than known ureilites (Fo ≥75) and other mineral compositional parameters are out of the ureilite range as well. Furthermore, neither apatite nor plagioclase have ever been observed, and chromite is rare in monomict ureilites. Nevertheless, this meteorite may be petrologically related to the rare augite‐bearing ureilites and represent a previously unsampled part of the ureilite parent body (UPB). The Mn/Mg ratio of its olivine and textural features of its pyroxenes are consistent with this interpretation. However, its petrogenesis differs from that of known augite‐bearing ureilites in that: 1) it formed under more oxidized conditions; 2) plagioclase appeared before orthopyroxene in its crystallization sequence; and 3) it equilibrated to significantly lower temperatures (800–1000 °C, from two‐pyroxene and olivine‐chromite thermometry). Formation under more oxidized conditions and the appearance of plagioclase before orthopyroxene could be explained if it formed at a greater depth on the UPB than previously sampled. However, its significantly different thermal history (compared to ureilites) may more plausibly be explained if it formed on a different parent body. This conclusion is consistent with its oxygen isotopic composition, which suggests that it is an ungrouped achondrite. Nevertheless, the parent body of NWA 1500 may have been compositionally and petrologically similar to the UPB, and may have had a similar differentiation history.  相似文献   
We consider the evolution of magnetic fields under the influence of Hall drift and Ohmic decay. The governing equation is solved numerically, in a spherical shell with   r i / r o = 0.75  . Starting with simple free-decay modes as initial conditions, we then consider the subsequent evolution. The Hall effect induces so-called helicoidal oscillations, in which energy is redistributed among the different modes. We find that the amplitude of these oscillations can be quite substantial, with some of the higher harmonics becoming comparable with the original field. Nevertheless, this transfer of energy to the higher harmonics is not sufficient to accelerate significantly the decay of the original field, at least not at the   R B = O (100)  parameter values accessible to us, where this Hall parameter   R B   measures the ratio of the Ohmic time-scale to the Hall time-scale. We do find clear evidence though of increasingly fine structures developing for increasingly large   R B   , suggesting that perhaps this Hall-induced cascade to ever-shorter length-scales is eventually sufficiently vigorous to enhance the decay of the original field. Finally, the implications for the evolution of neutron star magnetic fields are discussed.  相似文献   
Providing Geographical Information Systems with mechanisms for processing geo‐data based on their semantics may help to solve problems like heterogeneity. This is because GIS could process geo‐data focusing on their meaning and not on their syntax and/or structure. An important aspect for achieving these objectives is the establishment of an automatic means of correspondence between geo‐data and their conceptualization in Higher Levels Ontologies (HLO). In this article, a new type of Ontology is proposed (Data‐Representation Ontology (DRO)). This Ontology describes the semantic embedded in geo‐data, which cannot be represented in current types of Ontologies. Across this Ontology, heterogeneous geographical data can be integrated in the semantic space contributing positively to the development of solutions for the problems of interoperability between heterogeneous systems. Likewise, we propose a new method for the automatic generation of the DRO and its interrelationships with HLO, based on pattern classification techniques. The experiments show that once the DRO is generated, the classifier can classify all data correctly. Thus, these data are semantically enriched. Moreover, this article shows how the topological relationships can enrich the semantics in the generated Ontology and increase the effectiveness of spatial analysis.  相似文献   
This review describes advances in radiative transfer theory since about 1985. We stress fundamental aspects and emphasize modern methods for the numerical solution of the transfer equation for spatially multidimensional problems, for both unpolarized and polarized radiation. We restrict the discussion to two-level atoms with noninverted populations for given temperature, density and velocity fields. Unfortunately this article was originally published with typesetter's errors: The correct publication date was 25 February 2006, not 3 January 2006. The content was not in the final form. The publishers wish to apologize for this mistake. The online version of the original version can be found at /10.1007/s00159-005-0025-8.  相似文献   
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