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在河北赤城井井下30 m、53 m、58 m处分别安装了3个温度传感器,进行水温微动态观测。通过对2004年12月以来全球发生的22次M_S≥8.0地震时赤城井不同深度水温观测数据的变化进行研究发现,井下30 m处水温均无明显同震变化;而7次大震时53 m、58 m处水温有明显的同震变化,53 m处水温同震初始变化形态均为上升,58 m处均为下降。同时,对水温变化机理进行探讨发现,井下30 m处水温日变幅度偏大是记录不到地震的主要原因;水温同震初始变化是由井孔水体对流引起的,53 m处水温同震初始变化形态均为上升是由于该处位于负温度梯度带,井孔中水体受震荡激发而加速对流与掺混是导致58 m处水温同震初始下降的主要原因,赤城井水温同震初始变化的后效恢复过程为热传导作用的结果。  相似文献   
Toxicological and chemical studies were performed with a silty and a sandy marine sediment spiked with 2,6-dinitrotoluene (2,6-DNT), 2,4,6-trinitrophenylmethylnitramine (tetryl), or 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (picric acid). Whole sediment toxicity was analyzed by the 10-day survival test with the amphipod Ampelisca abdita, and porewater toxicity tests assessed macro-algae (Ulva fasciata) zoospore germination and germling growth, sea urchin (Arbacia punctulata) embryological development, and polychaete (Dinophilus gyrociliatus) survival and reproduction. Whole sediments spiked with 2,6-DNT were not toxic to amphipods. The fine-grained sediment spiked with tetryl was also not acutely toxic. The tetryl and picric acid LC50 values in the sandy sediment were 3.24 and 144 mg/kg dry weight, respectively. The fine-grained sediment spiked with picric acid generated a U-shaped concentration-response curve in the amphipod test, with increased survival both in the lowest and highest concentration. Grain-size distribution and organic carbon content strongly influenced the behavior of ordnance compounds in spiked sediments. Very low concentrations were measured in some of the treatments and irreversible binding and biodegradation are suggested as the processes responsible for the low measurements. Porewater toxicity varied with its sedimentary origin and with ordnance compound. The sea urchin embryological development test tended to be the least sensitive. Tetryl was the most toxic chemical in all porewater tests, and picric acid the least toxic. Samples spiked with 2,6-DNT contained a degradation product identified as 2-methyl-3-nitroaniline (also known as 2-amino-6-nitrotoluene), and unidentified peaks, possibly degradation products, were also seen in some of the picric acid- and tetryl-spiked samples. Degradation products may have played a role in observed toxicity.  相似文献   
掌握青藏高原的高程演化历史对检验高原边界的变形机制和理解深部地球动力学具有重要意义.文中对青藏高原东南缘的囊谦盆地、贡觉盆地、芒康盆地、黎明-剑川-兰坪盆地、洱源盆地、怒河盆地和岔科-小龙潭盆地等不同区域的典型新生代盆地的古高度重建研究成果进行了系统梳理、总结以及部分重新计算后,恢复了青藏高原东南缘新生代隆升过程的时空...  相似文献   
大比例尺地震地表破裂带精细填图是研究强震破裂特征及机理的关键数据,为理解破裂动态过程提供重要的观测约束.青藏高原中西部的强震地表破裂研究因发震地点偏远不易到达而成为薄弱环节.文章利用无人机航拍新技术,详细解译获得了2014年于田Ms7.3地震地表破裂展布图.此次地震在阿尔金断裂西段南硝尔库勒断裂(南段S1)、硝尔库勒断裂(中段S2)以及阿什库勒断裂(北段S3)上分别产生了16、6.9和14.2km的地表破裂.南段平均左旋位错为(52±25)cm,最大为~90cm;北段平均左旋位错为(36±21)cm,最大为~84cm.共统计了5308处裂缝宽度,南段平均宽度为(85±71)cm,最宽可达~700cm;中段平均宽度为(39±21)cm,最宽可达243cm;北段平均宽度为(61±44)cm,最宽可达~340cm.另外,南段平均拉张量为(3.4±2.9)m,最大可达~17m;中段平均拉张量为(4.3±3.6)m,最大为~13m;北段平均拉张量为(1.7±1.6)m,最大为~6m.平均裂缝宽度和拉张量在弯曲和阶区部位均显示衰减的趋势.于田地震和其他全球走滑型地震的地表破裂在弯曲、阶区、断裂分叉等断裂几何复杂部位的宽度大于平直段,表明断裂几何结构对破裂宽度具有明显的控制作用.硝尔库勒与南硝尔库勒断裂锐角相交区域发育的大量裂缝可能指示构造拉张部位对近断裂分布式变形的控制,为地震动态破裂的数值模拟提供了观测约束.于田地震还造成罕见的大量伴生地震震动地表破坏,在地震震动的影响下含水盐层可能触发了缓坡度洪积扇的失稳,形成了密集的滑坡和地堑系.这些分布式变形以及浅表伴生变形是地震破裂扩展过程与断裂几何结构耦合关系的直接响应,并暗示破裂在穿过阶区后可能在阿什库勒断裂上双向扩展.  相似文献   
Although reef corals worldwide have sustained epizootics in recent years, no coral diseases have been observed in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean until now. Here we present an overview of the main types of diseases and their incidence in the largest and richest coral reefs in the South Atlantic (Abrolhos Bank, eastern Brazil). Qualitative observations since the 1980s and regular monitoring since 2001 indicate that coral diseases intensified only recently (2005–2007). Based on estimates of disease prevalence and progression rate, as well as on the growth rate of a major reef-building coral species (the Brazilian-endemic Mussismilia braziliensis), we predict that eastern Brazilian reefs will suffer a massive coral cover decline in the next 50 years, and that M. braziliensis will be nearly extinct in less than a century if the current rate of mortality due to disease is not reversed.  相似文献   
密云水库东西库区的水质与浮游藻类分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
湖泊生态工程因其净化效果好、投资小、运行简单等优点,近十多年来在我国受到了广泛关注,并得到了越来越多的应用.本文介绍了云南洱海污染治理的工程技术之一--桃溪河口净化工程的设计思路.该工程基于暴雨径流输送污染物的特征,将水力工程、土石工程与生物工程有效结合,通过在桃溪河口建立溢流堰,将桃溪正常来水导截入由桃溪河口9个废弃鱼塘改造而成的净化池进行净化.工程运行的水质监测表明,该工程已发挥一定的净化效果,对TN的去除率达55.2%-86.9%,其中对NO3-N和NH4 -N的去除率都较高,对P的去除率达76.4%-88.2%,对悬浮物的去除率达29.4%-49.5%.  相似文献   
A controlled petroleum release was conducted to evaluate bioremediation in a wetland near Houston, Texas. The 140-day study was conducted using a randomized, complete block design to test three treatments with six replicates per treatment. The three treatment strategies were inorganic nutrients, inorganic nutrients with an alternative electron acceptor, and a no-action oiled control. Samples were analyzed for petroleum chemistry and inorganic nutrients. These results are discussed in the context of our related research involving toxicology and microbiology at the site during the experiment. To evaluate biodegradation, the targeted compounds were normalized to the conservative compound C3017alpha, 21beta-[H]hopane, thus reducing the effects of spatial heterogeneity and physical transport. The two biostimulation treatments demonstrated statistically-higher rates of biodegradation than the oiled no-action control. For the majority of the experiment, target nutrient levels were maintained. Further research may be warranted to optimize these bioremediation strategies as well as evaluating additional treatment strategies for wetlands and other shoreline systems.  相似文献   
河流地貌和侵蚀是构造地貌研究的核心内容。90m分辨率的SRTM3数字高程模 型被广泛运用于构造地貌学的研究,但数据空白区是其在河流地貌定量研究中的 瓶颈。对SRTM3数据与中国1∶25万DEM数据的对比分析表明,1∶25万DEM数据在 生成数字河网和河流纵剖面方面不如SRTM3数据,尤其是其在平原区数字河网提 取中易发生错误,但在高山峡谷地区数据质量较好,而这正是SRTM3数据空洞的主 要区域。对比国内外各种SRTM空洞填补方法发现,相对于算法的改进,高精度数 据的参与是填充SRTM3数据空洞的关键。因此,利用SRTM3与1∶25万DEM数据的互 补性,对SRTM3进行数据优化,是现阶段青藏高原河流地貌定量研究的基础。详细 介绍了SRTM3空洞充填的步骤,具有实际参考价值。  相似文献   
使用DEMETER卫星上Langmiur探针记录的电子密度(Ne)、离子密度(Ni)和电子温度(Te)资料,分析了2007年1~6月份地磁活动平静时段全球6个经度区(每60°一个区),不同时间的电离层等离子体参量Ne、Ni和Te值在春夏季节的背景变化特征,发现Ne、Ni和Te随纬度空间变化比较大,且峰(谷)值纬度分布与地球的经度区也有一定的关系。对全球6个经区各个时段的Ne、Ni和Te值进行对比,发现不同时段,Ne、Ni和Te峰值的大小不等,可能与当地日变化有关。等离子体各参量与月份季节也存在一定的相关性。在一些相同的区域时段,1~3月的等离子参量数值明显高于4~6月的等离子参量数值。  相似文献   
西藏谷露盆地西缘断裂新活动特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘静  申旭辉  孟恺  关鹏 《地震工程学报》2009,31(3):272-276,284
谷露盆地位于亚东-当雄构造带的最北端,全长约50 km.通过遥感解译和实地野外考察,将盆地内的堆积扇分为中更新世、晚更新世末期-全新世和全新世晚期三期,并认为其西缘断裂带是一条既有垂直运动又兼具右旋走滑的正断层.通过测定错断地质体位移和沉积物年龄样品,得到断裂带在1952年当雄北7.5级地震的同震水平位移为5.5 m,同震垂直位移为2~5 m;4 ka以来的水平滑动速率为3.75 mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.5~1.5 mm/a;大约10 ka以来的水平滑动速率为1.0~5.0 mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.5~0.85 mm/a.  相似文献   
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