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Petroleum hydrocarbons persist in salt marsh sediments in Winsor Cove (Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts) impacted from the 1974 spill of No. 2 fuel oil by the barge Bouchard 65. Intertidal sediment cores were collected from 2001 to 2005 and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs). TPHs content was greatest (as high as 8.7 mg g(-1) dry weight) in the surface sediments and decreased with distance landward. Select samples were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with values as high as 16.7 microg g(-1) for total naphthalenes and phenanthrenes/anthracenes. These remaining PAHs are mainly C(4)-naphthalenes and C(1)-, C(2)-, and C(3)-phenanthrenes/anthracenes revealing preferential loss of almost all of the naphthalenes and the parent compound phenanthrene. Inspection of the data indicates that biodegradation, water-washing and evaporation were major removal processes for many of the petroleum hydrocarbons in the marsh sediments. In addition, historical data and photographs combined with their recent counterparts indicate that erosion has physically removed these contaminants from this site.  相似文献   
水位随机气压效率的地震前兆异常研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对在大气压力的随机气压变化作用下深井水位变化特点进行分析研究,在前人工作的基础上,提出可以利用大气压力的随机气压变化进行水位气压效率的计算。该方法较以往各种计算方法排除干扰能力强,计算方便,地震前兆异常突出,是水位气压效率地震前兆预报方法中能够应用于日常地震监测的方法之一。  相似文献   
以山东地区投测的中科光大无线地下流体数据监测系统产出的水位数据为基础,从系统现场测试结果、观测资料变化特征及与模拟观测系统产出数据的一致性研究结果等方面,对该系统进行了分析与评价.认为该观测系统的产出数据能够较客观地反映地下水位的相对变化特征;在观测系统的数据采集模块、GPRS通讯模块和中心系统程序各部分正常工作的情况下,系统产出的数字化观测资料可用于地震分析预报研究.  相似文献   
Although reef corals worldwide have sustained epizootics in recent years, no coral diseases have been observed in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean until now. Here we present an overview of the main types of diseases and their incidence in the largest and richest coral reefs in the South Atlantic (Abrolhos Bank, eastern Brazil). Qualitative observations since the 1980s and regular monitoring since 2001 indicate that coral diseases intensified only recently (2005–2007). Based on estimates of disease prevalence and progression rate, as well as on the growth rate of a major reef-building coral species (the Brazilian-endemic Mussismilia braziliensis), we predict that eastern Brazilian reefs will suffer a massive coral cover decline in the next 50 years, and that M. braziliensis will be nearly extinct in less than a century if the current rate of mortality due to disease is not reversed.  相似文献   
耿杰  王忠民 《高原地震》2001,13(2):24-29
对聊古一井SD-3A数字化氡观测资料的变化特征进行了分析,与该井原有的模拟观测资料进行了对比研究,并对数字化氡观测资料的应用与分析方法进行了探讨。认为尽管SD-3A自动测氡仪所测为逸出氡与模拟观测溶解氡的物理量有所不同,但两具有基本一致的变化趋势,且数字化氡具有较强的映震能力。  相似文献   
1995年9月20日11时14分,在山东临沂市苍fo县发生了MSS.2级地震。地震前东水三号井的电导阳枣庄十里泉水汞出现了异常变化(井孔位置示于图1),分述如下:1.东水三号井电导异常东水三号井位于东营市胜利油田水化站院内。该十是汞压自流井,井深645.83m,含水层为上第三系llfl水镇组上段粉砂岩、细砂岩,含水层埋深460.18~G04.50:,水温21℃,水化学类型为:Clpe44SO“一29HCO、26MI.713——Na”87Ma“”7该并观测水红及其它物理参数(包括电导率、水温、流才等)。东水三号井采用DDS—ilA型电导率观测仪进行由导接的观测.…  相似文献   
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