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Detection of crop water stress is crucial for efficient irrigation water management. Potential of Satellite data to provide spatial and temporal dynamics of crop growth conditions makes it possible to monitor crop water stress at regional level. This study was conducted in parts of western Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. Multi-temporal Landsat data were used for detecting wheat crop water stress using vegetation indices (VIs), viz. vegetation water stress index (VWSI) and land surface wetness index water stress factor (Ws_LSWI). The estimated water stress from satellite data-based VIs was validated by water stress factor (Ws) derived from flux-tower data. The study observed Ws_LSWI to be better index for water stress detection. The results indicated that Ws_LSWI was superior over other index showing RMSE = 0.12, R2 = 0.65, whereas VWSI showed overestimated values with mean RD 4%. 相似文献
The opening of the Bonnet Carré spillway to prevent flood threat to New Orleans in April 2008 created a sediment plume in the Lake Pontchartrain. The nutrient rich plume triggered a massive algal bloom in the lake. In this article, we have quantified the spatio-temporal distribution of the plume (suspended solids) and the bloom (chlorophyll-a (chl-a)) in the lake using remotely-sensed data. We processed the Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer satellite data for mapping the total suspended solids (TSS) and chl-a concentrations. An existing algorithm was used for estimating TSS whereas a novel slope model was developed to predict the per-pixel chl-a concentration. Both algorithms were successful in capturing the spatio-temporal trend of TSS and chl-a concentrations, respectively. Algal growth was found to be inversely related to TSS concentrations and a time lag of ~45 days existed between the spillway opening and the appearance of the first algal bloom at an observation location. 相似文献
William R. Schell 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1977,41(8):1019-1031
The concentrations and physico-chemical states of 210Pb have been measured in Bikini Atoll and Washington State coastal waters, and 210Po in Washington coastal waters. Lead-210 concentrations of 113–133 dpm · m?3 were found in surface water collections near Bikini Atoll and 29–153 dpm · m?3 in Bikini Lagoon. The concentrations of 210Pb in near Bikini and in Washington State waters increased with depth in the upper 150m at a rate of 0.35–0.45dpm·m?3 · m?1. In the North Equatorial Current waters near Bikini Atoll 210Pb was found associated predominantly with the soluble (colloidal) fraction, but in Washington coastal waters 210Pb and 210Po were found associated with the paniculate (> 0.3 μm) fraction. The mean residence times of 210Pb, calculated from the atmospheric input to marine waters from precipitation and the concentrations measured in surface water, were consistent with the physico-chemical states of 210Pb found in samples collected in deep ocean and coastal waters. Approximate values of the mean residence times were calculated, for the upper 50 m, to be as follows: 58 days in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, 128 days at the 5-mile (8 km) station off Cape Flattery (Washington), 163 days at the 12-mile (19 km) station off Cape Flattery, and 2.6 yr near Bikini Atoll. It appears that 210Pb and 210Po can be used to trace particle removal rates in the upper layers of marine waters. 相似文献
Distribution and sources of pre-anthropogenic lead isotopes in deep ocean water from FeMn crusts 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The lead isotope composition of ocean water is not well constrained due to contamination by anthropogenic lead. Here the global distribution of lead isotopes in deep ocean water is presented as derived from dated (ca. 100 ka) surface layers of hydrogenetic Fe-Mn crusts. The results indicate that the radiogenic lead in North Atlantic deep water is probably supplied from the continents by river particulates, and that lead in Pacific deep water is similar to that characteristic of island and continental volcanic arcs. Despite a short residence time in deep water (80–100 a), the isotopes of lead appear to be exceedingly well mixed in the Pacific basin. There is no evidence for the import of North Atlantic deep water-derived lead into the Pacific ocean, nor into the North Indian Ocean. This implies that the short residence time of lead in deep water prohibits advection over such long distances. Consequently, any climate-induced changes in deep-water flow are not expected to result in major changes in the seawater Pb-isotope record of the Pacific Ocean. 相似文献
Hydrothermal petroleum from lacustrine sedimentary organic matter in the East African Rift. 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Cape Kalamba oil seeps occur at the south end of the Ubwari Peninsula, at the intersection of faults controlling the morphology of the northern basin of the Tanganyika Rift, East Africa. Oil samples collected at the surface of the lake 3-4 km offshore from Cape Kalamba have been studied. The aliphatic hydrocarbon and biomarker compositions, with the absence of the typical suite of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, indicate an origin from hydrothermal alteration of immature microbial biomass in the sediments. These data show a similarity between a tar sample from the beach and the petroleum from the oil seeps, and confirm that the source of these oils is from organic matter consisting mainly of bacterial and degraded algal biomass, altered by hydrothermal activity. The compositions also demonstrate a < 200 degrees C temperature for formation/generation of this hydrothermal petroleum, similar to the fluid temperature identified for the Pemba hydrothermal site located 150 km north of Cape Kalamba. The 14C age of 25.6 ka B.P. obtained for the tar ball suggests that Pleistocene lake sediments could be the source rock. Hydrothermal generation may have occurred slightly before 25 ka B.P., during a dry climatic environment, when the lake level was lower than today. These results also suggest that the Cape Kalamba hydrothermal activity did not occur in connection with an increased flux of meteoric water, higher water tables and lake levels as demonstrated in the Kenya Rift and for the Pemba site. Hydrothermal petroleum formation is a facile process also in continental rift systems and should be considered in exploration for energy resources in such locales. 相似文献
Gully erosion has for many years been a problem in Rhodesia1s Tribal Trust Lands. This paper describes how Soil Conservation Service staff, with no previous ground knowledge of these areas, used good quality 1/25,000 scale aerial photographs to measure the extent of the gully erosion and to pinpoint erosion “black spots.” This enabled quick and reliable estimates of the cost of reclamation work to be made without the need for time-consuming field survey. The survey method discussed is capable of wide application wherever gully erosion occurs and needs to be brought under control. 相似文献
K. R. Rao R. Krishnan A. K. Chakraborthy B. L. Deekshatulu 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1980,8(2):33-38
In the analysis of water quality by remote sensing, it is widely reported, that, several parameters of water quality are correlated with the reflectances and the ratios of reflectances of the water body in different spectral bands. In this paper, it is shown empirically, that, the pairwise product of the reflectances in different bands is better correlated than the bands and their ratios. A possible explanation for this pnenomenon is also suggested. 相似文献
The least squares adjustment for the station coordinates of the worldwide satellite triangulation net gives, in addition to
the station positions, the positions of the satellites observed in a simultaneous event from two or more stations. Through
successive events short arcs can be fitted and the coordinates of the center of mass of the earth can be determined. It is
shown that the center of mass will be obtained with an accuracy consistent with the accuracy of the station positions, if
well distributed Pageos arcs of about one quarter of a revolution are taken and if three events per arc are given. 相似文献
Salt affected soils occupy significant areas in western and central India manifested by the arid and semiarid climate, sandy/clayey soil texture, absence of natural drainage, and inadequate infrastructure and irrigation development. These soils are productive following reclamation and appropriate management. The National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad (India) published state-wise maps of salt affected soils in India on 1:250,000 scale using a legend that includes physiography, soil characteristics, and the aerial extent of the mapping units. In the analogue form, voluminous data contained in such maps were difficult to handle by users of varied backgrounds. An attempt was made to prepare a computerized database of salt affected soils for easy access, retrieval, and manipulation of spatial and attribute data useful for management of salt affected soils. The salt affected soils maps were prepared, for Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra states, overlaying digitized layers of SAS polygons and the Survey of India basemap using the ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information System) software. GIS was used to prepare a composite (master) database of western and central India that showed the extent and distribution of salt affected soils. A relational database was prepared combining the digitized polygons with soil characteristics such as nature and degree of salinity (presence of higher concentration of neutral salts and neutral soil reaction), sodicity (presence of higher concentration of basic salts and alkaline reaction) and ground coverage. The regional and zonal databases of salt affected soils were prepared at a suitable scale overlaying agro-climatic regions agro-climatic zones. Spatial relation of salt affected soils with physiography, climate, geology, and agro-eco-sub-regions were evaluated employing map calculations in GIS. Saline soils were prevalent in Gujarat, and Rajasthan while sodic soils were dominant in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. These were distributed primarily in the arid (B) plain of Rajasthan, alluvial (A) and coastal (D) plains of Gujarat, and peninsular plain (F) of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. It occupied 2,596,942 ha (78%) in the western (Rajasthan and Gujarat) and 733,608 ha (22%) in the central (Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra) regions. The SAS occupied 3.3 million ha in the western and central region constituting 50% of the total salt affected soils in India. The saline and sodic soils occupied 2,069,285 ha (62%) and 1,261,266 ha (38%), respectively. 相似文献