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颗粒破碎及剪胀对钙质砂抗剪强度影响研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张家铭  蒋国盛  汪稔 《岩土力学》2009,30(7):2043-2048
钙质砂是海洋沉积物中的一种,富含碳酸钙或其他难溶碳酸盐类物质的特殊介质。由于其颗粒质脆,受力后易产生破碎,表现出与常规陆源砂不同的力学性质。通过对取自南沙群岛永暑礁附近海域的钙质砂进行三轴剪切试验,分析了钙质砂颗粒破碎与剪胀对其抗剪强度的影响。试验结果表明,颗粒破碎与剪胀对钙质砂强度有着重要影响,低围压下剪胀对其强度的影响远大于颗粒破碎,随着围压的增加,钙质砂颗粒破碎加剧,剪胀影响越来越小,而颗粒破碎的影响则越来越显著;颗粒破碎对强度的影响随着围压的增大而增大,当破碎达到一定程度后颗粒破碎渐趋减弱,其影响也渐趋于稳定。  相似文献   
陈仁  王敏  牟世勇  王常微 《贵州地质》2008,25(2):118-121,127
经2003-2006年度西藏1∶25万加措、丁固幅区域地质调查,在冈玛错断裂带内首次发现了一套侏罗系喷发-喷溢相中、基性火山岩与石炭系及二叠系呈角度不整合;岩石地球化学特征显示为海相大陆板内向火山弧转换机制下形成的岩浆岩.为进一步研究羌塘地区侏罗纪岩相古地理和中生代构造演化提供了重要资料.  相似文献   
The chemical composition of pyrite in coal can be used to investigate its geological and mineralogical origin. In this paper, high-resolution time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) was used to study the chemical composition of various pyrite forms in the No. 9 coal seam (St,d=3.46%) from the Wuda Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, northern China. These include bacteriogenic, framboidal, massive, cell-filling, fracture-filling, and nodular pyrites. In addition to Fe+ (54Fe+, 56Fe+, 57Fe+), other fragment ions were detected in bacteriogenic pyrites, such as 27Al+, Si+ (28Si+, 29Si+, 30Si+), 40Ca+, Cu+ (63Cu+, 65Cu+), Zn+ (64Zn+, 66Zn+, 67Zn+, 68Zn+), Ni+ (58Ni+, 60Ni+, 62Ni+), and C3H7+. TOF-SIMS images show bacteriogenic pyrites are relatively rich in Cu, Zn, and Ni, suggesting that bacteria probably play an important role in the enrichment of Cu, Zn, and Ni during their formation. Intense positive secondary ion fragments from framboidal aggregates, such as 27Al+, 28Si+, 29Si+, AlO+, CH2+, C3H3+, C3H5+, and C4H7+, indicate that formation of the framboidal aggregates may have occurred together with clay mineral and organic matter, which probably serve as the binding substance. The intense ions of 28Si+ and 27Al+ from massive pyrites also suggest that their pores incorporated clay minerals during crystallization. Together with the lowest 28Si+/23Na+ value, the intense organic positive secondary ion peaks from cell-filling pyrites, such as C3H3+, C3H5+, C3H7+, and C4H7+, indicate that pyrite formation may have accompanied dissolution or disintegration of the cell. The intense P+ peak was observed only in the fracture-filling pyrite and the highest 28Si+/23Na+ value of fracture-filling pyrite reflects its epigenetic origin. Together with XRD and REEs data, the stronger 40Ca+ in nodular pyrite than other pyrite forms shows seawater influence during its formation.  相似文献   
The equilibrium phase relations of a mafic durbachite (53 wt.% SiO2) from the Třebíč pluton, representative of the Variscan ultrapotassic magmatism of the Bohemian Massif (338–335 Ma), have been determined as a function of temperature (900–1,100°C), pressure (100–200 MPa), and H2O activity (1.1–6.1 wt.% H2O in the melt). Two oxygen fugacity ranges were investigated: close to the Ni–NiO (NNO) buffer and 2.6 log unit above NNO buffer (∆NNO + 2.6). At 1,100°C, olivine is the liquidus phase and co-crystallized with phlogopite and augite at 1,000°C for the whole range of investigated pressure and water content in the melt. At 900°C, the mineral assemblage consists of augite and phlogopite, whereas olivine is not stable. The stability field of both alkali feldspar and plagioclase is restricted to low pressure (100 MPa) at nearly water-saturated conditions (<3–4 wt.% H2O) and T < 900°C. A comparison between experimental products and natural minerals indicates that mafic durbachites have a near-liquidus assemblage of olivine, augite, Ti-rich phlogopite, apatite and zircon, followed by alkali feldspar and plagioclase, similar to the mineral assemblage of minette magma. Natural amphibole, diopside and orthopyroxene were not reproduced experimentally and probably result from sub-solidus reactions, whereas biotite re-equilibrated at low temperature. The crystallization sequence olivine followed by phlogopite and augite reproduces the sequence inferred in many mica-lamprophyre rocks. The similar fractionation trends observed for durbachites and minettes indicate that mafic durbachites are probably the plutonic equivalents of minettes and that K- and Mg-rich magmas in the Bohemian Massif may have been generated from partial melting of a phlogopite–clinopyroxene-bearing metasomatized peridotite. Experimental melt compositions also suggest that felsic durbachites can be generated by simple fractionation of a more mafic parent and mixing with mantle-derived components at mid crustal pressures.  相似文献   
蒋家沟砾石土的特性及其对斜坡失稳的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王志兵  汪稔  胡明鉴  陈中学 《岩土力学》2010,31(Z2):206-211
云南蒋家沟是世界上著名的由降雨导致泥石流、浅层滑坡频发的沟谷之一。组成蒋家沟斜坡表层的砾石土具有孔隙度高、级配宽、不均匀系数大等特点,级配曲线为上凹型或双峰型,为内在不稳定性土。X射线衍射分析表明,粒径小于1 mm 的细粒部分主要由绿泥石和伊利石等黏土矿物及次生石英组成,黏土矿物会影响砾石土的物理力学性质。在环境电镜扫描中观测了砾石土的微观结构,发现一种特殊的“桥式”胶结结构,并在遇水条件下发生断裂,不仅降低了微弱黏聚力,而且土颗粒容易分离成粒径为数十微米的散微粒。这与砾石土中黏性部分具有高分散性有关。此外这些散微粒在自滤过程中会能发生运移,并在孔喉等处积聚而堵塞孔隙,会降低砾石土的渗透性以及有利于斜坡中暂态上层滞水的积聚。  相似文献   
肖丽芳  林晓丹  任东 《地质学报》2022,96(5):1654-1679
昆虫植食是昆虫与植物相互作用关系中最重要的组成部分。探索地史时期陆地生态系统中昆虫植食行为的起源与演化是探究古环境重建及古气候变化的重要切入点,其结果将更好地揭示现生昆虫取食行为背后的生物学及生态学意义。本文梳理了昆虫植食的研究历史;阐述了植物化石上的生物损伤与非生物损伤的主要区别;介绍了昆虫植食研究的化石证据以及功能性取食组 损伤类型研究体系(Functional feeding group damage type, FFG DT)。昆虫植食多样性在地质历史时期的演化过程分为8个阶段:① 志留纪—泥盆纪(444~359 Ma)为昆虫植食的起源时期;② 石炭纪(359~299 Ma)为昆虫植食的扩张时期;③ 二叠纪(299~252 Ma)为昆虫植食的稳定时期;④ 三叠纪(252~201 Ma)晚期,昆虫植食再次多样化;⑤ 侏罗纪(201~145 Ma)昆虫植食程度进一步加强;⑥ 白垩纪(145~66 Ma)裸子植物逐渐为被子植物所替代,昆虫植食大幅度增加;白垩纪末期,昆虫植食水平下降;⑦ 古近纪(66~23 Ma)昆虫植食水平提高;⑧ 新近纪(23~26 Ma)昆虫植食与现代基本相似。影响昆虫植食的主要因素包括气候环境、昆虫和植被多样性、昆虫口器类型、植物群落组成和微生物等。目前,统一昆虫植食研究体系和方法、填补各历史阶段的缺失信息等问题在昆虫植食研究中亟待解决。  相似文献   
浙江杭嘉湖平原区环境地球化学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据杭嘉湖平原区区域地球化学调查结果,对本区开展了区域和城市(杭州市)环境质量评价的环境地球化学研究。研究结果表明,杭嘉湖平原区区域环境质量和杭州市区环境质量良好,各环境质量区较好的反映各区内工业生产水平、人口密集程度、历史长短。通过对杭州市不同环境质量区内蔬菜的分析研究证明,杭州市区污染区内有害元素尚未对人体健康产生影响,但为防止今后出现超标现象,应当高度重视,加强土壤环境保护。  相似文献   
软土后生作用的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了软土地区的褐黄色硬壳层、暗绿色硬土层和所谓“次生硬土”等特殊土层的成因,提出后生作用对软土改造的观点。这类土往往是建构筑物的天然地基或桩基持力层,因此进一步搞清其成因变化将是研究土力学和工程特性的重要地质学基础。  相似文献   
The establishment of a lunar control network is one of the core tasks in selenodesy, in which defining an absolute control point on the Moon is the most important step. However, up to now, the number of absolute control points has been very sparse. These absolute control points have mainly been lunar laser ranging retroreflectors, whose geographical location can be observed by observations on Earth and also identified in high resolution lunar satellite images. The Chang'e-3(CE-3) probe successfully landed on the Moon, and its geographical location has been monitored by an observing station on Earth. Since its positional accuracy is expected to reach the meter level, the CE-3 landing site can become a new high precision absolute control point. We use a sequence of images taken from the landing camera, as well as satellite images taken by CE-1 and CE-2, to identify the location of the CE-3 lander. With its geographical location known, the CE-3 landing site can be established as a new absolute control point, which will effectively expand the current area of the lunar absolute control network by 22%, and can greatly facilitate future research in the field of lunar surveying and mapping, as well as selenodesy.  相似文献   
The Extreme Ultraviolet Camera(EUVC) onboard the Chang'e-3(CE-3)lander is used to observe the structure and dynamics of Earth's plasmasphere from the Moon. By detecting the resonance line emission of helium ions(He+) at 30.4 nm, the EUVC images the entire plasmasphere with a time resolution of 10 min and a spatial resolution of about 0.1 Earth radius(RE) in a single frame. We first present details about the data processing from EUVC and the data acquisition in the commissioning phase, and then report some initial results, which reflect the basic features of the plasmasphere well. The photon count and emission intensity of EUVC are consistent with previous observations and models, which indicate that the EUVC works normally and can provide high quality data for future studies.  相似文献   
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