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青海省气候异常偏暖的成因分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
增强型地热系统(EGS)用于通过人工形成地热储层的方法从深部低渗透性岩体中开采地热能;国际上常采用水力压裂辅以化学刺激的方法改造EGS 储层以提高其渗透率。本文以采自青海共和盆地的花岗闪长岩样品为对象,选用3种不同化学刺激剂(氢氧化钠、盐酸和土酸),在3组不同注入流速条件下开展了系统化学刺激实验。结果表明:注入盐酸和土酸后样品渗透率均有提高,且采用土酸时渗透率提高幅度明显大于盐酸;但注入氢氧化钠后,样品渗透率反而降低。在3类化学刺激剂中,土酸对长石类矿物的溶蚀能力最强,而氢氧化钠溶液对石英的溶蚀能力最强,但氢氧化钠溶液在溶解岩石样品裂隙表面矿物后极易形成非定形态二氧化硅或非定形态铝硅酸盐蚀变矿物并阻塞裂隙,反而对化学刺激效果造成负面影响。总体来看,土酸是青海共和盆地干热岩体的最佳化学刺激剂。在中等注入速度(3 mL·min-1)条件下,土酸对岩石样品的溶蚀程度就可达到最高;在此基础上进一步降低流速,则可能使溶解组分更易从液相中沉淀而充填于样品裂隙,导致样品渗透率有所下降。  相似文献   
在对依兰-伊通断裂通河段晚第四纪活动参数获取的基础上,对该断裂的几何学特征和晚第四纪活动特征及有关拟建铁路地震安全的设防参数进行了探讨.研究结果表明,依兰-伊通断裂通河段总体走向N30-40°E,由3条断层组成,中支最新活动时代为全新世.该断裂未来发生7级地震时的水平位移量可能达2.2m左右,垂直位错量约为1.1m左右.该断裂全新世以来的活动性质表现为右旋走滑为主,兼具逆冲活动.根据探槽结果和野外地震地质调查得出断裂垂直位错约(1.0±0.2)m,右旋位错量约为(2.7±0.1)m,(1730-30)aB.P.以来的垂直滑动速率和水平滑动速率分别约为(0.57±0.11)mrn/a和(1.57±0.06)mm/a.未来100年内若遭遇地震,其最大水平位错量约2.87m,垂直位错值为1.04m.断层影响带宽度约为8m.该研究结果为拟建哈—佳铁路工程可能遭受的断层影响和抗震设防提供了一定的数据基础,也为地震安评中线状工程的抗断评价问题提供了一定的参考.  相似文献   
针对跨海高程传递的最新进展,介绍了几种高程传递的实用方法,对优缺点和适用范围进行了分析与评价。初步试验结果分析表明,对于10km内的高程传递,几种方法均满足三等水准的精度要求,对于更远距离的跨海高程传递还需进一步研究。  相似文献   
The conception of pollen source area has attracted broadly attention since it was proposed in the 1960s. In this paper,it can be subdivided into Normal Source Area of Pollen (NSAP) and Relevant Source Area of Pollen (RSAP) based on reviewing former studies and our recent work of vegetation survey and pollen analysis in the Northern China. The NSAP means a source area of pollen input a sedimentary basin,indicating a distance area beyond where the pollen contents of major pollen types do not show evident increase with increased distance. The RSAP means a source area of pollen assemblages in a basin has the closest relationship with surrounding plants,indicating a distance area beyond where the relationship between pollen assemblage and surrounding vegetation do not show obvious increase with increased distance. The changes of sedimentary basins radii and pollen grain size influence the NSAP and RSAP evidently. Wind speed also changes the NSAP, but does not significantly affect RSAP. The pollen of a sedimentary basin is composed of local pollen,regional pollen and extra regional pollen,which usually account for 30%~45%,25%~60% and 10%~30%,respectively. Local pollen which refers to the pollen coming within the RSAP range,is a reflection of the surrounding vegetation,and has important implications to the reconstruction and succession of local vegetation. Regional pollen which refers to the pollen coming from within the range of NSAP and excluding the range of local pollen,is the important carrier of studies for vegetation restoration and climate change. The pollen that comes outside the range of NSAP is called Extra regional pollen,which is mainly from greater distance by upper air flow,and has no indicator significance to the regional vegetation.  相似文献   
There is a set of Late Cenozoic sediments in the Kunlun Pass area, Tibetan Plateau, China. Paleomagnetic, ESR and TL dating suggest that they date from the Late Pliocene to the Early Pleistocene. Analyses of stratigraphy, sedimentary characteristic, and evolution of the fauna and flora indicate that, from the Pliocene to the early Quaternary (about 5–1.1 Ma BP), there was a relatively warm and humid environment, and a paleolake occurred around the Kunlun Pass. The elevation of the Kunlun Pass area was no more than 1500 m, and only one low topographic divide existed between the Qaidam Basin and the Kunlun Pass Basin. The geomorphic pattern in the Kunlun Pass area was influenced by the Kunlun–Yellow River Tectonic Movement 1.1–0.6 Ma BP. The Wangkun Glaciation (0.7–0.5 Ma) is the maximum Quaternary glaciation in the Pass and in other areas of the Plateau. During the glaciation, the area of the glaciers was 3–5 times larger than that of the present glacier in the Pass area. There was no Xidatan Valley that time. The extreme geomorphic changes in the Kunlun Pass area reflect an abrupt uplift of the Tibet Plateau during the Early and Middle Pleistocene. This uplift of the Plateau has significance on both the Plateau itself and the surrounding area.  相似文献   
The Yilan‐Yitong Fault Zone (YYFZ) is considered to be the key branch of the Tancheng‐Lujiang Fault Zone (TLFZ) in northeastern China. Although the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic deformation of the YYFZ has been studied intensively over the past century, few estimates of slip rate and recurrence interval of large earthquakes in the late Quaternary, which are the two most important parameters for understanding the potential seismic hazard of this crucial structure, were obtained. Based on integrated interpretations of high resolution satellite images and detailed geologic and geomorphic mapping, linear landforms were identified, including fault scarps and troughs, along the Shangzhi segment of the YYFZ, which exceeds 25 km in length. Synthesized results of trench excavations and differential GPS measurements of terrace surfaces indicate that two events (E1, E2) occurred along the Shangzhi segment during the late Holocene, which resulted in 3.2 ±0.1 m of total vertical co‐seismic displacement with clear features of thrust motion. 14C dating of samples suggests that event E1 occurred between 440 ±30 years BP and 180 ±30 years BP and that event E2 occurred between 4 090 ±30 years BP and 3 880 ±30 years BP, which indicates that the minimum vertical slip rate of the Shangzhi segment of the YYFZ has been approximately 0.8 ±0.03 mm/year during the late Holocene. Constraints from paleo events and the slip rate suggest that the average recurrence interval of major earthquakes on the YYFZ is 3 800 ±200 years. Historical documents in Korea show that event E1 possibly corresponds to the earthquake that occurred in AD 1810 (the Qing Dynasty in Chinese history) in the Ningguta area, which had surface‐wave magnitude (Ms) of 6.8–7.5. Studies of kinematics show that the right‐lateral strike‐slip with a reverse component has been dominant along the YYFZ during the late Holocene.  相似文献   
ISO9000系列标准是一套国际统一的质量管理标准,应用的主体内容是质量管理模式(质量体系)的建立与运行。其对地勘单位走向市场,到社会投标、承揽地勘项目,保证地勘工作成果质量,提高单位在地质市场中的信誉度具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
黄康有  郑卓  L.Fran 《第四纪研究》2009,29(2):199-210
本研究基于10′×10′空间分辨率运用GIS软件对中国植被分布地理配准数字化,提取获得196个优势植物的地理分布数据以及内插相关的气候因子,运用分位数函数计算获得各个植物地理分布的气候阈值;   在此基础上采用生物气候群组(BAGs)的分类方法,对196个优势植物气候因子数据进行聚类分析,同时结合中国植被的地理分布特征,最后划分出29个BAG组,包括13个乔木组(6个常绿阔叶和2个落叶阔叶群组,4个常绿针叶和1个落叶针叶群组)、10个灌木组(5个常绿灌木和5个落叶灌木群组)和6个草本组。本研究的BAGs划分是建立在较高空间分辨率和定量气候因子阈值的基础上,因此,通过计算获得BAGs气候阈值(包括每日温度变化幅度、地表霜冻频率、月均温度、月降雨量、相对湿度、日照时数和>5℃年积温等),运用生物圈碳循环CARAIB模型,模拟出中国19个生物群区的现代潜在分布。模拟结果较好地表达了中国植被类型的地理分布,尤其较详细地展示了热带、亚热带、温带和高原地区的不同植被类型地理分布格局,但由于东北地区、西部草原以及热带原生植被受人类活动严重干扰,使得模拟结果比该地区的原生植被地理分布的实际面积偏大。总体而言,本研究获得的29个生物气候群组对模拟现代生物群区分布提供了理想的分类依据,其气候阈值也是进行过去和未来生物群区模拟的重要参照数据。  相似文献   
本文介绍了GIS的基本概念原理,分析了应用GIS处理地质信息的可行性和优越性。并以在河北晚古生代岩相古地理研究中的应用为实例。介绍了应用GIS处理分析地质信息的一般方法.最后分析了GIS处理地质信息方面还存在的一些问题,笔者认为,随着GIS技术及其基础学科的不断发展,GIS在处理地质信息方面将显示出更大的潜力.  相似文献   
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