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图像纹理对于高分辨率遥感图像的信息提取与目标识别具有重要意义。针对"北京一号"小卫星全色遥感图像非城市区域居民地块往往呈现出比较明显的方向性纹理的特点,扩充改进Gabor滤波方法进行提取。方法主要利用Gabor滤波器的多尺度、多方向滤波的性质,提取多尺度纹理特征集,并进行特征;而后利用多特征聚类实现图像的初步分割。由于分割是对特征进行聚类完成的,其结果可能存在一个居民地块由若干个相互间存在间隔的子区域组成、存在无用小斑块、居民地内部存在大量小孔洞等缺陷。针对上述不足,利用形态学尺度空间融合方法,对居民地块通过结构元素不断增大的闭运算进行迭代融合,并选择一个具备"最长生存期限"的类别个数作为最佳类数,选择首次出现该类别数的分割结果作为最后的识别结果。对延庆地区的小卫星影像进行了居民地提取,并与共生矩阵纹理分析方法进行了实验对比。结果表明方法是有效的,并在提取精度上具有优势。  相似文献   
邢会斌  陈昇  徐康  王卫强 《海洋学报》2021,43(12):26-37
本文采用SODA3.4.2再分析数据和POP2海洋模式研究了季风转换期间(春季和秋季)热带印度洋经向热输运异常(Meridional Heat Transport Anomaly, MHTA)的年际变异特征。春季MHTA存在两个主要模态,即一致模态和辐合辐散模态:一致模态表现为热带印度洋上层一致的向北输运,受热带印度洋海温一致模相关的赤道反对称风场(赤道以北/南为东北风/西北风异常)调控;辐合辐散模态则呈现关于赤道对称的表层辐散次表层辐合特征,受控于赤道以南的热带西南印度洋和副热带东南印度洋海温偶极子。然而,秋季MHTA仅表现为辐合辐散模态,受到印度洋偶极子期间赤道东风和赤道外反气旋式风应力异常影响。此外,POP2敏感性试验也验证了印度洋海温模态影响下异常风场对MHTA的调控作用,即反对称的风引起一致向北的MHTA,赤道东风异常引起MHTA表层辐散、次表层辐合现象。因此,热带印度洋海气耦合模态年际变化对印度洋上层热量再分配有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
巨齿兰州龙(新属、新种)是发现于中国甘肃省兰州盆地早白垩世地层中的一新鸟脚类恐龙,其牙齿是世界上已知植食性恐龙中最大的。兰州龙下颌长1m,每侧有14个齿槽,而单个牙齿宽约4cm,这是已知恐龙中的首次报道。分支系统学分析发现巨齿兰州龙与非洲早白垩世Lurdusaurus arenatus关系密切。它们代表了鸟脚类恐龙进化中四足行走的笨重的一新支。兰州龙的发现也表明欧亚大陆与非洲在早白垩世具有较密切的联系。  相似文献   
Diurnal variations of hydrochemistry were monitored at a spring and two pools in a travertine-depositing stream at Baishuitai, Yunnan, SW China. Water temperature, pH and specific conductivity were measured in intervals of 5 and 30 min for periods of 1 to 2 days. From these data the concentrations of Ca2+, HCO3, calcite saturation index, and CO2 partial pressure were derived. The measurements in the spring of the stream did not show any diurnal variations in the chemical composition of the water. Diurnal variations, however, were observed in the water of the two travertine pools downstream. In one of them, a rise in temperature (thus more CO2 degassing) during day time and consumption of CO2 due to photosynthesis of submerged aquatic plants accelerated deposition of calcite, whereas in the other pool, where aquatic plants flourished and grew out of the water (so photosynthesis was taking place in the atmosphere), the authors suggest that temperature-dependent root respiration underwater took place, which dominated until noon. Consequently, due to the release of CO2 by the root respiration into water, which dominated CO2 production by degassing induced by temperature increase, the increased dissolution of calcite was observed. This is the first time anywhere at least in China that the effect of root respiration on diurnal hydrochemical variations has been observed. The finding has implications for sampling strategy within travertine-depositing streams and other similar environments with stagnant water bodies such as estuaries, lakes, reservoirs, pools and wetlands, where aquatic plants may flourish and grow out of water.  相似文献   
The Mediterranean Forecasting System (MFS) has been operational for a decade, and is continuously providing forecasts and analyses for the region. These forecasts comprise local- and basin-scale information of the environmental state of the sea and can be useful for tracking oil spills and supporting search-and-rescue missions. Data assimilation is a widely used method to improve the forecast skill of operational models and, in this study, the three-dimensional variational (OceanVar) scheme has been extended to include Argo float trajectories, with the objective of constraining and ameliorating the numerical output primarily in terms of the intermediate velocity fields at 350 m depth. When adding new datasets, it is furthermore crucial to ensure that the extended OceanVar scheme does not decrease the performance of the assimilation of other observations, e.g., sea-level anomalies, temperature, and salinity. Numerical experiments were undertaken for a 3-year period (2005–2007), and it was concluded that the Argo float trajectory assimilation improves the quality of the forecasted trajectories with ~15%, thus, increasing the realism of the model. Furthermore, the MFS proved to maintain the forecast quality of the sea-surface height and mass fields after the extended assimilation scheme had been introduced. A comparison between the modeled velocity fields and independent surface drifter observations suggested that assimilating trajectories at intermediate depth could yield improved forecasts of the upper ocean currents.  相似文献   
地形对黄土高原滑坡的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高分辨率地形与影像数据的缺乏已成为研究地表现象、特征与过程的重要瓶颈。低成本无人机设备和摄影测量技术的发展,打开了地学领域获取高分辨率数据的大门,大大提高了地质灾害野外调查与灾害编目的精度与效率。本文通过无人机野外调查和遥感室内目视解译,构建了一个包含307个黄土滑坡属性的数据库。在此基础上,通过数字地形分析和数理统计等方法,总结归纳了黄土滑坡样本数据的分布规律,探讨了地形对黄土滑坡分布的影响,阐述了地形相对高差对最长滑动距离、滑坡周长、滑坡面积的影响,提出了基于传统经验公式拟合的滑坡规模快速预测公式。结果表明:① 滑坡规模—频率分布具有明显的规律性,不同最大长度、最大宽度和周长的黄土滑坡数量分布均呈现正偏态分布,而不同面积的滑坡数量分布则服从幂函数分布;② 地形对黄土滑坡发育控制作用明显,不同地形高差、平均坡度、坡形的斜坡单元滑坡发育数量差异较大;③ 地形相对高差与滑坡的最长滑距、周长和面积的拟合曲线很好地符合幂律分布规律,但不同地形区的拟合效果有所差异,黄土丘陵区拟合效果最好,黄土高原全区次之,黄土台塬区最差;④ 本文建立的黄土滑坡规模快速预测模型,为黄土滑坡灾害调查提供了经验公式支撑。  相似文献   
气候变暖背景下极端气候对青海祁连山水文水资源的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用青海祁连山区极端气候要素和青海湖、哈拉湖及主要河流的水文资料,研究表明:冷夜日数(10%)呈显著减少趋势,暖夜日数(90%)呈显著增加趋势;年大风日数显著减少;年降水量21世纪初增加趋势最为显著并发生突变,降水量增加幅度中西段大于东段;≥ 5 mm、≥ 10 mm、≥ 25 mm年降水日数呈显著增加趋势,进入21世纪后更为明显,而≥ 0.1 mm年降水日数呈减少趋势;年平均大风日数与湖泊水位、河流流量变化呈负相关,大风天气的减少,可以缓解湖面和土壤因蒸发而导致的水分损失,对植被的改善可增加径流的产生,流入湖泊的流量增加;降水量与湖泊水位、河流流量呈正相关,受21世纪降水量增加的影响青海湖水位逐年上升,共上升1.67 m,达到20世纪70年代末的水位,中西部主要河流流量近几年也达到最大值,而东段流量增加不明显;祁连山区≥ 5 mm、≥ 10 mm、≥ 25 mm年平均降水量与湖泊、河流流量变化呈正相关,各量级年降水量对湖泊水位、河流流量的增加贡献显著。  相似文献   
Understanding the temporal variations of extreme floods that occur in response to climate change is essential to anticipate the trends in flood magnitude and frequency in the context of global warming. However, long-term records of paleofloods in arid regions are scarce, thus preventing a thorough understanding of such events. In this study, a reconstruction of paleofloods over the past 300 years was conducted through an analysis of grain sizes from the sediments of Kanas Lake in the Altay Mountains of northwestern China. Results showed that grain parameters and frequency distributions can be used to infer possible abrupt environmental events within the lake sedimentary sequence, and two extreme flood events corresponding to ca. 1736–1765 AD and ca. 1890 AD were further identified based on canonical discriminant analysis(CDA) and coarse percentile versus median grain size(C-M) pattern analysis, both of which occurred during warmer and wetter climate conditions by referring to tree-ring records. These two flood events are also evidenced by lake sedimentary records in the Altay and Tianshan mountains. Furthermore, through a comparison with other records, the flood event from ca. 1736–1765 AD in the study region seems to have occurred in both the arid central Asia and the Alps in Europe, and thus may have been associated with changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) index.  相似文献   
By incorporating the fabric effect and Lode’s angle dependence into the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion, a strength criterion for cross-anisotropic sand under general stress conditions was proposed. The obtained criterion has only three material parameters which can be specified by conventional triaxial tests. The formula to calculate the friction angle under any loading direction and intermediate principal stress ratio condition was deduced, and the influence of the degree of the cross-anisotropy was quantified. The friction angles of sand in triaxial, true triaxial, and hollow cylinder torsional shear tests were obtained, and a parametric analysis was used to detect the varying characteristics. The friction angle becomes smaller when the major principal stress changes from perpendicular to parallel to the bedding plane. The loading direction and intermediate principal stress ratio are unrelated in true triaxial tests, and their influences on the friction angle can be well captured by the proposed criterion. In hollow cylinder torsional shear tests with the same internal and external pressures, the loading direction and intermediate principal stress ratio are related. This property results in a lower friction angle in the hollow cylinder torsional shear test than that in the true triaxial test under the same intermediate principal stress ratio condition. By comparing the calculated friction angle with the experimental results under various loading conditions (e.g., triaxial, true triaxial, and hollow cylinder torsional shear test), the proposed criterion was verified to be able to characterize the shear strength of cross-anisotropic sand under general stress conditions.  相似文献   
"中国大陆地壳探测计划"的首要目标是岩石圈物性结构、构造和物质组成的探测,这包括大陆岩石圈的地震波速度、密度、磁性、导电性和放射性结构研究。其中,大陆岩石圈导电性结构的研究越来越引起人们的重视。利用岩石圈导电性结构模型不仅可以推断地球内部的岩、矿石组成和地质构造轮廓,还可以间接提供有关地球内部热结构的信息,为研究地球内部物质状态、地壳运动过程及其动力学机制等科学命题服务。因此,很多发达国家自上世纪70年代以来,陆续启动了岩石圈导电性结构探测。2004年,美国开始了"地球透镜计划(EarthScope)";其中,"大地电磁阵列"(USArray)是整个计划中的重要部分,是一个大陆尺度的大地电磁场观测计划,它将为北美大陆的构造与演化提供新的约束。在中国,大陆岩石圈导电性结构研究虽取得一系列重要成果,但也仅限于对其基本格局有一定认识,远远满足不了大陆动力学问题研究的需要。为了研究中国大陆形成、演化机理,首先需要确定中国大陆岩石圈三维构造模型、热结构和流变性特征,而这一切都与更详细、更准确的中国大陆岩石圈导电性结构有着密切关系。为了实现构建中国大陆岩石圈电磁学参数三维数据体及导电性结构标准模型的目标,"深部探测技术与实验研究专项"设立"大陆电磁参数标准网实验研究(SinoProbe-01)"项目,解决大陆尺度、阵列式(Array)大地电磁场(MT)标准网观测计划的关键技术问题,研究具体的实施方法技术,并提供示范性成果。项目将尽可能预先建立覆盖全国、网度为4°×4°的阵列式区域大地电磁参数标准网控制格架,并以华北和青藏为基地创立阵列式区域大地电磁场"标准点"1°×1°观测网的构建方法、技术;构建华北和青藏地区壳、幔电磁参数三维结构标准模型"格架",以及不同网度的壳、幔物性三维结构模型,为覆盖全国的阵列式区域大地电磁"标准点"观测网最佳网度选择提供依据,为最终建立中国大陆岩石圈三维导电性结构标准模型奠定基础,为预测我国超大型金属成矿远景区提供方向。完成本项目研究将对揭示中国大地构造特点和岩石圈结构提供重要依据,对油气及固体矿产资源远景评估提供制约,并对完善后板块大地构造理论有重要意义。开展这方面的研究将揭开中国大地构造地球物理学新阶段的序幕,为中国可持续发展与地球科学的进步作出贡献。  相似文献   
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