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Daily global solar irradiation (R s) is one of the main inputs in environmental modeling. Because of the lack of its measuring facilities, high-quality and long-term data are limited. In this research, R s values were estimated based on measured sunshine duration and cloud cover of our synoptic meteorological stations in central and southern Iran during 2008, 2009, and 2011. Clear sky solar irradiation was estimated from linear regression using extraterrestrial solar irradiation as the independent variable with normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) of 4.69 %. Daily R s was calibrated using measured sunshine duration and cloud cover data under different sky conditions during 2008 and 2009. The 2011 data were used for model validation. According to the results, in the presence of clouds, the R s model using sunshine duration data was more accurate when compared with the model using cloud cover data (NRMSE = 11. 69 %). In both models, with increasing sky cloudiness, the accuracy decreased. In the study region, more than 92 % of sunshine durations were clear or partly cloudy, which received close to 95 % of total solar irradiation. Hence, it was possible to estimate solar irradiation with a good accuracy in most days with the measurements of sunshine duration.  相似文献   
万永芳  秦乃岗 《华南地震》2003,23(1):98-100
2001年10月底广州东山湖水面出现宏观异常现象,市民怀疑为地震前兆异常。经过对异常的调查落实,结合广东省地震形势及前兆资料的分析研究,准确判断东山湖的异常现象并非地震宏观异常现象,消除了市民的不安与恐慌。  相似文献   
文章以广东省新兴县为例,从凉果资源分布与加工能力的匹配关系角度对华南地区凉果资源的分布,凉果加工业的分布与布局,凉果市场分布与竞争力,凉果加工业与资源的匹配关系等进行了分析,并针对华南地区凉果加工业面临的主要问题提供了一些建议。  相似文献   
U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons of metamagmatites from the Bayerischer Wald (Germany) reveals a complex evolution of this section of the Moldanubian Zone exposed in the western Bohemian Massif of the central European Variscan belt. In the south-western part of the Bayerischer Wald Upper Vendian magmatism is constrained by pooled 206Pb/238U mean ages of 555±12, 549±7 and 549±6 Ma from metarhyolites and a metabasite. Inherited zircon cores were not observed. Zircon overgrowths, yielding pooled 206Pb/238U ages of 316±10 and 319±5 Ma, provide evidence for Variscan metamorphic zircon growth; cathodoluminescence imaging reveals a two-stage metamorphic overprint.In contrast, Lower Ordovician magmatism and anatexis are documented in the north-eastern parts of the Bayerischer Wald by metagranitoids (480±6, 486±7 Ma), an eclogitic metabasite (481±8 Ma) and a leucosome (491 to 457 Ma). Inherited zircon cores are found in Lower Ordovician metagranitoids and the leucosome, indicating a Palaeoproterozoic-Archaean (ca. 2.7, 2.0 Ga) source region, presumably of Gondwana affinity (West African craton), and documenting Cadomian magmatism (ca. 640 Ma). Post-Cadomian metamorphism is inferred from concordant ages of 433±4 and 431±7 Ma.Upper Vendian magmatism is assumed at an active continental margin with ensialic back-arc development (εNd(t) –3.01 to +1.22); the lack of inherited zircon is due to either derivation from juvenile (?volcanic arc) material or complete isotopic resetting of pre-existing zircon. An active continental margin setting, possibly with some lateral variation (accretion/collision) is envisaged for the Lower Ordovician, producing granitoids, rhyolites and leucosomes (εNd(t) -0.5 to -6.27); MORB-type metabasites may be related to ZEV or Mariánské Lázně Complex metabasites. A tentative palaeogeographic reconstruction puts the “Bayerischer Wald” in close relationship with the Habach terrane (proto-Alps), as the “eastern” extension of terranes of the northern Gondwana margin.  相似文献   
Medium-temperature thermal waters in the Mura basin occur in hydrogeological systems different in age, burial depth, temperature, porosity and permeability, and the presence of free carbon dioxide which penetrates through the fractures from pre-Tertiary basement. The waters commonly belong to sodium-bicarbonate hydrogeochemical facies, but may have significantly different amounts of total dissolved solids, including trace elements. Thermal waters occurring in low-permeable, well-compacted and moderately fractured Tertiary sediments older than Upper Pliocene are the richest in trace elements, although their abundance may be very variable from one aquifer to another. The ratios of major alkaline and alkaline earth elements (Na, K, Ca) and trace elements (Li, Rb, Cs, Ba, Sr) commonly show relative enrichment in highly mineralised waters with respect to the waters with lower mineralisation. Rare earth elements (REEs) and Y show only minor fractionation in the highly mineralised waters, whereas in the waters with lower mineralisation strong fractionation of heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) over light rare earth elements (LREEs) occurs, along with a pronounced positive europium anomaly. Positive Th/U ratios are commonly observed, although both actinide elements occur in the range of some hundredths of ppb to some ppb. Trace elements were particularly useful in the study of well cycling in two hydraulically interconnected geothermal wells in the town of Murska Sobota, which produce a mixture of low- and high-mineralised waters.  相似文献   
This study examines hydration–diffusion in the metaluminous haplogranite system at 200 MPa H2O and 800–300°C. At 800°C hydration is accompanied by melting and uphill diffusion of sodium from anhydrous glass toward the region of hydration and melting, whereas potassium diffuses away from the hydration front and into anhydrous glass. Silicon and aluminum are simply diluted upon hydration. There is no change in molecular Al/(Na + K) throughout the entire hydration-diffusion aureole and, therefore, (1) there is no loss of alkalis to the vapor, and (2) K migrates to replace Na in order to maintain local charge balance required by IVAl. Alkali diffusion occurs over a viscosity contrast from 104.1 Pa s in hydrous liquid to 1011.8–1013.5 Pa s in anhydrous glass. From these results, we interpret that: (1) Na is structurally or energetically favored over K as a charge-balancing cation for IVAl in hydrous granitic liquids, whereas the opposite behavior has been observed for anhydrous melts, and (2) the diffusion of alkalis through silicate melts is largely independent of viscosity. Results from 600°C are similar to those at 800°C, but hydration at 300°C involves a loss of Na and concomitant increase in molar Al/(Na + K) in the hydration zone due to hydrogen-alkali exchange between fluid and glass. Hydration behavior at 400°C is transitional between those at 300°C and 600°C, suggesting that the change in hydration mechanism occurs near the glass transition.  相似文献   
Systematic morphological changes of the coastline of the outer Yangtze River mouth in response to storms versus calm weather were documented by daily surveys of tidal marshes and flats between April 1999 and May 2001 and by boat surveys offshore during this and earlier periods. The largest single event during 1999 to 2001 was Typhoon Paibaian, which eroded the unvegetated tidal flat and lower marsh and led to accretion on the middle-to-upper marsh and in the subtidal channel. The greatest erosion of 21 cm occurred at the border between the marsh and the unvegetated flat due to the landward retreat of the marsh edge during the storm. Strong waves on the flats increased suspended sediment concentration by 10–20 times. On the upper marsh, where the frequency of submergence by astronomical tides is only 3%, Typhoon Paibian led to 4 cm of accretion, accounting for 57% of the net accretion observed over the 2-yr study. Typhoon Paibian led to 4 cm of accretion, accounting for 57% of the net accretion observed over the 2-yr study. Typhoon Paibian and other large storms in the 1990s caused over 50 cm of accretion along the deep axis of the river mouth outlet channel. During calm weather, when hydrodynamic energy was dominated by tides, deposition was centered on the unvegetated flats and lower, marsh with little deposition on the high marsh and erosion in the subtidal channel. Depositional recovery of the tidal flat from typhoon-induced erosion took only several days, whereas recovery of the subtidal channel by erosion took several weeks. A conceptual model for the morphological responses of tidal marshes, flats, and subtidal channels to storms and calm weather is proposed such that sediment continually moves from regions of highest near-bed energy towards areas of lower energy.  相似文献   
最新一些研究结果强调了全新世期间的长期增温趋势,综合全球平均海平面、大陆冰盖面积、大气温室气体和太阳辐射证据来看,这比传统观点所认为的全新世期间的长期降温趋势,更具有合理性。回顾历史,结合最新的一些研究进展,发现支持“中全新世大暖期”和“晚全新世降温趋势”的证据存在明显的不确定性,最核心的问题为晚全新世加强的人类活动对代用指标或者证据的强烈扰动,使得其不能准确地反映真实的气候变化过程。鉴于目前全新世温度历史争论的核心关键在于晚全新世,因此有必要加强晚全新世温度变化研究。在人类活动影响较小的地区,或者利用对人类活动不敏感的代用指标开展研究,有望可以获得更可靠的晚全新世温度历史重建结果,为准确认识中华数千年文明的长期温度变化背景,进而理解期间的“人地关系”演化历史,并最终客观认识现今面临的以全球变暖为主要特征的气候环境问题,提供一定的科学基础。  相似文献   

利用1961—2015年丹江口水库水源区41个气象站点逐日降水、气温资料及该水库同期入库径流数据,对丹江口水库水源区水文气象特征进行分析,建立气候弹性模拟公式,开展水库入库径流序列模拟;结合未来RCP2.6、4.5、8.5三种情景下的降水、气温预估数据,预测未来径流演变。结果表明:近50多年来丹江口水库水源区气温以0.13 ℃·(10 a)-1的速率显著增加,增温主要发生在1990年代以后;入库径流年际和年代际变化显著,整体呈-64.3 m3·s-1·(10 a)-1的减少趋势。气候弹性模型能较好地模拟出水库入库径流演变趋势,相比气温,径流对降水弹性系数更大;未来三种情景下降水、气温均有所增加,入库径流变化趋势不一,其中RCP2.6情景下各年代入库径流偏少,偏少幅度超270 m3·s-1,RCP4.5情景下各年代一致偏多,RCP8.5情景下径流呈-14.2 m3·s·-1 (10 a)-1减少趋势,年际间波动最为剧烈,不利于水资源调度。

The South China, including Yangzi Craton and the Cathaysian Block, belongs to the southern part of East Asia continent. It borders Pacific plate on the east side and Qinling-Dabie Orogen on the north side. During the middle-late Cretaceous, a number of downfaulted red basins (the terrestrial sedimentary basins in Fig. 1) and volcanic- sedimentary basins had been developed in South China[1,2], in which the con-temporaneous basaltic rocks were generally distributed (Fig. 1). Although the …  相似文献   
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