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Summary The measuring systems of Askania gravity meters are assumed to have 3 degrees of freedom. The axis of rotation of the beam can also be displaced in the vertical and horizontal directions. The equations of equilibrium of this system (25)–(27) were used to derive the expressions for the effect of displacing the calibration ball, for the scale equation and for the sensitivity of the gravity meter. Equations (33), (34) and (39) refer to gravity meters with a photoelectric transducer, and Eqs (46), (47) and (49) to gravity meters with a capacitive transducer.
uum umaum au n¶rt;naam 3 mnu ¶rt;. au aa m m nam mua uuma anau. au au m um (25)–(27) ¶rt; au ¶rt; ¶rt;mu nu au aua, ¶rt; aua a u ¶rt; mummuauma. aum mmuu mm m au (33), (34), (39), ¶rt;aum m mm au (46), (47), (49).
Calibrating functions play a substantial role in the determination of earthquake magnitudes. Their shape and character is closely connected with the internal structure of the Earth, the distribution of velocities and attenuation of seismic waves in the Earth's body. These facts have been considered during the establishment of the Eurasian Homogeneous Magnitude System (EuHMS). The paper summarizes the procedures used for constructing the new complete set of calibrating functions for body and surface waves (vertical and horizontal components of P, S and L waves from medium period instruments, and vertical component of P waves from short period instruments).The calibrating functions were derived in the distance range between 20° and 100°, being based on several thousands of homogeneous observations for each wave type. The application of a HMS gives a possibility to derive the magnitude calibrating functions with a considerable degree of reliability due to the method of simultaneous optimization of the calibrating functions and the systems of station corrections. The magnitude calibrating functions for EuHMS represent the first complete set of calibrating functions, which are derived by the same standard method and initial observational material. A comparison with the existing calibrating functions shows that the application of σ and Q functions, presently used in the seismological practice for magnitude determinations, may lead to errors exceeding of magnitude unit at certain epicentral distances, specific for each wave type. It appears that the internationally recommended Q functions are not admissible for magnitude determinations from short-period P waves.  相似文献   
Summary The morphology of the Wadati-Benioff zone in the region of Southern Kuriles and Hokkaido, based on the distribution of 4015 earthquake foci, verified the existence of an intermediate depth aseismic gap and its relation to active andesitic volcanism. A paleosubduction zone activated by an intermediate depth collision with the active subduction zone was found and described.
u Wadati-Benioff amu uu - u a¶rt;, aa a an¶rt;uu 4015 a mu, nm¶rt;ua mau n¶rt; au u amu a¶rt;um au. a a¶rt;a u nuaa a na¶rt;uu, amuuuaa nmu mu amu ¶rt;uu.
¶rt;au uu aum nuuumu u aumnuu ¶rt; aa aam n¶rt; am amuu u namuu ¶rt;au. amu uu aumnuu nuuumu, a amu ¶rt;au, m ¶rt;mu au ma nma aaumu m¶rt; ¶rt;a, m a amu uu aum m mnu n¶rt;u ¶rt; mm uaum amua n¶rt; ¶rt;au. u aumnuu nu a namu ¶rt;auu(<1%) a uuu m nuuumu i uaum amua. u aumnuu ¶rt;mu uu uum aauuau ¶rt;ua am m uu, m, m ¶rt; u au namu ¶rt;auu.  相似文献   
Summary The linearization approach is used to compute the travel times in inhomogeneous slightly anisotropic media. The basic formulae are outlined and their accuracy demonstrated in comparison with the exact solution based on the zero-order ray theory and the Backus formula (1965). The linearization is extended also to complex media with curved interfaces. The computer program for calculating travel times in 2D, inhomogeneous, slightly anisotropic, complex media is briefly described. The numerical results obtained for a realistic situation and various types of waves are presented to enable the effects of anisotropy and the effects of inhomogeneity on the resulting travel times to be compared.
na uauua n¶rt;¶rt; ¶rt; ama¶rt;aa , anmau aaumn ¶rt;a. ¶rt; u n¶rt; au m u n muu nuuuu u m¶rt; aa (1965). a uauua n¶rt;¶rt; ¶rt; a ¶rt; uuuauau a¶rt;a. am nuaa uuma naa ¶rt; ama¶rt;a ¶rt; ¶rt;. u mam ¶rt; a mun ¶rt;am m um m aumnuu u m ¶rt;¶rt;mu a a anmau .
¶rt;naa, m ma um uu maunuu m am muu ¶rt;uauu um. nua a mau ammama a, n¶rt; mnu ma u u au uu u¶rt;mu.  相似文献   
The influence of ultraviolet light, heating, freezing and weathering on the mercury concentration in the primary feathers from Guillemot and Black Guillemot has been examined. Even within 8 months of exposure variation in mercury concentration due to either loss of mercury or weight loss of the feathers has been found to be less than 10% relative.  相似文献   
Systems of two parallel linear faults of the same length with the angle of inclination =45° were investigated under uniaxial linearly increasing load. Perspex plates were used as models. For each treated fault configuration the morphology of tensile cracks and the sequence of seismoacoustic events of shear and tensile origin were studied.It is shown that the seismic regime of a fault system is strongly influenced by the contact conditions on a fault plane; it is different in the faults with the aseismic contact, represented by open slits, and in the faults with the seismoactive contact, represented by filled slits, respectively.The experiments proved the dominating role of a fast shear displacement of the stick-slip type in the regime of seismic energy release of a fault system. The tensile crack generation seems to be only of little—if not negligible—importance. On the other hand, the existence of tensile cracks in a fault system can play an important role in the course of subsequent loading cycles because the stick-slip displacements can take place not only along the primary faults but also along the planes of tensile cracks.A comparison of some results of model experiments and the already published results of geological and seismological investigations indicated that the way of seismic energy relase on faults in nature and in the laboratory could be of the same character. Several analogies between the seismic regime of a fault model and of real seismic regions were found concerning the morphology of faults, off-fault fore- and aftershocks, and earthquake doublets, respectively.  相似文献   
Summary The paper deals with the computation of spherical harmonic coefficients from surface measurements of the magnetic or gravity field of the Earth when the measurements are distributed regularly. The Fourier representation of associated Legendre functions which this procedure makes use of, then enables the harmonic analysis to be transformed to Fourier analysis which has better numerical properties.
ama na ama uu uu uum n nm uu aum uuaumau n u a, ¶rt;a mu uu an ammu ma. ¶rt;mau n a¶rt; , m unm mm n¶rt;¶rt;, nm nmauu aau naam aau , m a¶rt;am uu uumu mau.
Summary A system of 8 seismically active fracture zones was delineated on the basis of the distribution of earthquake foci in the continental lithosphere of Ecuador. The position and width of the outcrop, thickness, dip and maximum depth of the individual fracture zones were estimated and correlated with surface geological and tectonic phenomena, volcanism and hydrothermal manifestations. The existence and strike of the fracture zones was independently confirmed by the occurrence of historical disastrous earthquakes.
uma 8 uu amu a a aa a auu an¶rt;u a mu muma um a¶rt;a. u n¶rt; nu u uua a nmu, mua, u auaaua m¶rt; a . mau mu auu n¶rt;m¶rt;am a¶rt;u umuu aum mu u nmau nmu, mmu, au uu¶rt;mau nuu.

Visiting professors at Instituto Geofísico and Facultad de Geología, Minas y Petróleos, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito (Ecuador).  相似文献   
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