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We study the limits of accuracy for weak lensing maps of dark matter using diffuse 21-cm radiation from the pre-reionization epoch using simulations. We improve on previous 'optimal' quadratic lensing estimators by using shear and convergence instead of deflection angles. This is a generalization of the deflection estimator, and is more optimal for non-Gaussian sources. The cross-power spectrum of shear and convergence is an unbiased estimator of lensing power spectrum which does not require knowledge of the source four-point function. We find that non-Gaussianity provides a limit to the accuracy of weak lensing reconstruction, even if instrumental noise is reduced to zero. The best reconstruction result is equivalent to Gaussian sources with effective independent cell of side length  2.0  h −1 Mpc  . Using a source full map from z = 10 to 20, this limiting sensitivity allows mapping of dark matter at a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 1 out to l ≲ 6000, which is better than any other proposed technique for large-area weak lensing mapping.  相似文献   
We present the first optimal power spectrum estimation and three-dimensional deprojections for the dark and luminous matter and their cross-correlations. The results are obtained using a new optimal fast estimator, deprojected using minimum variance and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) techniques. We show the resulting 3D power spectra for dark matter and galaxies, and their covariance for the VIRMOS-DESCART weak lensing shear and galaxy data. The survey is most sensitive to non-linear scales   k NL∼ 1 h Mpc−1  . On these scales, our 3D power spectrum of dark matter is in good agreement with the RCS 3D power spectrum found by Tegmark & Zaldarriaga. Our galaxy power is similar to that found by the 2MASS survey, and larger than that of SDSS, APM and RCS, consistent with the expected difference in galaxy population.
We find an average bias   b = 1.24 ± 0.18  for the I -selected galaxies, and a cross-correlation coefficient   r = 0.75 ± 0.23  . Together with the power spectra, these results optimally encode the entire two point information about dark matter and galaxies, including galaxy–galaxy lensing. We address some of the implications regarding galaxy haloes and mass-to-light ratios. The best-fitting 'halo' parameter   h ≡ r / b = 0.57 ± 0.16  , suggesting that dynamical masses estimated using galaxies systematically underestimate total mass.
Ongoing surveys, such as the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey, will significantly improve on the dynamic range, and future photometric redshift catalogues will allow tomography along the same principles.  相似文献   
胶东地区早白垩世郭家岭期花岗岩指形成时代为早白垩世,形成年龄为123~135Ma的一期岩浆活动事件的产物,从西到东由莱州三山岛、招远上庄、招远北截、招远丛家、龙口七甲、栖霞郭家岭及蓬莱范家店7个岩体组成.主要岩性为二长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩,少量的石英二长岩和二长闪长岩,多数具有钾长石斑晶和暗色包体,为一套准铝质—过铝质高...  相似文献   
Recently the numerical simulations of the process of reionization of the universe at z>6 have made a qualitative leap forward, reaching sufficient sizes and dynamic range to determine the characteristic scales of this process. This allowed making the first realistic predictions for a variety of observational signatures. We discuss recent results from large-scale radiative transfer and structure formation simulations on the observability of high-redshift Ly-α sources. We also briefly discuss the dependence of the characteristic scales and topology of the ionized and neutral patches on the reionization parameters.  相似文献   
We report vegetation changes of the last millennium inferred from palynological analysis of a sediment core from Lake Montcortès, situated at ~1,000 m elevation in the southern pre-Pyrenean flank. The record begins in the Middle Ages (~AD 800) and ends around AD1920, with an average resolution of ~30 years. The reconstructed vegetation sequence is complex and shows the influence of both climate and humans in shaping the landscape. Pre-feudal times were characterized by the presence of well-developed conifer forests, which were intensely burned at the beginning of feudal times (AD 1000) and were replaced by cereal (rye) and hemp cultivation, as well as meadows and pastures. In the thirteenth century, a relatively short period of warming, likely corresponding to the Medieval Warm Period, was inferred from the presence of a low Mediterranean scrub community that is today restricted to <800 m elevation. This community disappeared during Little Ice Age cooling in the fifteenth century, coinciding with a decline in human activities around the lake. Forest recovery began around AD 1500, at the beginning of the Modern period, coinciding with wetter climate. Forests, however, declined again during the seventeenth century, coinciding with maximum olive and hemp cultivation. This situation was reversed in post-Modern times (nineteenth century), characterized by an intense agricultural crisis and a significant decline in population that favored forest re-expansion. Correlations with nearby Estanya Lake, situated about 350 m below, provide a regional picture of environmental change. Besides some climate forcing evident in both sequences, human activities seem to have been the main drivers of landscape and vegetation change in the southern Pyrenean flank, in agreement with conclusions from other studies in high-mountain environments.  相似文献   
喀喇昆仑火烧云深成菱锌矿矿床地质特征及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新疆和田火烧云矿床是青藏高原西部新发现的重要超大型矿床之一,是迄今我国规模最大的锌(铅)矿床,同时也是全球罕见的巨型菱锌矿矿床,累计探明铅锌资源储量超过1800万吨,因其经济价值巨大,矿床成因引人注目。详实的野外地质剖面和钻孔岩芯观察证实,容矿围岩龙山组由泥晶灰岩、砂屑灰岩、鲕粒灰岩和生物碎屑灰岩等组成,广泛发育鸟眼构造、窗格构造和平底晶洞构造,指示沉积环境为中侏罗世碳酸盐岩台地滨海—潮坪的滩坝(介壳滩、鲕粒滩)高能环境。矿区已发现上、下两个含矿层,20余个矿体。下含矿层菱锌矿主矿体储量占比超过95%。矿体呈透镜状、似层状产出,小角度穿切围岩地层。矿石矿物以菱锌矿为主,少量白铅矿和方铅矿;脉石矿物以方解石为主,少量石膏。菱锌矿矿石发育交代、自形—半自形结晶结构,块状、晶洞、条带状和斑马状构造。火烧云超大型矿床形成经历了阶段Ⅰ菱锌矿(Sm1)、阶段Ⅱ菱锌矿(Sm2)—(方铅矿)和阶段菱锌矿(Sm3)—Ⅲ方铅矿(铅矾)三个连续成矿阶段,其中主成矿阶段菱锌矿(Sm1)占比80%以上。矿区灰岩及碳酸盐矿物碳—氧同位素分析结果表明,菱锌矿基本继承了主岩灰岩的碳—氧同位素,结合菱锌矿矿石交代结构特征,证实火烧云矿床属于后生热液交代成因。基于菱锌矿矿石矿相学和碳—氧同位素特征,本文首次提出并详细讨论了火烧云矿床的菱锌矿化成矿作用,即富锌少铅贫硫(S2-)热液通过微米级方解石溶解—菱锌矿沉淀藕合作用交代龙山组灰岩。因此,火烧云矿床既不是发生氧化的MVT锌矿床,也不是SEDEX锌碳酸盐矿床,而是一类原生深成(hypogene)热液交代锌碳酸盐矿床。  相似文献   
淡色花岗岩是了解造山过程中地壳物质部分熔融行为的重要岩石探针,对于揭示造山演化过程中变质和岩浆作用之间的联系具有十分重要的意义.本文对武夷山中段建宁地区淡色花岗岩开展了系统的岩石学、锆石U-Pb年代学及地球化学研究.结果表明,建宁淡色花岗岩形成于~440 Ma,并记录了晚期410~405 Ma深熔事件.淡色花岗岩属强过铝质岩石,且富含800~700 Ma年龄继承锆石,表明其源岩为新元古代麻源群变质沉积岩.建宁淡色花岗岩具高SiO2、K2O,贫MgO、FeOt、CaO、Na2O,富集LREE和LILEs,亏损HREE和HFSEs,高Rb/Sr比值等特征,暗示其源岩可能发生了黑云母参与的含水或脱水熔融反应.综合本文结果和华南早古生代沉积、变质、岩浆等多方面地质记录可知,建宁地区淡色花岗岩形成于同造山地壳加厚背景下,而晚期410~405 Ma的深熔事件可能与后造山伸展减薄有关.  相似文献   
地质钻探工程是区域地质调查、固体矿产勘查、能源矿产勘查、水文与工程地质勘查、地球与地外行星科学研究、城乡基础设施建设等领域重要的技术方法,是获取地下地质矿产等实物资料的唯一手段。伴随着新中国的建立和发展壮大,我国的探矿工程事业从无到有,从小到大,从弱到强。70年来,通过几代探矿人的坚持不懈和努力奋斗,目前我国地质钻探技术水平基本与世界同步,在许多方面达到世界先进水平,有些钻探技术、装备已处于世界领先地位。从整个地质行业乃至整个国家工业发展的维度上总结我国探矿工程70年的发展历程,大致划分为4个阶段:新中国成立初期探矿工程创建起步阶段(20世纪50—60年代);探矿工程技术稳步快速发展阶段(20世纪70~80年代);探矿工程扩大服务领域阶段(大致为20世纪最后15年);钻探工程技术全面、深入发展,逐步进入世界一流的阶段(21世纪以来)。分别对这4个阶段所发生的重大事件以及取得的主要技术成果进行了回顾和总结,阐明了70年来探矿工程为国家经济建设和我国至今成为世界上唯一制造业体系最完整的国家做出的重要贡献。  相似文献   
抗滑桩全桩内力计算"m-k"法的有限差分法   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
戴自航  彭振斌 《岩土力学》2002,23(3):321-324,328
传统的弹性地基系数“m-k”法在计算抗滑桩内力时,需分受荷段和锚固段分别查表计算,不但计算过程繁琐,容易出错,而且受查用表格中各系数截断误差的影响,常使计算结果出现某些误差,以致出现与边界条件不相一致的现象。针对这些问题,基于“m-k”法的原理,提出了便于编程的有限差分法,可对弹性抗滑桩全桩内力进行统一分析。编写了计算和图形处理程序,并用一算例与传统方法进行了验证 对比。结果表明,只要等量差分段取得足够小,就可获得符合边界条件的高精度数值解。实例表明,可根据内力计算图形处理结果,优化钢筋笼的钢筋,使抗滑桩的结构设计安全而经济。  相似文献   
研究目的】淮阳地热属于典型的中低温沉降盆地型地热,研究淮阳县地热资源的质与量,有助于其合理开发利用及科学管理。【研究方法】本文综合利用地球化学、环境同位素,对淮阳县地温场及地热流体化学特征和成因进行分析研究。【研究结果】结果表明,深部热储地温场受基底构造与断裂影响较明显,构造单元分界处和多条断裂交汇处,地温梯度较高,如苏庄地温梯度3.75℃/100 m,其他地段<3.5℃/100 m。研究区内地热流体中主要为Cl·HCO3·SO4-Na、Cl·SO4·HCO3-Na、Cl·SO4-Na型。地热流体中阳离子主要以Na+为主,阴离子呈多样化,研究区地热流体主要来源于西部伏牛山区的大气降水,且地热流体发生水-岩作用,但相对较弱。地热流体为1952年前入渗补给的“古水”。【结论】淮阳经济可开采热储层主要为新近系明化镇组和馆陶组,区内地热资源开发主要可用来供暖,以促进当地经济发展,助力于本地区“双碳”目标的达成。创新点:分析了淮阳地温梯度与地质构造和断裂活动的关系;结合地层特性,讨论了淮阳地热流体中不同离子的来源以及地热流体的主要来源。  相似文献   
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