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基于Matlab/Simul ink软件,设计实现了高动态GPS接收机的数字中频信号处理模块的仿真模型.模型可实现中频信号的跟踪和解调.给出了模拟信号源输入条件下的处理结果,结果表明模型的设计正确可行.模块可以为各种新的高动态GPS信号的跟踪算法的研究设计提供一个可视化平台.  相似文献   
四苯硼化铷重量法测定铷   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
研究了用四苯硼化钠在水溶液中沉淀铷的影响因素 ,如沉淀剂用量、溶液体积、p H值、温度和不同含量的锂、钠氯化物以及硫酸盐。提出了重量法测定铷的条件和步骤。本法可适用于铷盐混合溶剂体系中溶度的研究。  相似文献   
MgO活性及其在MgCl2溶液中溶度的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
测定了不同MgO的碘值和比表面积 ,给出了MgO活性与煅烧温度之间的关系式。研究了MgO活性、煅烧温度、溶解温度和MgCl2 浓度等对MgO溶解的影响。并讨论了活性MgO在含不同硼碱比 [n(B2 O3) :n(MgO) =n]的MgCl2 溶液中形成硼酸镁盐过饱和溶液与增溶的MgO关系。  相似文献   
图解法与矩法沉积物粒度参数的对比   总被引:52,自引:1,他引:52  
采用Folk Ward图解法公式和McManus矩法公式 ,分别计算了山东半岛月湖地区 2 70个底质样品的粒度参数 (粒度分析用Cilas 940L型激光粒度仪与筛析法相结合 )并进行了比较。分析结果显示 ,两种方法所获的平均粒径和分选系数基本相同 ,偏态值相差较大 (但仍存在显著相关性 ) ,而峰态值不能相互转换。偏态值差异的原因在于 ,图解法的偏态指示了主要粒度组分的尾部特征 ,而矩法的偏态反映了样品总体的尾部特征。峰态值的差异是由于图解法所反映的往往只是样品的某一组分的粒度特征 ,计算方法比较粗略 ,而矩法反映了样品的总体特征 ,计算方法比较精确。在沉积环境分析、粒径趋势分析、历史数据解译时 ,应充分考虑这两种方法的差异。  相似文献   
最早期脊椎动物的镶嵌演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
舒德干  陈苓 《现代地质》2000,14(3):315-321
采自云南昆明市海口地区下寒武统筇竹寺组的昆明鱼为活埋标本 ,其软躯体构造保存极为精美 ;来自同一层位的海口鱼为正常死亡后埋藏 ,除身体最后部略有腐烂外 ,整体特征保存良好。这两种鱼皆呈鱼形 ,不仅具带鳃软骨的原始头颅和比无头类简单“人”字形肌节更为复杂的双“人”字形肌节 ,而且还发育了原始偶鳍和围心腔构造 ,表明它们已演化成高等脊索动物有头类 ( Craniata)或称脊椎动物 ( Vertebrata)。另一方面 ,它们的低骨化性 (如尚未发育出真正的脊椎骨 )和生殖系统演化的滞后性 (仍具多对生殖腺 )等原始特征 ,使它们呈现典型的镶嵌演化性。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地西南缘新近纪以来受昆仑山断裂活动影响,地震活动强烈,发育一系列与地震活动有关的软沉积物变形构造,主要包括: 负荷构造、火焰构造、球—枕状构造、地震角砾、震裂缝、层内震褶曲和同沉积微断层等。通过区域地质调查、实测剖面、点上解剖和样品测试分析,初步认为柴达木盆地西南缘区分别于1.8—1.2,Ma、0.8,Ma、0.15,Ma发生过3次强烈构造活动,这些事件均伴随强烈的古地震活动,作为这些隆升事件的沉积和构造响应,盆地更新统中形成了一系列典型软沉积物变形以及相关的震积构造,对于研究青藏高原板内不均匀隆升过程及其隆升构造—地震—沉积效应具有重要意义。  相似文献   
华北地区继2000年多次沙法天气袭扰之后,今年仍会发生多次大面积沙尘天气,沙尘天气的表成不仅取决于反厄尔尼诺事件对气象的影响,更重要的是华北地区大范围的土地沙化,总体生态环境的恶化,是无节制地滥垦,滥伐,滥牧,滥采,滥用地下水的综合结果,加大科技含量,搞好长期规划,安排好短期实施,确保治沙实效,促进良性生态循环是治本之策。  相似文献   
Interactions between turbulence, suspended sediment concentration (SSC), settling velocity, effective density, fractal dimension, and floc size were studied on the tide-dominated, muddy coastal shelf of the southwestern Yellow Sea, China. The measurements were carried out in July 2013 at two sites located in water depths of 21.2 and 22.1 m. Negative correlations were observed between shear rate, SSC, effective density, and mean floc size, which supports the results of previous numerical, experimental, and field studies. A significant positive correlation was observed between near-bed SSC and shear rate, an indication that SSC variations are controlled by turbulence and re-suspension. In addition, significant linear relationships were found between settling velocity and other parameters (floc size, turbulence, SSC, effective density, and fractal dimension) at the two sites, indicating that the controlling factors on settling velocity are spatially variable. Principal component analysis was applied to determine the relative importance of turbulence, flocculation ability, and SSC as controls on floc size in situ. The relative contributions of turbulence, flocculation ability, and SSC to floc size (at both sites) were ~33.0%, 30.3%, and 29.7%, respectively, this being a new field-based quantitative analysis of the controls on floc size. The findings demonstrate that, in nature, flocculation ability affects floc size to the same degree as turbulence and SSC. Therefore, predictions of floc size in coastal marine environments require constraints not only on turbulence and SSC, but also on flocculation ability.  相似文献   
论碰撞造山带的分类   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
李继亮  孙枢 《地质科学》1999,34(2):129-138
近年来碰撞造山带研究取得了很大进展,为碰撞造山带分类奠定了基础。1992年,Sengor提出了一个三分法的分类。但是,这个分类不能涵盖所有的碰撞造山带,同时其内部还有重叠。本文主要依据参与碰撞的单元,即板块、微板块、前缘弧、残留弧和增生弧,提出一个新的分类方案,即将碰撞造山带分为陆-陆,陆-前缘弧,陆-残留弧,陆-增生弧,弧-弧,陆-弧-陆6种类型。从世界各地的碰撞造山带来看,陆-陆碰撞型是很少见的,也就是说,威尔逊旋回不论在现代还是古代地质历史上都是罕有发生的,而大多数碰撞造山带都是非威尔逊旋回型的。  相似文献   
Summary The theoretical model of the relationship between sub-surface and surface subsidence movements proposed earlier by the authors of this paper is briefly described and further tested against another case history example. Using this model, the magnitudes of the maximum subsidence, tilt and horizontal strain at sub-surface horizons between the ground surface and seam level are predicted in terms of the magnitudes of the corresponding components at the surface due to the extraction of subcritical panels with a wide range of width-depth ratios and the results presented in the form of nomographs and tables. These graphs and tables could be used to estimate the maximum subsidence, tilt and horizontal strain at any chosen sub-surface horizon associated with the extraction of a subcritical panel from the known corresponding maximum values at the surface.The proposed theoretical model can also be used to predict sub-surface subsidence components at any point within the zone influenced by the extraction of a panel from the corresponding surface subsidence components which may be obtained from field measurements or pre-calculated using any existing method of surface subsidence prediction. As an example, the profiles of surface and sub-surface subsidence at various horizons between the ground surface and the seam level resulting from the extraction of an assumed sub-critical longwall panel are predicted using the theoretical model together with the empirical method of surface subsidence prediction. The pattern of sub-surface subsidence movements in the strata overlying the panel is examined.  相似文献   
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