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Sharma  Anjali  Yadav  Renu  Kumar  Dinesh  Paul  Ajay  Teotia  S. S. 《Natural Hazards》2021,109(2):1899-1933
Natural Hazards - In the analysis of seismic hazards of a particular region, the site response functions play a significant role. Site response functions for the central seismic gap become more...  相似文献   
An understanding of undesirable disturbance to the balance of organisms is needed to diagnose marine eutrophication as defined by EU Directives and OSPAR. This review summarizes the findings of the UK Defra-funded Undesirable Disturbance Study Team, which concluded that 'an undesirable disturbance is a perturbation of a marine ecosystem that appreciably degrades the health or threatens the sustainable human use of that ecosystem'. A methodology is proposed for detecting disturbance of temperate salt-water communities dominated by phytoplanktonic or phytobenthic primary producers. It relies on monitoring indicators of ecosystem structure and vigour, which are components of health. Undesirable disturbance can be diagnosed by accumulating evidence of ecohydrodynamic type-specific changes in: (i) bulk indicators; (ii) frequency statistics; (iii) flux measurements; (iv) structural indicators; and (v) indicator species. These are exemplified by (i) chlorophyll, transparency, dissolved oxygen, and opportunistic seaweed cover; (ii) HABs frequency; (iii) primary production; (iv) benthic and planktonic 'trophic indices'; (v) seagrasses and Nephrops norvegicus. Ecological Quality Objectives are proposed for some of these. Linking the diagnosis to eutrophication requires correlation of changes with nutrient enrichment. The methodology, which requires the development of a plankton community index and emphasizes the importance of primary production as an indicator of vigour, can be harmonized with the EU Water Framework Directive and OSPAR's Strategy to Combat Eutrophication.  相似文献   
We present results from CCD observations of Comet 2P/Encke acquired at Steward Observatory's 2.3 m Bok Telescope on Kitt Peak. The observations were carried out in October 2002 when the comet was near aphelion. Rotational lightcurves in B-, V-, and R-filters were acquired over two nights of observations, and analysed to study the physical and color properties of the nucleus. The average apparent R-filter magnitude across both nights corresponds to a mean effective radius of 3.95±0.06 km, and this value is similar to that found for the V- and B-filters. Taking the observed brightness range, we obtain a/b?1.44±0.06 for the semi-axial ratio of Encke's nucleus. Applying the axial ratio to the R-filter photometry gives nucleus semi-axes of [3.60±0.09]×[5.20±0.13] km, using the empirically-derived albedo and phase coefficient. No coma or tail was seen despite deep imaging of the comet, and flux limits from potential unresolved coma do not exceed a few percent of the total measured flux, for standard coma models. This is consistent with many other published data sets taken when the comet was near aphelion. Our data includes the first detailed time series multi-color measurements of a cometary nucleus, and significant color variations were seen on October 3, though not repeated on October 4. The average color indices across both nights are: (VR)=0.39±0.06 and (BV)=0.73±0.06 (). We analysed the R-filter time-series photometry using the method of Harris et al. [Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., Zeigler, K.W., 1989. Icarus 77, 171-186] to constrain the rotation period of the comet's nucleus, and find that a period of ∼11.45 h will satisfy the data, however the errors bars are large. We have successfully linked our data with the September 2002 data from Fernández et al. [Fernández, Y.R., Lowry, S.C., Weissman, P.R., Mueller, B.E.A., Samarasinha, N.H., Belton, M.J.S., Meech, K.J., 2005. Icarus 175, 194-214]—taken just 2-3 weeks before the current data set—and we show that a rotation period of just over 11 h works extremely well for the combined data set. The resulting best-fit period is 11.083±0.003 h, consistent with the Fernández et al. value.  相似文献   
Scale effects of hydrostratigraphy and recharge zonation on base flow   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Uncertainty regarding spatial variations of model parameters often results in the simplifying assumption that parameters are spatially uniform. However, spatial variability may be important in resource assessment and model calibration. In this paper, a methodology is presented for estimating a critical basin size, above which base flows appear to be relatively less sensitive to the spatial distribution of recharge and hydraulic conductivity, and below which base flows are relatively more sensitive to this spatial variability. Application of the method is illustrated for a watershed that exhibits distinct infiltration patterns and hydrostratigraphic layering. A ground water flow model (MODFLOW) and a parameter estimation code (UCODE) were used to evaluate the influence of recharge zonation and hydrostratigraphic layering on base flow distribution. Optimization after removing spatial recharge variability from the calibrated model altered base flow simulations up to 53% in watersheds smaller than 40 km(2). Merging six hydrostratigraphic units into one unit with average properties increased base flow residuals up to 83% in basins smaller than 50 km(2). Base flow residuals changed <5% in watersheds larger than 40 and 50 km(2) when recharge and hydrostratigraphy were simplified, respectively; thus, the critical basin size for the example area is approximately 40 to 50 km(2). Once identified for an area, a critical basin size could be used to guide the scale of future investigations. By ensuring that parameter discretization needed to capture base flow distribution is commensurate with the scope of the investigation, uncertainty caused by overextending uniform parameterization or by estimating extra parameter values is reduced.  相似文献   
Environmental impacts of dredging on seagrasses: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Main potential impacts on seagrasses from dredging and sand mining include physical removal and/or burial of vegetation and effects of increased turbidity and sedimentation. For seagrasses, the critical threshold for turbidity and sedimentation, as well as the duration that seagrasses can survive periods of high turbidity or excessive sedimentation vary greatly among species. Larger, slow-growing climax species with substantial carbohydrate reserves show greater resilience to such events than smaller opportunistic species, but the latter display much faster post-dredging recovery when water quality conditions return to their original state. A review of 45 case studies worldwide, accounting for a total loss of 21,023 ha of seagrass vegetation due to dredging, is indicative of the scale of the impact of dredging on seagrasses. In recent years, tighter control in the form of strict regulations, proper enforcement and monitoring, and mitigating measures together with proper impact assessment and development of new environmental dredging techniques help to prevent or minimize adverse impacts on seagrasses. Costs of such measures are difficult to estimate, but seem negligible in comparison with costs of seagrass restoration programmes, which are typically small-scale in approach and often have limited success. Copying of dredging criteria used in one geographic area to a dredging operation in another may in some cases lead to exaggerated limitations resulting in unnecessary costs and delays in dredging operations, or in other cases could prove damaging to seagrass ecosystems. Meaningful criteria to limit the extent and turbidity of dredging plumes and their effects will always require site-specific evaluations and should take into account the natural variability of local background turbidity.  相似文献   
We investigate the old globular cluster (GC) population of 68 faint  ( M V > −16 mag)  dwarf galaxies located in the halo regions of nearby (≲12 Mpc) loose galaxy groups and in the field environment based on archival Hubble Space Telescope ( HST )/Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) images in F606W and F814W filters. The combined colour distribution of 175 GC candidates peaks at  ( V − I ) = 0.96 ± 0.07 mag  and the GC luminosity function turnover for the entire sample is found at   M V ,TO=−7.6 ± 0.11 mag  , similar to the old metal-poor Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) GC population. Our data reveal a tentative trend of   M V ,TO  becoming fainter from late- to early-type galaxies. The luminosity and colour distributions of GCs in dIrrs show a lack of faint blue GCs (bGCs). Our analysis reveals that this might reflect a relatively younger GC system than typically found in luminous early-type galaxies. If verified by spectroscopy, this would suggest a later formation epoch of the first metal-poor star clusters in dwarf galaxies. We find several bright (massive) GCs which reside in the nuclear regions of their host galaxies. These nuclear clusters have similar luminosities and structural parameters as the peculiar Galactic clusters suspected of being the remnant nuclei of accreted dwarf galaxies, such as M54 and ωCen. Except for these nuclear clusters, the distribution of GCs in dIrrs in the half-light radius versus cluster mass plane is very similar to that of Galactic young halo clusters, which suggests comparable formation and dynamical evolution histories. A comparison with theoretical models of cluster disruption indicates that GCs in low-mass galaxies evolve dynamically as self-gravitating systems in a benign tidal environment.  相似文献   
We present results from our Chandra and XMM–Newton observations of two low-luminosity X-ray pulsators  SAX J1324.4−6200  and  SAX J1452.8−5949  which have spin periods of 172 and 437 s, respectively. The XMM–Newton spectra for both sources can be fitted well with a simple power-law model of photon index,  Γ∼ 1.0  . A blackbody model can equally well fit the spectra with a temperature,   kT ∼  2 keV, for both sources. During our XMM–Newton observations,  SAX J1324.4−6200  is detected with coherent X-ray pulsations at a period of 172.86 ± 0.02 s while no pulsations with a pulse fraction greater than 18 per cent (at 95 per cent confidence level) in 0.2–12 keV energy band are detected in  SAX J1452.8−5949  . The spin period of  SAX J1324.4−6200  is found to be increasing on a time-scale of     which would suggest that the accretor is a neutron star and not a white dwarf. Using subarcsec spatial resolution of the Chandra telescope, possible counterparts are seen for both sources in the near-infrared images obtained with the son of infrared spectrometer and array camera (SOFI) instrument on the New Technology Telescope. The X-ray and near-infrared properties of  SAX J1324.4−6200  suggest it to be a persistent high-mass accreting X-ray pulsar at a distance  ≤8 kpc  . We identify the near-infrared counterpart of  SAX J1452.8−5949  to be a late-type main-sequence star at a distance ≤10 kpc, thus ruling out  SAX J1452.8−5949  to be a high-mass X-ray binary. However, with the present X-ray and near-infrared observations, we cannot make any further conclusive conclusion about the nature of  SAX J1452.8−5949  .  相似文献   
A characteristic feature of ureilite meteorites is reduction of FeO. But the reduction is usually confined to the rims of olivine. In the LAR 04315, LAP 03587 and Almahata Sitta ureilites, pyroxene was extensively reduced by impact smelting. In LAR 04315, the impact caused nearly all of the original pigeonite to melt or otherwise become sufficiently structurally compromised to allow smelting, and yet a minor proportion of the pyroxene escaped smelting and survived with its original composition (En74.1Wo10.2). Olivine mosaicism confirms that LAR 04315 experienced a major shock event. The smelted pyroxenes also show a distinctive patchiness in their interference colors (although each grain’s basic optical continuity, often including twinning, is still discernible). They also have reduced compositions, are ubiquitously porous (∼15%), and contain sprinklings of Fe-metal and felsic glass. For the most part the olivine underwent only very slight reduction. Much of the (small) pyroxene component of LAP 03587 shows the same oddly porous texture. LAR 04315 also contains large traces of silica and felsic glass (with a typical composition of, in wt%, 61 SiO2, 23 Al2O3, 11 CaO, 3.7 Na2O) glass; these two phases together form selvages that line the walls of many of the largest voids in the rock. Silica is a by-product of pyroxene smelting. The felsic glass probably derives largely from interstitial basaltic melt that predated the impact. However, the comparatively stiff surrounding/included silica may have promoted unusually high melt retention within LAR 04315 through the smelting episode (one aspect of which was a major stream-out, through the same large voids, of COx gas). The impact-smelted pyroxene of LAP 03587 is enigmatic because this ureilite also features little-shocked euhedral graphite laths and no olivine mosaicism. The fine-grained ureilitic component of Almahata Sitta appears to have likewise formed by impact smelting, but with more extensive melting of pyroxene (especially a Ca-rich pyroxene component), more pulverization and melting of olivine, and more displacement of both. However, in places the original coarse-equant ureilite texture is still discernible in relict form. Ordinarily, an impact shock melts olivine before, or at least no later than, pyroxene. But in the case of LAR 04315 and LAP 03587, the great shock event evidently occurred when the material was already anatectic or very nearly so; and thus the difference in melting temperature between pyroxene and olivine, ∼300 degrees lower for pyroxene, was decisive. If literature inferences of extremely fast cooling rates, implying shallow burial depths, are accurate, the proportion of COx gas generated by ureilite smelting exceeded by a very large factor (of order 103 but possibly much greater) the volume represented as porosity in the final ureilites. The outflow of so much gas may have, by near-surface explosive expansion and jetting, enhanced the thoroughness of the impact-triggered catastrophic impact disruption of the parent asteroid.  相似文献   
Polygonal terrain, a landform commonly associated with the presence of ground ice, is widespread throughout the high latitudes on Mars. In this paper, we present the results of field testing a potential mission concept for the robotic prospecting of ground ice in polygonal terrain. The focus of the paper is on the key robotic technologies that could be used to implement the concept and the engineering lessons we learned (as opposed to the specific scientific findings of our field tests). In particular, we have found that a lander- or rover-mounted lidar and a rover-borne stereo camera/ground-penetrating radar suite are two important scientific tools that may be used to help pin-point ground ice prior to subsurface sampling. We field tested some aspects of this mission concept on a previously - unstudied polygonal terrain site on Devon Island in the Canadian High Arctic (a common Mars/Moon analogue site) during the summer of 2008. This unique collaboration between technological and scientific communities has led to a deeper understanding of how such a science-driven mission could actually be implemented robotically.  相似文献   
Near-critical angle and refraction studies were performed at IFP as piggyback studies during a wider programme of crustal imagery operated by WesternGeco on behalf of the Ministry of Energy of the United Arab Emirates. The main objective is to illuminate the base of the Semail Ophiolite along part of a regional transect (D1) crossing the Northern Emirates from the Gulf of Oman in the east up to the Arabian Gulf in the west. Results confirm that the sole thrust of the ophiolite has been folded during the Miocene stacking of the underlying Arabian Platform. The thickness of the ophiolite grades from zero in the core of the Masafi tectonic window, up to a maximum of 1.7 km below the axial part of a successor basin which has been preserved on top of the serpentinite west of the current exposure of the main ultramafic bodies. Apatite grains extracted from plagiogranites of the Semail ophiolite also provide evidences for an early unroofing of the gabbros and plagiogranites during the Late Cretaceous, with cooling ages of 72–76 Ma at the top of the ophiolite in the east (not far from the Fujairah coast line), which are coeval and also consistent with the occurrence of Late Cretaceous paleo-soils, rudists and paleo-reef deposits on top of serpentinized ultramafics in the west. Younger cooling ages of 20 Ma have been also found at the base of the ophiolite near Masafi, in the core of the nappe anticline, thus providing a Neogene age for the refolding of the allochthon and stacking of underlying parautochthonous platform carbonate units. These results, together with the occurrence of a thick sedimentary pile illuminated below the metamorphic sole along the north-trending, strike-profile D2 running parallel to the axis of the Masafi window, should stimulate a renewal of the exploration in the central part of the Emirate foothills, where the ophiolite thickness is currently limited, and was already drastically reduced by the end of its Late Cretaceous obduction.  相似文献   
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