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Palaeosols may be modified in a variety of ways during burial diagenesis but significant alteration can take place during the earliest phases of burial caused by rising groundwaters. A calcrete palaeosol, the Heatherslade Geosol, from the Lower Carboniferous of South Wales, contains abundant pyrite which overprinted the original soil fabrics. The pyrite is interpreted as the product of anaerobic conditions caused by drowning during the early stages of a marine transgression. Unusual diamond-shaped forms of pyrite occur which possibly represent pseudomorphs after gypsum.  相似文献   
Observations of 167 small, shallow landslides spanning a 22-year period on extensively logged slopes of Quaternary terraces in the lower Skagit and Baker Valleys, Washington, shows that there is a relationship between the common slope failures in this area and the slope angle, stratigraphy, and logging practices. Landslide frequency increases upvalley, as do mean annual precipitation and the frequency of perched water tables. Debris slides are most common, occur on steep slopes (>50%) composed of sand and gravel, and are most abundant in areas previously logged by the clear—cut method. Debris flows occur on shallower slopes (>30%) where the stratigraphy leads to perched water tables. Debris flows larger than 600 m2 in area appear to be unrelated to logging practices. Slump flows, described here for the first time, occur on similar slope angles and stratigraphic situations as debris flows. They differ mainly by the presence of semiconsolidated material, usually till, at the slide head. Where till is breached—commonly along road cuts—water infiltration is increased, saturating underlying fine-grained deposits, which then fail by debris flowage. Secondary slumping of till happens when the slope steepens during debris flow failure. Small landslides surrounding Lake Shannon may contribute up to 80% of the total particulate matter yield to the fluvial system at present, increasing lake sedimentation by a rate of 5 mm/yr.  相似文献   
Two types of noise afflict strain and tilt measurement. They may be categorized as “active” noise, which is due to atmospheric pressure variations, temperature variations, water-table variations and so forth; and “passive” or signal-generated noise which is a consequence of the interaction of the strain field of interest with inhomogeneities of material properties local to the measurement site.The reason why both types of noise are normally reduced by the use of long base line instruments is explained and a simple, practical long base line tiltmeter is described.  相似文献   
Rb-Sr and Pb/Pb whole rock isochrons on the Qôrqut Granite Complex yield ages of 2530 ± 30 Myr (initial87Sr86Sr = 0.7081 ± 0.0008) and 2580 ± 80 Myr respectively. A model relating initial Sr and Pb isotopic compositions of the Qôrqut granites to the Sr and Pb isotopic compositions of the Amîtsoq gneisses (ca. 3700 Myr) and Nûk gneisses (ca. 2900 Myr) at 2550 Myr ago, as well as Sr and Pb contents of the gneiss units, suggests that between 40 and 50% of the Qôrqut granite magma was generated by partial melting of Amîtsoq gneisses, and the remainder by partial melting of Nûk gneisses.  相似文献   
Paul L. Knox 《Geoforum》1981,12(3):255-264
Dispensing Chemists represent an important component in the organization of primary medical care in the United Kingdom, as well as providing a basic retail service. Over the past 30 years, the number of dispensing chemists' shops in Scotland has fallen by 40%, a withdrawal of services which has important spatial welfare implications. In this paper the locational dynamics of pharmaceutical retailing are examined, and the pattern of change between 1950 and 1980 is described. It is shown that the major trend, at both regional and intra-urban levels, is centralization. This trend is only weakly related to patterns in population change. Rather, it is the product of a general restructuring of retailing, reinforced by changes in the structure of the health care delivery system.  相似文献   
Structural energetics of the alkali feldspars have been studied using a “lattice” or structure energy model. Electrostatic energies, U e,for 20 well-refined, non-intergrown alkali feldspars were calculated using Bertaut's (1952) summation procedure and average about ?13,400 kcal/mol; the repulsive energies of the alkali site in each structure (~15 kcal/mol) were calculated using repulsive parameters for K-O and Na-O interactions estimated from bulk modulus data for NaF and KF and the exponential form of the repulsive potential. Using a procedure in which the position of the alkali cation was varied while the oxygen cage was kept fixed, structure energy gradients for the alkali sites of high albite and a hypersolvus Ab42Or58 structure were computed. In both cases, a broad structure energy well, elongated approximately parallel to c and subparallel to the observed split Na positions, was found. In both structures there is a single energy minimum corresponding closely with the observed single alkali positions. Comparison of U e values for the alkali feldspars with different K/Na ratios shows that intermediate compositions are predicted to be less “stable” than either endmember and that the potassic end-member is predicted to be less “stable” than the sodic one, assuming that all other factors contributiong to the free energies of each phase are approximately the same. Comparison of U e values for the high albite and low sanidine structures with different Al/Si distributions and a fixed tetrahedral framework indicates that the ordered charge distributions are 63.0 and 54.8 kcal/mol, respectively, more “stable” than the disordered distributions. Smaller, more realistic energy differences were obtained by using U evalues averaged from four separate calculations with a +3 charge on a different T site in each and with +4 charges on the other T sites. If, in addition, the charges on cations and oxygen are reduced to half their nominal formal charges, in agreement with Pauling's electroneutrality principle and the results of recent molecular orbital calculations on silicates, the predicted electrostatic energy differences are reduced to 3.6 and 1.6 kcal/mol, respectively. These calculations also indicate that the T1O site in the high albite structure energetically favors Al and that the Al/Si distribution determines the Na position within the alkali site.  相似文献   
This annual review of laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) covers the year 2003. Significant advances were made in understanding laser-sample interactions. In particular, research defined the distribution of particle sizes produced by the interplay of laser wavelength, laser pulse width and the gas environment of ablation. A link between particle sizes and elemental and isotopic fractionation at both the ablation site and in the ICP was established. Experimental 15 7 nm and femtosecond laser systems were tested with promising results. The number of applications of LA-ICP-MS in geology and environmental Earth science continued to grow with particular interest in element concentration and isotope ratio profiling of materials, linking composition to time scales. In situ isotopic ratio measurements were increasingly made using multicollector magnetic sector ICP-MS instruments. Other applications of wide interest included bulk sampling of rocks and ores prepared as lithium borate glasses; low level analysis of platinum-group elements, rhenium and gold in sulfides, metal and silicates; in situ uranium-lead zircon geochronology; and melt and fluid inclusion analysis.  相似文献   
The articles that comprise this critical review serve to draw attention to research papers published in specific fields of interest during 2003, provide critical comment on the relevance and importance of individual publications in these fields, and offer an overview of the comparative importance of advances in particular areas. In this way, these articles aim to assist experts in the field by keeping them informed of relevant recent publications, as well as providing an important resource for students or early career researchers who are embarking on studies in an area new to them. This year, five papers provide summaries of developments in bulk sample determinations employing (1) ICP-AES and ICP-MS (trace elements), (2) XRF and atomic absorption spectrometry and INAA, (3) isotope ratio measurements (TIMS, MC-ICP-MS, ICP-MS, ToF), as well as in situ measurements conducted using (4) secondary ion mass spectrometry and (5) laser ablation ICP-MS (trace element and isotope ratio determinations).  相似文献   
We present new U/Pb and Pb/Pb radiometric age data from two tectono-stratigraphic units of the regionally extensive Bolu Massif, in the W Pontides (İstanbul Fragment), N Turkey. A structurally lower unit (Sünnice Group) is cut by small meta-granitic intrusions, whereas the structurally higher unit comprises meta-volcanic rocks (Çaşurtepe Fm) cut by meta-granitic plutons (Tüllükiriş and Kapıkaya plutons). U/Pb single-crystal dating of zircons from the Kapıkaya Pluton yielded a concordant cluster, with a mean 238U/206Pb age of 565.3 ± 1.9 Ma. Zircons from the Tüllükiriş Pluton (affected by Pb loss) gave a 207Pb/206Pb age of 576 ± 6 Ma age (Late Precambrian). Small meta-granitic intrusions cutting the Sünnice Group yielded a less precise 207Pb/206Pb age of 262 ± 19 Ma (Early Permian). The older ages from the Bolu Massif confirm the existence of latest Precambrian arc magmatism related to subduction of a Cadomian ocean. We infer that the Bolu Massif represents a fragment of a Cadomian active margin. Cadomian orogenic units were dispersed as exotic terranes throughout the Variscan and Tethyan orogens, and the Bolu Massif probably reached its present position prior to latest Palaeozoic time. Our dating results also confirm that NW Turkey was affected by Hercynian magmatism related to subduction of Palaeotethys, as inferred for other areas of the Pontides.  相似文献   
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