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Climate change and increased atmospheric CO2 concentration can impact hydrological and nitrogen cycling at the catchment scale. The objective of this study is to assess these impacts in an intensive agricultural headwater catchment in western France. A calibrated and validated agro-hydrological model was driven by output of the climate model ARPEGE under the A1B emission scenario over 30-year simulation periods. Our study indicated that with climate warming and increased atmospheric CO2, the main trends in water balance were a decrease in annual actual evapotranspiration (AET), a decrease in annual discharge and wetland extent, and a decrease in spring and summer of groundwater recharge and soil-water content. Not considering the effects of increased atmospheric CO2 in the agro-hydrological model led to overestimating discharge decrease and underestimating AET decrease and wetland extent. Climate change could influence N cycling by increasing soil N mineralisation, increasing soil denitrification in wetlands and upstream areas, and decreasing NO3–N load to streams. Since wetlands appear to be sensitive to climate change, improving modelling to better predict their responses is an important issue, especially to help plan sustainable management of these vulnerable areas.  相似文献   
Meteorological modelling in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) over Greater Paris is performed using the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) numerical model. The simulated meteorological fields are evaluated by comparison with mean diurnal observational data or mean vertical profiles of temperature, wind speed, humidity and boundary-layer height from 6 to 27 May 2005. Different PBL schemes, which parametrize the atmospheric turbulence in the PBL using different turbulence closure schemes, may be used in the WRF model. The sensitivity of the results to four PBL schemes (two non-local closure schemes and two local closure schemes) is estimated. Uncertainties in the PBL schemes are compared to the influence of the urban canopy model (UCM) and the updated Coordination of Information on the Environment (CORINE) land-use data. Using the UCM and the CORINE land-use data produces more realistic modelled meteorological fields. The wind speed, which is overestimated in the simulations without the UCM, is improved below 1,000 m height. Furthermore, the modelled PBL heights during nighttime are strongly modified, with an increase that may be as high as 200 %. At night, the impact of changing the PBL scheme is lower than the impact of using the UCM and the CORINE land-use data.  相似文献   
沙漠风成沙的可溶盐组成及其环境意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
沙漠环境下,风成沉积物可溶盐的组成、分布和成因可为理解地表过程及环境与气候系统间的相互作用提供重要证据.本研究通过对塔克拉玛干、库姆塔格、巴丹吉林和腾格里四大沙漠的风成沙样品的水溶盐研究,提供了中国北方沙漠带风成沙可溶盐的组成、含量、分布的基础数据,并讨论了风成沙可溶盐的来源、地理分布、成因及其对沙漠固碳的环境意义.风...  相似文献   
Hot metamorphic core complex in a cold foreland   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Montagne Noire forms the southernmost part of the French Massif Central. Carboniferous flysch sediments and very low-grade metamorphic imprint testify to a very external position in the orogen. Sedimentation of synorogenic clastic sediments continued up to the Viséan/Namurian boundary (≤320 Ma). Subsequently, the Palaeozoic sedimentary pile underwent recumbent folding and grossly southward thrusting. An extensional window exposes a hot core of Carboniferous HT/LP gneisses, migmatites and granites (Zone Axiale), which was uplifted from under the nappe pile. After the emplacement of the nappes on the Zone Axiale (Variscan D1), all structural levels shared the same tectonic evolution: D2 (extension and exhumation), D3 (refolding) and post-D3 dextral transtension. HT/LP-metamorphism in the crystalline rocks probably started before and continued after the emplacement of the nappes. Peak metamorphic temperatures were attained during a post-nappe thermal increment (M2). M2 occurred during ENE-directed bilateral extension, which exhumed the Zone Axiale and its frame as a ductile horst structure, flanked to the ENE by a Stephanian intra-montane basin. Map patterns and mesoscopic structures reveal that extension in ENE occurred simultaneously with NNW-oriented shortening. Combination of these D2 effects defines a bulk prolate strain in a “pinched pull-apart” setting. Ductile D2 deformation during M2 dominates the structural record. In wide parts of the nappes on the southern flank of the Zone Axiale, D1 is only represented by the inverted position of bedding (overturned limbs of recumbent D1 folds) and by refolded D1 folds. U–Pb monazite and zircon ages and K–Ar muscovite ages are in accord with Ar–Ar data from the literature. HT/LP metamorphism and granitoid intrusion commenced already at ≥330 Ma and continued until 297 Ma, and probably in a separate pulse in post-Stephanian time. Metamorphic ages older than c. 300 Ma are not compatible with the classical model of thermal relaxation after stacking, since they either pre-date or too closely post-date the end of flysch sedimentation. We therefore propose that migmatization and granite melt generation were independent from crustal thickening and caused, instead, by the repeated intrusion of melts into a crustal-scale strike-slip shear zone. Advective heating continued in a pull-apart setting whose activity outlasted the emplacement of the Variscan nappe pile. The shear-zone model is confirmed by similar orogen-parallel extensional windows with HT/LP metamorphism and granitoid intrusion in neighbouring areas, whose location is independent from their position in the orogen. We propose that heat transfer from the mantle occurred in dextral strike-slip shear zones controlled by the westward propagating rift of the Palaeotethys ocean, which helped to destroy the Variscan orogen.  相似文献   
New multibeam echosounder and processing technologies yield sub-meter-scale bathymetric resolution, revealing striking details of bedform morphology that are shaped by complex boundary-layer flow dynamics at a range of spatial and temporal scales. An inertially aided post processed kinematic (IAPPK) technique generates a smoothed best estimate trajectory (SBET) solution to tie the vessel motion-related effects of each sounding directly to the ellipsoid, significantly reducing artifacts commonly found in multibeam data, increasing point density, and sharpening seafloor features. The new technique was applied to a large bedform field in 20–30 m water depths in central San Francisco Bay, California (USA), revealing bedforms that suggest boundary-layer flow deflection by the crests where 12-m-wavelength, 0.2-m-amplitude bedforms are superimposed on 60-m-wavelength, 1-m-amplitude bedforms, with crests that often were strongly oblique (approaching 90°) to the larger features on the lee side, and near-parallel on the stoss side. During one survey in April 2008, superimposed bedform crests were continuous between the crests of the larger features, indicating that flow detachment in the lee of the larger bedforms is not always a dominant process. Assessment of bedform crest peakedness, asymmetry, and small-scale bedform evolution between surveys indicates the impact of different flow regimes on the entire bedform field. This paper presents unique fine-scale imagery of compound and superimposed bedforms, which is used to (1) assess the physical forcing and evolution of a bedform field in San Francisco Bay, and (2) in conjunction with numerical modeling, gain a better fundamental understanding of boundary-layer flow dynamics that result in the observed superimposed bedform orientation.  相似文献   
The influence of canals on vertical marsh accretion, including mineral sediment and organic matter accumulation, was evaluated at three locations along the Louisiana coast representing different geographic regions. The isotopes210Pb and157Cs were used to determine vertical accretion along transects representing a canal and a control site. Rapid rates of vertical accretion were measured at all sites and ranged from 0.47 cm yr?1 to 0.90 cm yr?1. Results indicated that there was no measurable effect of canals on marsh accretionary processes. In general, greater variation in vertical accretion, including mineral sediment deposition and organic matter accumulation, was observed between geographical regions than between canal and control sites within a region. Statistical analysis of data suggest that any difference between canal and control site would be less than 0.20 cm yr?1. Such a change in marsh surface-water level relationships as a result of any canal influence on marsh accretionary processes would be less than reported eustatic sea-level rise for the Gulf of Mexico. Results suggest that any change in the marsh surface-water level relationship could be the influence of canals on local hydrology, resulting in increased water level rather than any appreciable reduction in accretionary processes. Such changes in hydrology under certain conditions could stress vegetation, resulting in marsh deterioration.  相似文献   
Cretaceous black shales from DSDP Leg 41, Site 368 in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean were thermally altered during the Miocene by an intrusive basalt. The sediments overlying and underlying the intrusive body were subjected to high temperatures (up to ~ 500°C) and, as a result, their kerogen was significantly altered. The extent of this alteration has been determined by examination by means of 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, using cross polarization/magic-angle spinning (CP/MAS). Results indicate that the kerogen becomes progressively more aromatic in the vicinity of the intrusive body. Laboratory heating experiments, simulating the thermal effects of the basaltic intrusion, produced similar results on unaltered shale from the drill core. The 13C CP/MAS results appear to provide a good measure of thermal alteration.  相似文献   

Artesian aquifers offer interesting opportunities for water supply by providing a low-vulnerability groundwater resource that is easily abstracted without any installation of pumps or power supply costs. However, hydraulic tests are challenging to perform, notably where the piezometric head is above ground level with free-flowing wells not equipped with valves and open for years. This paper describes a low-cost, easy to reproduce and adaptable device, the free-flowing artesian well device (FFAWD), which is mainly designed with a set of PVC tubes equipped with a pressure probe and a valve. This device is used to perform hydraulic tests on free-flowing artesian wells, to measure the piezometric head of the aquifer and to compute its transmissivity. The practical use of the FFAWD is described and a method is proposed to compute the piezometric head and the transmissivity of the aquifer from this data set (free-flowing well discharge and pressure increase measurements) with any adapted analytical solution, using the Houpeurt-Pouchan method. Artefacts such as post-production effects, surge effects, and the impact of a leaky well are identified to avoid any misinterpretation. The FFAWD was applied to the volcano-sedimentary artesian plain of Pasuruan (Indonesia). The advantages and limitations of using the device, along with the interpretation methodology, are also discussed.

A finite volume-based numerical modeling framework using a hierarchical fracture representation (HFR) has been developed to compute flow-induced shear failure. To accurately capture the mechanics near fracture manifolds, discontinuous basis functions are employed which ensure continuity of the displacement gradient across fractures. With these special basis functions, traction and compressive forces on the fracture segment can be calculated without any additional constraints, which is extremely useful for estimating the irreversible displacement along the fracture (slip) based on a constitutive friction law. The method is further extended to include slip-dependent hydraulic aperture change and grid convergent results are obtained. Further, the change in hydraulic aperture is modeled using an asymptotic representation which respects the experimentally observed behavior of pore volume dilation due to shear slip. The model allows the initial rapid increase in hydraulic aperture due to shear slip and asymptotically approaches a finite value after repeated shearing of a fracture segment. This aperture increase is the only feedback for mechanics into the fluid flow for a linear elastic mechanics problem. The same model is also extended to include poroelastic relations between flow and mechanics solver. The grid convergence result in the case of poroelastic flow-mechanics coupling for flow-induced shear failure is also obtained. This proves the robustness of the numerical and analytical modeling of fracture and friction in the extended finite volume method (XFVM) set-up. Finally, a grid convergent result for seismic moment magnitude for single fracture and fracture network with random initial hydraulic and friction properties is also obtained. The b-value, which represents the slope of seismic moment occurrence frequency decay vs seismic moment magnitude, which is approximately constant in a semi-logarithmic plot, is estimated. The numerical method leads to converged b-values for both single fracture and fracture network simulations, as grid and time resolutions are increased. For the resulting linear system, a sequential approach is used, that is, first, the flow and then the mechanics problems are solved. The new modeling framework is very useful to predict seismicity, permeability, and flow evolution in geological reservoirs. This is demonstrated with numerical simulations of enhancing a geothermal system.  相似文献   
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