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A tool, based on a multidisciplinary field investigation approach for studying the characteristics of a hypersaline spring, was developed and its effectiveness tested on a spring in southern Italy; a preliminary model of the aquifer system at medium and local scale was derived. Hydrologic measurements, vertical electric soundings, and chemical and isotopic (δ18O, δ2H, 3H) analyses were undertaken, along with microbiological analyses and species identification. These demonstrate the coexistence of hypersaline and fresh water, generating a significant diversification of the groundwater hydrochemical signature. The isotopic signature shows that both types of water have a meteoric origin. Microbial contamination of fecal origin indicates the mixing of hyper- and low- saline water related to local infiltration. The hypersaline groundwater flows in confined horizons within a sequence that is mainly of fractured clays. These horizons are probably concentrated where well-developed fracture network and dissolution openings within evaporitic rocks enhance fluid flow. In a wider context, this study determines that microbiological pollution of saline groundwater may not be detected if using nonhalophilic bacterial indicators such as fecal coliforms. Fecal enterococci are better indicators, due to their higher halotolerance.  相似文献   
A novel method for analyzing the effects that stratigraphic layers and joints have on spring locations is presented, with specific relevance for the southern Sacramento Mountains, south central New Mexico, USA. Bedrock in this heavily vegetated mountain block is mostly covered by alluvium and soil, making direct field observations difficult, and necessitating alternative methods. Elevations of a mapped geologic contact are used to produce a three-dimensional stratigraphic surface. A histogram of spring stratigraphic positions, calculated from this surface, indicates zones of preferential groundwater flow. Field measurements are combined with GIS analyses to quantify joint control on spring locations within stream valleys, and these results are compared to traditional lineament analysis. Stream valleys are parallel to joints observed in the field, and joint-parallel segments selected from digital elevation model (DEM)-mapped streams are up to 900 m in length. The abundance of springs throughout the study area decreases logarithmically with distance from these joint-parallel stream segments. Springs are more than twice as abundant within 25 m of joint-parallel stream segments compared with manually mapped lineaments from air-photos. Higher correlation with spring locations and significant time reduction by using GIS to select joint-parallel streams for lineament interpretation indicate that the method provides a good alternative to manual lineament analysis.  相似文献   
High-performance computing provides unprecedented capabilities to produce higher resolution 4-D models in a fraction of time. Thus, the need exists for a new generation of visualization systems able to maintain parity with the enormous volume of data generated. In attempting to write this much data to disk, each computational step introduces a significant performance bottleneck, yet most existing visualization software packages inherently rely on reading data in from a dump file. Available packages make this assumption of postprocessing at quite a fundamental level and are not very well suited for plotting very large numbers of specialized particles. This necessitates the creation of a new visualization system that meets the needs of large-scale geodynamic modeling. We have developed such a system, gLucifer, using a software framework approach that allows efficient reuse of our efforts in other areas of research. gLucifer is capable of producing movies of a 4-D data set “on the fly” (simultaneously with running the parallel scientific application) without creating a performance bottleneck. By eliminating most of the human efforts involved in visualizing results through postprocessing, gLucifer reconnects the scientist to the numerical experiment as it unfolds. Data sets that were previously very difficult to even manage may be efficiently explored and interrogated without writing to disk, and because this approach is based entirely on memory distributed across as many processors as are being utilized by the scientific application, the visualization solution is scalable into terabytes of data being rendered in real time.  相似文献   
Sardinia is one of the Italian regions with the greatest number of dams per inhabitants, almost 60 for a population of only 1.5 million people. Many of these dam sites are located on non-carbonate rocks along the main rivers of the Island and their waters are used for irrigation, industrial, energy supply, drinking and flood regulation purposes.The Pedra 'e Othoni dam on the Cedrino river (Dorgali, Central-East Sardinia) is located along the threshold of the Palaeozoic basement on the Northern border of the Supramonte karst area, where water is forced to flow out of the system through several resurgences, the most famous of which is the Su Gologone vauclusian spring, used for drinking water supply. The other main outflows of the system, Su Tippari and San Pantaleo springs, are at present almost permanently submerged by the high water level of the Pedra 'e Othoni dam. In the near future water will be supplied also to other communities with a possible increase of water taken from the spring.The dam, originally meant to regulate the flooding of Cedrino river but actually used for all sorts of purposes (electricity supply, drinking water, irrigation of farmlands, industrial uses), has a maximum regulation altitude of 103 m a.s.l., only slightly less than a meter below the Su Gologone spring level (103.7 m), and 4 and 9 m respectively above the submerged Su Tippari and San Pantaleo springs.During floods of the Cedrino river, occurring on average twice a year, also the Su Gologone spring becomes submerged by the muddy waters of the lake for a time ranging between a couple of hours up to several days, making water supply impossible.The analysis of the available meteorological and hydrogeological data relative to the December 2004 flood, one of the severest of the past 100 years, suggests that the reservoir is filled in a few days time. Several flooding scenarios have been reconstructed using digital terrain models, showing that backflooding submerges most of the discharge area of the aquifer, having important repercussions also on the inland underground drainage system. The upstream flood prone areas prevalently comprise agricultural lands with some sparse houses, but also highly frequented tourist facilities. Fortunately flooding occurs outside the tourist season, thus limiting risk to a limited number of local inhabitants. Massive discharge at the dam site, instead, determines a more hazardous situation in the Cedrino coastal plain, where population density in low lying areas is much higher. To avoid flooding hazard upstream the water level in the lake should be regulated, keeping it low in the flood prone seasons, and having it filled from the end of the winter in order to have enough water stocked before the beginning of the summer. Discharge at the dam site, instead, should be done cautiously, preventing severe flooding of the coastal Cedrino plain.  相似文献   
Active acid mine drainage (AMD) processes at the Libiola Fe-Cu sulphides mine are mainly triggered by water–rock interaction occurring within open-air tailing and waste-rock dumps. These processes are mainly controlled by exposure to weathering agents, the grain size of the dumped materials, and by the quantity of sulphides, the sulphide types, and their mode of occurrence. Due to these factors, several paragenetic stages of evolution have been recognised at different depths at different sites and within the same site. The dump samples were investigated with mineralogical (reflected- and transmitted-light optical microscopy, XRPD, and SEM-EDS) and geochemical (ICP-AES, Leco) techniques. The AMD evaluation of the tailing and waste-rock samples was performed by calculating the Maximum Potential Acidity, the Acid Neutralising Capacity, (and the Net Acid Producing Potential. The results allowed us to demonstrate that the open-air tailings had already superseded their AMD apex and are now practically inert material composed mainly of stable goethite ± lepidocrocite ± hematite assemblages. On the contrary, the sulphide-rich waste rocks still have a strong potential to produce long term AMD, causing the acidification of circulating waters and the release of several hazardous elements.  相似文献   
Historically, a significant level of mining activity has taken place in the batholite-related metalogenic enclave of Linares (Jaén province, Spain), associated with Pb–Ag, Cu, Zn and Fe sulphides and Ba sulphate mineralization, though mining here has now been abandoned. Additionally, the area features a significant amount of urban, industrial and agricultural activities. These considerations, taken together, explain the need to assess the levels of concentration of trace elements and to determine their relationship with geogenic and anthropogenic factors. For geochemical characterisation of the soil, the region has been divided into 126 grid squares with an area of 1 km2. For each grid square, 32 trace elements have been analysed. Elemental concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn, As and Mn have been included in statistical analyses. According to the reference levels established by the Regional Government (Junta de Andalucía), soils in a large part of the study area require amendment applications. The comparison of the mean content for each grid square with the reference levels reveals a significant degree of contamination of the soil by Cu (719 mg kg−1), Pb (22,964 mg kg−1) and As (100 mg kg−1) in those grid squares affected by metallurgic activities. By means of factor analysis, four scores have been identified which together account for 80% of the variance observed. The first score is highly correlated with the logarithms of the variables Fe, Th, La, Ti, Al, Na, K, Zr, Y, Nb, Be and Sc. It is a “natural” factor that indicates the type of soil matrix (fundamentally granites and, to a lesser degree, Triassic materials). The second score shows high correlation with the logarithms of the variables Mo, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Co, Mn, As, Cd, Sb, Ba, W and Sn, and is the “metallization” factor related to the mineralization that has been exploited. The third score is mainly determined by the logarithms of the variables Sr, Ca and Mg. This is a “natural” factor that indicates a type of carbonate soil matrix (Miocene). Finally, the fourth factor groups the logarithms of the variables Ni, V and Cr, elements that are associated with the combustion of fossil fuels. Analysis of the patterns of each of the factors identified enabled achieving a global characterisation of the study area. Cluster analysis of the observations showed there to be five clusters relating to the grid squares, differentiated by lithologies and degrees of contamination. These clusters are used to determine the background of granite and to calculate the anomalous load.  相似文献   
In this paper we show that thermodynamic forward modelling, using Gibbs energy minimisation with consideration of element fractionation into refractory phases and/or liberated fluids, is able to extract information about the complex physical and chemical evolution of a deeply subducted rock volume. By comparing complex compositional growth zonations in garnets from high-and ultra-high pressure samples with those derived from thermodynamic forward modelling, we yield an insight into the effects of element fractionation on composition and modes of the co-genetic metamorphic phase assemblage. Our results demonstrate that fractionation effects cause discontinuous growth and re-crystallisation of metamorphic minerals in high pressure rocks. Reduced or hindered mineral growth at UHP conditions can control the inclusion and preservation of minerals indicative for UHP metamorphism, such as coesite, thus masking peak pressure conditions reached in subducted rocks.Further, our results demonstrate that fractional garnet crystallisation leads to strong compositional gradients and step-like zonation patterns in garnet, a feature often observed in high-and ultra-high pressure rocks. Thermodynamic forward modelling allows the interpretation of commonly observed garnet growth zonation patterns in terms of garnet forming reactions and the relative timing of garnet growth with respect to the rock's pressure–temperature path. Such a correlation is essential for the determination of tectonic and metamorphic rates in subduction zones as well as for the understanding of trace element signatures in subduction related rocks. It therefore should be commonplace in the investigation of metamorphic processes in subduction zones.  相似文献   
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